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The computation of subjective (Fechnerian) distances from discrimination probabilities involves cumulation of appropriately transformed psychometric increments along smooth arcs (in continuous stimulus spaces) or chains of stimuli (in discrete spaces). In a space where any two stimuli that are each other's points of subjective equality are given identical physical labels, psychometric increments are positive differences ψ(x,y)-ψ(x,x) and ψ(y,x)-ψ(x,x), where xy and ψ is the probability of judging two stimuli different. In continuous stimulus spaces the appropriate monotone transformation of these increments (called overall psychometric transformation) is determined uniquely in the vicinity of zero, and its extension to larger values of its argument is immaterial. In discrete stimulus spaces, however, Fechnerian distances critically depend on this extension. We show that if overall psychometric transformation is assumed (A) to be the same for a sufficiently rich class of discrete stimulus spaces, (B) to ensure the validity of the Second Main Theorem of Fechnerian Scaling in this class of spaces, and (C) to agree in the vicinity of zero with one of the possible transformations in continuous spaces, then this transformation can only be identity. This result is generalized to the broad class of “discrete-continuous” stimulus spaces, of which continuous and discrete spaces are proper subclasses.  相似文献   

This is the third paper in the series introducing the Dissimilarity Cumulation theory and its main psychological application, Universal Fechnerian Scaling. The previously developed dissimilarity-based theory of path length is used to construct the notion of a smooth path, defined by the property that the ratio of the dissimilarity between its points to the length of the subtended fragment of the path tends to unity as the points get closer to each other. We consider a class of stimulus spaces in which for every path there is a series of piecewise smooth paths converging to it pointwise and in length; and a subclass of such spaces where any two sufficiently close points can be connected by a smooth “geodesic in the small”. These notions are used to construct a broadly understood Finslerian geometry of stimulus spaces representable by regions of Euclidean n-spaces. With an additional assumption of comeasurability in the small between the canonical psychometric increments of the first and second kind, this establishes a link between Universal Fechnerian Scaling and Multidimensional Fechnerian Scaling in Euclidean n-spaces. The latter was a starting point for our theoretical program generalizing Fechner’s idea that sensation magnitudes can be computed by integration of a local discriminability measure.  相似文献   

A Thurstonian-type model for pairwise comparisons is any model in which the response (e.g., “they are the same” or “they are different”) to two stimuli being compared depends, deterministically or probabilistically, on the realizations of two randomly varying representations (perceptual images) of these stimuli. The two perceptual images in such a model may be stochastically interdependent but each has to be selectively dependent on its stimulus. It has been previously shown that all possible discrimination probability functions for same–different comparisons can be generated by Thurstonian-type models of the simplest variety, with independent percepts and deterministic decision rules. It has also been shown, however, that a broad class of Thurstonian-type models, called “well-behaved” (and including, e.g., models with multivariate normal perceptual representations whose parameters are smooth functions of stimuli) cannot simultaneously account for two empirically plausible properties of same–different comparisons, Regular Minimality (which essentially says that “being least discriminable from” is a symmetric relation) and nonconstancy of the minima of discrimination probabilities (the fact that different pairs of least discriminable stimuli are discriminated with different probabilities). These results have been obtained for stimulus spaces represented by regions of Euclidean spaces. In this paper, the impossibility for well-behaved Thurstonian-type models to simultaneously account for Regular Minimality and nonconstancy of minima is established for a much broader notion of well-behavedness applied to a much broader class of stimulus spaces (any Hausdorff arc-connected ones). The universality of Thurstonian-type models with independent perceptual images and deterministic decision rules is shown (by a simpler proof than before) to hold for arbitrary stimulus spaces.  相似文献   

Fechnerian scaling is a theory of how a certain (Fechnerian) metric can be computed in a continuous stimulus space of arbitrary dimensionality from the shapes of psychometric (discrimination probability) functions taken in small vicinities of stimuli at which these functions reach their minima. This theory is rigorously derived in this paper from three assumptions about psychometric functions: (1) that they are continuous and have single minima around which they increase in all directions; (2) that any two stimulus differences from these minimum points that correspond to equal rises in discrimination probabilities are comeasurable in the small (i.e., asymptotically proportional), with a continuous coefficient of proportionality; and (3) that oppositely directed stimulus differences from a minimum point that correspond to equal rises in discrimination probabilities are equal in the small. A Fechnerian metric derived from these assumptions is an internal (or generalized Finsler) metric whose indicatrices are asymptotically similar to the horizontal cross-sections of the psychometric functions made just above their minima. Copyright 2001 Academic Press.  相似文献   

A new definition of the perceptual separability of stimulus dimensions is given in terms of discrimination probabilities. Omitting technical details, stimulus dimensions are considered separable if the following two conditions are met: (a) the probability of discriminating two sufficiently close stimuli is computable from the probabilities with which one discriminates the projections of these stimuli on the coordinate axes; (b) the psychometric differential for discriminating two sufficiently close stimuli that differ in one coordinate only does not depend on the value of their matched coordinates (the psychometric differential is the difference between the probability of discriminating a comparison stimulus from a reference stimulus and the probability with which the reference is discriminated from itself). Thus defined perceptual separability is analyzed within the framework of the regular variation version of multidimensional Fechnerian scaling. The result of this analysis is that the Fechnerian metric of a stimulus space with perceptually separable dimensions has the structure of a Minkowski power metric with respect to these dimensions. The exponent of this metric equals the psychometric order of the stimulus space, or 1, whichever is greater.  相似文献   

A new theory is proposed for subjective (Fechnerian) distances among stimuli in a continuous stimulus space of arbitrary dimensionality. Each stimulus in such a space is associated with a psychometric function that determines probabilities with which it is discriminated from other stimuli, and a certain measure of its discriminability from its infinitesimally close neighboring stimuli is computed from the shape of this psychometric function in the vicinity of its minimum. This measure of discriminability can be integrated along any path connecting any two points in the stimulus space, yielding the psychometric length of this path. The Fechnerian distance between two stimuli is defined as the infimum of the psychometric lengths of all paths connecting the two stimuli. For a broad class of models defining the dichotomy of response bias versus discriminability, the Fechnerian distances are invariant under response bias changes. In the case in which physically multidimensional stimuli are discriminated along some unidimensional subjective attribute, a systematic construction of the Fechnerian metric leads to a resolution of the long-standing controversy related to the numbers of just-noticeable differences between isosensitivity curves. It is argued that for unidimensional stimulus continua, the proposed theory is close to the intended meaning of Fechner's original theory.  相似文献   

The probability-distance hypothesis states that the probability with which one stimulus is discriminated from another is a function of some subjective distance between these stimuli. The analysis of this hypothesis within the framework of multidimensional Fechnerian scaling yields the following results. If the hypothetical subjective metric is internal (which means, roughly, that the distance between two stimuli equals the infimum of the lengths of all paths connecting them), then the underlying assumptions of Fechnerian scaling are satisfied and the metric in question coincides with the Fechnerian metric. Under the probability-distance hypothesis, the Fechnerian metric exists (i.e., the underlying assumptions of Fechnerian scaling are satisfied) if and only if the hypothetical subjective metric is internalizable, which means, roughly, that by a certain transformation it can be made to coincide in the small with an internal metric; and then this internal metric is the Fechnerian metric. The specialization of these results to unidimensional stimulus continua is closely related to the so-called Fechner problem proposed in 1960's as a substitute for Fechner's original theory.  相似文献   

Stimuli presented pairwise for same-different judgments belong to two distinct observation areas (different time intervals and/or locations). To reflect this fact the underlying assumptions of multidimensional Fechnerian scaling (MDFS) have to be modified, the most important modification being the inclusion of the requirement that the discrimination probability functions possess regular minima. This means that the probability with which a fixed stimulus in one observation area (a reference) is discriminated from stimuli belonging to another observation area reaches its minimum when the two stimuli are identical (following, if necessary, an appropriate transformation of the stimulus measurements in one of the two observation areas). The remaining modifications of the underlying assumptions are rather straightforward, their main outcome being that each of the two observation areas has its own Fechnerian metric induced by a metric function obtained in accordance with the regular variation version of MDFS. It turns out that the regular minimality requirement, when combined with the empirical fact of nonconstant self-similarity (which means that the minimum level of the discrimination probability function for a fixed reference stimulus is generally different for different reference stimuli), imposes rigid constraints on the interdependence between discrimination probabilities and metric functions within each of the observation areas and on the interdependence between Fechnerian metrics and metric functions belonging to different observation areas. In particular, it turns out that the psychometric order of the stimulus space cannot exceed 1.  相似文献   

Dzhafarov and Colonius (Psychol. Bull. Rev. 6 (1999)239; J. Math. Psychol. 45(2001)670) proposed a theory of Fechnerian scaling of the stimulus space based on the psychometric (discrimination probability) function of a human subject in a same-different comparison task. Here, we investigate a related but different paradigm, namely, referent-probe comparison task, in which the pair of stimuli (x and y) under comparison assumes substantively different psychological status, one serving as a referent and the other as a probe. The duality between a pair of psychometric functions, arising from assigning either x or y to be the fixed reference stimulus and the other to be the varying comparison stimulus, and the 1-to-1 mapping between the two stimulus spaces X and Y under either assignment are analyzed. Following Dzhafarov and Colonius, we investigate two properties characteristic of a referent-probe comparison task, namely, (i) Regular cross-minimality—for the pair of stimulus values involved in referent-probe comparison, each minimizes a discrimination probability function where the other is treated as the fixed reference stimulus; (ii) Nonconstant self-similarity—the value of the discrimination probability function at its minima is a nonconstant function of the reference stimulus value. For the particular form of psychometric functions investigated, it is shown that imposing the condition of regular cross-minimality on the pair of psychometric functions forces a consistent (but otherwise still arbitrary) mapping between X and Y, such that it is independent of the assignment of reference/comparison status to x and to y. The resulting psychometric differentials under both assignments are equal, and take an asymmetric, dualistic form reminiscent of the so-called divergence measure that appeared in the context of differential geometry of the probability manifold with dually flat connections (Differential Geometric Methods in Statistics, Lecture Notes in Statistics, Vol. 28, Springer, New York, 1985). The pair of divergence functions on X and on Y, respectively, induce a Riemannian metric in the small, with psychometric order (defined in Dzhafarov & Colonius, 1999) equal to 2. The difference between the Finsler-Riemann geometric approach to the stimulus space (Dzhafarov & Colonius, 1999) and this dually-affine Riemannian geometric approach to the dual scaling of the comparison and the reference stimuli is discussed.  相似文献   

Dzhafarov [(2002). Multidimensional Fechnerian scaling: Pairwise comparisons, regular minimality, and nonconstant self-similarity. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 46, 583-608] claims that Regular Minimality (RM) is a fundamental property of “same-different” discrimination probabilities and supports his claim with some empirical evidence. The key feature of RM is that the mapping, h, between two observation areas based on minimum discrimination probability is invertible. Dzhafarov [(2003a). Thurstonian-type representations for “same-different” discriminations: Deterministic decisions and independent images. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 47, 184-204; (2003b). Thurstonian-type representations for “same-different” discriminations: Probabilistic decisions and interdependent images. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 47, 229-243] also demonstrates that well-behaved Thurstonian models of “same-different” judgments are incompatible with RM and Nonconstant Self-Similarity (NCSS). There is extensive empirical support for the latter. Stimulus and neural sources of perceptual noise are discussed and two points are made:
Point 1: Models that require discrimination probabilities for noisy stimuli to possess the property that h is invertible would be too restrictive.
Point 2: In the absence of stimulus noise, violations of RM may be so subtle that their detection would be unlikely.

We present a new mathematical notion, dissimilarity function, and based on it, a radical extension of Fechnerian Scaling, a theory dealing with the computation of subjective distances from pairwise discrimination probabilities. The new theory is applicable to all possible stimulus spaces subject to the following two assumptions: (A) that discrimination probabilities satisfy the Regular Minimality law and (B) that the canonical psychometric increments of the first and second kind are dissimilarity functions. A dissimilarity function Dab for pairs of stimuli in a canonical representation is defined by the following properties: (1) ab?Dab>0; (2) Daa=0; (3) If and , then ; and (4) for any sequence {anXnbn}nN, where Xn is a chain of stimuli, DanXnbn→0?Danbn→0. The expression DaXb refers to the dissimilarity value cumulated along successive links of the chain aXb. The subjective (Fechnerian) distance between a and b is defined as the infimum of DaXb+DbYa across all possible chains X and Y inserted between a and b.  相似文献   

An infrequent physical increase in the intensity of an auditory stimulus relative to an already loud frequently occurring “standard” is processed differently than an equally perceptible physical decrease in intensity. This may be because a physical increment results in increased activation in two different systems, a transient and a change detector system (signalling detection of an increase in transient energy and a change from the past, respectively). By contrast, a decrease in intensity results in increased activation in only the change detector system. The major question asked by the present study was whether a psychological (rather than a physical) increment would continue to be processed differently than a psychological decrement when both stimuli activated only the change detector system. Participants were presented with a sequence of 1000 Hz tones that followed a standard rule-based alternating high-low intensity pattern (LHLHLH). They were asked to watch a silent video and thus ignore the auditory stimuli. A rare “deviant” was created by repeating one of the stimuli (e.g., LHLHLLLH. The repetition of the high intensity stimulus thus acted as a relative, psychological increment compared to what the rule would have predicted (the low intensity); the repetition of the low intensity stimulus acted as a relative, psychological decrement compared to what the rule would have predicted (the high intensity). In different conditions, the intensity difference between the low and high intensity tones was either 3, 9 or 27 dB. A large MMN was elicited only when the separation between the low and high intensities was 27 dB. Importantly, this MMN peaked significantly earlier and its amplitude was significantly larger following presentation of the psychological increment. Thus, a deviant representing an increment in intensity relative to what would be predicted by the auditory past is processed differently than a deviant representing a decrement, even when activation of the transient detector system is controlled. The psychological increment did not however elicit a later positivity, the P3a, often thought to reflect the interruption of the central executive and a forced switching of attention.  相似文献   

A discrimination function shows the probability or degree with which stimuli are discriminated from each other when presented in pairs. In a previous publication [Kujala, J.V., & Dzhafarov, E.N. (2008). On minima of discrimination functions. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 52, 116–127] we introduced a condition under which the conformity of a discrimination function with the law of Regular Minimality (which says, essentially, that “being least discriminable from” is a symmetric relation) implies the constancy of the function’s minima (i.e., the same level of discriminability of every stimulus from the stimulus least discriminable from it). This condition, referred to as “well-behavedness,” turns out to be unnecessarily restrictive. In this note we give a significantly more general definition of well-behavedness, applicable to all Hausdorff arc-connected stimulus spaces. The definition employs the notion of the smallest transitively and topologically closed extension of a relation. We provide a transfinite-recursive construction for this notion and illustrate it by examples.  相似文献   

In each of five experiments Ss made direct assessments of interpoint distances within a stimulus configuration. A multidimensional scaling method was applied to make explicit the form of the subjective configuration. The stimulus configurations consisted of small light points arranged in a two- or three-dimensional array in a dark room, and of real stars in the sky. All the data were adequately accounted for by a configuration constructed in Euclidean space of the appropriate dimensionality. That was true even in the situation where alley experiments with the same Ss gave the result that is usually regarded as evidence for a hyperbolic binocular space. The Euclidean interpretation entails a more complicated form of correspondence between physical and visual spaces than the hyperbolic interpretation.  相似文献   

We describe a principled way of imposing a metric representing dissimilarities on any discrete set of stimuli (symbols, handwritings, consumer products, X-ray films, etc.), given the probabilities with which they are discriminated from each other by a perceiving system, such as an organism, person, group of experts, neuronal structure, technical device, or even an abstract computational algorithm. In this procedure one does not have to assume that discrimination probabilities are monotonically related to distances, or that the distances belong to a predefined class of metrics, such as Minkowski. Discrimination probabilities do not have to be symmetric, the probability of discriminating an object from itself need not be a constant, and discrimination probabilities are allowed to be 0’s and 1’s. The only requirement that has to be satisfied is Regular Minimality, a principle we consider the defining property of discrimination: for ordered stimulus pairs (a,b), b is least frequently discriminated from a if and only if a is least frequently discriminated from b. Regular Minimality generalizes one of the weak consequences of the assumption that discrimination probabilities are monotonically related to distances: the probability of discriminating a from a should be less than that of discriminating a from any other object. This special form of Regular Minimality also underlies such traditional analyses of discrimination probabilities as Multidimensional Scaling and Cluster Analysis. This research was supported by the NSF grant SES 0318010 (E.D.), Humboldt Research Award (E.D.), Humboldt Foundation grant DEU/1038348 (H.C. & E.D.), and DFG grant Co 94/5 (H.C.).  相似文献   

This paper continues the development of the Dissimilarity Cumulation theory and its main psychological application, Universal Fechnerian Scaling [Dzhafarov, E.N and Colonius, H. (2007). Dissimilarity Cumulation theory and subjective metrics. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 51, 290-304]. In arc-connected spaces the notion of a chain length (the sum of the dissimilarities between the chain’s successive elements) can be used to define the notion of a path length, as the limit inferior of the lengths of chains converging to the path in some well-defined sense. The class of converging chains is broader than that of converging inscribed chains. Most of the fundamental results of the metric-based path length theory (additivity, lower semicontinuity, etc.) turn out to hold in the general dissimilarity-based path length theory. This shows that the triangle inequality and symmetry are not essential for these results, provided one goes beyond the traditional scheme of approximating paths by inscribed chains. We introduce the notion of a space with intermediate points which generalizes (and specializes to when the dissimilarity is a metric) the notion of a convex space in the sense of Menger. A space is with intermediate points if for any distinct there is a different point such that (where D is dissimilarity). In such spaces the metric G induced by D is intrinsic: coincides with the infimum of lengths of all arcs connecting to In Universal Fechnerian Scaling D stands for either of the two canonical psychometric increments and (ψ denoting discrimination probability). The choice between the two makes no difference for the notions of arc-connectedness, convergence of chains and paths, intermediate points, and other notions of the Dissimilarity Cumulation theory.  相似文献   

A new foundation is presented for the theory of subjective judgments of probability known in the psychological literature as “Support Theory”. It is based on new complementation operations that, unlike those of classical probability theory (set-theoretic complementation) and classical logic (negation), need not satisfy the principles of the Law of The Excluded Middle and the Law of Double Complementation. Interrelationships between the new complementation operations and the Kahneman and Tversky judgmental heuristic of availability are described.  相似文献   

Stevens and Galanter’s (1957) iterative procedure for minimizing bias in category scaling was used for the scaling of loudness of white noise. The spacing obtained deviated systematically from a spacing constructed in accordance with an equal discriminability scale from a previous experiment (Eisler & Montgomery, 1972). For the stimulus spacing yielding a “pure” category scale, a magnitude scale was constructed too. Since the category scale could be predicted accurately by Fechnerian integration of this magnitude scale, it was concluded that the “pure” category scale is a pure discrimination scale. The discrepancy between the equal discriminability scale and the “pure” category scale was interpreted as a bias in the former scale due to greater recognizability of stimuli located at the extremes of the stimulus range.  相似文献   

A new algorithm is used to test and describe the set of all possible solutions for any linear model of an empirical ordering derived from techniques such as additive conjoint measurement, unfolding theory, general Fechnerian scaling and ordinal multiple regression. The algorithm is computationally faster and numerically superior to previous algorithms.This research was supported in part by NIGMS grant GM-01231 to the University of Michigan. Authors' names are in alphabetic order.  相似文献   

We describe a multivariate model for a certain class of discrimination methods in this paper and discuss a multivariate Euclidean model for a particular method, the triangular method. The methods of interest involve the selection or grouping of stimuli drawn from two stimulus sets on the basis of attributes invoked by the subject. These methods are commonly used for estimation and hypothesis testing concerning possible differences between foods, beverages, odorants, tastants and visual stimuli.Mathematical formulation of the bivariate model for the triangular method is provided as well as extensive Monte Carlo results for up to 10-dimensional cases. The effect of correlation structure and variance inequality are discussed. Results from these methods (as probability of a correct response) are not monotonically related to the distance between the means of the stimulus sets from which the stimuli are drawn but depend in a particular way on dimensionality, correlation structure, and the relative orientation of the momentary sensory values in a multidimensional space. The importance of these results to the validity of these methods as currently employed is discussed and the possibility of developing a new approach to multidimensional scaling on the basis of this new theory is considered.  相似文献   

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