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基本特征水平的知觉学习与注意的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在基本特征水平的知觉学习的研究中是否存在注意与反馈的作用,是一直存在着争论的问题。该研究通过线索不同的有效性来控制注意的分配,探讨了在基本特征水平的知觉学习中注意与反馈的作用,共进行了两个实验,实验一采用内源和外源性线索影响注意分配,探讨基本特征刺激加工过程中注意的作用;实验二对基本特征刺激的知觉学习过程的特性进行研究。学习和探测任务都是让被试从所呈现的刺激中寻找靶子英文字母L。结果发现:在基本特征水平的知觉学习中存在有注意的作用;其学习过程存在反馈的作用。  相似文献   

B jörkman , M. On learning to predict events. Scand. J. Psychol ., 1962, 3 , 233–240.—A rather large group of 'real life situations' requires a subject to predict events which are causally related to variables of the situation. Some operational characteristics of such situations are described. A primary question concerns the learning of the connection between situation and event ( S → E learning).—In an illustrative experiment frequency of 'reinforcement by observation' is varied. It is found that this factor can vary considerably without affecting rate of learning. As a preliminary conclusion it is suggested that reinforcement by observation as a differentiating factor is dependent on other factors, e.g. the dispersion of states of the situation.  相似文献   

通过样例和问题解决建立产生式   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
我们对学生通过例题和问题学习学科知识的问题作了一些实验研究。本文介绍了其中的一项研究结果。结果表明:学生以这种形式进行学习,只要例题和问题安排得合适,学生能较快地和较好地掌握有关知识。学生不仅学会了解决问题,而且能从中总结出某些解题策略和启发式规则,并能调用新建立的启发式规则指导解题,从而加速了解题的进程。 本文还讨论了学生在这种学习情境中的学习过程。依据本实验所揭示的人对符号产生式建立的一般过程和有效的训练示例,为计算机摸拟人的学习提供了某些依据。  相似文献   

It is proposed that perceptual adaptation is basically an immediate localized consequence of stimulation but can become generalized through a process of conditioning by temporal contiguity. Experimental conditions were designed to assess the aftereffect of adaptation to curvature under various combinations of eye position and eye movement activity for adapting vs. test periods. In general, the results support the hypothesis that perceptual adaptation to a visual stimulus can be associated with the nonvisual factors present at the time the adaptation occurs.  相似文献   

骆霞  康军 《天风》2006,(21):44-45
当我们看见有人走错路时,肯定会帮助他(她)并指出正确的路标,在生活中,我们需要帮助那些想走新路的人,重新开始学会走路,重新开始新的生活征程。  相似文献   

渐减提示法呈现样例对学习迁移的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究探讨了从样例学习到问题解决过渡的样例设计方式。实验结果表明:渐减提示法是动态的联结样例和问题解决的有效形式,符合认知技能获得的四阶段模型和建构主义学习观的基本要求;渐减提示法可以促进学习者对样例问题进行高质量的自我解释和产生心理预期,是实现从样例学习到问题解决过渡的有效方法。  相似文献   

Despite Donald Davidson's influential criticism of the very notion of conceptual schemes, the notion continues enjoying its popularity in contemporary philosophy and, accordingly, conceptual relativism is still very much alive. There is one major reason responsible for Davidson's failure which has not been widely recognized: What Davidson attacks fiercely is not the very notion , but a notion of conceptual schemes, namely, the Quinean notion of conceptual schemes and its underlying Kantian scheme-content dualism. However, such a notion simply cannot carry the weight of conceptual relativism for it does not catch the essences of conceptual relativism. Consequently, I argue that the very notion of conceptual schemes and conceptual relativism have survived Davidson's attack. Therefore, the failure of the Quinean notion of conceptual schemes and Kantian scheme-content dualism, even if Davidson can claim victory, does not mark the end of the very notion of conceptual schemes.  相似文献   

Two groups of subjects (A and B) were first trained on samples of states with different homogeneity and then tested on common samples. It was found that B learned faster with the more homogeneous samples of items. This group also performed better in terms of transfer. Both groups did better than the control group (C) on the test series. A fourth group (D) had items which, according to Weber's law, would appear less similar than those of the control group. As was to be expected, C performed better than D. The outcome may be interpreted in terms of categorization. When states leading to the same event become more homogeneous, categorization of the input information is easier, and both learning and transfer facilitated.  相似文献   

基底神经节损伤对知觉性启动效应影响的进一步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
基底神经节的认知和记忆功能是近年认知神经科学研究的热点。该研究采用两项语义性启动效应(自由联想、偏好)和一项知觉性启动效应(字辨认)任务,发现基底神经节损伤、分别伴两侧海马或右侧丘脑损伤的两例患者的语义性启动效应正常,知觉性启动效应障碍。由于先前研究已经证实海马或丘脑结构与启动效应无关,因此该两例患者表现的知觉性启动效应障碍可归因于基底神经节损伤,进一步证实了王常生等人认为基底神经节可能具有或参与知觉性启动效应调节作用,与语义性启动效应无关的观点。  相似文献   

Since most theories of perception are based on focal data in the phenomenal field, an array of accessorial concepts have to be added in order to account for marginal data. The present paper indicates how both classes of phenomena may be included in the same experimental operation and referred to a unitary, operational model of perception—personality. The core of this model is the assumption that everyday perception is the result of a micro-process which proceeds from stimulus-distal stages to more and more stimulus-proximal ones. The interrelations between this model on the one hand and physiological and genetic frames on the other are also indicated.  相似文献   

The metaphors that college students use to describe lecture learning may reflect conceptual models that direct, organize, and constrain the nature of the notetaking practices they prefer to use. Specific notetaking practices that would be dictated by the metaphors of "Sponge," "Tape Recorder," "Stenographer," "Code Breaker," "Reporter," and "Explorer" were rated as to frequency of use by 84 college students in an introductory psychology class. Subsequent ratings of the adequacy of each metaphor by these students were used to predict preferences for metaphor-appropriate notetaking practices in individual stepwise regression analyses. The perceived quality of a notetaking metaphor was predictive of the metaphor-appropriate notetaking practices reported by students for every metaphor except the Explorer metaphor. The discussion focuses on the role that students' conceptual models of lecture learning might play in facilitating or hindering efforts to improve their notetaking practices. The importance of assessing conceptual models as well as specific behavioral practices in the diagnosis of lecture-learning difficulties and the evaluation of training interventions is also considered.  相似文献   

阅读中自然学习生词的实验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究对儿童阅读时从语境中自然学习生词的过程及其多个影响因素进行了探讨。301名三、五年级小学生参加了实验。首先要求他们阅读文章,然后测验他们对文章中生词的知识。本研究在不同年级和能力的儿童中都发现了显著的自然学习效应。结果还表明,词的概念难度、词结构的语义透明度、语境线索强度和儿童课外阅读量对儿童的自然学习有重要影响。  相似文献   

Abstract— Experiments in cross-modal matching suggest that smells can be arranged by odor qualify along the color dimensions of hue and lightness. Here we report that subjects readily adjust the loudness-equalized pitch of on auditory tone to match a stimulus odor. The results allow odors to be arranged in sequence by their pitch-equivalents. The tone matches appear to be based on perceptual feature of olfaction other than stimulus intensity or pleasantness. The results suggest that features of odor quality may be more accessible and structured than previously acknowledged.  相似文献   

This review synthesizes relevant research dealing with the processes of learning and suggests its applications to compliance gaining. The two major issues addressed are: (1) to what degree can learning theories explain the acquisition of new attitudes and behaviors, and (2) to what degree are attitudinal and behavioral changes governed by learning theory principles? The learning theories discussed are grouped into three categories: stimulus-response or connectionist approaches; cognitive approaches; and stochastic, mathematical, and cybernetic approaches. The stimulus-response models, which encompass most of the research examined in this paper, are further broken down into four types: (1) classical conditioning, (2) contiguity models, (3) instrumental (or operant) conditioning and (4) models including drive and drive reduction. Principles and major research evidence from numerous learning theories are reviewed and analyzed, and suggestions are made as to how this evidence may aid in the construction of more complete theories of persuasion and attitude change.  相似文献   

E kman , G., F röberg , J. & F rankenhaeuser , M. Temporal integration of perceptual response to supraliminal electrical stimulation. Scand. J. Psychol ., 1968, 9, 83–88.—The effect of duration of electrical stimulation on perceived unpleasantness was investigated in 10 subjects. Duration of stimulation ranged from 0.05 to 3.00 sec. Three levels of intensity were investigated representing 2, 3, and 4 times the individual sensation threshold. For all stimulus intensities perceived unpleasantness was a simple logarithmic function of stimulus duration over the whole temporal range. This relation describes the trend of both the group data and the data from most individual subjects. The results support previous findings over a narrower temporal range and agree with results recently obtained in several additional sense modalities.  相似文献   

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