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The Stress Tolerance Test combines principles and concepts from the Rorschach and TAT methods. Subjects write answers to standard questions about their impressions of slide-projected pictures of dramatic combat scenes designed to elicit stress responses among military personnel. Developed during World War II, this instrument has had little subsequent use. Its potential for yielding useful assessment information is illustrated in hopes of reawakening interest in it.  相似文献   

Poor distress tolerance (DT) is considered an underlying facet of anxiety, depression, and a number of other psychological disorders. Mindfulness may help to increase DT by fostering an attitude of acceptance or nonjudgment toward distressing experiences. Accordingly, the present study examined the effects of a brief mindfulness training on tolerance of different types of distress, and tested whether trait mindfulness moderates the effect of such training. Undergraduates (n = 107) naïve to mindfulness completed a measure of trait mindfulness and underwent a series of stress tasks (cold pressor, hyperventilation challenge, neutralization task) before and after completing a 15-minute mindfulness training or a no-instruction control in which participants listened to relaxing music. Participants in the mindfulness condition demonstrated greater task persistence on the hyperventilation task compared to the control group, as well as a decreased urge to neutralize the effects of writing an upsetting sentence. No effect on distress ratings during the tasks were found. Overall trait mindfulness did not significantly moderate task persistence, but those with lower scores on the act with awareness facet of mindfulness demonstrated greater relative benefit of mindfulness training on the hyperventilation challenge. Mediation analyses revealed significant indirect effects of mindfulness training on cold pressor task persistence and urges to neutralize through the use of the nonjudge and nonreact facets of mindfulness. These results suggest that a brief mindfulness training can increase DT without affecting the subjective experience of distress.  相似文献   

Federmann, R., Bäckström, M. & Goldsmith, R. (2010). The Stress Strategy Test in relation to personality traits and cognitive abilities. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 51 , 16–22.
Relations between results of the Stress Strategy Test (SST), a computerized test the first author developed partly involving the Stroop effect, and of an interview and an intelligence test used by the Swedish armed forces as selection instruments for placement of recruits in type of military service were investigated in a group of 3,205 recruits. The SST results were found able to explain 17.64% and 12.25% of the variance in results of the intelligence test and the interview, respectively. Emotional stability and psychological energy were the two interview variables most closely related to results of the SST. The usefulness of the SST in a selection context is discussed.  相似文献   

探索空腹血糖(FPG)和选择性口服葡萄糖耐量试验(OGTT)相结合的糖尿病(DM)筛查模式.应用OGTT对无DM史人群行DM筛查,运用ROC曲线评价FPG对DM、IPH的诊断价值.FPG切点为7.0mmol/L时,诊断DM的敏感性为69%,特异性为100%;FPG切点为5.6mmol/L时,诊断IPH的敏感性为100%,特异性为83.3%.对FPG初筛在5.6mmol/L~6.9mmol/L者行OGTT,可在保证筛查准确性的基础上,最大程度节约成本.  相似文献   

FPG联合选择性OGTT模式在糖尿病筛查中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
探索空腹血糖(FPG)和选择性口服葡萄糖耐量试验(OGTT)相结合的糖尿病(DM)筛查模式。应用OGTT对无DM史人群行DM筛查,运用ROC曲线评价FPG对DM、IPH的诊断价值。FPG切点为7.0mmol/L时,诊断DM的敏感性为69%,特异性为100%;FPG切点为5.6mmol/L时,诊断IPH的敏感性为100%,特异性为83.3%。对FPG初筛在5.6mmol/L~6.9mmol/L者行OGTT,可在保证筛查准确性的基础上,最大程度节约成本。  相似文献   

Distress tolerance has been implicated in disorders of emotional regulation, such as eating disorders and borderline personality disorder; however, much less attention has been given to distress tolerance in the context of posttraumatic stress (PTS). Several conceptual linkages between distress tolerance and PTS exist. Low distress tolerance may increase negative appraisals, reducing an individual’s propensity to deal with distressing mental symptoms immediately after a trauma. Relatedly, a perceived inability to cope with the distress brought on by trauma-related memories and cues may engender maladaptive coping strategies. The few published studies examining the relationship between distress tolerance and PTS have demonstrated that lower distress tolerance was associated with increased PTS symptomatology, including increased avoidance, hyperarousal, and re-experiencing. The current study sought to replicate and extend the emerging empirical base by examining the relationship between distress tolerance and the four distinct PTS symptom clusters, while controlling for time since the index trauma and depressive symptoms. Results indicated that distress tolerance accounted for significant unique variance in re-experiencing and avoidance but not negative emotionality and hyperarousal symptoms. There was also a strong positive association between the number of traumas endorsed by participants, depression, and PTS symptoms. Findings suggest that distress tolerance is associated with PTS, lending further support to the putative relationship between PTS and distress tolerance. Accordingly, developing treatment protocols designed to increase distress tolerance in individuals affected by PTS may reduce symptom severity and increase coping abilities.  相似文献   

The present investigation examined the incremental associations between distress tolerance, or the perceived capacity to tolerate emotional distress, and global posttraumatic stress symptom severity as well as symptom cluster severity, beyond the variance accounted for by number of trauma exposure types and negative affectivity. The sample consisted of 140 adults (72 women; M age = 25.9, SD = 11.1) who endorsed exposure to traumatic life events, as defined by posttraumatic stress disorder diagnostic criterion A (American Psychiatric Association 2000). Participants did not meet diagnostic criteria for current axis I psychopathology. Distress tolerance demonstrated significant incremental associations with global posttraumatic stress symptom severity (p < .01) as well as re-experiencing (p < .05), avoidance (p = .05), and hyperarousal (p < .001) symptom cluster severity. Given the cross-sectional study design, causation cannot be inferred. Theoretical implications and future directions for better understanding associations between distress tolerance and posttraumatic stress are discussed.  相似文献   

研究以32名小学儿童(平均年龄10.47岁,男生16人)为被试,采用唾液皮质醇为应激测验的客观指标、以被试主观紧张度为主观指标,考察特里尔社会应激测验对中国儿童皮质醇分泌的影响。结果表明:(1)社会应激测验任务引发儿童皮质醇浓度和主观紧张度的显著上升,任务后的恢复期皮质醇浓度和主观紧张度能够恢复到任务前的水平。(2)社会应激测验任务引发的男生皮质醇水平变化显著高于女生,但是引发的主观紧张度水平变化不存在显著性别差异。社会应激测验中文修订版能够有效引发儿童的压力应激变化,可以用其开展儿童社会应激的相关研究。  相似文献   

This study investigated the effectiveness of the Hand Test in discriminating the differential symptomatology of posttraumatic stress (PTS) in Vietnam combat veterans (VCVs). Participants were 108 VCV outpatients, 85 of whom met the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed. [DSM-IV]; American Psychiatric Association, 1994) criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and 23 patients that were found to meet some, but not the minimum criteria, required for a diagnosis of PTSD by the DSM-IV. The latter group of patients was classified into a subclinical PTSD, posttraumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) group. Results showed higher levels of overall psychopathology, a vulnerable capacity for coping, and a tendency for feelings of inadequacy and inferiority in the PTSD group. The PTSD group also exhibited more limited interaction with the world around them than the PTSS group, which may be indicative of withdrawal, apathy, or a lack of concern with environmental activities and goals. These findings are discussed in relation to the assessment, understanding, and treatment of PTS symptomatology and PTSD.  相似文献   

Suggestions for clinical modifications of the Word Association Test in assessing patients for Posttraumatic Stress Disorders are outlined. Two cases are briefly mentioned.  相似文献   

《Behavior Therapy》2016,47(1):116-129
Stress has been implicated as a risk factor for hoarding, although past research has relied on cross-sectional and self-report designs. Using experimental methods and objective hypothetical behavioral hoarding paradigms, we investigated the direct effect of stress on in-the-moment saving and acquiring behavioral tendencies. We also evaluated whether distress tolerance (DT) and negative urgency interacted with stress to predict saving and acquiring behavioral tendencies. A sample of young adults (N = 80) completed questionnaires about DT and negative urgency. Participants were randomized to either a psychosocial stressor or nonstressful control task prior to completing two hypothetical behavioral hoarding paradigms. The discarding task asked participants to choose between saving and disposing of items. For the acquiring task, participants completed a computer-simulated shopping spree that measured items acquired. Unexpectedly, participants in the stress condition saved and acquired fewer items than those in the control condition. As hypothesized, stress interacted with DT to predict saving tendencies. The current study should be replicated in a clinical sample. Longitudinal studies are needed to further examine the long-term effect of stress on hoarding. This is the first examination of the direct effect of stress on saving and acquiring tendencies. Although some study hypotheses were not supported, several results are consistent with our predictions and suggest a complex relationship between stress and hoarding. If findings are replicated in a clinical sample, it may be that hoarding patients could benefit from treatments incorporating DT strategies.  相似文献   

Stoic Tolerance     
Fiala  Andrew 《Res Publica》2003,9(2):149-168
This article considers the virtue of tolerance as it is found in Epictetus and MarcusAurelius. It defines the virtue of tolerance and links it to the Stoic idea of proper control of the passions in pursuit of both self-sufficiency and justice. It argues that Stoic tolerance is neither complete in difference nor a species of relativism. Finally, it discusses connections between the moral virtue of Stoic tolerance and the idea of political toleration found in modern liberalism. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

杨娟  侯燕  杨瑜  张庆林 《心理学报》2011,43(4):403-409
特里尔社会应激测试(Trier Social Stress Test: TSST)是国外应用广泛的社会心理应激测试手段, 然而还没有研究对其在中国的适用性进行报告。本研究以健康大学生为被试, 分别采用主观应激报告(简明心境量表和5点量表)和客观应激参数(心率和唾液皮质醇)为指标, 探讨TSST在中国的适用情况以及性别因素对个体在TSST应激情境中的影响。结果发现, TSST诱发了中国被试显著的应激反应, 在经历了TSST情境后, 被试主观报告紧张水平增加, 同时心跳加速, 唾液皮质醇水平增加。即使女性被试主观报告紧张与不安的程度显著高于男性, 但是男性和女性在TSST应激情境下的心跳和唾液皮质醇指标没有差异。研究结果提示, TSST在中国被试中具有良好的适用性, 可以利用其开展与社会心理应激相关的研究。男女被试在与成就动机相关的应激源(例如, TSST)中的客观应激参数差异不明显。  相似文献   

The Health Professions Stress Inventory   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

考试焦虑影响考试成绩的基本模式   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
田宝  郭德俊 《心理科学》2004,27(6):1360-1364
以整合的思路、建构包括九个中介变量的考试焦虑影响考试成绩的结构方程模型。用AM和MG两种路径分析方式相结合的方法.发现考试焦虑对中介变量的影响甚于中介变量对考试成绩的影响。考试自我效能感、成绩-接近目标、认知干扰是受考试焦虑影响和影响考试成绩程度比较一致的中介变量(简称为“一致性”的中介变量),成绩-回避目标定向、担忧、学习和考试技能变量屑于“非一致性”的中介变量。掌握目标定向、情绪性和应付反应作为中介变量不具有实际意义。  相似文献   

Differentiation of self from the family of origin is thought to be a significant factor in psychological functioning. Bowen contended that the effects of stress are moderated by differentiation of self, such that high levels of stress would have more impact on individuals lower in differentiation as compared to individuals higher in differentiation in predicting dysfunction. We tested this hypothesis and also assessed the relations among stress, coping, differentiation of self, and dysfunction. Results provided support for Bowen's prediction; differentiation indeed moderated the effects of perceived stress in predicting psychological functioning in expected ways. The interaction of differentiation of self and stress predicted variance in functioning beyond what was accounted for by coping styles, suggesting that although coping and differentiation of self are related, they are not synonymous.  相似文献   

Tolerance is not neutrality, nor should tolerance in counselling be equated with a spiritual and emotional vacuum. Tolerance applies to style rather than stance, and a counsellor needs a conception of the ideal — broadly speaking, a moral position.
Originally proclaimed against religious and political tyranny, the political ideal of tolerance has in the twentieth century become confused with permissiveness, and is thus sometimes charged with generating many of the ills of modern society, including crime and family breakdown. Counselling has become the universal remedy, replacing punishment and compulsion.
The counsellor needs
(a) a view of human nature
(b) a conception of what is good for those possessing that nature.
Constants in the first mean there cannot be too much variation in the second. Society is varied and plural, so the counsellor must be non-judgemental, but while this means accepting the person , it does not necessarily mean endorsing the conduct.
A distinction is drawn between therapeutic and philosophical counselling; the latter considers a problem , where the former focusses on the client , but both may fall short of offering a holistic view. Counselling may also exacerbate some of the problems of modern life by too readily accepting the conditions which cause them. Some ethical problems raised by confidentiality and informed consent are discussed. It is concluded that the counsellor must be tolerant, but not morally ambivalent, nor a relativist.  相似文献   

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