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Three-step prompting is a procedure commonly used in behavioral assessments and interventions; however, little research has evaluated the effects of this procedure on increasing children's compliance with caregiver requests. In this study, caregivers of children who demonstrated low levels of compliance were trained to use three-step prompting when presenting task requests to their children. Results indicated that training caregivers to implement this procedure decreased the frequency of caregiver-delivered prompts and increased compliance by the children.  相似文献   

We compared the efficacy of tact-to-intraverbal (i.e., using picture prompts) and echoic-to-intraverbal transfer-of-stimulus-control procedures to establish intraverbal responding in 3 boys (4 years old) with autism. For all 3 participants, the picture prompts resulted in fewer trials to criterion, but both prompting tactics were eventually effective.  相似文献   

We used a reversal design with an embedded multielement design to compare the effects of an independent group contingency and a randomized dependent group contingency on compliance with assigned literacy worksheets in a first‐grade general education classroom. Nine participants were selected based on low levels of compliance in baseline or by teacher identification. Results indicated that both group contingencies increased compliance relative to baseline for the majority of participants. The independent condition produced higher levels of compliance for four students and the randomized dependent condition produced higher levels of compliance for one student. For four students, the two group contingencies were equally effective. A preference assessment indicated that the majority of target students preferred the randomized dependent condition and the majority of nontarget students preferred the independent condition. A number of potential explanations for our preference findings, including the possible role of obtained reinforcement, are discussed.  相似文献   

Flash cards have been shown to be useful for teaching sight-word reading. To date, the most effective flash-card instruction method is incremental rehearsal (IR). This method involves the instructor interspersing unknown stimulus items into the presentation of known stimulus items. In this study, we compared IR to a modified IR procedure-strategic incremental rehearsal (SIR)-to determine whether the effects of IR might be improved by incorporating variables likely to increase word acquisition. These included increased opportunities to respond to unknown stimuli, using learner responding as a basis for changing instructional items, and systematic prompting methods. An A-B-A-B design was used to compare the effects of IR and SIR for increasing sight-word reading with 4 elementary school students. Results indicated that students read more words correctly with SIR than with IR. In addition, similar patterns of responding were seen at a 2-week follow-up.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to compare four methods of computing child compliance to parental instructions. Four noncompliant boys, ages 2.5 to 7 years, participated with their mothers in behavioral parent training. In order to evaluate the training, observers recorded the boys' compliance responses in continuous 10-sec intervals. The boys' rates of compliant responding were then computed by considering behavior (A) only in the first interval following the instruction, (B) in the first three intervals following the instruction, (C) in all intervals while the instruction was ongoing, and (D) only in the final interval of the instructional trial. The findings indicated that the first three methods were correlated strongly with each other, although there were occasional differences in the levels of compliance indicated by these three methods. The implications of the findings and the merits of each of the four methods are discussed.  相似文献   

Eco-driving, the practice of operating a vehicle with environmentally friendly objectives, has been the focus of an increasing number of driving studies over the past decade, as new forms of vehicle automation and more driver-centric feedback continually emerge. Common benefits range from reducing carbon footprints and emissions to better fuel economy. Studies have also examined the effectiveness of in-vehicle assistance devices and training or education programs for commercial and passenger vehicle operators. Eco-driving strategies in general show significantly smaller impacts in the field relative to their laboratory counterparts. This study further builds on this past work by comparing and disentangling the effects from motivational contexts, for example a competition with prizes, with the effects of informational context, such as tutorials for drivers. To investigate this comparison, laboratory experiments are conducted using a commercial vehicle simulator. The results suggest that motivational contexts are more effective at encouraging eco-driving relative to informational contexts. Furthermore, incentives within competitive contexts had similar positive impacts on reducing carbon dioxide emissions and improving fuel efficiency as experiencing a tutorial on eco-driving. One possible explanation is that drivers have gained knowledge on how to operate vehicles with an eco-driving objective through their driving experience. This result further suggests that with respect to effectively encouraging eco-driving, targeting experienced drivers through a competition is better than presenting information or a tutorial.  相似文献   

Time delay procedures are one of the most commonly used and effective strategies for teaching sight words to learners with disabilities. However, less is known about whether they are differentially effective and efficient with learners. This study compared the effectiveness and efficiency of progressive time delay and simultaneous prompting on sight word acquisition among three learners with autism spectrum disorder using an adapted alternating treatments design across word sets. For two participants, both procedures led to skill acquisition with no clear differences in efficiency. For the remaining participant, neither procedure was effective; therefore, the reading task was changed to a receptive one, and a stimulus fading intervention package was implemented.  相似文献   

High-point coding refers to the popular practice of classifying Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (Hathaway & McKinley, 1983) profiles based on which clinical scales are the most elevated. A previous review of high-point code studies (McGrath & Ingersoll, 1999a) noted marked discrepancies across studies in the rules used to define high-point codes. This study was conducted to evaluate the costs and benefits of different strategies for high-point coding. The impact of 4 rules for high-point coding on effect sizes and group sizes was evaluated. The 4 rules included requiring a minimum elevation, excluding potentially invalid protocols, restricting coding to well-defined codes, and replacing the lower scale in infrequently occurring codes with the next most elevated scale. The evidence supported the clinical utility of requiring a minimum elevation for code scales. The results were more equivocal concerning the value of well-defined coding and for not replacing the lower scale in infrequent codes. Results were surprisingly negative concerning the utility of excluding potentially invalid protocols, suggesting that guidelines developed in situations in which there is a clear motivation to distort results may not generalize to other settings.  相似文献   

Social skills training and desensitization interventions were conducted with 41 institutionalized aggressive children aged 7–13. Subjects were randomly assigned after blocking by aggression and cooperative play to either of the treatments. Dependent measures were direct observations of playground play and teacher ratings. Subjects in the social skills program mastered the basic cognitive skills presented to them. Observational data indicated that both groups experienced marked reduction in aggressive behavior and increases in cooperative play. The social skills training intervention engendered incremental improvement in aggression in comparison to the desensitization condition. However, none of the behavioral changes evident in the observations were reflected in teacher ratings.  相似文献   

The effects of three levels of treatment integrity (100%, 50%, and 0%) on child compliance were evaluated in the context of the implementation of a three-step prompting procedure. Two typically developing preschool children participated in the study. After baseline data on compliance to one of three common demands were collected, a therapist implemented the three-step prompting procedure at three different integrity levels. One integrity level was associated with each demand. The effects of the integrity levels were examined using multielement designs. The results indicate that compliance varied according to the level of treatment integrity that was in place.  相似文献   

Previous relaxation outcome research has lacked means to empirically determine how well Ss comply in home-practice assignments. This study reports on a relaxation assessment device (RAD) used by 21 adults who received 4 weeks of relaxation therapy for generalized anxiety. The RAD consists of a digital wristwatch, with a stopwatch function, surreptitiously placed within Ss' tape-players to monitor the amount of relaxation practice at home. Comparison of self-reported and RAD-determined practice found that Ss exaggerated their actual practice by an average overestimation of 126%. Only one-fourth of the Ss performed relaxation daily. Anxiety reductions were significantly correlated with RAD-determined but not with self-reported practice. Self-efficacy judgments significantly correlated with relaxation compliance only when percent overestimation in self-reports was controlled. The need for objective compliance measures in relaxation outcome studies was discussed.  相似文献   

The ability to effectively control feelings of disgust is an adaptive skill in childhood that would appear to be associated with the prevention of disgust-related mental disorders. A total of 162 children (71 boys, 91 girls) aged between 10 and 13 participated in a disgust regulation experiment, during which they were presented with disgust-evoking and neutral images. The children were assigned to one of two regulation groups. They were asked to either reinterpret the meaning of the disgust stimuli (reappraisal) or to show typical facial and vocal disgust expressions (expression/venting). Reappraisal was an effective method to reduce self-reported disgust for boys and girls. The personality trait disgust sensitivity (the tendency to experience one's own feelings of disgust as aversive and uncontrollable) negatively correlated with regulation success during reappraisal. This effect, however, was only found in female subjects. The expression of disgust did not change disgust ratings in either of the two gender groupings. The findings demonstrate that reappraisal was a helpful regulation strategy for most children with the exception of disgust-sensitive females. Future studies should focus on this group to see if adapted reappraisal methods or alternative regulation strategies are more effective.  相似文献   

Adults were tested for the way in which they process four types of subject and object relative clauses. The results support an anti-interruption and anti-rearrangement constraint that has been proposed by Slobin. The reason why interruption and rearrangment of linguistic units is hard for adults is explained in terms of language-processing strategies that they are hypothesized to be using, in particular the Adjacency strategy. Adult behavior is compared to the performance of 4- and 5-year-old children in a previous study. The results of these two studies support the claim that children and adults are following the same strategies in processing these sentences, and that the difference between them is in which strategies they rely most heavily on, and, consequently, which sentences they make the most mistakes on.This research was supported by a Grant-in-Aid from the Graduate School of the University of Minnesota.This paper was presented at the Thirty-sixth Summer Meeting of the Linguistic Society of American, on July 29, 1974, in Amherst, Massachusetts.  相似文献   

Parent participation in intervention can enhance intervention efficacy and promote generalization of skills across settings. Thus, parents should be trained to implement behavioral interventions. The purpose of the current investigation was to evaluate parent preference for and acceptability of 3 commonly used prompting procedures. We trained parents of children with disabilities to use 3 empirically validated prompting strategies (i.e., least-to-most, most-to-least, and a progressive-prompt delay). Once the parent reached the mastery criteria with each prompting procedure, we evaluated his/her preference for each of the procedures using a concurrent-chains arrangement. We also measured treatment acceptability of all procedures throughout the study. All participants met the mastery criteria for each of the prompting procedures and showed a preference for least-to-most prompting. Results suggest parents' acceptability of procedures prior to training were different than posttraining/post-child practice. In addition, acceptability rating scores obtained at the end of the investigation corresponded to preference of intervention during the concurrent-chains arrangement. The results demonstrate the benefits of objective measures for studying preference for behavioral, skill-acquisition procedures.  相似文献   

We used two experiments to explore the effects of two kinds of strategies (nonanalytic and analytic) in concept formation. In Experiment 1, nonsense shapes were used as stimuli, which created ill-defined categories of concepts to be discovered by the subjects. In Experiment 2, highly recognizable geometrical patterns were used as stimuli, hereby placing an emphasis on the identification of highly salient categories of concepts. Subjects were better able to classify stimuli correctly in both experiments relying on memory (nonanalytic strategy) than on rule learning (analytic strategy). Here we discuss implications of nonanalytic strategy for understanding the nature of creativity.  相似文献   

To evaluate how fundamental gait parameters used in walking (stride length, frequency, speed) are selected by cats we compared stride characteristics selected when walking on a solid surface to those selected when they were constrained to specific stride lengths using a pedestal walkway. Humans spontaneously select substantially different stride length–stride frequency–speed relationships in walking when each of these parameters is constrained, as in walking to a metronome beat (frequency constrained), evenly spaced floor markers (stride length constrained) or on a treadmill (speed constrained). In humans such adjustments largely provide energetic economy under the prescribed walking conditions. Cats show a similar shift in gait parameter selection between conditions as observed in humans. This suggests that cats (and by extension, quadrupedal mammals) also select gait parameters to optimize walking cost-effectiveness. Cats with a profound peripheral sensory deficit (from pyridoxine overdose) appeared to parallel the optimization seen in healthy cats, but without the same level of precision. Recent studies in humans suggest that gait optimization may proceed in two stages – a fast perception-based stage that provides the initial gait selection strategy which is then fine-tuned by feedback. The sensory deficit cats appeared unable to accomplish the feedback-dependent aspect of this process.  相似文献   

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