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The dynamics of the larger society inevitably are manifest in intrapsychic dynamics, as well as interpersonal interactions, in and out of the psychoanalytic consulting room. Traditional psychoanalytic inattention to the social world predisposes analysts to enact unreflectively some of the racist and classist patterns in the social world around us in our clinical work. This author argues first that U.S. psychoanalysis, as a field, has sought to define itself as white, thereby demonstrating the influence of racism in this country. Second, in a clinical example, the author demonstrates the subtle imprint of racism and classism in a dyad in which both participants are conventionally classified as white. He concludes that open discussion of U.S. history and of the past and current social location of psychoanalysis as a field goes hand in hand with increased awareness of the ways in which social forces organize psychoanalytic interactions.  相似文献   

This is the third in a series of reports on the "dual professional identity" of the social work-psychoanalyst based on findings from the "MPI" Project, an empirical study conducted at a large psychoanalytic training institute. The MPI study was designed to answer two questions: Do social work-psychoanalysts demonstrate the attributes of membership in the social work profession? Are social work-psychoanalysts distinguishable from their fellow psychoanalysts in psychology? The theoretical orientations of the social work- and psychologist-psychoanalysts in the MPI sample were investigated utilizing both self-reports of preferred theoretical schools and a structured research instrument, the "Theoretical Orientation Questionnaire." With one exception, no statistically significant differences between the two disciplines were observed. The relevance of these findings to the claim promulgated by leaders in clinical social work that social workers practice a uniquely orientated psychotherapy is discussed.  相似文献   

Finnish and Austrian driver education models were analysed in order to find out existing and new evidence to support obligatory 2nd phase driver education. Earlier findings showed that the safety benefits of the 2nd phase education courses are contradictory. Furthermore, the goal and the content of the 2nd phase education have changed from simple slippery track practices to preventive risk awareness education. In addition, it has been suggested that the timing of the second phase education should not be too far from the 1st phase of the education.The empirical part of this study consisted of two separate questionnaires to the Finnish and the Austrian novice drivers. The candidates that had completed the Austrian 2nd phase education reported less traffic offences and accidents than the not completed participants. The ANCOVA-models indicated that the Finnish participants, who completed early the 2nd phase education, reported having benefited only of the economical driving training but not of the safety related driving competency areas. For the Austrian participants the ANOVA-models did not show any self-assessed safe driving benefits. Implications of the findings to the driving education were discussed.  相似文献   

The Lubavitch Chassidim are one of several ultra-orthodox groups within Judaism. Their central focus is on their leader or Rebbe, who is seen as not only the possessor of all wisdom but also having supernatural powers. In working therapeutically with Lubavitch, one needs to distinguish if the beliefs of the individual are unique to them or reflect the belief system of the community. If the former, then it obviously needs to be analyzed. If the latter, then it is seen as an identification with the group and reflective of the need for group cohesion and often a regulator of self-esteem. The following article demonstrates these factors.  相似文献   

In 2005 and 2008, respectively, two books by well-established and -respected analytical philosophers caused some controversy, not only because of their provocative and eye-catching titles but also because of the sheer brevity of the essays they contained. Harry Frankfurt's book, which analysed the prevalence of ‘bullshit’ in contemporary society, was generally lauded for elevating a slang term to a new epistemological category, despite some people's understandable unease with the author's opportunist focus on a popular obscenity. Critics were generally less kind with regard to Colin McGinn's book, pointing out that his analysis adds little, if anything, to the general understanding of mental manipulation, and that he has little to say about the factors that influence the frequency with which mindfucking occurs in contemporary society. After arguing that mindfucking is a special kind of psychological manipulation (and crucially distinct from indoctrination and brainwashing), the present paper investigates the possible educational significance and application of these two notions. It pays special attention to the factors affecting the frequency and magnitude with which bullshit and mindfucking occur in contemporary society, not only in our culture but in other cultures too.  相似文献   

Value transmission is a fundamental task of schools. However, the question arises as to how far prevailing political and social conditions shape the functioning of a country or a region’s school system. In other words: what effect do they have on the choice of values to be transmitted at schools? Are there any fundamental social values that are shared by different cultures at different times? Are there values that exist independently of social and political systems? These questions have a special relevance in Eastern and Central European countries like Hungary where political and social changes in the twentieth century had a crucial effect on the set of values that were transmitted by the school system. The aim of this study is to describe how the value transmitting role of the Hungarian school system has changed as a consequence of political transformations in recent decades.  相似文献   

In this study the theory of risk factors is discussed. The risk-concept is essential in cardiology and is, furthermore, important not only in medicine in general, but also and particularly in ecology. Since environmental risk factors endanger our health, ecological risks have to be taken as medical problems. If a factor or a set of factors is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for a disease we speak of a risk factor or of risk factors. Statistical analysis of risk factors can be performed by multivariate methods. A method which is particularly useful for finding the most important of a set of risk factors, is discriminant analysis.  相似文献   

In recent educational reforms in New Zealand, a central assumption has been the existence of a free and autonomous chooser acting as a consumer of education. The present paper examines and critiques this notion of autonomy, as developed within liberal theory. Both Foucault and Lyotard provide materials for this critique of such a self, a self independent of the laws and principles of a community.  相似文献   

The literature on spirituality in education and sexuality education rarely, if ever, examines the links between sexuality and spirituality. This problem is rooted in the body-spirit dualism that has permeated, and continues to permeate, Western culture. Although a growing number of authors refer to the importance of the so-called 'body-spirit/ mind connection', the dominant perspective remains dualistic. The body continues to be perceived as an object or commodity, as something to be escaped. This paper suggests that body and spirit, sexuality and spirituality, are not separate tandem realities or expressions of higher and lower realms, but rather are two mutually enriching aspects of whole persons. A spiritual-sexual life finds its fulfilment in a deeper and more fully integrated engagement with 'the pleasures of the flesh', and the path to a richer integration of sexuality and spirituality begins in infancy through an education of the inspired sensual body.  相似文献   

In this discussion of Bob Bartlett’s compelling paper “Time-Soaked,” I shift attention away from the vivid account of the interpersonal dynamics between Bartlett and his patient to describe the perspectives offered by theories of social memory and transgenerational haunting. I attempt to speak for and convey the voices and vulnerabilities of previous generations that I argue—if heard within the analytic dyad—can further inform and deepen the therapeutic endeavors undertaken by Bartlett and his patient.  相似文献   

The event countertransference and vicarious traumatization concepts have been introduced in the 1990s to describe the adverse emotional impacts that working with severely traumatized patients may have for the helping professional. These concepts are increasingly popular among trauma therapists. The present paper critically discusses the empirical evidence, theoretical validity and clinical utility of both concepts. Vulnerable trauma therapists may too eagerly embrace the event countertransference and vicarious traumatization perspectives as a cover up for their own failures. Interpersonal communication theory is suggested as a more useful conceptual framework for the analysis of countertransference reactions in therapies with severely traumatized patients.  相似文献   

Participants in a panel discussion sponsored by thead hoc Quality Assurance Committee of the National Society of Genetic Counselors discuss early efforts to develop and implement quality assurance instruments at institutional, state, and regional levels. Uniform guidelines and self-assessment tools can help genetic counselors and clinical geneticists to provide the best possible care to individuals affected by genetic diseases. Further work will be needed to address aspects not covered here and to assure that guidelines allow for creative variation among professionals and centers. An interdisciplinary approach to such standard-setting is recommended.CGC  相似文献   

Innovation is fundamental to the pharmaceutical industry and a key to improvements in healthcare. Its effectiveness depends on huge, constant investments in research. This innovative industry directly affects the course of studies in healthcare and medicine. Its efforts translate directly into the length and quality of our lives. For several years now, the progress underway in pharmaceutical industry has produced measurable benefits. Doctors have new pharmaceuticals at their disposal, including many types of antibiotics and anti-viral drugs, vaccines and a wide range of drugs which save lives or make them more comfortable. In the near future, ever more efficient cures for neoplastic, rheumatic, neurological, psychic, metabolic, circulatory or respiratory diseases can be expected. Innovation is necessary. The human population is ageing, and the task of an innovative pharmaceutical industry is to keep it in a good condition. The use of innovative drugs can translate directly into lowering the costs of illness. A continuous reduction in spending on healthcare has been observed. The costs of inventing an innovative drug are enormous though (US$ 800 million), and studies on a new drug last between 10 and 13 years. An essential element in recovering the incurred costs and ensuring funds needed for new research is protection by patent. Innovative pharmaceutical companies in Poland are committed to increasing the competitiveness and sustaining the development of not only the market, but also the entire pharmaceutical sector. It is a group of companies of crucial importance to the Polish healthcare system, as it influences improvement in the quality of medical services. Through their investments and spending on research and development, innovative companies accelerate economic growth. In Poland, the innovative pharmaceutical industry is represented by the Association of Pharmaceutical Companies Representatives in Poland (SPFFwP). An earlier version of this paper was presented at an international conference, “The Ethics of Intellectual Property Rights and Patents,” held in Warsaw, Poland on 23–24 April, 2004.  相似文献   

This paper is the final product of free-floating associations during a piece of short self-analysis that was conducted as an answer to the question: How can we adapt to terror? Knowing that, due to our limitations, it is impossible to answer the question in what would be regarded as a scientific manner, I chose to see where I would be taken, using this well-known psychoanalytic tool (first used by Freud). Self-analysis took me to the Middle East where terror is almost an everyday event. Then I read two psychoanalyst’s impressions, one after September 11 (Strozier) and the other after the Holocaust (Ornstein). In both, the experience of a catastrophe in the civilized world was characterized by the dominance of the sense of smell. I then read Améry’s 1966 book and saw the parallel between torture and terror. In both, the background of safety is permanently broken. One consequence of this state of affairs is suggested: Since the exposure to terror, we have been living – in our inner world – in a state of “pristine homelessness” (Kertész).  相似文献   

Some of the findings of a study investigating careers officers' use of theoretical models in the careers guidance interview are discussed. Data were collected through visits to institutions offering Diploma in Careers Guidance courses, a large-scale questionnaire survey of careers officers, and semi-structured interviews and group discussions. There was evidence that in initial training, theory is used to support, rather than determine, the development of skills. Results also suggested that practising careers officers are familiar with a fairly wide range of theories, although in their interviewing they tend to apply broad principles of theory, rather than specific elements. Careers officers who trained some time ago were less familiar with theories than were those who trained more recently, and there was no support for the hypothesis that long service leads to a greater recognition of the relevance of theories generally. Familiarity with guidance and counselling theories appears to be more influential than knowledge of career theories on the way careers officers think about interviewing. Overall, the findings cast doubt on the view that careers guidance is an applied science.  相似文献   

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