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General practice is an obvious but relatively untried context within which to practise family therapy. This paper describes the development of a family therapy clinic within a group general practice and considers the influence of the practice setting on the practical style and theoretical approach of the family therapy team. The influence of the clinic on the referring habits and on the consulting style of the GPs is also considered in the context of the changes taking place in the organization of general practice.  相似文献   

Frame (noun), an established order, plan or system, (verb), set in or provide with a frame; serve as a frame for; formulate or devise the essentials of (a complex thing, idea, theory, etc.).
Framework (noun), an essential supporting structure; a basic system.
( The Concise Oxford Dictionary )
If the framework through which experience is viewed can be changed, then meaning can be changed and thus also the experiential and behavioural consequences of meaning. (Cade, 1980; p. 90)
To the extent that cognitive factors are potent determinants of emotional states, it could be anticipated that precisely the same state of physiological arousal could be labelled joy' or 'fury' or 'jealousy' or any other of a great diversity of emotional labels depending on the cognitive aspects of the situation. (Schachter and Singer, 1962; p. 381)  相似文献   

This article is an attempt to provide some frameworks for understanding aspects of the context of families which support or constrain motivation for change. A theme of the entire paper is that ambivalence is normal and that it is therefore useful to regard families both as motivated to change and motivated to maintain stability. Part I focuses particularly upon family–referrer– therapist relationships and Part II upon family–therapist relationships. Part I begins with an exploration of the idea of motivation as a process and outlines the usefulness of the concept of ambivalence. Its main focus however is upon the importance of considering referrers when attempting to assess the motivation of family members for change.
Part II considers the relationship between the family and the therapist and takes account of some important aspects of the contexts of both. It ends with a summary of some experiential exercises which enable one's personal understanding of motivation issues to develop.  相似文献   

"When I use a word …"   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

Two experiments address the accuracy of citizen and police witnesses in recalling stressful events. Participants saw 2 training scenarios. Experiment 1 evaluated the effects of active engagement and the presence of a simulated shooting on police officers' memory for details. Police officers recalled significantly fewer details from the scenario in which a shooting occurred. Active engagement did not influence recall. Experiment 2 compared the memory performance of police and citizen witnesses. Manipulation checks were added to assess the arousal produced by a shooting, and control procedures were added to evaluate the memorability of specific scenarios. Police and citizen witnesses did not differ reliably in accuracy. The perpetrator was remembered less well than the weapon when a simulated shooting occurred, and one scenario was significantly more difficult to remember than the other. The need to replicate eyewitness research with a variety of materials is discussed.  相似文献   

This article argues that what Maisie knew, as conveyed to readers of James's novel, can fruitfully be considered and interpreted in terms of Bion's theory of thinking, and especially his concepts of K and -K and the container/contained relationship. It is shown that James describes a containing relationship that Maisie, the child protagonist, has with her nurse, and the gradual growth of such a relationship in Maisie's own psyche, leading to her capacity to learn from experience. James's text is shown to contain striking instances of the creation and the destruction of meaning (K and -K) by the adults close to Maisie. It is argued that Maisie's own choice to make links and to desire knowledge is made through her complex experience of the oedipal situation, which gives her opportunities to see herself in 'the third position' (Britton, 1998). Maisie's eventual decision about her life, made by herself in the absence of any adequate parent, is based on the unconscious knowledge that destruction of meaning poisons the mind, and she must do her best to avoid it.  相似文献   

Although both auditory and visual information can influence the perceived emotion of an individual, how these modalities contribute to the perceived emotion of a crowd of characters was hitherto unknown. Here, we manipulated the ambiguity of the emotion of either a visual or auditory crowd of characters by varying the proportions of characters expressing one of two emotional states. Using an intersensory bias paradigm, unambiguous emotional information from an unattended modality was presented while participants determined the emotion of a crowd in an attended, but different, modality. We found that emotional information in an unattended modality can disambiguate the perceived emotion of a crowd. Moreover, the size of the crowd had little effect on these crossmodal influences. The role of audiovisual information appears to be similar in perceiving emotion from individuals or crowds. Our findings provide novel insights into the role of multisensory influences on the perception of social information from crowds of individuals.  相似文献   

Witness shyness was examined to determine its impact on recall accuracy in two experiments. It was hypothesized that shyness would facilitate witness accuracy, under some conditions. In Experiment 1, witnesses were asked to respond to directed recall questions probing crime event and culprit details. Non-shy and shy witnesses produced comparable accuracy rates when describing the culprit. In contrast, non-shy witnesses were more accurate when describing crime environment details than shy witnesses. In Experiment 2, arousal was manipulated and a free recall approach was used to assess recall accuracy. Under low arousal, shy witnesses were more accurate at describing the culprit than non-shy witnesses, whereas, non-shy witnesses were more accurate at describing crime details than shy witnesses. Under high arousal, differences in accuracy were not observed across shy and non-shy witnesses.  相似文献   

In forensic contexts it is common that witnesses retell and discuss the experienced event many times. It is of forensic importance to understand how this influences memory and meta‐memory. Eighty‐nine participants viewed a short film and were assigned to one of four conditions: (1) Laboratory discussion (five discussions of the event with a confederate), (2) Family discussion (five discussions of the event with a family member), (3) Retell (five retellings of the event) and (4) Control. Three weeks later participants gave an open free recall, and then 3 days later confidence judged the recalled information. The results showed significant differences between the four conditions on number of correct items, incorrect items, accuracy, confidence and calibration. The results suggest that discussion of an experienced event may reduce some of the beneficial memory and meta‐memory effects caused by mere retelling, but may have no great negative effects compared to a control condition. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Eyewitness confidence and detailed memory reports are often considered reliable indicators of the credibility of the eyewitness testimony. This study investigated how feedback concerning the accuracy of a lineup identification influences witnesses' confidence in the accuracy of their identification decision and their judgements concerning the witnessing experience. Fifty‐seven children (11–12 years) and 55 adults (17–39 years) viewed a video of a robbery and attempted to identify the culprit from a photo lineup. The culprit was not present. Participants received confirming feedback, disconfirming feedback, or no feedback on the accuracy of their identification. The confidence judgements and recollections of witnessing conditions of both children and adults were influenced by confirming and in some instances, disconfirming feedback. These findings imply that confidence and memory reports are easily distorted by non‐specific feedback and investigators should be sensitive to this particularly when dealing with vulnerable witnesses such as children. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The elegance of the techniques developed by the Milan group has tended to blind family therapists to the many problems inherent in their approach. A close reading of their work uncovers many ethical and political issues which need to be addressed. This paper is a preliminary attempt to develop a critique of the group's method which recapitulates some of the most alienating aspects of the traditional medical model. It will concentrate solely on a critical reading of Paradox and Counterparadox and will not seek to come to terms with the more recent evolution of the Milan school.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationships between self‐identified crowd membership, attributional characteristics, and perceptions of parental style among students in their first year of high school (N = 893). The aim was to assess the extent to which group identity is reflected in self‐reported characteristics. Most students self‐identified either as studious, athletes, populars, rebels, or normals (N = 669) and also completed measures of perceptions of parental styles and attributional style. Consistent differences were observed between self‐identified studious and rebel teenagers. One‐way ANOVAS revealed significant group differences on mother's authoritativeness, father's authoritativeness, positive attributional style, and negative attributional style. These results are discussed with reference to the interplay between group influences and individual characteristics. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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