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真实的道德冲突对个体道德成长的意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
个体的道德成长是在不断解决道德冲突的过程中逐步实现的。个体道德成长应该面向真实,接触真实,向真实发问,而并不仅仅是通过虚拟情景下简单的道德选择模拟实现。真实的道德冲突及其选择对个体道德成长的意义,集中表现在主体在道德选择的过程中和道德实践的基础上,主体的道德认识、道德情感、道德意志、道德信念都得到了具体实在的检验和升华,实现了道德选择和道德行为的统一。在真实的道德情境中恰当的设置道德冲突,才能真正促进个体道德的成长。  相似文献   

道德失范:社会安全的腐蚀剂   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为 ,我国进入社会转型加速期以来 ,较为普遍的道德失范现象正以自己特有的方式影响着社会的良性运行与协调发展 ,一定程度上正威胁着社会安全。克服道德失范现象 ,应该从构筑社会精神、落实《公民道德建设实施纲要》、做好制度安排几个方面下功夫。  相似文献   

班杜拉的三元交互学习理论从心理学的角度有效地解释了行为发生机制,道出了人思想与行动的社会基础。从这一理论我们可以看到道德失范行为发生的必然性:人所遭遇的社会环境,人自身的认知,人自己的行为三者的交互作用决定了他们在社会中的道德表现,三者的现实处境及相互作用导致了现今道德失范行为的彰显,所以那些认为道德失范行为可以通过教化予以消除的观点是有失偏颇的,我们不能因为道德失范现象的反复出现或严重化就过度谴责道德教育和管理。  相似文献   

生前预嘱志愿服务能够帮助服务对象获得生命的关怀,增加机构的服务内涵,提升志愿者的自我效能感,推动社会的文明与进步。在此基础上构建生前预嘱志愿服务体系,包括服务内容、基本素质和要求、队伍建设,详细分析生前预嘱志愿服务面临的困难与压力,并提出生前预嘱志愿服务的发展建议,即在全国范围内设立志愿服务站;申请政府购买服务项目,推进志愿服务的项目化发展;利用智能云平台,加大社会宣传力度;加强制度建设,推进志愿服务的本土化发展。  相似文献   





This paper claims that Freud’s idea of the death drive is analogous to the will to truth in traditional philosophy and can be better understood as a truth drive. The argument is based upon Nietzsche’s interpretation of the will to truth as a concealed will to death. This interpretation emphasizes the opposition between truth and life; truth is a concept of constancy while life is a concept of change. Freud’s recognition of the conservative nature of the drives brings him to the paradoxical conclusion of the existence of a death drive. It is paradoxical, for Freud, since it considers death as a fundamental principle of life and as its aim. The paper suggests that by replacing the concept of death by the concept of truth and using Nietzsche’s idea of “the will to power” this paradox can be resolved without losing Freud’s insight of the dialectic nature of psychological life.


Free will, before being an object of beliefs or theories susceptible of verification, is the omnipresent supposition of our conscious life. This paper claims that this omnipresence, even though it is not enough to validate theoretically free will, entails two significant consequences. First, that free will is the essential presumption of our actions, without which they would become incomprehensible. Second, that all denial of this – a rational action in itself – presupposes that which is denied.  相似文献   

Book Information The Oxford Handbook of Free Will. Edited by Robert Kane. Oxford University Press. Oxford. 2002. Pp. xvii + 638.  相似文献   

Jean Porter 《Philosophia》2013,41(2):289-300
According to Aquinas (1888–1906), the virtue of justice is a habit, that is to say, a stable disposition of the will. Many commentators have found this claim to be puzzling, since it is difficult to see what this might entail, beyond a simple tendency to choose and act in accordance with precepts of justice. However, this objection does not take account of the fact that for Aquinas, the will is the principle of human freedom, and as such, it is expressed through, but not limited to a capacity for particular choices and actions. It therefore needs stable dispositions, towards characteristic aims, in order to function effectively. This paper sets out a case for the cogency of Aquinas’s overall account of the will and its dispositions, by way of an examination of familiar expressions of human freedom which cannot be reduced to a series of individual choices and acts. It then turns to a closer examination of Aquinas’ analysis of the will, arguing that Aquinas’ claims about the orientation of the will towards some overarching and comprehensive good can fruitfully be understood in terms of this expansive conception of human freedom.  相似文献   

人际责任归因与助人意愿的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
人际责任归因研究是归因研究与责任推断相结合的一个新领域,它将归因理论应用于对他人失败行为的责任分析之中,为行为责任的推断提供了一个崭新的视角。本研究结合助人行为探讨人际责任归因与助人意愿之间的内在联系,204名教育硕士生和大学生被试参与了此项研究,并通过EQS建立了有关归因的控制性、情感反应、责任推断以及助人行为之间关系的结构方程模型。研究结果支持Weiner的人际责任归因理论假设,并且表明在归因与助人意愿关系模型中责任推断与情感反应是双向的而非单向的关系。  相似文献   

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