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Ten listeners judged a 300-msec tone as higher or lower in pitch than another 300-msec tone that occurred 8 sec earlier. The intervening time either was unfilled or contained a 400-msec interpolated tone. This interpolated tone occurred either just after the first tone or just before the final one, and was of a frequency either inside or outside the critical band of the target frequency. Performance for the silent-interval condition was about as good as has been reported for pitch discrimination with no delay when the target was 250 Hz but was slightly poorer for the target at 1,550 Hz. Presence of the interpolated tone decreased the slope of the psychometric [unction and produced constant error for nine Ss. These effects were more pronounced when the interpolated tone occurred 50 msec after the target than when it preceded the comparison tone by 50 msec. Both brevity of the target tone and occurrence soon thereafter of an interpolated tone are required to produce constant errors of pitch memory.  相似文献   

Identification and discrimination of lexical tones in Cantonese were compared in the context of a traditional categorical perception paradigm. Three lexical tone continua were used: one ranging from low level to high level, one from high rising to high level, and one from low falling to high rising. Identification data showed steep slopes at category boundaries, suggesting that lexical tones are perceived categorically. In contrast, discrimination curves generally showed much weaker evidence for categorical perception. Subsequent investigation showed that the presence of a tonal context played a strong role in the identification of target tones and less of a role in discrimination. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that tonal category boundaries are determined by a combination of regions of natural auditory sensitivity and the influence of linguistic experience.  相似文献   

For an amount-limit test homogeneous as to content and varied as to difficulty it is established that an individual's number-right score and his limen score as estimated by the constant process are mathematically related. The experimental and the theoretic relationship between normal deviate and limen score are shown to be in good agreement. It is also found that the two methods of evaluating individual test performance yield equally reliable sets of scores for the procedures used. Accordingly where the assumptions basic to the relationship obtain, the more conveniently computed raw score may be considered to be as valid and reliable an index of individual test performance as the limen score. The concept of the dispersion parameter of the individual as a measure of change or error in test score found no experimental verification. Estimates of individual variability are unrelated to differences in score on equivalent forms.The writer gratefully acknowledges Lt. Colonel M. W. Richardson's invaluable counsel, Dr. H. Gulliksen's helpful suggestions, and Dr. H. H. Long's aid in administering the tests.  相似文献   

The approximately 20-msec perceptual threshold for identifying order of onset for components of auditory stimuli has been considered both as a possible factor contributing to the perception of voicing contrasts in speech and as no more than a methodological artifact. In the present research, we investigate the identification of the temporal order of onset of spectral components in terms of the first of a sequence of thresholds for complex stimuli (modeled after consonant-vowel [CV] syllables) that vary in degree of onset. The results provide clear evidence that the difference limen (DL) for discriminating differences in onset time follows predictions based on a fixed perceptual threshold or limit at relatively short onset differences. Furthermore, the DL seems to be a function of context coding of stimulus information, with both the DL and absolute threshold probably reflecting limits on the effective perception and coding of the short-term stimulus spectrum.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the application of the principles of factorial design to an experiment in psychology. For the purpose of illustrating the principles, a simple experiment was designed dealing with the determination of the differential limen values of subjects for weights increasing at constant rates. The factorial design was of the type: 4 rates × 7 weights × 2 sexes × 2 sights × 2 dates. The appropriate statistical analysis for this type of design is the analysis of variance. The mathematical formulation of the problem was specified and the appropriate solution for the specific problem was obtained. Greater precision results from this type of design, in comparison with the traditional psychological experiment dealing with a single factor, in that measures are obtained of the effect of each of a number of factors together with their interactions.This is one of a number of studies on modern principles of experimental design. For the research grant to finance these studies, grateful acknowledgment is given to the Graduate School, the University of Minnesota.  相似文献   

An adaptive up-down tracking procedure was used in combination with a visually reinforced head turn response to examine auditory sensitivity for 500, 2000, and 8000-Hz tone bursts in infants 6 to 18 months of age. Six- and 10-month-old infants were tested with headphone presentation of stimuli, while 10-, 14, and 18-month-olds were tested in sound field. Infant threshold estimates for both headphone and sound field were within 15 dB of adult comparisons for all frequencies and age groups. Six-month-olds were significantly less sensitive to the 8000-Hz tone than to either of the lower frequency stimuli, but older infants demonstrated approximately equal sensitivity for all three frequencies tested.  相似文献   

This article assesses whether the two-alternative forced-choice (2AFC) and the reminder tasks (i.e., method of constant stimuli) yield identical estimates of the difference limen (DL). In a series of six experiments, participants discriminated between two duration stimuli. Experiments 1-5 employed auditory stimuli, and Experiment 6 employed visual stimuli. Experiments 1 and 2 combined each of the two tasks with an adaptive and a nonadaptive procedure for threshold estimation. Experiment 3 varied the distribution of the comparison levels, whereas Experiment 4 employed random interstimulus intervals. Experiments 5 and 6 examined the influence of the presentation order of the standard and comparison stimuli. Results indicate that both the adaptive and the nonadaptive procedures yield virtually identical DL estimates; yet, the 2AFC task produces consistently larger DLs than does the reminder task. In addition, DL increases when the standard occurs in the second rather than in the first stimulus position. In order to account for these results, we assume that participants use an internal standard instead of the actually presented standard as a reference for their judgment.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to investigate the adequacy of electronic voice keys for the purpose of measuring naming latency and to test the assumption that voice key error can be controlled by matching conditions on initial phoneme. Three types of naming latency measurements (hand-coding and 2 types of voice keys) were used to investigate effects of onset complexity (e.g., sat vs. spat) on reading aloud (J. R. Frederiksen & J. F. Kroll, 1976; A. H. Kawamoto & C. T. Kello, 1999). The 3 measurement techniques produced the 3 logically possible results: a significant complexity advantage, a significant complexity disadvantage, and a null effect. Analyses of the performance of each voice key are carried out, and implications for studies of naming latency are discussed.  相似文献   

A sample of 202 Kuwaiti college students (63 men and 139 women; Mage=21.6 yr., SD=2.4) responded to the Thalbourne, et al.'s Manic-Depressiveness Scale. In a factor analysis with a varimax rotation, 14 of 18 items had significant loadings (>.3) on the first factor, including 8 items of the original depression scale. 6 items significantly loaded on the second factor, including 3 items of the original mania scale. This did not match the hypothetical structure of the scale.  相似文献   

Referring to the 2005 article by Wittmann and Lehnhoff, the problem of using time metaphors for measuring awareness of time is posed. Starting from clarification of meaning, the Metaphors Slowness scale which was not homogeneous, an alternative interpretation of the result was proposed, given that metaphors refer to two separate aspects of time speed, an ongoing passage of time, and ex post reflection on passage of time that has already passed. The former refers to the judgment of an ongoing passage of time, and the latter to the judgment of passage of past time from a particular point in the past till now. Time perception is multifaceted and perhaps ambiguous. This particular aspect of time perception is covered by a notion of a "dialectical time", when opposite aspects of time are combined, e.g., pleasant and unpleasant ones.  相似文献   

Intensity-difference limens (DLs) were obtained for tones of 6.5 kHz over levels of 30-90 dB SPL. The tones had Gaussian-shaped envelopes whose duration was expressed as equivalent rectangular duration D, that of a rectangle enclosing the same area as the envelope. D ranged from 0.314 to 30 msec. DL behaviors such as the "severe departure from Weber's law," the "midlevel hump," or the "midduration hump"--that is, a rise in the DL over a range of short durations--were identified using trend analysis. The DL versus level followed a "severe departure" that increased as duration dropped to D approximately 1-2 msec. That midlevel hump then fell with further shortening of the tone pip, producing a mid-duration hump. Materials for this article may be accessed through the Psychonomic Society's Norms, Stimuli, and Data archive, at www.psychonomic.org/archive.  相似文献   

Discrimination performance is often assessed by measuring the difference limen (DL; or just noticeable difference) in a two-alternative forced choice (2AFC) task. Here, we show that the DL estimated from 2AFC percentage-correct data is likely to systematically under- or overestimate true discrimination performance if order effects are present. We show how pitfalls with the 2AFC task may be avoided and suggest a novel approach for analyzing 2AFC data.  相似文献   

The equation proposed by S. S. Stevens to describe the relations among brightness, intensity, and duration involves assumptions that are here made explicit. The equation is shown to apply to earlier studies designed to measure critical duration.  相似文献   

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