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This article discusses the 5 previous articles (Fowler, this issue; Handler, this issue; King &; Pope, this issue; Potash, this issue; Strassle, McKee, &; Plant, this issue) in reference to creativity assessment, emphasizing the need to study children's play. There is a need for validity studies in the optimism paradigm described for the Thematic Apperception Test (Murray, 1938). I also question the wisdom of omitting hostile responses in the paradigm used to assess playfulness in the Rorschach.  相似文献   

A two-part study was conducted to investigate the uniqueness and interpretive meaning-fulness of Rorschach reflection responses. In Part I, 80 Rorschach protocols were collected from overt homosexuals, character disorders, depressed patients recently suicidal, and a control group of college students. Homosexuals and sociopaths gave significantly more reflection and C and CF responses than did either of the other two groups. In Part 2 of the investigation two groups of 40 subjects each were selected from a population of college students and industrial workers on the basis of their score on a sentence completion test, especially devised to focus on the self. The high narcissism group gave a significantly greater number of reflection responses, pair type responses, and C and CF responses than did the low narcissism group.  相似文献   

This review focuses on the diagnostic efficiency of the new versions of the Rorschach Comprehensive System Depression Index (DEPI) and the Schizophrenia Index (SCZI). Clinical diagnosis according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders was chosen as the external validation criteria. The sensitivity, specificity, and overall classification rates for the indices were presented from the studies or computed from the data when possible. The positive and negative predictive validity was estimated at three different base rates. As regards the DEPI the results showed a large variation in diagnostic performance as the index seemed to have relatively more success in identifying nonpsychotic and unipolar depression than psychotic and bipolar depression. The DEPI did not successfully identify depression among adolescent patients. As regards the SCZI the results more consistently indicated that the index effectively discriminates between psychotic and nonpsychotic patients and the predictive validity of both a positive and negative SCZI was found to be high.  相似文献   

We examined clinically depressed (CD; n = 16), previously depressed (PD; n = 19) and never depressed (ND; n = 18) individuals on 13 theoretically selected Rorschach (Exner, 1993; Rorschach, 1942) variables and on the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI; Beck, Rush, Shaw, & Emery, 1979). The group assignment was made according to the criteria of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.; American Psychiatric Association, 1994). We tested 2 contradictory models for depressive vulnerability, Beck's (Clark & Beck, 1999) and Miranda and Persons's (1988; Persons & Miranda, 1992), in a planned comparison design with focused contrasts. The CDs significantly contrasted the combined group of NDs and the PDs in a pathological direction on 8 of the 13 Rorschach variables and on the BDI. However, the combined group of CDs and PDs also significantly contrasted the NDs in a pathological direction on 3 of these Rorschach variables and on the BDI. In addition, logistic regression analyses indicated that Rorschach indexes significantly improved the prediction of major depression above and beyond that achieved by the BDI. The findings show that the Rorschach method was able to identify (a) cognitive and aggressive disturbances that are present in individuals who are actively depressed but not in individuals who have been depressed in the past or never been depressed and (b) affective and coping disturbances that are present in depressed individuals and to some degree in PD individuals but not in individuals who have not experienced depression. We discuss the scanty evidence of psychological disturbances in PD individuals, as measured with the Rorschach, in relation to the mood-state dependent hypothesis of Miranda and Persons (1988; Persons & Miranda, 1992).  相似文献   

This article delineates six guidelines for enhancing the quality and utility of interpretations derived from the Rorschach inkblot method. These include (a) using all of the available structural, thematic, and behavioral data in arriving at interpretations; (b) focusing interpretive statements primarily on personality processes and drawing clinical conclusions and recommendations secondarily on the basis of identified personality processes; (c) addressing interpretations to both personality strengths and personality weaknesses to attend equally to adaptive capacities and maladaptive tendencies; (d) formulating and conveying interpretations at appropriate levels of certainty to distinguish clearly between probable fact and possible conjecture; (e) pursuing and expressing both nomothetic and idiographic implications of interpretations to the fullest possible extent, recognizing that personality is best described by considering both how people resemble and how they differ from each other; and (f) grounding the implications of interpretations in each respondent's cultural context to take adequate account of the mediation of cultural relativism between personality characteristics and their adaptive consequences.  相似文献   

The Rorschach was administered to four groups of 25 college Ss equated for verbal intelligence. A continuous reinforcement group, a human content reinforcement group, and an animal content reinforcement group were compared with a no reinforcement control group. Verbal reinforcement applied after each response significantly increased total R for Ss both aware and unaware of the response-reinforcement contingency. In the human and animal content reinforcement groups, verbal reinforcement led to increased human and animal responses respectively, but only for Ss aware of the reinforcement contingency. Implications for the projective test situation were discussed in terms of E bias and S conformity to experimental demands.  相似文献   

This study examines the ability of five self-report assessment measures to predict college students' drug use across 12 pharmacological drug categories. Subjects were 125 female and 61 male university undergraduate students. The test battery included the following instruments: (a) the Psychopathic Deviancy (Pd) scale of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI); (b) the MacAndrew Alcoholism scale (MAC), a special scale of the MMPI; (c) the Sensation Seeking Scale (SSS); (d) the Millon Alcohol Abuse Scale; and (e) the Millon Drug Abuse Scale. Scores from these instruments were utilized in linear combinations to predict individual drug use outcomes as well as polydrug versus single drug use patterns. The drug categories included in this investigation are coffee, tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, tranquilizers, depressants, amphetamines, LSD, other hallucinogens, solvents, narcotics, and cocaine. Results demonstrate significant and meaningful relationships between predictors and drug use levels among college students. Weighted equations derived from linear discriminant function analyses were generally capable of accurately classifying subject's drug use levels across drug categories and in discriminating single drug use from polydrug use patterns. Typically, the Sensation Seeking Scale entered as the most powerful predictor of substance use and abuse.  相似文献   

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