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综述了陈述性记忆形成和巩固的神经机制,并对经典模型进行了修正和拓展。主要观点是:陈述性记忆的存储和巩固依赖于新皮层不同脑区之间建立新的联系,内侧颞叶在这一过程中起着重要作用;当陈述性记忆完全巩固后,信息的存储和提取完全依赖于新皮质;一个完整的陈述性记忆的信息被分别存储在解剖上分离的语义记忆与情节记忆存储系统内  相似文献   

Beyond Fear Emotional Memory Mechanisms in the Human Brain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT— Neurobiological accounts of emotional memory have been derived largely from animal models investigating the encoding and retention of memories for events that signal threat. This literature has implicated the amygdala, a structure in the brain's temporal lobe, in the learning and consolidation of fear memories. Its role in fear conditioning has been confirmed, but the human amygdala also interacts with cortical regions to mediate other aspects of emotional memory. These include the encoding and consolidation of pleasant and unpleasant arousing events into long-term memory, the narrowing of focus on central emotional information, the retrieval of prior emotional events and contexts, and the subjective experience of recollection and emotional intensity during retrieval. Along with other mechanisms that do not involve the amygdala, these functions ensure that significant life events leave a lasting impression in memory.  相似文献   

相继记忆模式在记忆形成的脑认知成像研究领域应用广泛,已成为研究者探究大脑形成记忆时活动的主要窗口。该文在介绍相继记忆模式及记忆形成过程的基础上,分析影响相继记忆效应大小和时空分布的因素,最后讨论内侧颞叶及前额叶神经网络中相关脑区如何分工、协同支持情节记忆形成。情节记忆多维度特性导致该神经网络中有关区域表现出不同形式的相继记忆效应,因此,该文提出有效分离这些脑区在记忆形成中如何分工及交互协同关系进行更为重要  相似文献   

通过3个行为实验,以44名大学生或研究生为被试,考察了言语次级干扰任务是否对不同言语命名难度的客体与空间工作记忆信息的保持产生选择性干扰。研究发现:无论记忆对象是言语命名困难的客体信息,还是言语命名容易的客体信息,无论探测刺激是图形形式,还是词语形式,言语次级干扰任务都对客体信息的保持产生选择性干扰;但言语次级干扰任务对空间信息保持的影响,在不同条件下则表现出不同的特点。实验结果表明客体工作记忆自动、强制性地使用言语编码和保持机制,而空间工作记忆信息的保持是否由言语编码参与则受到其他因素的影响。  相似文献   

内侧颞叶与来源记忆   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
聂爱情  郭春彦 《心理科学》2005,28(1):204-206
来源记忆不同于项目记忆。早期的研究认为来源记忆的神经基础主要是前额叶,但近几年的相关研究发现内侧颞叶在来源记忆中的作用也是相当重要的,健康被试的功能神经成像研究和内侧颞叶损伤病人研究都为内侧颞叶在来源记忆中的作用提供了可靠证据。  相似文献   

Our use of language depends upon two capacities: a mental lexicon of memorized words and a mental grammar of rules that underlie the sequential and hierarchical composition of lexical forms into predictably structured larger words, phrases, and sentences. The declarative/procedural model posits that the lexicon/grammar distinction in language is tied to the distinction between two well-studied brain memory systems. On this view, the memorization and use of at least simple words (those with noncompositional, that is, arbitrary form-meaning pairings) depends upon an associative memory of distributed representations that is subserved by temporal-lobe circuits previously implicated in the learning and use of fact and event knowledge. This declarative memory system appears to be specialized for learning arbitrarily related information (i.e., for associative binding). In contrast, the acquisition and use of grammatical rules that underlie symbol manipulation is subserved by frontal/basal-ganglia circuits previously implicated in the implicit (nonconscious) learning and expression of motor and cognitive skills and habits (e.g., from simple motor acts to skilled game playing). This procedural system may be specialized for computing sequences. This novel view of lexicon and grammar offers an alternative to the two main competing theoretical frameworks. It shares the perspective of traditional dual-mechanism theories in positing that the mental lexicon and a symbol-manipulating mental grammar are subserved by distinct computational components that may be linked to distinct brain structures. However, it diverges from these theories where they assume components dedicated to each of the two language capacities (that is, domain-specific) and in their common assumption that lexical memory is a rote list of items. Conversely, while it shares with single-mechanism theories the perspective that the two capacities are subserved by domain-independent computational mechanisms, it diverges from them where they link both capacities to a single associative memory system with broad anatomic distribution. The declarative/procedural model, but neither traditional dual- nor single-mechanism models, predicts double dissociations between lexicon and grammar, with associations among associative memory properties, memorized words and facts, and temporal-lobe structures, and among symbol-manipulation properties, grammatical rule products, motor skills, and frontal/basal-ganglia structures. In order to contrast lexicon and grammar while holding other factors constant, we have focused our investigations of the declarative/procedural model on morphologically complex word forms. Morphological transformations that are (largely) unproductive (e.g., in go—went, solemn—solemnity) are hypothesized to depend upon declarative memory. These have been contrasted with morphological transformations that are fully productive (e.g., in walk—walked, happy—happiness), whose computation is posited to be solely dependent upon grammatical rules subserved by the procedural system. Here evidence is presented from studies that use a range of psycholinguistic and neurolinguistic approaches with children and adults. It is argued that converging evidence from these studies supports the declarative/procedural model of lexicon and grammar.  相似文献   

王丽娟  田翠武侠 《心理科学》2013,36(5):1267-1272
前瞻记忆是指对预定事件或行为的记忆。本文总结了前瞻记忆脑机制相关的文献,介绍了前额皮层、丘脑,内侧颞叶等脑区域在前瞻记忆中的作用,并通过分析注意缺陷多动障碍儿童、老年痴呆症患者、酒精依赖症和内侧颞叶癫痫患者前瞻记忆的表现,从临床角度深入探讨了前瞻记忆神经机制的问题。证据表明,前额皮层参与前瞻记忆的编码、提取和监控过程,与意向保持也有密切的关系;丘脑与意向的执行有关,并且与前额叶互动在前瞻记忆监控中起着重要的作用;内侧颞叶与编码来源的提取和意向的激活都有密切的关系。研究认为前额皮层在前瞻记忆加工过程中起着核心的作用,同时与丘脑、内侧颞叶等区域相互作用,共同成为前瞻记忆编码、保持、提取、执行的神经基础。  相似文献   

情绪与工作记忆的关系问题是情绪和认知研究领域中的子课题。根据加工效能理论, 负性情绪, 特别是焦虑对认知的影响通常被看作是通过影响工作记忆来完成的。因此, 探讨负性情绪是如何作用于工作记忆, 将有助于完善和发展情绪与认知的理论, 为心境障碍疾病的诊断、治疗及干预提供依据, 既具有学术价值又具有一定的临床意义。本论文在前人研究的基础上, 采用事件相关电位(ERP)和功能磁共振技术(fMRI), 系统地考察了情绪和工作记忆三个子成分(语音环路、视空间模板及中央执行器)间的关系。本论文抓住了当前的热点问题, 从情绪和认知的关系入手, 将脑成像、电生理和行为方面的研究有机结合, 将时间动态研究与空间定位研究相结合, 为情绪和工作记忆相互作用的神经机制提供独到的证据, 验证且发展了情绪和认知关系的奠基理论—— 加工效能理论。  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that schizophrenia may be a disease affecting the states of consciousness. The present study is aimed at investigating metamemory, i.e., the knowledge about one's own memory capabilities, in patients with schizophrenia. The accuracy of the Confidence level (CL) in the correctness of the answers provided during a recall phase, and the predictability of the Feeling of Knowing (FOK) when recall fails were measured using a task consisting of general information questions and assessing semantic memory. Nineteen outpatients were paired with 19 control subjects with respect to age, sex, and education. Results showed that patients with schizophrenia exhibited an impaired semantic memory. CL ratings as well as CL and FOK accuracy were not significantly different in the schizophrenic and the control groups. However, FOK ratings were significantly reduced for the patient group, and discordant FOK judgments were also observed more frequently. Such results suggest that FOK judgments are impaired in patients with schizophrenia, which confirms that schizophrenia is an illness characterized by an impaired conscious awareness of one's own knowledge.  相似文献   

聂爱情 《应用心理学》2009,15(4):368-373
精神分裂症病人的来源记忆研究是颇受关注的认识心理学课题之一。本文围绕该类病人的来源记忆研究状况从如下几方面做出简要回顾和总结:一是精神分裂症病人的来源记忆较项目记忆更困难;二是精神分裂症病人的来源记忆成绩与其阳性症状和阴性症状之间存在一定的关联;三是智商、注意和药物等因素对精神分裂症病人的来源记忆成绩存在一定的影响;四是精神分裂症病人来源记忆的脑机制研究受到高度重视。文章最后对未来研究和临床应用进行了思考和展望。  相似文献   

Patients with medial temporal lobe damage and diencephalic damage were compared on two tests of verbal temporal order memory: between‐list discrimination and within‐list discrimination. Both patient groups were impaired relative to a group of healthy control participants. In addition, despite comparable levels of item recognition, the diencephalic group was impaired relative to the medial temporal lobe group on both within‐list and between‐list discrimination. Temporal order memory for between‐list information showed a significant correlation with a composite measure of recognition memory, and the results are discussed in terms of the patients' reliance on familiarity and distance‐based processes to make temporal order judgments.  相似文献   

尼莫地平改善高钙所致记忆障碍的脑内突触机制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
章子贵  徐晓虹 《心理学报》2006,38(3):436-441
海马内微量注射高钙造成小鼠记忆障碍后,观察了尼莫地平(腹腔注射)对记忆障碍的改善作用,并用透射电镜和图像分析仪对海马CA3区Gray I型突触界面结构参数进行了观测和定量分析,进一步探讨尼莫地平改善高钙所致记忆障碍的脑内突触机制。结果表明,尼莫地平确能改善高钙所致记忆障碍,并能显著逆转高钙所致的小鼠海马CA3区突触间隙宽度显著增大,PSD极显著变薄,平坦型突触显著增多,凹型和穿孔型突触显著减少等一系列突触界面结构的病理性变化。提示海马CA3区Gray I型突触界面结构参数的逆转可能是钙拮抗剂尼莫地平改善高钙所致记忆障碍的形态学基础  相似文献   

This study contrasts memory functions with emotional words between two groups of patients presenting with symptoms of major depressive disorder (MDD)—20 patients with a comorbid diagnosis of borderline personality disorder (BPD) and 20 patients without BPD—and a group of 20 community adult controls. BPD patients showed poorer recall and recognition memory performances than controls, while MDD patients and controls did not differ significantly on these tasks. BPD patients showed a lower accuracy of recognition memory than MDD patients, despite negligible differences between the two patient groups in the severity of depressive symptoms and in the general level of psychopathology. Controls and BPD patients showed positive word selectivity in recall, while MDD patients showed nonsignificant selectivity differences. These findings provide additional data regarding memory disturbances specific to MDD versus BPD. The selectivity differences are consistent with theories of mood-congruent memory in depression and may serve as a cognitive marker for differentiating BPD from prototypical MDD.  相似文献   

加工速度和工作记忆反应了不同的认知加工过程,在认知发展研究中,加工速度和工作记忆所起的作用仍存在较大的分歧.采用多因素混合实验设计,在严格控制条件下,比较了语文学习困难和控制组儿童的工作记忆和加工速度.结果发现,与控制组相比,语文学习困难儿童在工作记忆和加工速度方面均存在明显的不足,但加工速度不能解释不同能力组之间的差异,语文学习困难儿童的缺陷在于工作记忆能力的下降.工作记忆的缺陷在于言语工作记忆和中央执行功能的不足,与视空间工作记忆能力无关.语文学习困难既存在一般的工作记忆缺陷(中央执行功能)也存在特定的工作记忆(言语工作记忆)能力的不足.  相似文献   

Anterior temporal lobectomy (ATL) is an effective and increasingly utilized treatment for nonlesional, intractable mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. However, this surgery results in domain-specific neuropsychological morbidity for a subset of patients. Within the past decade, multidisciplinary studies have revealed that left ATL patients without significant sclerosis in the resected hippocampus are most at risk for a substantial postacute decline in the ability to encode new verbal information. These patients are also at risk for a significant decrement in confrontation naming and other retrieval-based language abilities. The memory deficit is not attributable to this disruption of language. A relationship between hippocampal sclerosis (HS) status and memory performance has not been identified consistently in right ATL patients, but investigation of new visuospatial measures continues. The influence of variables other than HS on neuropsychological outcome is also discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the stability of memory and information processing in schizophrenics and affectively disturbed patients. Twenty-two schizophrenics, eight affectives and 14 normal controls were tested twice, with an interval of approximately one year. Results showed that normals performed better than schizophrenics and affectively disturbed patients on almost all of the cognitive measures. The differences reached a level of significance on a reaction time test, a vigilance task and a long-term memory task. The only measure where the difference did not reach a level of significance was on a short-term memory test. Groups' performance to some extent changed over time on most of the measures, but the changes were not significantly different for different groups.  相似文献   

陈雯  马聪  李杰  沈模卫 《应用心理学》2009,15(3):195-200,244
采用相对新近性判断范式(judgments of relative recency),通过三个实验探讨了工作记忆中时序信息和空间信息的存储方式及其关系。实验一比较了有无空间线索两种条件下时序信息的记忆绩效,结果发现,有无空间线索并不影响对时序信.E-的记忆。实验二和实验三通过控制刺激呈现的视野范围和减少呈现位置的不确定性来利化空间线索,结果表明,时序信息的记忆绩效也不受空间线索的影响。由此推论,工作记忆中的时序信息和空间信息是分离编码存储的,加入空间线索并不能提高时序信息的记忆绩效。  相似文献   

There is a need to study prospective memory (PM) and its relationship with aspects of frontal lobe functioning in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. The study aims to investigate event‐based (EB) and time‐based (TB) PM functioning in the two groups, and its association with working memory, planning, and attention. A word categorisation task was developed to assess PM functioning among 90 participants (schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and a control group). Frontal lobe functioning was assessed using Tower of London, N‐Back test, and triads test. Mean comparisons revealed significantly higher impairment in TB PM in comparison to EB PM in both the clinical groups. Significant relationship between PM and frontal lobe impairment was found. Relationship between PM and frontal lobe deficits in the clinical groups emphasises the need to include its assessment at an early stage and to develop PM rehabilitation strategies to improve the quality of living.  相似文献   

本研究旨在探索记忆偏差与解释偏差在无法忍受不确定性(IU)与个体担忧之间的中介作用。实验1采用伴随学习任务范式,计算被试对中性词语和不确定词的回忆量。结果发现,IU对记忆偏差的预测不显著,记忆偏差在IU与担忧倾向之间的中介作用不显著。实验2采用情境评估任务范式收集被试在不确定情境下的担忧评分和解释倾向。结果发现,IU可以正向预测被试在不确定情境下的担忧评分,被试对情境的解释倾向在IU与担忧评分的关系中起到中介作用。概言之,高IU个体存在一定的信息加工偏差。  相似文献   

Many studies have identified the prefrontal cortex as the brain area that is critical for spatial memory, both in humans and in other primates. Other studies, however, have failed to establish this relation. Therefore, the aim of this paper was to review the literature regarding the role of the human prefrontal lobe in spatial memory. This was done by examining the evidence obtained from neuropsychological patients and from studies using brain-imaging techniques (PET and fMRI). Evidence supporting the notion that the prefrontal cortex is extensively involved in spatial working memory was found. The majority of these studies, however, suggests that frontal-lobe involvement is not related to the type of material that is being processed (e.g., spatial vs. nonspatial), but to process-specific functions, such as encoding and retrieval. Theoretically, these functions could be linked to the central executive within Baddeley's working-memory model, or to recent theories that emphasize the various processes that play a role in working memory. Also, methodological issues were discussed. Further research is needed to enhance our understanding of the precise interaction of domain-specific and general processes.  相似文献   

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