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Functional communication training (FCT) is commonly used to eliminate problem behavior. Not surprisingly, the efficacy of the intervention depends on fidelity to programmed procedures. For instance, problem behavior is likely to resurge if caregivers fail to reinforce mands during the maintenance stages of FCT. Despite this, recent translational work on arbitrary human responses suggests that incorporating multiple‐mand instruction into a serial‐training format may increase the probability of a recency effect, and a reversion of response resurgence (both desirable outcomes when mands are the most recently reinforced responses prior to extinction). Although promising, this effect has not been replicated with socially significant human behavior. Thus, we compared the relative effect of traditional FCT with that of serial FCT on the resurgence of the problem behavior, and mands, of 2 children. In contrast to previous research, we observed primacy effects for both subjects (i.e., the magnitude of the resurgence of problem behavior was greater than it was for any subsequently trained mand), and mand resurgence never occurred for one subject. Notwithstanding these limitations, the percentage of total responding allocated toward the resurgence of problem behavior was less in the serial FCT component relative to the traditional FCT component, and we observed a reversion of response resurgence for one subject.  相似文献   

Although a number of studies suggests a link between working memory (WM) storage capacity of short-term memory and calculation abilities, the nature of verbal WM deficits in children with developmental dyscalculia (DD) remains poorly understood. We explored verbal WM capacity in DD by focusing on the distinction between memory for item information (the items to be retained) and memory for order information (the order of the items within a list). We hypothesized that WM for order could be specifically related to impaired numerical abilities given that recent studies suggest close interactions between the representation of order information in WM and ordinal numerical processing. We investigated item and order WM abilities as well as basic numerical processing abilities in 16 children with DD (age: 8–11 years) and 16 typically developing children matched on age, IQ, and reading abilities. The DD group performed significantly poorer than controls in the order WM condition but not in the item WM condition. In addition, the DD group performed significantly slower than the control group on a numerical order judgment task. The present results show significantly reduced serial order WM abilities in DD coupled with less efficient numerical ordinal processing abilities, reflecting more general difficulties in explicit processing of ordinal information.  相似文献   

Serial order is fundamental to perception, cognition and behavioral action. Three experiments investigated infants' perception, learning and discrimination of serial order. Four- and 8-month-old infants were habituated to three sequentially moving objects making visible and audible impacts and then were tested on separate test trials for their ability to detect auditory, visual or auditory-visual changes in their ordering. The 4-month-old infants did not respond to any order changes and instead appeared to attend to the 'local' audio-visual synchrony part of the event. When this local part of the event was blocked from view, the 4-month-olds did perceive the serial order feature of the event but only when it was specified multimodally. In contrast, the 8-month-old infants perceived all three kinds of order changes regardless of whether the synchrony part of the event was visible or not. The findings show that perception of spatiotemporal serial order emerges early in infancy and that its perception is initially facilitated by multimodal specification.  相似文献   

Tan L  Ward G 《Memory & cognition》2007,35(5):1093-1106
In two experiments, we examined the effect of output order in immediate serial recall (ISR). In Experiment 1, three groups of participants saw lists of eight words and wrote down the words in the rows corresponding to their serial positions in an eight-row response grid. One group was precued to respond in forward order, a second group was precued to respond in any order, and a third group was postcued for response order. There were significant effects of output order, but not of cue type. Relative to the forward output order, the free output order led to enhanced recency and diminished primacy, with superior performance for words output early in recall. These results were replicated in Experiment 2 using six-item lists, which further suggests that output order plays an important role in the primacy effect in ISR and that the recency items are most highly accessible at recall.  相似文献   

How do people report the contents of short-term memory when information about order must be retained but items can be retrieved in any order? We report an experiment using an unconstrained reconstruction task in which people can report list items in any order but must place them in their correct serial positions. We found (1) a tendency to report recent items first in immediate but not in delayed reconstruction, (2) a tendency to recall temporally isolated items first, (3) a preference for forward recall order, and (4) a preference for output orders that minimize the length of the path that must be traversed through memory space during retrieval. The results constrain most current models of short-term memory in which retrieval is ballistic and is assumed to run to completion autonomously once initiated.  相似文献   

The results of a picture-pointing comprehension test show that agrammatic aphasics have difficulty understanding sentences in which the underlying semantic roles are marked by the order of noun phrases around a verbal element. Agrammatic patients performed poorly on reversible constructions involving spatial prepositions (e.g., “The square is above the circle”) and verbs (e.g., “The dancer applauds the clown”). These results have significance for the interpretation of the underlying disturbance in agrammatism—whether the deficit is syntactic or purely phonological.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates that agrammatic aphasics have difficulty describing relations that are signified by the order of noun phrases around verbs or prepositions. The word order deficit is found in a Sentence Order Task, in which written words must be arranged linearly to form a sentence, as well as in oral production. Ordering tendencies reflect factors like animacy or potency, rather than the systematic use of syntactic rules. These results point to a fundamental syntactic disorder in agrammatism.  相似文献   

We investigated three issues with respect to the long-term serial recall of adults. First, retention interval was manipulated to obtain uncontaminated measures of long-term serial recall. Second, we compared serial recall of concrete and abstract nouns to determine how these materials might interact with various learning strategies over time. Third, control group participants were asked to describe the learning strategies used, allowing a comparison of technical mnemonic techniques with the spontaneously generated strategies of adults. We found that the delayed recall performance of participants who spontaneously used organizational or imagery-based strategies was comparable to that of those instructed in the method of loci and pegword technique. Word concreteness did not interact with any other variable. These results are discussed with regard to their implications for serial learning in educational settings.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that short-term memory for serial order can be influenced by background knowledge concerning regularities of sequential structure. Specifically, it has been shown that recall is superior for sequences that fit well with familiar sequencing constraints. The authors report a corresponding effect pertaining to serial recall errors. Undergraduate participants performed immediate serial recall on sequences of pseudowords generated on the basis of an artificial grammar. After extensive experience with this material, recall errors displayed a bias toward regularizing responses, response sequences more probable, with respect to the artificial grammar, than the originally presented stimulus sequence. This regularization effect squares well with recent trace redintegration and Bayesian models of serial recall, and appears to represent an analog of the schema-based error patterns observed in other domains of memory.  相似文献   

An essential function of language processing is serial order control. Computational models of serial ordering and empirical data suggest that plan representations for ordered output of sound are governed by principles related to similarity. Among these principles, the temporal distance and edge principles at a within-word level have not been empirically demonstrated separately from other principles. Specifically, the temporal distance principle assumes that phonemes that are in the same word and thus temporally close are represented similarly. This principle would manifest as phoneme movement errors within the same word. However, such errors are rarely observed in English, likely reflecting stronger effects of syllabic constraints (i.e., phonemes in different positions within the syllable are distinctly represented). The edge principle assumes that the edges of a sequence are represented distinctly from other elements/positions. This principle has been repeatedly observed as a serial position effect in the context of phonological short-term memory. However, it has not been demonstrated in single-word production. This study provides direct evidence for the two abovementioned principles by using a speech-error induction technique to show the exchange of adjacent morae and serial position effects in Japanese four-mora words. Participants repeatedly produced a target word or nonword, immediately after hearing an aurally presented distractor word. The phonologically similar distractor words, which were created by exchanging adjacent morae in the target, induced adjacent-mora-exchange errors, demonstrating the within-word temporal distance principle. There was also a serial position effect in error rates, such that errors were mostly induced at the middle positions within a word. The results provide empirical evidence for the temporal distance and edge principles in within-word serial order control.  相似文献   

The well-known finding that responses in serial recall tend to be clustered around the position of the target item has bolstered positional-coding theories of serial order memory. In the present study, we show that this effect is confounded with another well-known finding—that responses in serial recall tend to also be clustered around the position of the prior recall (temporal clustering). The confound can be alleviated by conditioning each analysis on the positional accuracy of the previously recalled item. The revised analyses show that temporal clustering is much more prevalent in serial recall than is positional clustering. A simple associative chaining model with asymmetric neighboring, remote associations, and a primacy gradient can account for these effects. Using the same parameter values, the model produces reasonable serial position curves and captures the changes in item and order information across study-test trials. In contrast, a prominent positional coding model cannot account for the pattern of clustering uncovered by the new analyses.  相似文献   

The problem of temporal order in stimulation and perception   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

This article reviews studies of various authors on the phenomenon of “switching,” which is observed in both classical and instrumental conditioning and consists in elicitation of different responses to the same conditional stimulus (CS) when it is applied in an environment different than the original one. The different responses include a decrease or an absence of the previously trained conditional response (CR), elicitation of an appetitive response instead a defensive one, or vice versa, as well as elicitation of two different instrumental CRs in the same trial. The studies suggest that, due to the repeated occurrence of CS in the same environment (E), also called “situation” or “context,” associations are formed between CS and E. Consequently, the CR is elicited to a compound CS+E rather than to CS alone. When the CS is applied alone in a different E than the original one, the previously formed associations are inactive and the CR cannot be elicited; this leads to switching. Studies also suggest that E plays a dominant role in conditioning compared with that of CS alone, which often appears to be only a trigger for eliciting the response. However, CS tested in a different E may still produce some components of the previously acquired CR, such as a general fear behavior to an originally defensive CS or an approach behavior to an originally alimentary CS. The environmental stimuli can be considered the “determining” stimuli that determine the kind of reaction to be elicited, or “tonic” stimuli that increase the tonus in the brain but do not elicit the CR. The “determining” or “tonic” stimuli do not seem to be a special class of stimuli. Instead, they are stimuli that initially can produce the CR (e.g., intertrial CRs), but by being not reinforced they become partly inhibited; nevertheless, due to associations with the reinforcement, they still can produce some excitement related to it, thus facilitating the CR.  相似文献   

Working memory refers to our ability to actively maintain and process a limited amount of information during a brief period of time. Often, not only the information itself but also its serial order is crucial for good task performance. It was recently proposed that serial order is grounded in spatial cognition. Here, we compared performance of a group of right hemisphere-damaged patients with hemispatial neglect to healthy controls in verbal working memory tasks. Participants memorized sequences of consonants at span level and had to judge whether a target consonant belonged to the memorized sequence (item task) or whether a pair of consonants were presented in the same order as in the memorized sequence (order task). In line with this idea that serial order is grounded in spatial cognition, we found that neglect patients made significantly more errors in the order task than in the item task compared to healthy controls. Furthermore, this deficit seemed functionally related to neglect severity and was more frequently observed following right posterior brain damage. Interestingly, this specific impairment for serial order in verbal working memory was not lateralized. We advance the hypotheses of a potential contribution to the deficit of serial order in neglect patients of either or both (1) reduced spatial working memory capacity that enables to keep track of the spatial codes that provide memorized items with a positional context, (2) a spatial compression of these codes in the intact representational space.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, 2 groups of pigeons were trained to respond to either a 4-item (A→B→C→D) or 5-item (A→B→C→D→E) list. After learning their respective list, half of the subjects were trained on a positive pair with reinforcement provided when pairs were responded to in the order true to that of the original sequence (4-item: B→C; 5-item: B→D). The remaining subjects were trained on a negative pair with reinforcement provided for responding to the pairs in the order opposite to that learned in the original sequence (4-item: C→B; 5-item: D→B). Subjects in the positive pair condition learned their respective pair faster than did subjects in the negative pair condition. In Experiment 2, after reaching criterion on a 4-item list, subjects received 16 BC probe trials spread across 4 sessions of training. Subjects performed significantly above chance on the probe trials. The performance of our subjects in Experiments 1 and 2 demonstrates that, similar to monkeys, pigeons form a representation of the lists that they learn.  相似文献   

Despite a century of research, the mechanisms underlying short-term or working memory for serial order remain uncertain. Recent theoretical models have converged on a particular account, based on transient associations between independent item and context representations. In the present article, the authors present an alternative model, according to which sequence information is encoded through sustained patterns of activation within a recurrent neural network architecture. As demonstrated through a series of computer simulations, the model provides a parsimonious account for numerous benchmark characteristics of immediate serial recall, including data that have been considered to preclude the application of recurrent neural networks in this domain. Unlike most competing accounts, the model deals naturally with findings concerning the role of background knowledge in serial recall and makes contact with relevant neuroscientific data. Furthermore, the model gives rise to numerous testable predictions that differentiate it from competing theories. Taken together, the results presented indicate that recurrent neural networks may offer a useful framework for understanding short-term memory for serial order.  相似文献   

Cebus monkeys were trained on a five-item serial learning task, symbolized as ABCDE; the initial stages of training were on the shorter subseries AB, ABC, and ABCD. To assess the monkeys' knowledge of the sequential position of each item, pair-wise tests were given to 2 subjects after acquisition of the ABCD series and to 4 subjects after reaching criterion on the ABCDE series. In both tests, the monkeys performed at high levels on the interior pairs, which were BC for the ABCD series, and BC, BD, and CD for the ABCDE series. These results, as well as the orderly relations observed in the pair-wise tests between first-item response latency and first-item position and between second-item response latency and number of missing items, indicated that the monkeys had developed a well-organized internal representation of the four- and five-item series. Although pigeons are also capable of learning four-item and five-item series, they apparently do not develop a comparable representational structure. The disparity between the monkeys' and pigeons' representational competence for serial order is predictable from the difference in their capacities for associative transitivity.  相似文献   

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