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Gary D. Levy 《Sex roles》1994,30(1-2):93-108
Thirty-seven 4–5 year-old predominantly white children from moderate SES households, identified as high and low gender schematic, completed a Release from Proactive Interference task (RPI) comprised of drawings of same-sex gender-typed toys and animals. The RPI task assesses spontaneous comprehension, encoding, and short-term recall of items from two categories of information. As predicted, high gender schematic children demonstrated significantly greater patterns of release from proactive interference than low schematic children. Specifically, high and low schematic children's patterns of recall following a shift from same-sex gender-typed toys to animals differed significantly, suggesting that gender roles are a more salient and influential information processing dimension to high than low gender schematic children. Results add to data validating the present measure of gender schematicity and its ability to differentiate individual differences in the salience of gender roles to young children. Results also corroborate and expand on theory and research describing the impact and consequences of individual differences in the salience of the gender role dimension on the information processing of high and low gender schematic children.Completion of this project was facilitated, in part, by an Academic Challenge Award from the University of Toledo. This support is gratefully acknowledged. Special thanks to Narina Nightingale for her comments and suggestions on earlier drafts of this article, and to Stephanie Sellers at the University of Toledo, and to Ashley Lyster at the University of Wyoming for their data collection efforts and to the faculty, children, and parents of the Loving Tree Preschool and the Gateway School, both of Toledo, Ohio, and the University of Wyoming Child Care Center, and especially to Director Mark Bittner for his assistance with this research. A shorter version of this article was presented at the annual meetings of the Western Psychological Association, Phoenix, Arizona, April 1993.To whom reprint requests should be addressed at Department of Psychology, University of Wyoming, P. O. Box 3415, Room 135 Biological Sciences Bldg, Laramie, WY 82071-3415.  相似文献   

Serial-probe-recognition (SPR) performance by 2 monkeys deteriorated over several months of training. Three hundred and twenty different items were presented without repetition within a session (trial unique) but were repeated between sessions. The cause of the deterioration was identified as proactive interference (PI) due to repetitive use of items from day to day. Introduction of novel stimuli across days improved performance from 63% to 82% correct (Experiment 1). Tests with only probe items and no list items (Experiment 2) revealed that the monkeys were using a familiar/novel response strategy in combination with a relational strategy (relating the probe item to the list items) to further improve their SPR performance. Intermixing familiar baseline trials and novel transfer trials within a session (Experiment 3) encouraged the subjects to use a relational strategy, and it improved performance on baseline trials as well as on transfer trials. Possible qualitative similarity between the relational strategy and the familiar/novel response strategy is discussed along with theoretical implications of these findings for experiments which have used small number of repeating stimuli within a session.  相似文献   

In three experiments, we investigated metacognitive monitoring in a variant of an A–B A–C learning paradigm in which the repetition of cues, but not targets, led to increasing proactive interference (PI) across trials. Judgments of learning (JOLs) correctly predicted decreases across trials in this paradigm but incorrectly continued to predict decreases on a final release trial in which new cues were introduced and performance consequently increased. Experience with the paradigm did not ameliorate this metacognitive failure (Experiment 3). In addition, JOLs decreased equally for pairs with repeated and with novel cue terms, even though recall of the latter group of items did not decrease across trials (Experiment 2). These results suggest that metacognizers’ naïve theories of remembering and forgetting include a role for global, but not cue-specific, interference.  相似文献   

Memory for familiar people is essential to understand their identity and guide social interaction. Nevertheless, we know surprisingly little about the structure of such memory. Previous research has assumed that semantic memory for people has a categorical structure, but recently it was proposed that memory for people consists only of associations and lacks any categorical structure. Four experiments are reported that use a novel approach by adapting the 'release from proactive interference' (RPI) methodology for use with lists of famous names. Proactive interference occurs when items presented on successive trials are drawn from the same category. Recall can improve following a change to a different category. Sets of names were selected relating to aspects previously demonstrated, on the basis of reaction time data, to form a category (occupation) and a property (nationality) of celebrities (Johnston & Bruce, 1990). RPI was observed for a change at both levels of representation but was only present without explicitly cueing the change of set when the stimuli differed at the category level. At the property level, RPI was only evident when change of set was explicitly cued. RPI was absent at the set change in a novel, ad hoc distinction suggesting that the effect reflected the underlying memory structure.  相似文献   

Glenberg's theory of temporal distinctiveness (Glenberg, 1987; Glenberg & Swanson, 1986) was used to examine whether the buildup of proactive inhibition (PI) may be interpreted as an overloading of temporal retrieval cues. The Brown-Peterson task was selected on the basis of the assumption that successful performance on such a task requires the use of a recency rule where the subject must use temporal cues to retrieve the contents of the most recent study list. Two variables were manipulated that were presumed to affect the utilization of temporal cues: length of intertrial interval (ITI) (0 or 90 s) and adult age (young or elderly). Glenberg's theory suggests that temporal spacing improves memory by enhancing the distinctiveness of temporal retrieval cues. Thus, it was predicted that PI buildup should be less in the 90-s condition than in the 0-s condition. Assuming that older adults are more sensitive to the overloading of temporal cues, it was anticipated that older adults would experience a greater buildup of PI than younger adults at the 0-s condition. Results showed that although PI buildup varied with length of ITI, it did not vary with adult age. Analysis of delayed measures of recall, recognition, and temporal memory suggested that a retrieval interpretation based on Glenberg's theory is insufficient as an explanation of the current results; encoding difficulties also appear to contribute to the buildup of PI.  相似文献   

One of the explanations of release from proactive inhibition in short-term memory is that the subjects re-attend to the items on the release trial because the items are different from the previous ones. It is further assumed that this increase in attention causes the relase items to be learned better than the preceding items. This experiment measured the pupils of the subjects' eyes while they were participating in a proactive-inhibition release-type task. The results showed no increase in attention, as indexed by pupil size, on the release trial. This did not support the attentional explanation of the proactive-inhibition release phenomenon.  相似文献   

Burns (1989) claims that proactive interference effects occur in paired-associate learning because of tradeoffs in relational and response-specific processing. Consistent with this claim, Burns demonstrated that free recall of critical-list responses is better in the interference condition than in the control condition. Burns’s processing trade off explanation predicts that the occurrence of this reverse-interference effect should be positively correlated with the occurrence of traditional interference effects. We present several experiments whose results are inconsistent with-this-prediction. We hypothesize that the reverse-interference effect is a list-length effect. The results of a final experiment, contrasting the predictions of the list-length and processing trade off explanations, support the list-length explanation.  相似文献   

Capacity limits in short-term recall were investigated using proactive interference (PI) from previous lists in a speeded-recognition task. PI was taken to indicate that the target list length surpassed working memory capacity. Unlike previous studies, words were presented either concurrently or sequentially and a new method was introduced to increase the amount of PI. On average, participants retrieved about four items without PI. We suggest an activation-based account of capacity limits.  相似文献   

Capacity limits in short‐term recall were investigated using proactive interference (PI) from previous lists in a speeded‐recognition task. PI was taken to indicate that the target list length surpassed working memory capacity. Unlike previous studies, words were presented either concurrently or sequentially and a new method was introduced to increase the amount of PI. On average, participants retrieved about four items without PI. We suggest an activation‐based account of capacity limits.  相似文献   

We examine item-specific olfactory proactive interference (PI) effects and undertake comparisons with verbal and non-verbal visual stimuli. Using a sequential recent-probes task, we show no evidence for PI with hard-to-name odours (Experiment 1). However, verbalisable odours do exhibit PI effects (Experiment 2). These findings occur despite above chance performance and similar serial position functions across both tasks. Experiments 3 and 4 apply words and faces, respectively, to our modified procedure, and show that methodological differences cannot explain the null finding in Experiment 1. The extent to which odours exhibit analogous PI effects to that of other modalities is, we argue, contingent on the characteristics of the odours employed.  相似文献   

Adult male interference in agonistic episodes is strongly biased against adolescent and adult male participants, whereas adult female interference is biased in favor of kin and in support of younger animals against older animals. Although natal males also are biased in favor of their kin, their selective targeting of sexually mature males is independent of kinship. Adolescent males target adult males, but only in defense of kin. This selective interference against adolescent and adult males by adult males has the potential to profoundly modify male agonistic participation in intragroup encounters after puberty. Because female support is influenced primarily by kinship, females less consistently interfere against male agonistic participants. Adult males may therefore play an important role in the socialization of male agonistic expression.  相似文献   

When subjects monitor a list of verbal items for one item which is to be selected and remembered, they are more likely to recall the critical item if it is the first member of the list than if it is presented towards the centre of the list. The present experiment examined the possibility that this primacy results from an accumulation of proactive interference from incidentally processed early members of the list which would cause a decrement in the recall of later members. By changing the semantic category of the list members before presentation of the critical item any accumulated interference would have been released, but this procedure produced no weakening of the primacy effect and so the interference theory of primacy was not supported. An alternative explanation of the effect was discussed in which it is assumed that the first member of a series is perceptually distinct from central members.  相似文献   

Three experiments investigating release from proactive interference were conducted, in which orienting tasks were employed to bias encoding. Following earlier experiments by Bird (1976, 1977), it was expected that release would be observed when tasks were changed after several trials, but only to the extent that the tasks required different processing. Two obviously related nonsemantic tasks were compared in Experiment 1, and no release was obtained. Experiment 2 was a comparison of part-of-speech classification, considered by some to be a nonsemantic task, and of judgments of word pleasantness. The release obtained was sufficiently low to suggest that part-of-speech decisions involve substantial semantic processing. Finally, Experiment 3 employed four tasks, in order to address various questions about task relationships raised in the earlier experiments. Based on the levels of release observed across experiments and the finding that some tasks led to less proactive interference than others, a tentative categorization of tasks was proposed.  相似文献   

Empirical data indicate that when memory for subspan lists of taxonomically related material is tested immediately after study, prior experience with lists involving the same material has no effect upon recall or recognition. In six experiments, we explored the possibility that immunity to proactive interference (PI) is related to discriminative information that is provided by transient phonemic codes. In these experiments, we manipulated the strength of phonemic codes as well as their presence or absence. Immunity to PI was found only when it was presumed that a phonemic representation of the target items existed and that information provided discriminative information. In all other cases, PI was observed. The finding that PI effects correspond with the manipulation of phonemic information in a principled fashion provides strong evidence for the role of phonemic codes in producing short-term PI effects.  相似文献   

Phonemic codes are accorded a privileged role in most current models of immediate serial recall, although their effects are apparent in short-term proactive interference (PI) effects as well. The present research looks at how assumptions concerning distributed representation and distributed storage involving both semantic and phonemic codes might be operationalized to produce PI in a short-term cued recall task. The four experiments reported here attempted to generate the phonemic characteristics of a nonrhyming, interfering foil from unrelated filler items in the same list. PI was observed when a rhyme of the foil was studied or when the three phonemes of the foil were distributed across three studied filler items. The results suggest that items in short-term memory are stored in terms of feature bundles and that all items are simultaneously available at retrieval.  相似文献   

Processes of proactive interference were explored using the pigeon as a model system of memory. This study shows that proactive interference extends back in time at least 16 trials (and as many minutes), revealing a continuum of interference and providing a framework for studying memory. Pigeons were tested in a delayed same/different task containing trial-unique pictures. On interference trials, sample pictures from previous trials reappeared as test pictures on different trials. Proactive-interference functions showed greatest interference from the most recent trial and with the longer of two delays (10 s vs. 1 s). These interference functions are accounted for by a time-estimation model based on signal detection theory. The model predicts that accuracy at test is determined solely by the ratio of the elapsed time since the offset of the current-trial sample to the elapsed time since the offset of the interfering sample. Implications for comparing memory of different species and different types of memory (e.g., familiarity vs. recollection) are discussed.  相似文献   

The success of many mnemonic techniques, such as the method of loci, is based on the use of specific well-known anchors, which are mentally combined with to-be-learned items and subsequently facilitate their retrieval. In our studies we intended to answer the question of whether the repeated application of the method of loci may result in proactive interference effects, as might be expected due to the applied association of items with the same loci each time the method is used. To this end, we manipulated list similarity in a typical proactive interference design and compared the method of loci with the link method and the rehearsal method, which do not involve the use of a specified set of anchors. Our results replicate those from other studies, which have shown that the use of a mnemonic technique leads to superior recall of list items compared to a simple rehearsal strategy. We were further able to show that the repeated learning of items from different categories results in moderate practice effects over three list-learning trials, whereas this effect is superimposed by an effect of proactive interference if different lists are composed of items from the same category. However, this effect of proactive interference was not increased for the method of loci, and we discuss this finding with regard to its practical implications.  相似文献   

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