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J Reis  S Bennett  E Herz  J Gehm 《Adolescence》1988,23(92):847-862
The referral activities of 373 agencies (38.4% of the sample originally polled) are presented with regard to health care, educational, and social services for teenagers residing in a midwestern metropolitan area. Approximately 66% of the responding agencies receive referrals from without and 87% make referrals to other organizations, with counseling and psychiatry, family planning, and general medical care being the most commonly sought services. Social service agencies had the highest volume of referrals and hospitals the lowest. The results of the survey are discussed in terms of the official recommendations made for coordinated services for teenagers, predicted cutbacks in preventive services, and the special needs of adolescents.  相似文献   

School psychologists serving a national, systematic sample of public elementary and secondary schools were surveyed regarding recent referrals. Most referrals were initiated by school staff members (75% of referrals), and the majority occured initially through formal mechanisms (55% of referrals). Most informal requests for assistance or information eventually became, or were thought likely to become, formal referrals. In 92% of cases, the referral agent's initial communication with the psychologist included some designation of what the pupil was doing or not doing that was viewed as problematic. Poor academic performance was of primary concern in 52% of referrals and social/emotional problems in 31%. More boys were referred than girls, and one-half of referrals from the elementary grades involved pupils in grades K-2. Frequency of referral and reason for referral were not independent of pupil's grade or sex. Reason for referral was independent of time of year (October vs. May) and geographical region.  相似文献   

In the last 20 years many multi-objective linear programming (MOLP) methods with continuous variables have been developed. However, in many real-world applications discrete variables must be introduced. It is well known that MOLP problems with discrete variables can have special difficulties and so cannot be solved by simply combining discrete programming methods and multi-objective programming methods. The present paper is intended to review the existing literature on multi-objective combinatorial optimization (MOCO) problems. Various classical combinatorial problems are examined in a multi-criteria framework. Some conclusions are drawn and directions for future research are suggested.  相似文献   

A national survey of behavior modification procedures used by school psychologists is reported. Usable questionnaires were received from 148 (49%) of 300 randomly selected members of the 1982 National Association of School Psychologists directory. Each respondent was asked to indicate the type of exposure, use, and inclusion of data collection procedures for each of 18 commonly used behavioral techniques. Conditional probabilities between type of exposure and use found strong relationships between supervision and subsequent use. The implications for the field of school psychology and future directions for training programs are discussed.  相似文献   

Two-year follow-up data for an ostensibly normal sample of children who had been previously characterized on a number of behavior problem dimensions by their teachers and peers were analyzed. In addition, 1-year follow-up data were presented for a group of extreme behavior children from the same school. The behavior dimensions of Distractibility and Conduct Problem were fairly stable over 2 years for girls and boys. In addition, Inadequacy—Immaturity was stable for girls and may mark more severe behavior problems for young girls. Behavior problems of young girls were more predictive of later achievement difficulties while behavior problems of boys were more prdictive of peer and teacher difficulty. Finally, teacher's clinical judgment was demonstrated to be useful for indexing behavior for hyperactive boys.Portions of this paper were presented at the New England Educational Research Organization Meeting, Provincetown, Massachusetts, May 1975. The authors wish to thank Dr. Raymond Pressman and the teachers of Hillside Elementary School, Niakayuna, New York, for providing valuable assistance in support of this study. This study was supported in part by the Research Foundation of New York, Grant number 020-7315-A.  相似文献   

This article deals with the nature of law-related training in doctoral programs in school psychology. The characteristics of such training efforts are described, and implications for future training activities are discussed.  相似文献   

Predictions of school attendance problems were made for 262 14-yr-old school children on the basis of intelligence, social class and personality (extraversion-introversion) differences. The overall success of prediction was highly significant, though this was achieved largely by one school group alone. The results are discussed in terms of future early identification and therefore prevention of problems.  相似文献   


This paper presents a transcontextual model for intervening with families of underachieving school children. Following a brief review of the literature, the model is presented with specific guidelines for implementation. Finally, the results of a pilot study, using this model, indicate an improvement of general school functioning and of grade point averages in 81.3% of those surveyed in the study.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify different types of neuropsychological test profiles that would predict attention problems at school. Forty-six children with mild developmental disorders, among whom a high frequency of attention deficit disorder (ADD) was expected, were examined just before they started school. The tests were mainly drawn from a new assessment, called NEPSY, and corresponded to the various components of attention. The test profiles were grouped with the aid of a Q-type factor analysis into five subgroups. The test profiles of two of the subgroups were suggestive of attention deficits. The predictions were based on difficulties in tests aimed to evaluate impulse control, sustained attention, and selective attention. As such findings were found in both of the subgroups they were collapsed into one. Half a year later the collapsed subgroups were found to have a higher frequency of attention problems at school than the other three subgroups.This paper is based on part of the first author's doctoral dissertation. The research was supported by the Academy of Finland.  相似文献   

The reliability of assessments at four and six years of age in identifying teacher rated problems in behaviour, concentration, motor skill and school achievement was investigated in a study of first-graders. Relationships between preschool data and school ability tests, and between parents' information at school start and teacher ratings were also studied. Problems noted in preschool and school were often present in more than one area. Multiple problems at four and six years were strong predictors of later school problems, but preschool assessments of separate areas could not in general predict problems in corresponding areas in school. However, cross situational concentration deficits at the age of six did reliably identify concentration problems in the first grade, at the age of seven.  相似文献   

The practice of psychologically re-evaluating students receiving special education services has been mandated by P.L. 94–142 and further operationalized by state departments of education. Intuitively, such a requirement appears sound, for psychologists occasionally make mistakes, children change over time, and efficacy of special education services is variable. Yet given the other mandated practices, such as yearly IEP updates, and the fact that many school psychologists spend a majority of their time testing, we wondered how important three-year psychological re-evaluations are considered by school psychologists. In the present study 40 psychologists across four states were surveyed concerning their perceptions and practices regarding re-evaluations. The psychologists' responses to a 16-item questionnaire indicated that re-evaluations comprised a substantial portion of their evaluations, involved a considerable amount of time, and were perceived as an important check on a child's diagnosis and placement. Re-evaluations and initial evaluations were described as involving nearly identical tests and related activities.  相似文献   

In 1986 Montana adopted a computer-based regression discrepancy model as a best practice for learning disability identification. State school psychologists were surveyed to investigate the model's implementation and differences between routine users and nonusers of the model. Of the respondents (N = 83), 89% reported use of the model, and 62% used the model on a regular basis. Compared with regular use, nonuse of the model was related to less agreement with regression model assumptions (p < .001), lower perception of the model's value (p < .001), greater difficulty in locating input data (p < .001), reading less documentation (p < .01), less improvement in identification skills (p < .01), and working within a larger school district (p < .01). Survey implications for acceptance of best practice procedures and computer-based regression models are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study examined the roles of student perceptions of four aspects of school climate (friction, cohesion, competition among students, and satisfaction with classes) as moderators of the relations between effortful control and subsequent conduct problems and depressive symptoms. Participants were 488 10-to-14-year old students involved in two waves, with one year between each wave, of a study. Hierarchical regression analyses indicated that high levels of perceived friction predicted more subsequent conduct problems and depressive symptoms, even after baseline levels of these problems were partialled out. Low levels of effortful control also elevated risk for subsequent conduct problems. However, perceptions of the school as high in cohesion offset the risk associated with low levels of effortful control. Perceived satisfaction with classes also offset this risk, but only for females. Contrary to expectations, student perceptions of school climate did not interact with effortful control to predict subsequent depressive symptoms.  相似文献   

The preliminary findings are reported of a review of the contents of the British Journal of Psychology 1904–2003 undertaken to mark the journal's centenary. This identifies (a) the top 11 categories of paper published and their patterns of distribution, (b) an apparent change in the nature of papers published after 1983, (c) the overall pattern of category‐introduction, showing a dramatic change in 1965 and (d) a provisional typology of the principal patterns of distribution over time. Major conceptual and practical problems arising in the categorization of papers, and their implications, are discussed. Some reflections are offered on the possible value of research of this kind and on the nature of the journal itself.  相似文献   

Using large-scale survey data from Italy, and England, findings are reported for attitudes to school bullying; specifically the extent to which children expect their teachers, or other children, to intervene in bullying; and the extent to which children either empathise with victims of bullying, or state that they themselves would do something about it. Findings were broadly similar in most respects, in the two countries. Teachers were thought to intervene fairly often, other children more rarely. Most children had sympathetic attitudes and behaviour toward victims of bullying, but a significant minority, including many self-reported bullies, did not. Girls were more empathic to victims than boys, but were not more likely to intervene. The main cultural difference was that older Italian children were more empathic than younger children, with the reverse difference in England. However in both countries, the likelihood of reported intervention was less with older children. The results are discussed in relation to theoretical viewpoints, and practical implications for schools. Aggr. Behav. 23:245–257, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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