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In two experiments, we studied the temporal dynamics of the response time effects of masked visual prime stimuli, as a function of stimulus eccentricity and size. Experiment 1 factorially varied prime-target congruency, eccentricity, and mask-target stimulus onset asynchrony. Early facilitative and late inhibitory effects of congruency were observed at all eccentricities, with temporal dynamics modulated by eccentricity. To test whether this dependence on eccentricity is due to cortical magnification, Experiment 2 varied stimulus size as well. Response inhibition time courses were influenced by size and eccentricity jointly, with no discernible difference when stimuli were matched for cortical magnification. Analysis of the individual time course data revealed that the timescale of inhibition changes with the strength of the cortical representation of the prime stimulus. This imposes constraints on possible models.  相似文献   

This research aimed to investigate the time course effect of a moderate steady-state exercise session on response execution and response inhibition using a stop-task paradigm. Ten participants performed a stop-signal task whilst cycling at a carefully controlled workload intensity (40% of maximal aerobic power), immediately following exercise and 30 min after exercise cessation. Results showed that moderate exercise enhances a subjects’ ability to execute responses under time pressure (shorter Go reaction time, RT without a change in accuracy) but also enhances a subjects’ ability to withhold ongoing motor responses (shorter stop-signal RT). The present outcomes reveal that the beneficial effect of exercise is neither limited to motor response tasks, nor to cognitive tasks performed during exercise. Beneficial effects of exercise remain present on both response execution and response inhibition performance for up to 52 min after exercise cessation.  相似文献   

In studies of exogenous attentional orienting, response times for targets at previously cued locations are often longer than those for targets at previously uncued locations. This effect is known widely as inhibition of return (IOR). There has been debate as to whether IOR can be observed in discrimination as well as detection tasks. The experiments reported here confirm that IOR can be observed when target discrimination is required and that the cue-target interval at which IOR is observed is often longer in discrimination than in detection tasks. The results also demonstrate that the later emergence of IOR is related to perceptual discrimination rather than to response selection differences between discrimination and detection tasks. More difficult discrimination tasks lengthen the SOA at which IOR emerges. In contrast, increasing task difficulty by adding a distractor to the location opposite the target shortens the SOA at which IOR emerges. Together, the results reveal an adaptive interaction between exogenous and endogenous attentional systems, in which the action of the orienting (exogenous) system is modulated endogenously in accord with task demands.  相似文献   

The time course of the adjustments triggered by a warning signal was studied by measuring choice reaction times (RTs) at different predictable foreperiods after such a signal. Before the warning signal, a high time uncertainty situation was created by imposing either a long constant foreperiod of 5 sec. or one varying in the range 1.5 to 5 sec. The warning signal was a click. Foreperiods ranging from 0 to 300 millisec. were used in different blocks of trials. The stimulus was the onset of one of two lamps calling for the pressing of one of two keys. A control condition, without click, was used also. RTs were found to decrease continuously when the forperiod was increased from 0 to 100-150 millisec. The click delivered simultaneously with the stimulus permitted reactions significantly faster than in the control condition. It is concluded (a) that the latency of preparation can be much shorter than the 2 to 4 sec. reported by Woodrow; (b) that the warning signal can be used as a time cue to start preparatory adjustments without starting a refractory period of the order of magnitude found in experiments with pairs of successive reactions, and thus that such refractory periods are not the inevitable cost of paying attention to a signal. There is also some suggestion that in this situation the click not only triggers preparatory adjustments, but also causes an immediate facilitation of the reaction to the visual stimulus.  相似文献   

The time course of picture viewing   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

In reaction time (RT) research on nonspecific preparation, the preparation period is often identified with the foreperiod (FP), the interval between the offset of a neutral warning stimulus (S1) and the onset of the reaction stimulus (S2). However, the “effective preparation period” may be longer than FP: nonspecific preparation may start prior to FP (e.g., at the onset of S1) and/or continue after it (i.e., in parallel with the reaction process). In four experiments, we factorially varied FP and an additional factor (S1-duration; S2-luminance; stimulus–response compatibility) that probed the effective preparation period outside the bounds of FP. By examining how equivalent RT–FP functions obtain at the different levels of the additional factor, we showed that nonspecific preparation (1) starts at the onset of S1 for brief FPs but at its offset for longer FPs and (2) continues in parallel with S2-encoding but stops prior to response selection.  相似文献   

Four experiments examined the effects of encoding time on object identification priming and recognition memory. After viewing objects in a priming phase, participants identified objects in a rapid stream of non-object distracters; display times were gradually increased until the objects could be identified (Experiments 1-3). Participants also made old/new recognition judgments about previously viewed objects (Experiment 4). Reliable priming for object identification occurred with 150 ms of encoding and reached a maximum after about 300 ms of encoding time. In contrast, reliable recognition judgments occurred with 75 ms of encoding and continued to improve for encoding times of up to 1200 ms. These results suggest that recognition memory may be based on multiple levels of object representation, from rapidly activated representations of low-level features to semantic knowledge associated with the object. In contrast, priming in this object identification task may be tied specifically to the activation of representations of object shape.  相似文献   

The impact of mood on effort quantified as autonomic adjustments was investigated in an experiment. The authors induced positive versus negative moods with either 1 of 2 mood induction procedures (music vs. autobiographical recollection) that differed in the extent of required effort. Then participants performed an achievement task after demand appraisals were made. Results were as predicted. During the mood inductions, autonomic reactivity (systolic blood pressure [SBP], diastolic blood pressure, heart rate, skin conductance responses) was stronger in the relatively effortful recollection conditions than in the relatively effortless music conditions. Mood valence had no impact here. But in the context of task performance, the authors found (a) mood congruency effects on the demand appraisals that reflected subjectively higher demand in a negative than in a positive mood, and (b) stronger SBP reactivity in a negative mood compared with a positive mood. Furthermore, SBP reactivity during task performance was correlated with achievement.  相似文献   

The time course of sense creation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

We report the results from five experiments employing a modified version of the short-term visual matching (STVM) method introduced by Driver and Baylis (1996). In STVM, participants see a study display with ambiguous figure-ground relations. After the study display, participants have to decide which of two shapes in a match display was seen before in the study display. STVM has been used by Vecera, Vogel, and Woodman (2002) to demonstrate that the lower region is a figure-ground cue. In our modified version of STVM, the study stimulus was preceded by a brief prime. This caused a biasing of the figural interpretation of the ambiguous figure-ground displays that contained the lower region cue. We show that 100-msec priming with an unambiguous display is enough to affect the subsequent interpretation of the ambiguous figure-ground display. It takes maximally 350 msec to complete a transition from the nondominant interpretation to the dominant interpretation of an ambiguous figure-ground display that contains the lower region cue.  相似文献   

Stimuli caused by actions (i.e., effects) are perceived earlier than stimuli not caused by actions. This phenomenon is termed intentional binding (IB) and serves as implicit measure of sense of agency. We investigated the influence of effect delay and temporal predictability on IB, operationalized as the bias to perceive the effect as temporally shifted toward the action. For short delays, IB increased with delay (Experiment 1: 200 ms, 250 ms, 300 ms). The initial increase declined for longer delays (Experiment 2: 100 ms, 250 ms, 400 ms). This extends previous findings showing IB to decrease with increasing delays for delay ranges of 250 ms to 650 ms. Further, the hypothesis that IB, that is, sense of agency, might be maximal for different delays depending on the specific characteristics and context of action and effect, has important implications for human-machine interfaces.  相似文献   

Withdrawal symptoms following cessation of heavy cannabis (marijuana) use have been reported, yet their time course and clinical importance have not been established. A 50-day outpatient study assessed 18 marijuana users during a 5-day smoking-as-usual phase followed by a 45-day abstinence phase. Parallel assessment of 12 ex-users was obtained. A withdrawal pattern was observed for aggression, anger, anxiety, decreased appetite, decreased body weight, irritability, restlessness, shakiness, sleep problems, and stomach pain. Onset typically occurred between Days 1-3, peak effects between Days 2-6, and most effects lasted 4-14 days. The magnitude and time course of these effects appeared comparable to tobacco and other withdrawal syndromes. These effects likely contribute to the development of dependence and difficulty stopping use. Criteria for cannabis withdrawal are proposed.  相似文献   

Most models of serial recall postulate that recalled items are suppressed and thus temporarily rendered unavailable. Response suppression can explain several results, for example the small number of erroneous repetitions and people's reluctance to report repeated items. Although it is clear that response suppression is not permanent (thus permitting renewed recall of an item on the next trial), nothing is known about its time course. We report two experiments that measured the time course of response suppression with a multiple cued-retrieval response-deadline method. Emphasis was on the extent of repetition inhibition for lists that contained a repeated item. Regardless of whether presentation was rapid (Experiment 1; 150 ms/item) or slow (Experiment 2; 500 ms/item), (a) the standard pattern of repetition inhibition and erroneous repetitions occurred and (b) repetition inhibition remained constant across increasing retrieval time. This suggests that the release from response suppression is a discrete, list-wide effect rather than a continuous, gradual wearing off. The latter conclusion is consistent with the operation of the SOB model (Farrell & Lewandowsky, 2002) but not with models that postulate complete suppression with gradual wearing off.  相似文献   

Most models of serial recall postulate that recalled items are suppressed and thus temporarily rendered unavailable. Response suppression can explain several results, for example the small number of erroneous repetitions and people's reluctance to report repeated items. Although it is clear that response suppression is not permanent (thus permitting renewed recall of an item on the next trial), nothing is known about its time course. We report two experiments that measured the time course of response suppression with a multiple cued‐retrieval response‐deadline method. Emphasis was on the extent of repetition inhibition for lists that contained a repeated item. Regardless of whether presentation was rapid (Experiment 1; 150 ms/item) or slow (Experiment 2; 500 ms/item), (a) the standard pattern of repetition inhibition and erroneous repetitions occurred and (b) repetition inhibition remained constant across increasing retrieval time. This suggests that the release from response suppression is a discrete, list‐wide effect rather than a continuous, gradual wearing off. The latter conclusion is consistent with the operation of the SOB model () but not with models that postulate complete suppression with gradual wearing off.  相似文献   

Recent studies have demonstrated that orienting of attention in response to nonpredictive gaze cues arises rapidly and automatically, in a similar fashion to peripheral sudden onset cueing. However, while peripheral cues consistently elicit inhibition of return (IOR) at about 300 ms following cue onset, very little is known about inhibition effects in response to gaze cues. The present experiments systematically examined the conditions under which IOR arises with such cues. Reliable inhibition effects were obtained. Importantly, IOR emerged only at long cue-target intervals and only when a second cue actively triggered attention away from the cued location. This suggests that compared to sudden onset cueing, gaze cueing results in both prolonged facilitation and a delayed onset of inhibition processes. Thus, although both types of cues elicit very similar orienting effects in terms of their basic behavioural outcomes, there are more subtle differences between gaze and peripheral cues with respect to the maintenance and quality of those cueing effects across time.  相似文献   

Four experiments investigated the memory distortions for the location of a dot in relation to two horizontally aligned landmarks. In Experiment 1, participants reproduced from memory a dot location with respect to the two landmarks. Their performance showed a systematic pattern of distortion that was consistent across individual participants. The three subsequent experiments investigated the time course of spatial memory distortions. Using a visual discrimination task, we were able to map the emergence of spatial distortions within the first 800 msec of the retention interval. After retention intervals as brief as 50 msec, a distortion was already present. In all but one experiment, the distortion increased with longer retention intervals. This early onset of spatial memory distortions might reflect the almost immediate decay of detailed spatial information and the early influence of an enduring spatial memory representation, which encodes spatial information in terms of the perceived structure of space.  相似文献   

Several studies have demonstrated that as listeners hear sentences describing events in a scene, their eye movements anticipate upcoming linguistic items predicted by the unfolding relationship between scene and sentence. While this may reflect active prediction based on structural or contextual expectations, the influence of local thematic priming between words has not been fully examined. In Experiment 1, we presented verbs (e.g., arrest) in active (Subject–Verb–Object) sentences with displays containing verb-related patients (e.g., crook) and agents (e.g., policeman). We examined patient and agent fixations following the verb, after the agent role had been filled by another entity, but prior to bottom-up specification of the object. Participants were nearly as likely to fixate agents “anticipatorily” as patients, even though the agent role was already filled. However, the patient advantage suggested simultaneous influences of both local priming and active prediction. In Experiment 2, using passive sentences (Object–Verb–Subject), we found stronger, but still graded influences of role prediction when more time elapsed between verb and target, and more syntactic cues were available. We interpret anticipatory fixations as emerging from constraint-based processes that involve both non-predictive thematic priming and active prediction.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the allocation of attention during the preparation of saccadic eye movements was studied in a dual task paradigm. As the primary task, participants had to perform a saccade to letter-like items arranged on a clock face. The secondary task was a 2AFC discrimination task in which a discrimination target (DT) ('E' or '3') was presented among distractors, either at the saccade goal, or at a spatially separate, precued location. In the first experiment, the position of the DT was kept constant within an experimental block, while the saccade target location varied. In the second experiment, the location of the DT was varied while the saccade target remained the same within a block. The data demonstrate that attentional dynamics differs between the experiments--attention can shift to the saccade goal early or late during the saccade preparation period, depending on the task. Immediately before saccade onset, however, discrimination performance at the location of the saccade target is always superior to other locations, arguing for a strict and selective coupling between saccade preparation and attention.  相似文献   

Studies in change blindness re-enforce the suggestion that veridical, pictorial representations that survive multiple relocations of gaze are unlikely to be generated in the visual system. However, more abstract information may well be extracted and represented by the visual system. In this paper we study the types of information that are retained and the time courses over which these representations are constructed when participants view complex natural scenes. We find that such information is retained and that the resultant abstract representations encode a range of information. Different types of information are extracted and represented over different time courses. After several seconds of viewing natural scenes, our visual system is able to construct a complex information-rich representation.  相似文献   

Background. The positive relation between course grades and student ratings of course satisfaction is well established but controversy continues concerning the magnitude, interpretation, and implications of this association. Aims. This study examined the within course relations of a set of variables often implicated as potential contributors to the grade‐student rating relation. Sample. Two‐hundred and twenty students enrolled in an internet‐based university course. Method. Measures of course mastery and performance goals, expected grades, course effort, cumulative GPA, and final course grade were prospectively collected. The dependent variable was a global measure of course satisfaction obtained at the end of the semester. Results. A path model fit the data very well and all study variables directly or indirectly predicted course satisfaction. Grades had a moderately strong effect, half of which was independent of other model variables. Adjusting for all model variables, students high on mastery course goals evaluated the course more positively whereas students high on performance goals provided less favourable evaluations. Conclusions. Students can assess the same course and instructor in different ways depending upon such factors as their degree of success, their motivations for taking the course, and the amount of effort invested. Course satisfaction, then, can be substantially influenced by factors loosely or unrelated to course or teacher effectiveness.  相似文献   

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