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时间认知的脑机制研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
从神经心理学和脑成像2个领域综述了有关时间认知脑机制的研究。神经心理学及脑损伤的研究结果表明小脑可能与内部时钟功能有关,前额叶可能调节时间认知中的注意过程。PET和fMRI脑成象研究结果显示,基底神经节、小脑和前额叶在所有的计时作业中都被激活。ERP的研究结果还证实,时间信息加工和非时间信息加工存在时间历程上的差异,并且时间信息加工还存在的显著半球优势效应。因此基底神经节、小脑和前额叶可能是时间认知的主要脑机制,但由于研究材料、方法和程序的不同,大脑皮层的广泛区域都有可能参与时间信息的加工。  相似文献   

周蔚 《心理科学进展》2017,(10):1656-1663
以往的研究者主要采用单词系列呈现的实验范式对词、句子和篇章等材料进行阅读脑成像研究。针对近年来使用自然阅读范式的功能磁共振(fMRI)研究进行分析,建议在该范式下使用脑-眼动同步记录的方式,并介绍了基于注视编码的fMRI数据分析原理。新的范式和技术提高了fMRI研究的生态效度,有利于对阅读中眼动加工的脑机制进行探索,是相关研究的新趋势。未来需要在自然阅读fMRI实验中结合实验设计及其他技术以克服时间分辨率低的问题,同时要注意探讨阅读和眼动脑区的关系。  相似文献   

周广方  金花 《心理科学进展》2023,(11):2078-2091
精准功能磁共振成像(precision functional magnetic resonance imaging, pfMRI)是指在单个个体中收集大量fMRI数据的一种数据采集策略,相较于传统fMRI研究中针对每个被试采集少量数据,之后通过组平均揭示认知过程的脑功能规律或是特定人群共享的脑功能特征的方法,该方法的优势在于能够揭示每个个体的大脑特征,因此日益受到研究者的重视和应用。迄今为止,众多研究采用该方法从功能网络组织的个体差异、个体识别、局部区域的功能定位、个体网络枢纽的识别、个体功能网络的发展与可塑性和临床应用六个角度系统揭示了个体化的脑功能网络组织,这些研究成果对未来脑科学研究具有重要启发。未来研究应该重点探讨现有研究所揭示的个体功能网络组织特点与行为表现的关系,通过对数据分析和成像技术的改进减少该方法所需的扫描时间,并尝试将该方法应用到任务态fMRI和多模态数据的融合研究中。  相似文献   

小脑与发展性阅读障碍   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
发展性阅读障碍是学龄儿童面临的学习问题之一。近年来,许多行为和神经生理学、影像学实验都发现,发展性阅读障碍的儿童有明显的运动功能失调,如平衡性差、身体灵敏度不够以及自动化水平低。Nicolson等人提出的小脑理论认为,阅读障碍者的小脑功能失调影响了书写及发音,导致语音及阅读能力不足,而且小脑与时间控制有关,阅读障碍者的时间估计能力有缺陷与他们的小脑功能失调有关。本文回顾了有关小脑理论的研究,并指出小脑的认知功能还有待进一步的研究。  相似文献   

魏柳青  张学民 《心理科学进展》2019,27(12):2007-2018
多目标追踪任务是研究动态场景中视觉注意加工机制常用的范式。自1998年开始对多目标追踪神经机制的影像学研究以来, 研究者采用ERP和fMRI等技术对多目标注意追踪所涉及的神经电生理活动和脑功能区激活方面开展了大量研究。ERP研究发现, 追踪过程持续的ERP脑电成分如N2pc、CDA的波幅与注意追踪负荷有关, 并且出现在目标与非目标上的探测刺激诱发的脑电成分如N1、P1波幅的差异可反映注意资源的分配, 具体为目标在追踪过程中得到了激活, 而非目标受到了抑制。fMRI研究比较一致地发现了顶叶(包括前顶内沟、后顶内沟、顶上小叶)、背外侧额叶皮层等在注意追踪中的强烈激活。其中顶内沟主要与注意负荷有关, 顶内沟的活动水平直接决定了观察者注意追踪的行为表现。而顶上小叶可能更多的负责注意转移。背外侧额叶皮层可能负责追踪时的感觉运动预测过程。  相似文献   

国外事件相关功能磁共振成像研究概况   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
何华  张武田 《心理科学》2001,24(6):729-730
尽管正电子放射层描(Positron Emission Tomography,PET)在过去的15年中是主要的脑成像技术,但最近几年,功能磁共振成像(functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging,fM-RI)在认知神经科学中所具有的优势已超过PET。因为,相对于PET,fMRI具有如下优势:1)不需注射放射性同位素的无损伤成像;2)有较好的时、空问分辨率。fMRI已迅速成为研究行为神经基础的一种有力的技术工具。本文将介绍  相似文献   

左巍 《心理科学》1999,22(3):279-280
小脑是运动调节的重要中枢,除随意性技巧运动外,还与调节姿势、肌紧张和维持身体平衡有关。近年来,小脑的非运动功能倍受关注,并得到深人研究。1小脑非运动功能的解剖学基础人类小脑具有三对核团:中位核,顶核和齿状核。其中齿状核在种属进化过程中体积明显增大,其...  相似文献   

近年来,人们逐渐认识到小脑的非运动功能,就有关小脑的非运动功能研究进展进行了概述,并指出深入研究小脑的非运动功能对于认识脑功能具有重要意义。  相似文献   

发展性阅读障碍(下文简称为"阅读障碍")不仅会影响个人的终身发展,还会对社会造成沉重的经济负担,深入探讨相关的神经机制,对实现阅读障碍的早期预测和干预十分重要。以往关于阅读障碍神经机制的模型多集中于大脑,近些年的研究发现,阅读障碍也与小脑异常有关,但到目前为止我们仍不清楚两者的关系。通过总结最新的研究进展,我们发现小脑在阅读障碍中可能发挥着多种功能,且小脑异常与阅读障碍可能互为因果。在此基础之上,我们提出了"阅读中小脑与大脑的功能映射假说",旨在从一个全新的角度揭示小脑与阅读的关系,以及两者与大脑的关系。相关内容对全面揭示阅读障碍的神经机制,以及小脑在高级认知加工中的作用,具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

近年来,人们逐渐认识到小脑的非运动功能,就有关小脑的非运动功能研究进展进行了概述,并指出深入研究小脑的非运动功能对于认识脑功能具有重要意义.  相似文献   

The search for the neural substrates mediating the incremental acquisition of skilled motor behaviors has been the focus of a large body of animal and human studies in the past decade. Much less is known, however, with regard to the dynamic neural changes that occur in the motor system during the different phases of learning. In this paper, we review recent findings, mainly from our own work using fMRI, which suggest that: (i) the learning of sequential finger movements produces a slowly evolving reorganization within primary motor cortex (M1) over the course of weeks and (ii) this change in M1 follows more dynamic, rapid changes in the cerebellum, striatum, and other motor-related cortical areas over the course of days. We also briefly review neurophysiological and psychophysical evidence for the consolidation of motor skills, and we propose a working hypothesis of its underlying neural substrate in motor sequence learning.  相似文献   

In a previous functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study we demonstrated an involvement of the medial temporal lobe (MTL) during an implicit learning task. We concluded that the MTL was engaged because of the complex contingencies that were implicitly learned. In addition, the basal ganglia demonstrated effects of a paralleled proceduralization of fixed stimulus-response associations. In the present study we directly tested the hypothesis that the MTL activation depends upon implementing the complex regularity in task material, whereas activation of basal ganglia does not. Therefore, we rearranged task material such that it did not contain any complex regularity. The statistical comparison of behavioral and fMRI data between the materials allowed for isolating effects that were directly related to the implicit learning process regarding the complex regularity. The results showed a reliable difference of fMRI signal limited to the MTL, indicating a specific functional role of the MTL in implicit learning of complex contingencies. Furthermore, no difference of BOLD (Blood-Oxygenation Level Dependent) signal in the basal ganglia and cerebellum were detected, supporting the assumption of a functional involvement of the structures in proceduralization of simple stimulus-response associations but not in implicitly learning complex relations. We therefore conclude that the nature of the learned associations is relevant for determining the neuronal focus of learning, rather than the accompanying awareness.  相似文献   

The past decade has seen the emergence of neuroimaging studies of infant populations. Incorporating imaging has resulted in invaluable insights about neurodevelopment at the start of life. However, little has been enquired of the experimental specifications and study characteristics of typical findings. This review systematically screened empirical studies that used electroencephalography (EEG), magnetoencephalography (MEG), functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) on infants (max. age of 24 months). From more than 21,000 publications, a total of 710 records were included for analyses. With the exception of EEG studies, infant studies with MEG, fNIRS, and fMRI were most often conducted around birth and at 12 months. The vast majority of infant studies came from North America, with very few studies conducted in Africa, certain parts of South America, and Southeast Asia. Finally, longitudinal neuroimaging studies were inclined to adopt EEG, followed by fMRI, fNIRS, and MEG. These results show that there is compelling need for studies with larger sample sizes, studies investigating a broader range of infant developmental periods, and studies from under- and less-developed regions in the world. Addressing these shortcomings in the future will provide a more representative and accurate understanding of neurodevelopment in infancy.  相似文献   

This article presents fMRI evidence bearing on dual-mechanism versus connectionist theories of inflectional morphology. Ten participants were scanned at 4 Tesla as they covertly generated the past tenses of real and nonce (nonword) verbs presented auditorily. Regular past tenses (e.g., walked, wugged) and irregular past tenses (e.g., took, slept) produced similar patterns of activation in the posterior temporal lobe in both hemispheres. In contrast, there was greater activation in left and right inferior frontal gyrus for regular past tenses than for irregular past tenses. Similar previous results have been taken as evidence for the dual-mechanism theory of the past tense (Pinker & Ullman, 2002). However, additional analyses indicated that irregulars that were phonologically similar to regulars (e.g., slept, fled, sold) produced the same level of activation as did regulars, and significantly more activation than did irregulars that were not phonologically similar to regulars (e.g., took, gave). Thus, activation patterns were predicted by phonological characteristics of the past tense rather than by the rule-governed versus exception distinction that is central to the dual-mechanism framework. The results are consistent with a constraint satisfaction model in which phonological, semantic, and other probabilistic constraints jointly determine the past tense, with different degrees of involvement for different verbs.  相似文献   

The traditional view on the cerebellum as the sole coordinator of motor function has been substantially redefined during the past decades. Neuroanatomical, neuroimaging and clinical studies have extended the role of the cerebellum to the modulation of cognitive and affective processing. Neuroanatomical studies have demonstrated cerebellar connectivity with the supratentorial association areas involved in higher cognitive and affective functioning, while functional neuroimaging and clinical studies have provided evidence of cerebellar involvement in a variety of cognitive and affective tasks. This paper reviews the recently acknowledged role of the cerebellum in linguistic and related cognitive and behavioral–affective functions. In addition, typical cerebellar syndromes such as the cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome (CCAS) and the posterior fossa syndrome (PFS) will be briefly discussed and the current hypotheses dealing with the presumed neurobiological mechanisms underlying the linguistic, cognitive and affective modulatory role of the cerebellum will be reviewed.  相似文献   

During the decade following a functional neuroimaging study of language that showed cerebellar involvement in a cognitive task, PET and fMRI studies have continued to provide evidence that the role of the cerebellum extends beyond that of motor control and that this structure contributes in some way to cognitive operations. In this review, we describe neuroimaging evidence for cerebellar involvement in working memory, implicit and explicit learning and memory, and language, and we discuss some of the problems and limitations faced by researchers who use neuroimaging to investigate cerebellar function. We also raise a set of outstanding questions that need to be addressed through further neuroimaging and behavioral experiments before differing functional accounts of cerebellar involvement in cognition can be resolved.  相似文献   

Using resting-state fMRI, this study investigated long-term ice-skating training related changes in elite ice-skating athletes and compared them to healthy age-matched non-athletes under resting-state conditions. Significant differences were found in both structural and functional plasticity. Specifically, elite ice-skating athletes showed higher gray matter volume in the posterior cerebellum, frontal lobe, temporal lobe, posterior cingulate, caudate, and thalamus. The functional plasticity changes were primarily concentrated in the posterior cerebellar lobe. Additionally, stronger connectivity between the posterior cerebellar lobe and fusiform gyrus was also found in elite ice-skating athletes. Overall, the results are consistent with other studies that concluded long-term professional motor skill training can cause structural and functional plasticity in the regions of the brain related to motor planning, execution, and supervision. Both structural plasticity and functional plasticity are primarily enhanced in the posterior cerebellum. These changes may be related to the outstanding capability of speed and coordination caused by long-term ice-skating training. Present results add new evidence and may help us to understand the neural mechanisms of long-term motor skill training.  相似文献   

功能磁共振技术在表象研究中得到广泛应用是表象研究追求客观化精确性的必然趋势。本文介绍了功能磁共振多变量模式分析方法及其演变历程,探讨了借助该方法实现“视觉表象可视化”的理论依据与亟待解决的关键问题。分析指出“视觉表象可视化”将为表象研究提供全新的研究视角与方法途径。  相似文献   

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