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This essay examines the life and work of early socialist thinker Anna Doyle Wheeler, who, with the Owenite theorist William Thompson, was author of The Appeal of One Half the Human Race, Women, Against the Pretentions of the Other Half, Men … (1825). In analyzing her thought, I employ a typological model for the development of a feminist consciousness proposed by Michèle Riot-Sarcey and Eleni Varikas (1986). These authors posit three types of a feminist “pariah” consciousness: 1) exceptional woman feminism 2) subversive feminism, and 3) collective feminism. Within this framework Anna Wheeler falls between positions one and two; she was an exceptional or token woman who nevertheless advocated subversive feminist doctrines of radical change, including calls for collective female action (in which she nonetheless did not participate). The essay ends with a discussion of Wheeler's relationship to William Thompson as example of woman's traditional access to philosophy, that is, through a male mentor.  相似文献   

During the intense philosophical and theological renaissance of the Russian Silver Age, the German Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa (1401–1464) received a unique appraisal in the work of Semyon Liudwigovich Frank (1877–1950), hailed by some as ‘the greatest Russian philosopher’. This paper will show that five of Frank's central philosophical arguments can be traced directly to Cusa's writings. Once these key arguments are taken together with Frank's own comments about Cusa, it can be concluded that Frank saw himself as Cusa's modern successor, presenting his ideas in a different intellectual context. In this sense, we can speak of Frank as the ‘Russian Cusanus’. The arguments in question include Cusa's docta ignorantia, our knowledge of being, the recognition of absolute being as ‘non-other’, the identity of possibility and actuality in the absolute, and finally the coincidentia oppositorum.  相似文献   

This article is a detailing of the limited information available regarding the personal life of Frank Parsons, who is credited with founding the career counseling specialization of modern day professional counseling as well as all professional counseling and the related fields of vocational psychology and counseling psychology in the early 1900s. This article presents information on Frank Parsons's physical appearance; character and personality; quirks, eccentricities, and prejudices; traumatic events in his life; and personal relationships and, in that context, a possible defined sexual orientation.  相似文献   

The Albert Ellis Institute founded in 1959 by Dr. Albert Ellis is the bedrock where Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT) was born. During these 55 years the Institute has become the neuralgic center from where REBT develops and disseminates trough the affiliated international centers all over the world. Nowadays it is chartered by the University of the State of New York and it has a professional team directed by Dr. Kristene Doyle deeply committed to promote emotional health spreading REBT, a short-term therapy with long-term results. Dr. Kristene Doyle talks about her experience in the Institute under Dr. Ellis mentorship and also about the current activities in the Institute and the plans for the future.  相似文献   

Christopher Dawson (born 1889), a Catholic scholar and renowned philosophical historian, spent his academic life exploring the relationship of religion, sociology and culture. He believed that without an understanding of religion it is impossible to comprehend the culture of humanity or peoples. His magisterial work, Religion and Culture, established him as an historian's historian. He ended his days as Professor of Roman Catholic Studies at Harvard Divinity School, the first Catholic to occupy a chair there.  相似文献   

Nowadays there is a renewed interest in philosophy as art-of-living. Several prominent authors have pointed out the return of the notion of the good life in philosophy, particularly understood as a form of normative ethics. Questions such as: how should I live have been taken up as a resistance against the dominances of a neo-liberal discourse in all areas of life. This paper is concerned with this renewed interest in philosophy as art-of-living and the form of education that supports this. The main idea is that the commitment from which we live is a subject of change. This way, art-of-living comprises the possibility and the effort to lead on’s life in a reflective way, and not to let it simply go by. Historically this has been connected to the process of becoming educated. In this paper I will take a closer look at this renewed interest in philosophy as the art-of-living by contrasting two different readings of philosophy as the art-of-living. One that is inspired by Oscar Brenifier and one that is inspired by the late Foucault.  相似文献   

Ellis et al. (2012) bring an evolutionary perspective to bear on adolescent risky behavioral development, clinical practice, and public policy. The authors offer important insights that (a) some risky behaviors may be adaptive for the individual and the species by being hard-wired due to fitness benefits and (b) interventions might be more successful if they move with, rather than against, the natural tendencies of an adolescent. Ellis and colleagues criticize the field of developmental psychopathology, but we see the 2 fields as complementary. Their position would be enhanced by integrating it with contemporary perspectives on dynamic cascades through which normative behavior turns into genuinely maladaptive outcomes, dual processes in adolescent neural development, and adolescent decision making. Finally, they rightly note that innovation is needed in interventions and policies toward adolescent problem behavior.  相似文献   

Writing a study of psychologist David Boder's 1946 displaced persons (DP) interview project gave me a chance to further document the substantial early response to the Holocaust. This was clearly one important piece of my study, and one that was eminently straightforward. Yet much of the research on Boder's project at the point in time that I carried it out was elliptical, partly because the primary interview materials were coming to light at an astonishing pace, partly because the archive collections were virtually untapped, and partly because of the misconception of Boder and his interview project itself.  相似文献   


The text of the ‘Summary’ of 1523, which forms the basis of this article, has been exhaustively studied in biographies of Bucer, and its theological content has been analysed considerably. I would like to approach it with a question which can appear a little strange. In the years 1522-23, if a Christian layman or woman embraced or shaped themselves to the reforming message of the preacher Martin Bucer, what would that have meant for them in concrete terms in their everyday life? Such a questioning obviously carries with it the risk of too great a subjectivity. I admit this and I accept it. For, on occasions, the reformer himself uses the expression of the Christian life (pp. 100, 13), of life totally centred in Christ, ‘volkommen christlich Leben’ (pp. 116, 21). Here is the result of researches yet to be completed. This research also needs to be measured against texts from Bucer which stem from his mature years.1  相似文献   

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