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The author extended the proposition (V. J. Derlega, R. J. Lewis, S. Harrison, B. A. Winstead, & R. Costanza, 1989) that the fear of being seen as homosexual accounts for the common finding that U.S. women engage in more same-sex touch than do U.S. men. The author proposed a theoretic model positing that the magnitude of homophobia's influence on behavior and on reactions to behavior is proportional to the likelihood that the behavior is sexual in nature. An experiment involving reactions to same-sex embraces demonstrated that, although homophobia was negatively related to evaluations of same-sex affectionate touch, the magnitude of the relationship covaried with the probability that the touch was sexual. The implications of these findings for longer range theory development are discussed.  相似文献   

In this essay, I review Matthew Fulkerson's The First Sense: A Philosophical Study of the Sense of Touch. In this first philosophical book on the sense of touch, Fulkerson provides an account of the nature and content of tactual experience. Central to Fulkerson's view is the claim that exploratory action plays a fundamental role in touch. In this review, I put pressure on two of his arguments: (1) the argument that tactual experience is unisensory and (2) the argument that tactual experience does not depend on explicit bodily awareness.  相似文献   

This paper is an exploratory study based on interviews with four psycho-analytically-oriented therapists who touched their patients. It examines how the therapists and their patients conceptualized their experience. The therapists reported that the decision to touch, in the five cases presented here, was guided by the specific needs of their patients and their patient's circumstances rather than by their orientation and their overall attitude towards touch. Positive outcomes are reported in four out of the five cases. For these patients touch provided safety, grounded them in the here and now, promoted growth, integration and differentiation, and assuaged pain. In one case the outcome of touch for the patient is not known. Results are discussed in light of the literature on the use of touch.  相似文献   

从概念界定角度看控制感研究中的问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在目前关于“控制感”的研究中,概念界定一直是困扰许多研究者的问题。研究从控制源、自我效能感两个概念出发,阐述控制感概念与两者之间存在区别,包含更多的内容,提出控制感概念界定可以从方向和强度上予以考虑,并将控制感定义为:个体相信自己能够影响事件地进行而获得所期望结果的程度,而且这种影响是由个体自己而非外界的因素来决定的。概念的清晰界定对于今后控制感的测量和理论发展有着较大的益处。  相似文献   


We aimed to investigate the effect of external load on the joint position sense (JPS) accuracy and its relation to the target jump height. The present study also aimed to explore the relationship between force sense (FS) and maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC). Participants’ MVIC levels were determined during the 45-degree knee extension task. Then, participants were asked to execute a knee JPS task with external load (EL-JPS) and with no-load (EL-JPS). To assess jumping accuracy participants were instructed to jump with their 50% of maximum jump height. Results indicated that EL-JPS error values were lower than NL-JPS. EL-JPS was correlated to jumping errors. However, the relationship between NL-JPS and jumping errors was not significant. A significant correlation was found between MVIC and FS errors.  相似文献   

获得感是一个具有心理内涵与时代特色的新生概念。为了探究获得感的结构内涵,通过自由联想法形成量表的初始项目,先后进行两次预测并根据结果修订量表。然后对量表进行正式施测并检验其信效度,同时采用中文版生活满意度量表和幸福倾向量表进行效标效度检验。结果显示,中国人的获得感是个体对获取自身需求满足的内容、实现途径与所需条件的认知评价以及在此过程中的心理体验,包括获得体验、获得环境、获得内容、获得途径和获得分享五个维度。信效度分析表明,编制的中国人获得感量表符合心理测量学的标准,可用于相关的社会心理研究与应用。  相似文献   

Although some counselors have advocated for the limited use of touch in counseling, others have argued that touch has no place within the counseling relationship. Despite the controversy, the use of touch has been shown to have a number of therapeutic benefits; however, there are few ethical decision‐making models that are appropriate for considering the use of touch in counseling. The authors discuss the controversy surrounding the use of touch and the benefits/contraindications of touch. The 5 ethical principles of counseling are also examined; a new ordering of the principles is presented as a useful ethical decision‐making model when considering the use of touch in counseling.  相似文献   

选取恋爱中的青年,探讨触摸类型、依恋和嫉妒的关系。实验1选取50名大学生,采用想象情境范式,探究触摸类型(分为“无触摸、脸部触摸和腰部触摸”三种条件)对嫉妒的影响。选择害怕、生气、尴尬、性唤起、悲伤和妒忌作为测量指标。结果显示,三种条件下嫉妒情绪无显著差异。实验2选取113名青年,将无触摸条件分为远距离和近距离两种,进一步探讨触摸类型、依恋和嫉妒的关系。依恋的测量选用亲密关系经验问卷,分为焦虑、回避两个维度。结果发现:(1)在远距离无触摸条件下,依恋焦虑和悲伤、害怕、妒忌、生气正相关;(2)近距离无触摸条件下,依恋回避和悲伤、妒忌、生气负相关;(3)脸部触摸条件下,依恋焦虑和害怕、性唤起正相关。总的来看,爱情依恋对嫉妒情绪的影响受到触摸类型的调节。  相似文献   

This study examines the association between sense of divine involvement and sense of meaning in life. Then it proceeds to assess how this association varies by religious tradition. Using a random and national sample from the 2007 Baylor Religion Survey, this study finds that sense of divine involvement is associated with greater odds of having a sense of meaning in life. In addition, religious affiliation modifies this association. Specifically, the positive association between sense of divine involvement and the odds of having a sense of meaning in life is observed only among evangelical Protestants, mainline Protestants, and Catholics, but not among other religionists and religious nones. I discuss how the results make contributions to knowledge about the link between religious beliefs, religious tradition, and mental health.  相似文献   

This article proposes that when we speak of “the self,” reference is being made to the person and not to a homunculus that is located in a person's psyche; when we speak of the sense of self, we are referring to the person's mental activities, whether these are consciously, nonconsciously, or unconsciously experienced. It suggests that central to our understanding of our mental activities is an evolutionary perspective; in particular, the recognition process that permits us either to adapt to our environment or to reshape our environment to make it conform to our survival needs. Finally, it delineates some of the components and attributes of the sense of self that describe its major dynamics. These are discussed within the context of the three levels of analysis: the neuropsychological, the introspective, and the interpersonal domains.  相似文献   

1987~2008年我国安全感研究现状的文献计量学分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对收录在中国期刊网上的274条安全感文章题录(1979~2008年)进行计量学分析,结果表明:1)安全感研究呈逐年增长的趋势;2)发表的期刊比较广泛,心理学类期刊、社会类期刊、医学类期刊及各院校的学报上都有涉及;3)研究主要考察整个社会群体,并且已经涉及到如学生、企业员工和患者等群体;4)研究领域主要集中在安全感的相关因素;5)合作研究已经成为安全感研究的研究趋势;6)研究论文总体上的项目资助力度还不够;7)普通高校特别是高等师范院校是进行科研的主要机构。  相似文献   

从具身认知的角度探索了中国文化中的宣誓动作与诚信概念之间的关系,并进一步探讨了做出宣誓的动作后,是否会影响大学生被试的诚信感.结果发现:(1)被试看到做宣誓动作的人会更容易联想到这个人具有诚信的特质;(2)做出宣誓动作后的被试能够体验到更高的诚信感.结论:宣誓动作与诚信概念之间存在无意识的自动化连结,做出宣誓的动作能够...  相似文献   

近期研究显示,早期亲子触觉经验和个体的社会性发展存在密切联系。关于这种联系产生的原因,已有研究多从神经科学的角度,探讨CT传入神经(C-tactile afferents)及有关环路在其间可能起到的作用。基于已有文献,本文将提出一个综合模型,系统阐述背后涉及的心理机制,着重论证亲子关系、个体探索行为以及与之关联的心理成分在其间扮演的角色,并在此基础上从研究设计的局限、有关变量关系的多元性以及未来可拓展方向对该领域研究进行进一步讨论和展望。  相似文献   

情景信息加工是情景知觉研究领域内的核心问题。然而,不同的研究者对"情景信息"的界定并不相同。在过去80多年的时间里对情景信息的界定先后经历了研究者主观确定、观察者评估、基于情景物理特征的计算模拟等方法。Itti和Baldi等人通过比较先验概率和后验概率之间的差异,提出了"惊奇"理论。文章介绍了真实情景知觉研究中"惊奇"理论的应用及进展,并指出"惊奇"算法的拓展及界定、情景知觉过程中的注意转换与"惊奇"的关系,以及社会情景知觉中的"惊奇"应用可能是未来相关领域需要进一步探索的问题。  相似文献   

青少年心理一致感水平及其与应付方式的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘俊升  周颖  包蕾萍  桑标 《心理科学》2006,29(5):1107-1110
本研究以265名高中生为被试,探讨青少年心理一致感发展的特点以及与应付方式的关系。研究结果表明,(1)被试在心理一致感发展水平上存在显著的年级差异;(2)三个年级被试的应付方式存在显著的差异;(3)被试心理一致感水平与问题解决、求助两种应付方式存在显著的正相关;(4)被试心理一致感水平与自责、幻想、退避、合理化四种应付方式存在显著的负相关。高心理一致感个体在压力调节上倾向于采用成熟而积极的应付方式。本研究从压力应对的过程角度分析心理一致感与应付方式之间的关系。  相似文献   

本研究采用《幼儿数感测评量表》对26名自闭症谱系障碍(autism spectrum disorders,ASD)幼儿、20名智力障碍幼儿及32名正常幼儿进行数感能力测评,并比较三组幼儿的数感特点。结果发现:(1)ASD幼儿的数感整体和各维度水平均显著低于正常幼儿,但与智力障碍幼儿相当;(2)三组幼儿数感各维度水平在5~7岁之间无明显变化;(3)三组幼儿在数量比较、数量估算和大小比较的能力水平均领先于其他维度,而类比推理和大小推理均相对落后。另外,ASD幼儿和智力障碍幼儿的体积比较与大小推理、类比推理的能力较为接近,而正常幼儿的体积比较能力显著优于大小推理和类比推理。研究表明5~7岁ASD幼儿的数感能力整体落后于同龄正常幼儿,且数感各维度的能力发展不均衡、不同步。本研究揭示了5~7岁ASD幼儿数感能力发展的特点及需求,可为制定相应数感干预方案、促进其数学学习提供参考。  相似文献   

尹奎  邢璐  汪佳 《心理科学》2018,(3):680-686
授权型领导契合了组织扁平化的时代背景,受到理论界与实践界的追捧。但授权型领导与任务绩效的关系存在矛盾性研究结论。基于自主性成本论,提出授权型领导通过自我决定感的曲线路径间接对任务绩效产生影响。通过对478对上下级配对数据的分析发现:授权型领导与任务绩效存在倒U型关系;授权型领导正向影响员工自我决定感;员工自我决定感与任务绩效存在倒U型关系;授权型领导通过自我决定感的曲线路径间接对任务绩效产生影响。  相似文献   

Community participation is essential for community development and enhancing quality of life. Several studies have focused on the relationship between sense of community (SOC) and community participation in organizational settings. Guided by the community experiences framework, this study aims to examine how a SOC improves community participation in Chinese residential communities. Moreover, the study aims to assess the mediating role of SOC responsibility (SOC-R) and prosocial tendencies in that relationship. A sample of 433 residents completed questionnaires regarding their SOC, sense of community responsibility, prosocial tendencies, and community participation. Using a linear regression model, we found that a SOC can positively predict the level of community participation. Mediation effect analysis revealed that a SOC-R mediated the relationship between SOC and community participation. In addition, prosocial tendencies mediated the association between the SOC and community participation. Using multiple mediation analysis, we found that SOC-R and prosocial tendencies mediated the link between a SOC and community participation in a sequential manner. The findings of this study complement existing research by uncovering the mechanism underlying the relationship between a SOC and community participation.  相似文献   

We hypothesised that sense of home serves as a buffer against self‐threat. In three experiments, we induced sense of home (vs. control) and assessed its buffering function to threat. Sense of home augmented openness to stereotype threat information (Experiment 1), increased performance on a spatial rotation ability test after stereotype threat (Experiment 2), and reduced the desire for high‐status products following mortality salience (Experiment 3). This “proof of concept” research establishes the buffering potential of sense of home and raises theoretical and practical implications.  相似文献   

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