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PurposeGait disorders in multiple sclerosis (MS) are well studied; however, no previous study has described upper limb movements during gait. However, upper limb movements have an important role during locomotion and can be altered in MS patients due to direct MS lesions or mechanisms of compensation. The aim of this study was to describe the arm movements during gait in a population of MS patients with low disability compared with a healthy control group.MethodsIn this observational study we analyzed the arm movements during gait in 52 outpatients (mean age: 39.7 ± 9.6 years, female: 40%) with relapsing-remitting MS with low disability (mean EDSS: 2 ± 1) and 25 healthy age-matched controls using a 3-dimension gait analysis.ResultsMS patients walked slower, with increased mean elbow flexion and decreased amplitude of elbow flexion (ROM) compared to the control group, whereas shoulder and hand movements were similar to controls. These differences were not explained by age or disability.ConclusionUpper limb alterations in movement during gait in MS patients with low disability can be characterized by an increase in mean elbow flexion and a decrease in amplitude (ROM) for elbow flexion/extension. This upper limb movement pattern should be considered as a new component of gait disorders in MS and may reflect subtle motor deficits or the use of compensatory mechanisms.  相似文献   

The main objective of this paper was to assess the level and the determinants of quality of life (QOL) amongst patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). A cross-sectional study was conducted among a convenience sample of 200 adult MS patients. Inclusion criteria were: MS diagnosis for at least one year, and aged 21+ years. However, exclusion criteria were: having other neurological diseases, serious cardiovascular, orthopedic or other disability precluding participation. Self-administered questionnaire employed MSQOL-54 with two outcomes: Physical Health Composite (PHC) and mental health composite (MHC). Satisfaction with Daily Occupation scale was adopted through face to face interviews. The median of PHC and MHC scores were 48.9/100, and 53.4/100 respectively. Multivariate analysis revealed that unemployment was a determinant of poor PHC, while low monthly income was a predictor of poor MHC. Additionally, low endurance and sensory problems were associated with poor PHC, and MHC, while motor problems were allied with only poor PHC. Patient’s satisfaction level with performing activities of daily living was positively associated with PHC and MHC. Assessment of QOL is suggested to be comprised in medical settings.  相似文献   

Multiple sclerosis (MS) patients are often unable to adequately fulfill their established roles due to physical disabilities and cognitive changes, making this chronic illness particularly threatening to personal identity. Twenty-five MS patients and 25 healthy controls were asked to recall five self-defining memories (SDM). Overall characteristics of SDM did not differ between patients and controls; MS patients displayed preserved capacity to draw meaning upon past events. Moreover, almost two-thirds of MS patients mentioned at least one illness related SDM and about 25% of patients’ SDM referred to MS. These memories were experienced as more negative and associated with more tension than other SDM but led toward more positive emotion and less negative emotion over time; they were also more central and more integrated to the personal identity. We concluded that self-challenging events due to MS may trigger both cognitive and emotional processes enabling the integration of illness in patients’ self-representations.  相似文献   

Persons with multiple sclerosis (PwMS) often report problems due to sensory loss and have an inability to appropriately reweight sensory information. Both of these issues can affect individual’s ability to maintain stability when walking under challenging conditions. The purpose of the current study was to determine how gait stability is adapted when walking under challenging sensory conditions where vision and somatosensation at the feet is manipulated. 25 healthy adults and 40 PwMS (15 fallers, 25 non-fallers) walked on a treadmill at their preferred normal walking speed under 3 conditions: normal walking, altered vision using goggles that shifted visual field laterally, and altered somatosensation using shoes with compliant foam soles. Inertial measurement united recorded acceleration at the lumbar and right ankle, and acceleration variability measures were calculated including root mean square (RMS), range, sample entropy (SaEn), and Lyapunov exponents (LyE). A gait stability index (GSI) was calculated using each of the four variability measures as the ratio of lumbar acceleration variability divided by foot acceleration variability in the frontal and sagittal planes. The sagittal and frontal GSIRMS were larger in the somatosensory condition compared to the normal and visual conditions (p < 0.001). The frontal GSISaEn was greater in the visual condition compared to the somatosensory condition (p = 0.021). The frontal and sagittal GSILyE was greater in the somatosensory condition compared to the normal and visual conditions (p < 0.002). The current study showed that HC, MS non-fallers and MS fallers largely adapted to altered sensory feedback during walking in a similar manner. However, MS faller subjects may be more reliant on visual feedback compared to MS non-fallers and HC subjects.  相似文献   

Our aim was to investigate the functional underpinnings of autobiographical memory (AM) impairment in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients. To that end, 18 patients and 18 controls underwent the autobiographical interview (AI). Subsequently, the 36 participants underwent a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) session designed to assess the construction and elaboration of AMs. A categorical control task was also presented. Patients were trained in the fMRI procedure to optimise the procedural aspects accompanying the task itself. Although the patients obtained significantly poorer AI scores (p < .001), their performance on the easier AM fMRI task was efficiently carried out, allowing relevant comparisons with healthy controls. Relatively to healthy controls, the patients showed increased and bilateral cerebral activations (p < .005) during the construction and elaboration phases. The prefrontal, temporal and posterior cerebral region activations were located within the core network sustaining AM, with the bilateral prefrontal region being centrally involved. The parametric neural responses to the difficulty of access and amount of details of memories were also significantly different for the two groups, with the right hippocampal region showing a particularly increased recruitment (p < .005). The findings suggested the presence of functional cerebral changes during AM performance and supported the presence of AM retrieval deficit in MS patients.  相似文献   

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory auto-immune disease of the central nervous system. It leads to many impairments including physical, cognitive, psychological, and social challenges. Our study examined gender and cultural associations with quality of life (QoL), personal characteristics, and benefits from having MS among those with MS. The study was conducted in Austria and the United States. The sample included 128 participants, 64 in each country, of whom 78 were women and 50 were men aged between 20 and 57 years. We used standard statistical tests, including analyses of covariance (ANCOVA) and partial correlations for the analysis of quantitative data. For the qualitative part of the survey we used semi-structured interviews, which we transcribed and coded to identify categories in the answers for qualitative analyses. Austrian participants with MS perceived a higher social-emotional QoL in comparison to American participants. American participants expressed a higher self-esteem in comparison to Austrian participants. Men reported a lower ability to express love than women. Independent of sex/gender and nationality, participants reported benefits through the disease, especially with regard to improved compassion, mindfulness, improved family relations and lifestyle gains. The qualitative interviews revealed additional gender differences for coping with the illness; and in experiences, expectations, and challenges related to MS. These insights can be used to develop targeted psychological and social support interventions aimed toward improving social-emotional QoL for persons with MS.  相似文献   

Patients with chronic progressive MS (N = 38) were compared with an age and education matched medical control group (N = 19) on a visual discrimination task designed to evaluate hypothesis testing and focusing behavior. Thirty-three MS patients (85%) and all control patients were able to formulate and use hypotheses, but MS patients were less likely to employ strategies leading to a correct solution. Furthermore, MS patients were more likely to perseverate with one strategy despite negative verbal feedback. Five MS patients were unable to formulate hypotheses. These findings suggest that MS patients have impaired cognitive functioning in addition to previously reported problems with memory.  相似文献   

Unemployment is high among individuals with multiple sclerosis (MS). Certain disease variables and demographics have been found to distinguish employed and unemployed individuals. However, these variables only account for 14–20% of the variance. Other factors, such as coping, perceived stress and social support, in the workforce have been proposed, but not yet fully examined. The purpose of the present investigation was to examine the role of known factors associated with unemployment in MS, as well as coping and perceived work stress and social support. Sixty-eight women with MS were asked about their employment status and reasons for leaving. They completed a comprehensive assessment including measures of cognition, disease symptoms, psychological functioning, coping and stress. Consistent with previous findings, certain disease and demographic variables were associated with being unemployed. In particular, women who left work due to their MS were found to be older, had a longer disease duration and progressive course, reported greater disability and fatigue, and performed worse on a cognitive measure. However, we also found that coping style distinguished those who were employed from those who left work due to their MS. In particular, those who left work reported utilizing maladaptive coping mechanisms such as behavioral disengagement and substance use. With regard to perceived work stress and support, individuals who were employed reported that job security and fellow co-workers were more of an uplift than a hassle in their lives, suggesting some benefit in employment. These findings suggest that further consideration be given to role of coping and perception of the benefit of employment among individuals with MS when making recommendations regarding work decisions.  相似文献   

Patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) engage in various coping behaviours in order to manage their disease. The aim of this study is to find out if the self-esteem of patients is associated with coping strategies – problem-focused (e.g. making a plan of action when confronted with a problem); emotion focused (e.g. get emotional support from community); and focused on stopping unpleasant emotions and thoughts (e.g. keeping oneself from feeling sad), and if it can enhance or hinder coping efforts in the disease management. We collected data from 155 consecutive MS patients who completed the Coping Self-Efficacy Scale (CSE) and the Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale (RSE). Explained variance for problem-focused coping, emotion-focused coping, and coping focused on stopping unpleasant emotions and thoughts was 33, 24, and 31%, respectively. Self-esteem seems to be associated with coping strategies indicating that feelings of self-worth are linked with the ability to handle difficult life situations and can be helpful in chronic disease management.  相似文献   

Objective: Fatigue, depression, anxiety, and executive dysfunction are associated with multiple sclerosis (MS) in adults. Existing research suggests similar problems in pediatric MS, but relationships between these variables have not been investigated. This study investigates the associations between executive functioning and fatigue, emotional functioning, age of onset, and disease duration in pediatric MS.

Methods: Twenty-six MS or Clinically Isolated Syndrome (CIS) patients, ages 7 to 18, were evaluated through a multidisciplinary demyelinating diseases clinic. Participants completed neuropsychological screening including Verbal Fluency, Digit Span, and Trail-Making Test. Parents completed rating forms of behavioral, emotional, and executive functioning. Patients and parents completed questionnaires related to the patient’s quality of life and fatigue. Pearson’s correlation coefficients were calculated to investigate relationships between fatigue, emotional functioning, and executive functioning, as well as to examine correlations between parent and child reports of fatigue.

Results: Rates of parent-reported anxiety, depression, fatigue, and executive dysfunction varied widely. Means were below average on the Trail-Making Test and average on Verbal Fluency and Digit Span, though scores varied widely. Various fatigue and emotional functioning indices—but not age of onset or disease duration—significantly correlated with various performance-based measures of executive functioning.

Conclusion: Results indicate pediatric MS is associated with some degree of fatigue, emotional difficulties, and executive dysfunction, the latter of which is associated with the two former. Notably, age of onset and disease duration did not significantly correlate with executive functioning. Results advance understanding of psychological and clinical variables related to neurocognitive outcomes in pediatric MS.  相似文献   

Personality has long been considered a factor that can account for differences in health, well-being, and overall quality of life (QOL). A ‘Distressed or Type D Personality’ has been studied in medical populations as a predictor of several outcomes. The purpose of the present investigation was to determine the presence of Type D Personality in multiple sclerosis (MS) and its role on disease symptoms, disease management, health-related behaviors, coping, psychological well-being, and overall QOL and functioning. Two hundred and thirty (230) individuals with MS completed a survey assessing personality, disease symptoms, disease management, coping, self-efficacy, locus of control (LOC), psychological well-being, and QOL. Thirty-seven (16%) individuals were found to be ‘Type D+.’ Such individuals reported greater fatigue, pain, depression, and anxiety and worse disease management and adherence. They also reported engaging in maladaptive means of coping. Compared to ‘Type D?’ they reported lower self-efficacy, LOC, QOL and greater perceived stress. Finally, ‘Type D+’ individuals were more likely to be considering leaving the workforce. Findings suggest that ‘Type D’ Personality is associated with various negative outcomes in MS. Consideration of the routine assessment of personality in MS seems warranted and may better inform interventions and ward off poor outcomes.  相似文献   

This report provides a detailed analysis of excessive part- and whole-word repetitions in the speech of a 36-year-old male patient hospitalized for treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS) who also exhibited concurrent language and prosodic disturbances. Shortly following his hospitalization, a magnetic resonance imaging examination revealed plaques in the white matter of the medulla, cerebellum, basal ganglion, and periventricular white matter. His speech strongly resembled apractic speech patterns, chiefly syllable segregation. The source of data collected for this study was seven tape-recorded speech samples containing 2536 words spoken in 32.75 min, diagnostic reports, and clinical notes of 27 biweekly speech therapy sessions across a 5-month period. This report focused on an analysis of variables associated with the patient's part- and whole-word repetitions, and it was concluded that they were used as a compensatory device to procure additional time to articulate complex syllables. A brief critique of the therapeutic procedures used for treating his speech problem is also presented.

Educational objectives: The reader will learn about and be able to describe (1) the effects of MS on speech and language; (2) the kinds of data that were gathered to account for this patient's sudden onset of speech and language disorders; and (3) the findings that led them to conclude that his excessive repetitions were compensatory behaviors.  相似文献   

The reinforcer pathology model posits that core behavioral economic mechanisms, including delay discounting and behavioral economic demand, underlie adverse health decisions and related clinical disorders. Extensions beyond substance use disorder and obesity, however, are limited. Using a reinforcer pathology framework, this study evaluates medical adherence decisions in patients with multiple sclerosis. Participants completed behavioral economic measures, including delay discounting, probability discounting, and a medication purchase task. A medical decision-making task was also used to evaluate how sensitivity to mild side effect risk and efficacy contributed to the likelihood of taking a hypothetical disease-modifying therapy. Less steep delay discounting and more intense (greater) medication demand were independently associated with greater adherence to the medication decision-making procedure. More generally, the pattern of interrelations between the medication-specific and general behavioral economic metrics was consistent with and contributes to the reinforcer pathology model. Additional research is warranted to expand these models to different populations and health behaviors, including those of a positive health orientation (i.e., medication adherence).  相似文献   

Background/Objective: Depression, anxiety, fatigue, and sleep problems are typical conditions reported in people with multiple sclerosis (MS), often resulting in a reduction of their quality of life (QOL) and well-being. Mindfulness is a multifaceted and complex construct that has been increasingly explored for its correlated to well-being. Despite preliminary evidence, longitudinal data about the impact of mindfulness on QOL in MS remain limited. In addition, Langerian mindfulness, one of the prominent approaches to mindfulness, is yet unexplored in this field. The study aims to examine the longitudinal relationships between two forms of mindfulness (Langerian and contemplative) and QOL, anxiety, depression, fatigue, and sleep. Method: Within a larger randomized controlled trial of an online mindfulness-based stress reduction intervention, a cohort of 156 people with MS was recruited and assessed for both mindfulness constructs, QOL, anxiety, depression, fatigue, and sleep problems. Assessments were repeated after 2 and after another 6 months. Results: Both mindfulness constructs were highly correlated with all investigated outcomes. Both Langerian and contemplative mindfulness predicted higher QOL, lower anxiety, depression, fatigue, and sleep, over time. Conclusions: In both approaches dispositional mindfulness is a protective factor against depression, anxiety, fatigue, and sleep in people with MS.  相似文献   

There have been a small number of investigations of alexithymia in multiple sclerosis (MS) using the 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20). However, the TAS-20 factor structure has not yet been evaluated in a MS patient sample, and earlier Spanish translations of this instrument require some improvement. We aimed to evaluate the factorial validity and reliability of an improved Spanish translation of the TAS-20 (the TAS-20-S). The TAS-20-S was completed by 221 MS patients. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to compare the fit of six different factor models. Internal consistency and retest reliability coefficients were also computed. The correlated three-factor model and the higher-order factor model made up of Difficulty Identifying Feelings, Difficulty Describing Feelings, and Externally Oriented Thinking achieved the best fit. Alpha coefficients ranged between .87 and .67; mean inter-item correlations ranged between .48 and .20; and retest correlations after 6 months ranged between .61 and .52. A high degree of alexithymia was present in 18.1% of the sample. Reliability and the traditional three-factor structure were demonstrated for the TAS-20-S, which can now be recommended for assessing an aspect of emotional processing in MS patients.  相似文献   

A polygraphic study of the somatic (EMG), autonomic (finger plethysmogram, galvanic skin reaction, respiration, pulse, and EEG (acoustic-evoked potential and EEG-blocking reaction) components of the orienting reaction elicited by an auditory stimulus was performed in 71 patients with multiple sclerosis and in 74 matched normal subjects (control group). The study showed a significantly less intense orienting reaction in patients with multiple sclerosis than in control normal subjects. The severity of this responsiveness disturbance depended on the patients’ age at symptom onset, major symptom types on admission, and the relapse frequency. The orienting reaction changes found in patients with multiple sclerosis may be ascribed to the diffuse demyelinating lesions in the nervous system of these patients, which generate, apart from the so polymorphous clinical manifestations of this disease, also important responsiveness disturbances.  相似文献   

Lower levels of Intimate Relationship Quality (IRQ) have been found in those with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) compared to the general population. This study examined an MS sample to see whether IRQ was positively associated with self-concept, whether IRQ was positively associated with MS illness acceptance and whether IRQ was predicted by self-concept and illness acceptance. In this cross-sectional study, 115 participants with MS who were in an intimate relationship completed an online survey advertised on MS related websites. The survey assessed demographic variables, MS illness variables and levels of IRQ, self-concept and illness acceptance. Results revealed that IRQ was significantly positively associated with self-concept and with illness acceptance. Multiple hierarchical linear regression analysis revealed that, after controlling for illness duration and level of disability, self-concept significantly predicted IRQ but illness acceptance did not significantly predict IRQ. This study addressed several gaps and methodological flaws in the literature and was the first known to assess predictors of IRQ in those with MS. The results suggest that self-concept could be a potential target for individual and couple psychological interventions to improve IRQ and contribute to improved outcomes for those with MS.  相似文献   

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