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出于不同的研究目的,家庭照料研究有两种主要视角:照料压力研究视角强调家庭照料任务带来的压力对个体身心健康的影响,家庭护理研究视角则强调家庭照料者对被照料者各种需求的满足。当前研究一般将两个问题分割开来进行探讨,未能充分考虑到二者的内在一致性。文章在对两种视角分析和述评的基础上,指出家庭照料研究中存在的两难,并为解决这种两难提出将两种研究视角进行整合的思路。  相似文献   

歧视知觉的影响效应及其机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
近年来,歧视研究领域中的"强势心理学"现象开始减弱,研究者们逐渐重视弱势群体自身对于歧视现象的知觉与反应.本文在整合歧视知觉相关领域研究成果的基础上,首先就歧视知觉的概念内涵、测量进行阐述;继而从"风险"与"弹性"两个方面,分别探讨歧视知觉的消极影响效应与间接性的积极影响效应;最后从整合的视角,对歧视知觉影响效应的内在机制——拒绝认同理论进行讨论.未来歧视知觉领域的研究将会进一步细化群体成员资格;重视考察个体和群体歧视知觉的作用差异;加强探讨个体水平的中介变量的作用;更多关注儿童群体的歧视知觉问题.  相似文献   

学习成功感的影响因素研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
杨秀君  孔克勤 《心理科学》2004,27(6):1291-1295
在理沦研究的基础上.从情境、抱负和归因等方而时学习成功感的影响因素加以研究,并尝试用结构方程建模的方法将主要的影响因素建构成一个理论模型。结构方程模型的研究结果表甽,积极的课堂情境、积极的家庭情境、抱负和归因都对学习成功感有着直接的影响;而a,积极的课堂情境和积缴的家庭情境也会通过影响个体的抱负水平和归因方式而间接地影响学习成功感.  相似文献   

积极干预是指父母在孩子使用媒介前后或者使用过程中, 通过解释和讨论等互动形式对媒介内容、使用方式等提供指导。随着电子媒介在家庭中的普及, 父母如何正确引导儿童青少年的媒介使用行为受到了研究者的关注。父母对媒介使用进行积极干预对儿童青少年认知发展、社会性发展等诸多方面产生了积极作用, 例如提高儿童对媒介内容的批判能力, 有效减少暴力内容可能产生的消极影响等。影响积极干预行为的因素可归纳为两大类:家庭因素和儿童个体因素。未来研究可从完善测量方法, 探究父母干预行为与儿童青少年媒介使用之间相互影响的机制, 建构影响因素模型, 提高积极干预的有效性等角度进行深入探索。  相似文献   

近年来,男性身体意象失调越来越普遍,大众媒体被认为是一种重要的影响因素。大量研究证实了媒体对男性身体意象的消极影响,主要表现在对身体意象的认知、情绪情感和行为调控等方面。研究者基于社会文化理论提出三重影响模型(Thompson,Heinberg,Altabe,Tantleff-Dunn,1999),用以解释媒体影响男性身体意象的作用机制。该模型假设社会文化因素,即家庭、同伴、媒体是身体意象失调的三个最初影响源;外貌比较和"瘦理想"或"肌肉理想"内化是社会文化和身体意象失调之间的中介变量。未来研究应关注被试群体的多样化,将实验室研究和纵向研究相结合,并考虑其他变量的影响作用,对三重影响模型进行丰富和拓展,同时运用脑科学技术探究其神经机制。此外,还应从干预的角度展开研究。  相似文献   

领导情绪对员工绩效有非常重要的影响, 但并非总是遵循“对称假设”。在特定条件下, 领导表达的消极情绪对员工绩效起到积极作用。情绪即社会信息模型(EASI)可以通过情绪表达者、情绪接受者、组织氛围和组织文化四个角度解释这一不对称现象, 但也存在局限性。文章在以往研究的基础上, 从情绪和认知两条路径出发, 对领导情绪和员工绩效间的中介机制及影响因素进行了系统梳理, 并提出了一个整合模型。未来研究应该关注:领导消极情绪表达的时机和程度, 不同类型的消极情绪对员工绩效的影响, 员工情绪反应的差异性。  相似文献   

中学生考试活动绩效影响因素模型的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗晓路  江琦  简福平 《心理科学》2004,27(6):1397-1399
对573名中学生进行调查研究。根据路径分析结果建立初始模型.通过竞争模型的比较,建立了中学生考试活动绩效影响因素结构方程模型:家庭因素和考试心理素质对考试活动绩效有直接效应,而学校因素、自身因素和考试心理问题与考试活动绩效之间存在间接效应;学校因素、自身因素和考试心理问题互为中介分别通过家庭因素和考试心理素质对考试活动绩效产生间接影响;考试心理素质和家庭因素互为中介对考试活动绩效产生影响。通过对超水平发挥组和发挥失常组进行比较发现,不同组之间的结构方程模型具有一致性,但是变量间的路径系数有所不同。  相似文献   

王玉龙  申继亮 《心理科学》2012,35(1):238-242
研究对203名脑卒中患者的家庭照料者进行了问卷调查,以探讨患者的功能独立性对家庭照料者负担感的作用机制。结果显示,82.3%脑卒中患者的家庭照料者有明显的负担感;患者的功能独立性与家庭照料者的负担感显著负相关;来自患者的社会支持在患者功能独立性与家庭照料者负担感之间起中介作用,而来自患者之外的社会支持则起调节作用。结果表明,在家庭照料负担的干预实践中,应注意区分来源不同的社会支持及其作用机制。  相似文献   

工作特征是指与工作相关的因素或属性, 它对工作者的身心健康有重要影响。通过对比研究发现, 虽然要求-控制模型(Demand-Control Model, 简称DC模型)将工作特征分为相对具体的工作要求、工作控制和社会支持, 工作要求-资源模型(Job Demands-Resources Model, 简称JD-R模型)则将工作特征划分为更为概括的工作要求和工作资源两个维度, 但是它们关注的结果变量都包含个体身心健康和组织工作绩效, 都强调了工作特征对工作者的影响。在今后的研究中, 应深入探讨不同职业中起关键作用的工作特征和不同资源与要求组合的作用, 进一步研究工作特征模型对不同特点个体和我国民众群体的适用性, 并尝试将研究成果应用于工作再设计的实践, 以促进工作者的职业健康。  相似文献   

自我概念的研究进展及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本从自我概念的结构模型、发生发展及影响因素三个方面论述了研究的进展。指出目前自我概念研究应该关注以下几个问题:一是进一步完善自我概念理论模型,二是实验方法要有所突破,三是加强应用性课题研究,四是注重不同化背景个体自我概念的影响。  相似文献   


Several important demographic and economic factors have led to the shift in medical caregiving work from health care professionals to family members, primarily women. The growth in family caregiving has spawned numerous studies on how caring for the sick affects unpaid family caregivers. While caregiving work can be gratifying, most studies have focused on the negative effects, such as its adverse impact on the health and employment of caregivers. Only recently have we begun to expand this literature by examining the impact of ethnicity, specifically culture, on family caregiving. This study argues that African American families have retained specific cultural values and developed family systems which may lessen the negative impact of caregiving on families.  相似文献   

孙五俊  姜媛  方平 《心理科学》2021,(1):230-236
摘 要 积极和消极情绪的同时体验,即混合情绪,是生活中常见的情绪状态。健康应对的共激活模型、情绪动态模型和积极比模型一致认为混合情绪与心理健康之间呈现非线性的关系,适当的混合情绪有利于个体在困境中全面加工和整合信息,寻求意义,获得控制感,进而实现健康应对和心理症状改善,获得幸福感。未来研究应关注对非线性关系的精确描述;低压力或非压力情境下混合情绪的意义;进一步研究混合情绪促进心理健康的内部机制和影响因素。  相似文献   

A substantial body of literature has identified high rates of burden, psychological morbidity, social isolation, health and financial difficulties among dementia caregivers. The present qualitative study adopted an Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis approach in order to explore the lived experiences of dementia family caregivers within the Greek sociocultural context. The sample was purposive and consisted of 10 women dementia family caregivers from Athens and Thessaloniki. Individual in-depth interviews were conducted and analysed according to IPA. The participants’ personal accounts included themes related to ethical/existential and cultural aspects of family caregiving; changes in family relationships; impact of the caregiving experiences; sources of support and help seeking; positive and meaningful aspects of the care experience. The research findings are discussed in the context of Gilligan’s moral psychological theory, and cultural dimensions of family caregivers. Implications for counselling interventions aiming at supporting caregivers are presented.  相似文献   

同胞关系是指兄弟姐妹之间分享与彼此有关的知识、观点、态度、信念和感受的所有互动,具有平等互惠性和补充性。同胞关系质量分为同胞温暖与冲突、界限黏结与解离、积极与消极同胞关系。亲缘选择和家庭系统理论从进化和环境视角解释同胞关系。同胞关系对于儿童青少年内外化问题行为和人际关系等具有重要影响。未来应关注特殊儿童青少年同胞关系的特点,深入探讨同胞关系对儿童青少年社会性发展的作用机制和干预措施,加强本土化研究。  相似文献   


Philosophical and psychological theory has traditionally focused on intra-individual processes that are entailed in emotions. Recently sociologists, cultural anthropologists, and also social psychologists have drawn attention to the interpersonal nature of emotions. In this chapter we focus on the influence of others on emotional experiences and expressions. We summarise research on social context effects which shows that both emotional expression and experience are affected by the presence and expressiveness of other people. These effects are most straightforward for positive emotions, which are enhanced in the company of others. In the case of negative emotions, the effects of social context depend on the circumstances in which the emotion is elicited, and on the role of other persons in this situation. We discuss these social context effects in the light of a more general theoretical framework of social appraisal processes.  相似文献   

和平心理学是近20年在心理学内部兴起的一种以和平心理研究实现世界和平愿景的心理学运动,主要经历了孕育、萌生、形成等三个阶段。目前最具影响力的理论模型主要包括三维和平理论模型、和平自我理论模型、过程式多维积极和平理论模型。和平心理学使心理学的和平研究价值得到回归,扩大了心理学的研究视野。未来的和平心理学理论需要突破资本主义制度内自我改良式的局限,提升到马克思主义和平本质理论的高度,需要加强与积极心理学、社会心理学的跨领域整合、重视多元方法的运用、进行更多的实证研究、考虑跨文化因素的影响。结合我国当前外交、军事、国内社会现状,在我国开展和平外交心理研究、转型期社会和平稳定发展心理研究,将势在必行、大有作为。  相似文献   

This review examines later life family support for adults with developmental disabilities from a life course perspective that takes into account social trends and changes in service patterns and in attitudes of families. Key issues addressed include: (1) trends affecting family caregiving, (2) health and social outcomes of life-long caregiving, (3) support needs of families, (4) family support policies and practices, and (5) recommendations for a research and policy agenda. Research examining outcomes of life-long caregiving has shown that most families adapt well to having a family member with disabilities. However, some families are at risk for poorer physical and mental health outcomes. These include cultural minorities and families of adults with behavioral challenges. Caregiving does seem to have a negative impact on maternal employment and family income as mothers often give up or cut back on employment to care for a child with developmental disabilities, who is more likely to continue living in the family home throughout adulthood than other adult children. Federal and state initiatives are addressing issues of family support through both the developmental disabilities and aging service systems.  相似文献   

Adopting a multilevel theoretical framework, the authors examined how motivational cultural intelligence influences individual cultural sales--the number of housing transactions occurring between people of different cultural origins. Data from 305 real estate agents employed at 26 real estate firms in the United States demonstrated that an individual's motivational cultural intelligence is positively related to his or her cultural sales. This positive relationship is enhanced by the firm's motivational cultural intelligence and diversity climate. The authors discuss the theoretical and practical implications of their findings in a workplace context that involves cross-cultural interpersonal interactions.  相似文献   

This study examined how positive aspects of caregiving affect adaptation to bereavement among older adults who cared for a family member with dementia. The sample consisted of 217 caregivers who were part of the Resources for Enhancing Alzheimer's Caregiver Health Study. Using pre- and postloss data, hierarchical regressions were carried out to examine the effects of positive aspects of caregiving (caregiving benefit) on postloss depression and grief. Findings show that preloss caregiving benefit was associated with higher levels of postloss depression and grief, even after controlling for caregiver demographic characteristics, contextual factors, and caregiving burden. This effect was particularly strong for the relation between benefit and grief. Results demonstrate the importance of studying both positive and negative aspects of caregiving and their relation to bereavement outcomes.  相似文献   

Prenatal depressive symptoms have been linked to negative outcomes for mothers and children. Using attachment theory as a framework, this study examined developmental differences in the interpersonal context of prenatal depressive symptoms among adolescents (age 14 to 19 years; n = 352) and young adults (age 20 to 24 years; n = 348). Participants included low-income, single, predominantly African American and Latina women. Moderating and mediating factors were found in the relation between caregiving history (perceived unavailability and inconsistency of maternal and paternal figures during childhood) and depressive symptoms. For pregnant adolescents, maternal unavailability predicted depressive symptoms whereas maternal inconsistency did not. In contrast, for pregnant young women, only maternal inconsistency predicted depressive symptoms; and this association was mediated by perceptions of prenatal support. For both groups, paternal caregiving history had a small yet independent association with depressive symptoms. Results highlight the need to consider developmental differences in the interpersonal context of prenatal depressive symptoms in delivering mental health interventions to young women of color.  相似文献   

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