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The time-perception literature is oriented around two opposing traditions, one of which, set forth by Ornstein in 1970, views time estimation as linearly and positively related to stimulus complexity, while the other, as published by Priestly in 1968, sees time as essentially linearly but negatively associated with the experiential complexity with which given intervals are filled. However, careful reading of the literature suggests that, contrary to the Ornstein and Priestly models, a linear correlation between stimulus complexity and time perception should not be expected to fully describe the range of possible relationships. What researchers appear to have ignored is the interrelated impact on time perception of the widely reported inverted-U effects of stimulus complexity and the conceptually related dimension of extroversion. With these latter considerations, comparative time perception thus becomes not a linear but rather a curvilinear, U-shaped function of both personality and stimulus complexity dimensions. The conceptual reconciliation growing out of the present literature review thus offers an explanation for previously reported empirical inconsistencies and suggests the redirection of future comparative time perception research.  相似文献   

The aim of the present review article is to guide the reader through portions of the human time perception, or temporal processing, literature. After distinguishing the main contemporary issues related to time perception, the article focuses on the main findings and explanations that are available in the literature on explicit judgments about temporal intervals. The review emphasizes studies that are concerned with the processing of intervals lasting a few milliseconds to several seconds and covers studies issuing from either a behavioral or a neuroscience approach. It also discusses the question of whether there is an internal clock (pacemaker counter or oscillator device) that is dedicated to temporal processing and reports the main hypotheses regarding the involvement of biological structures in time perception.  相似文献   

Does our perception of when an event occurs depend on whether we caused it? A recent study suggests that when we perceive our actions to cause an event, it seems to occur earlier than if we did not cause it.  相似文献   

The authors investigated the influence of routine on people's estimation of time, testing the hypothesis that duration is remembered as being shorter when time is spent in a routine activity. In 4 experiments and 2 field studies, the authors compared time estimations in routine and nonroutine conditions. Routine was established by a sequence of markers (Study 1), variation of the task (Studies 2 and 3), or the number of repetitive blocks (Study 4). As hypothesized, the duration of the task was remembered as being shorter in routine conditions than in nonroutine ones. This trend was reversed in experienced (prospective) judgments when participants were informed beforehand of the duration-judgment task (Study 3). In Studies 5 and 6, the authors examined remembered duration judgments of vacationers and kibbutz members, which provided further support for the main hypothesis.  相似文献   

While there are philosophical and theoretical differences between neuropsychologists and behavior therapists, it is suggested that a significant reconciliation can be achieved in regard to assessment and treatment of the brain-damaged patient. While brain damage is often viewed as an irreversible disorder, there is evidence that substantial recovery of function can occur, particularly when adequate retraining is provided. There are practical and empirical considerations that suggest that neuropsychological tests are currently the best tools available for behavioral assessment of brain-damaged patients. However, the results of these tests can be used not only diagnostically but also to identify target behavioral deficits that may be rehabilitated through systematic retraining efforts. Such rehabilitation efforts can be optimally planned, implemented, and evaluated through an alliance between the neuropsychologist, who identifies the ability and deficit pattern, and the behavior therapist, who devises and evaluates the retraining program. It is possible that the successes of behavior therapy in numerous clinical and educational applications can be repeated in the cases of brain-damaged patients. However, such success would appear to be contingent on appreciation of the high degree of specificity often seen in neurological deficit patterns and the great complexities involved in the relationships between brain function and behavior.  相似文献   

Ss made judgments of whether or not they were being looked in the eye as an E fixated several points on and off their faces.Distance between sender and receiver, sex, and whether the sender made a sequence of fixation sprior to the terminal fixation were variables of interest. The sender-receiver distance produced less effect than predicted from the hypothesis that receiver judgments were determined solely by the discrepancy between the sender’s iris/sclera configuration (ISC) during true eye contact and the current fixation point. There was no stable differencein accuracy as a function of whether the sender’s terminal fixation was preceded by other fixations or not. These findings cast doubt on the belief expressed in recent studies that the ISC can be used to accurately discriminate eye gazes from other gazes. The results also suggest that fixations on some portions of the face yield a judgment of eye contact which might be predicted on the basis of social experience.  相似文献   

Time to contact (TTC) is specified optically by tau, and studies suggest that observers are sensitive to this information. However, TTC judgements also are influenced by other sources of information, including pictorial depth cues. Therefore, it is useful to identify these sources of information and to determine whether and how their effects combine when multiple sources are available. We evaluated the effect of five depth cues on TTC judgements. Results indicate that relative size, height in field, occlusion, and motion parallax influence TTC judgements. When multiple cues are available, an integration (rather than selection) strategy is used. Finally, the combined effects of multiple cues are not always consistent with a strict additive model and may be task dependent.  相似文献   

The relationship between stimuli complexity extraversion-introversion and time perception was tested. It was found that extraverts estimated the exposure duration of simple figures to be longer compared to introverts and that this discrepancy vanished in regard to complex figures. The findings were explained in terms of Hogan's (1978) model and on the basis of differential utilization of cognitive mechanisms for time perception by extraverts and introverts.  相似文献   

The role of attention in children's time perception.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study tested the role of attention in 7- to 9-year-old children's time estimation. Based on an attentional model of time estimation, it was hypothesized that prospective estimates of short intervals are a function of the degree to which a child is occupied with the passage of time and is focusing his or her attention on estimating the exposure time of a stimulus. Two experiments with two different manipulations on attentional focus were conducted. Eighty children were exposed to two types of light bulbs, one a big bulb kindled with high intensity and the other a small one kindled with low intensity. The light bulbs were kindled for different intervals ranging from 3 to 10 s. In both experiments children estimated the lighting time of the bulbs in each condition by a reproduction method. In the first experiment prospective time estimates were found to be significantly longer than retrospective ones. In the second experiment children gave shorter time estimates when their attention was attracted away from the time estimation task than when it was not. In both experiments the attentional hypothesis was supported. In addition, support for the "more is more" hypothesis was obtained. Implications for understanding children's time perception processes are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study investigated age-related variations in judgments of the duration of angry facial expressions compared with neutral facial expressions. Children aged 3, 5, and 8 years were tested on a temporal bisection task using angry and neutral female faces. Results revealed that, in all age groups, children judged the duration of angry faces to be longer than that of neutral faces. Findings are discussed in the framework of internal clock models and the adaptive function of emotion.  相似文献   

Attractive faces are appealing: We like to look at them, and we like to be looked at by them. We presented attractive and unattractive smiling and neutral faces containing identical eye regions with different gaze directions. Participants judged whether or not a face looked directly at them. Overall, attractive faces increased participants' tendency to perceive eye contact, consistent with a self-referential positivity bias. However, attractiveness effects were modulated by facial expression and gender: For female faces, observers more likely perceived eye contact in attractive than unattractive faces, independent of expression. For male faces, attractiveness effects were limited to neutral expressions and were absent in smiling faces. A signal detection analysis elucidated a systematic pattern in which (a) smiling faces, but not highly attractive faces, reduced sensitivity in gaze perception overall, and (b) attractiveness had a more consistent impact on bias than sensitivity measures. We conclude that combined influences of attractiveness, expression, and gender determine the formation of an overall impression when deciding which individual's interest in oneself may be beneficial and should be reciprocated.  相似文献   

Attractive faces are appealing: We like to look at them, and we like to be looked at by them. We presented attractive and unattractive smiling and neutral faces containing identical eye regions with different gaze directions. Participants judged whether or not a face looked directly at them. Overall, attractive faces increased participants' tendency to perceive eye contact, consistent with a self-referential positivity bias. However, attractiveness effects were modulated by facial expression and gender: For female faces, observers more likely perceived eye contact in attractive than unattractive faces, independent of expression. For male faces, attractiveness effects were limited to neutral expressions and were absent in smiling faces. A signal detection analysis elucidated a systematic pattern in which (a) smiling faces, but not highly attractive faces, reduced sensitivity in gaze perception overall, and (b) attractiveness had a more consistent impact on bias than sensitivity measures. We conclude that combined influences of attractiveness, expression, and gender determine the formation of an overall impression when deciding which individual's interest in oneself may be beneficial and should be reciprocated.  相似文献   

Various strategies to study human aggression are described, accompanied by a discussion of four major issues. It is concluded that the three major goals of research, precise measurement, realism, and generality, cannot be achieved in a single study or series of studies using only one paradigm. Investigators of a particular problem need to develop a research program that incorporates a number of strategies; hypotheses generated “in the street” need to be tested in the laboratory and vice versa.  相似文献   

The present paper organizes and evaluates selected portions of the time perception literature. Emphasis is on data and theory concerned primarily with judgments of brief temporal intervals. Research concerning the psychophysical law for time, Weber’s law, the time-order error, and the role of nontemporal information is evaluated. This is followed by a consideration of current, quantitatively oriented, theoretical formulations for time perception.  相似文献   

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