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Olfaction represents an ideal model system for the study of mammalian habituation given that it is an anatomically relatively simple system with strong reciprocal connections to the limbic system, driving both reflexive and non-reflexive (motivated) behaviors that are easily quantifiable. Data are reviewed here demonstrating short-term habituation of the odor-evoked heart-rate orienting reflex described according to the criteria for habituation outlined by Thompson and Spencer [Thompson, R. F., & Spencer, W. A. (1966). Habituation: A model phenomenon for the study of neuronal substrates of behavior. Psychological Reviews, 73(1), 16–43]. A necessary and sufficient mechanism of short-term habituation is then described, which involves a metabotropic glutamate receptor mediated depression of afferent input to the piriform (primary olfactory) cortex. Finally, evidence for, and a mechanisms of, dishabituation of the orienting reflex and cortical adaptation are described.  相似文献   

Habituation is a form of non-associative memory that plays an important role in filtering stable or redundant inputs. The present study examines the contribution of habituation and cortical adaptation to odor-background segmentation. Segmentation of target odorants from background odorants is a fundamental computational requirement for the olfactory system. Recent electrophysiological data have shown that odor specific adaptation in piriform cortex neurons, mediated at least partially by synaptic adaptation between the olfactory bulb outputs and piriform cortex pyramidal cells, may provide an ideal mechanism for odor-background segmentation. This rapid synaptic adaptation acts as a filter to enhance cortical responsiveness to changing stimuli, while reducing responsiveness to static, potentially background stimuli. Using previously developed computational models of the olfactory system, we here show how synaptic adaptation at the olfactory bulb input to the piriform cortex, as demonstrated electrophysiologically, creates odor specific adaptation. We show how this known feature of olfactory cortical processing can contribute to adaptation to a background odor and to odor-background segmentation. We then show in a behavioral experiment that the odor-background segmentation is perceptually important and functions at the same time-scale as the synaptic adaptation observed between the olfactory bulb and cortex.  相似文献   

Segmentation of target odorants from background odorants is a fundamental computational requirement for the olfactory system and is thought to be behaviorally mediated by olfactory habituation memory. Data from our laboratory have shown that odor-specific adaptation in piriform neurons, mediated at least partially by synaptic adaptation between the olfactory bulb outputs and piriform cortex pyramidal cells, is highly odor specific, while that observed at the synaptic level is specific only to certain odor features. Behavioral data show that odor habituation memory at short time constants corresponding to synaptic adaptation is also highly odor specific and is blocked by the same pharmacological agents as synaptic adaptation. Using previously developed computational models of the olfactory system we show here how synaptic adaptation and potentiation interact to create the observed specificity of response adaptation. The model analyzes the mechanisms underlying the odor specificity of habituation, the dependence on functioning cholinergic modulation, and makes predictions about connectivity to and within the piriform neural network. Predictions made by the model for the role of cholinergic modulation are supported by behavioral results.Filtering sensory input is critical for information processing tasks such as background segmentation, and shifting processing power away from redundant, stable, or repetitive stimuli toward dynamic, novel stimuli. A critical aspect of this filtering however, is stimulus specificity. Under most circumstances it may be most beneficial to selectively filter the redundant stimulus, while maintaining responsiveness to different, though perhaps highly similar stimuli.In the olfactory system, short-term habituation to stable or repeated odorants involves a metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR)-dependent depression of afferent synapses to the piriform cortex (Best and Wilson 2004). Blockade of group III mGluR receptors prevents cortical adaptation odors (Best and Wilson 2004), and reduces short-term habituation of odor-evoked reflexes (Best et al. 2005) and odor investigation (Yadon and Wilson 2005; Bell et al. 2008; McNamara et al. 2008). This short-term habituation is highly odor specific, with minimal cross-adaptation of piriform cortical single-unit responses or cross-habituation of behavioral responses to similar odors, including between mixtures and their components (Wilson 2000; Cleland et al. 2002). Interestingly, there is an experience-dependent component to short-term habituation odor specificity. The odor specificity is most pronounced for familiar odors, with very brief (<20 sec) exposure to odors producing more generalization, and longer exposures (>50 sec) sufficient to permit strong odor specificity in cortex adaptation (Wilson 2003).The homosynaptic nature of afferent synaptic depression underlying cortical adaptation (Wilson 1998; Best and Wilson 2004) may contribute to this odor specificity. However, the experience dependence suggests that there may be an additional process involved. In fact, theoretical views of piriform cortical function suggest that the cortex learns previous patterns of input via potentiation of intracortical association fiber synapses (Hasselmo et al. 1990; Barkai et al. 1994; Haberly 2001; Linster et al. 2003). This autoassociative process essentially creates a template of previous network activity, against which new input patterns can be compared, allowing enhanced discrimination between similar patterns, as well as completion of degraded patterns (Barkai et al. 1994; Barnes et al. 2008). In support of this hypothesis, previous work has demonstrated that disruption of normal synaptic potentiation in association fiber synapses through blockade of cholinergic muscarinic receptors (Patil et al. 1998; Linster et al. 2003), reduces odor specificity of cortical adaptation (Wilson 2001b), prevents the effects of odor experience on subsequent behavioral cross-habituation (Fletcher and Wilson 2002), and disrupts odor discrimination (Linster et al. 2001).The present series of studies further explored the role of combined afferent synaptic depression and intracortical association fiber synaptic potentiation on the specificity of cortical adaptation and odor habituation. Using a computational model of the olfactory system (Linster et al. 2007), the results suggest that activity-dependent association fiber plasticity is necessary to account for the specificity of odor habituation. Furthermore, in behavioral experiments blockade of cholinergic muscarinic receptors during habituation enhances generalization of odor habituation, consistent with the modeling and with previous electrophysiological results.  相似文献   

Habituation is one of the oldest forms of learning, broadly expressed across sensory systems and taxa. Here, we demonstrate that olfactory habituation induced at different timescales (comprising different odor exposure and intertrial interval durations) is mediated by different neural mechanisms. First, the persistence of habituation memory is greater when mice are habituated on longer timescales. Second, the specificity of the memory (degree of cross-habituation to similar stimuli) also depends on induction timescale. Third, we demonstrate a pharmacological double dissociation between the glutamatergic mechanisms underlying short- and long-timescale odor habituation. LY341495, a class II/III metabotropic glutamate receptor antagonist, blocked habituation only when the induction timescale was short. Conversely, MK-801, an N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist, prevented habituation only when the timescale was long. Finally, whereas short-timescale odor habituation is mediated within the anterior piriform cortex, infusion of MK-801 into the olfactory bulbs prevented odor habituation only at longer timescales. Thus, we demonstrate two neural mechanisms underlying simple olfactory learning, distinguished by their persistence and specificity, mediated by different olfactory structures and pharmacological effectors, and differentially utilized based solely on the timescale of odor presentation.  相似文献   

Acetylcholine (ACh) has a critical, modulatory role in plasticity in many sensory systems. In the rat olfactory system, both behavioral and physiological data indicate that ACh may be required for normal odor memory and synaptic plasticity. Based on these data, neural network models have hypothesized that ACh muscarinic receptors reduce interference between learned cortical representations of odors within the piriform cortex. In this study, odor receptive fields of rat anterior piriform cortex (aPCX) single-units for alkane odors were mapped before and after either a systemic injection of the muscarinic receptor antagonist scopolamine (0.5 mg/kg) or aPCX surface application of 500 μM scopolamine (or saline/ACSF controls). Cross-habituation between alkanes differing by two to four carbons was then examined following a 50-sec habituating stimulus. The results demonstrate that neither aPCX spontaneous activity nor odor-evoked activity (receptive field) was affected by scopolamine, but that cross-habituation in aPCX neurons was enhanced significantly by either systemic or cortical scopolamine. These results indicate that scopolamine selectively enhances generalization between odor representations in aPCX in a simple memory task. Given that ACh primarily affects intracortical association fibers in the aPCX, the results support a role for the association system in odor memory and discrimination and indicate an important ACh modulatory control over this basic sensory process.  相似文献   

Male hamsters were tested for their responses to areas that had been scent marked by intact or vaginectomized females to determine the effects of naturally deposited vaginal secretions on male behavior. In the first experiment males produced more ultrasonic courtship calls when investigating areas marked by intact females than areas scented by vaginectomized females, demonstrating that vaginal marks facilitate such calling. In a wind-tunnel preference test situation in which scent-marked alleys and clean alleys served as sources of odor, males approached the scented alley first if it had been freshly marked by intact females but not if it had been scented by vaginectomized females or other males. Thus, the odors of vaginal marks are sufficient to attract males over short distances. After males entered these alleys they showed a preference for odors of both intact and vaginectomized females over no odors, but still spent significantly more time investigating the odors of intact females than those of vaginectomized females. These experiments indicate that vaginal secretions are one of the primary cues that elicit male courtship calling, and the small quantities of vaginal secretions deposited by females in vaginal marks are sufficient to elicit ultrasonic calling and attract males over short distances. Thus it is likely that vaginal scent marking and ultrasonic calling by females interact to facilitate attraction and location of mates during courtship.  相似文献   

Knowledge about social recognition and memory in animals can help us to determine appropriate management and husbandry techniques. In this study, we used a habituation–discrimination procedure to investigate the ability of horses (Equus caballus) to distinguish between the body odour samples of unfamiliar conspecifics. To pick up body odour, we rubbed material on the coat of horses and presented these unknown body odours to 16 different conspecifics of the same sex and similar age. The test consisted of two successive two-min presentations of a sample from one individual (e.g. individual ‘A’) and a simultaneous presentation of samples from individual ‘A’ and a novel individual (e.g. individual ‘B’) during a final third presentation. The results showed that horses, regardless of sex, decreased the time they spent investigating conspecific body odour across the initial two presentations—demonstrating habituation. In the final presentation, the results demonstrated successful discrimination of the previously experienced odour because horses investigated the novel olfactory sample (‘B’) significantly more than the pre-exposed sample (‘A’). Taken together, these findings suggest, for the first time, that horses are able to discriminate two stimuli derived from body odours of unfamiliar conspecifics over short period of time.  相似文献   

The marine snail, Aplysia californica, is a valuable model system for cell biological studies of learning and memory. Aplysia exhibits a reflexive withdrawal of its gill and siphon in response to weak or moderate tactile stimulation of its skin. Repeated tactile stimulation causes this defensive withdrawal reflex to habituate. Both short-term habituation, lasting <30 min, and long-term habituation, which can last >24 h, have been reported in Aplysia. Habituation of the withdrawal reflex correlates with, and is in part due to, depression of transmission at the monosynaptic connection between mechanoreceptive sensory neurons and motor neurons within the abdominal ganglion. Habituation-related short-term depression of the sensorimotor synapse appears to be due exclusively to presynaptic changes. However, changes within the sensory neuron, by themselves, do not account for more persistent depression of the sensorimotor synapse. Recent behavioral work suggests that long-term habituation in Aplysia critically involves postsynaptic processes, specifically, activation of AMPA- and NMDA-type receptors. In addition, long-term habituation requires activity of protein phosphatases, including protein phosphatases 1, 2A, and 2B, as well as activity of voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels. Cellular work has succeeded in demonstrating long-term, homosynaptic depression (LTD) of the sensorimotor synapse in dissociated cell culture and, more recently, LTD of the glutamate response of isolated motor neurons in culture (“hemisynaptic” LTD). These in vitro forms of LTD have mechanistic parallels to long-term habituation. In particular, homosynaptic LTD of the sensorimotor synapse requires elevated intracellular Ca2+ within the motor neuron, and hemisynaptic LTD requires activity of AMPA- and NMDA-type receptors. In addition, activation of group I and II metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) can induce hemisynaptic LTD. The demonstration of LTD in vitro opens up a promising new avenue for attempts to relate long-term habituation to cellular changes within the nervous system of Aplysia.  相似文献   

Prefrontal cortex provides both inhibitory and excitatory input to distributed neural circuits required to support performance in diverse tasks. Neurological patients with prefrontal damage are impaired in their ability to inhibit task-irrelevant information during behavioral tasks requiring performance over a delay. The observed enhancements of primary auditory and somatosensory cortical responses to task-irrelevant distractors suggest that prefrontal damage disrupts inhibitory modulation of inputs to primary sensory cortex, perhaps through abnormalities in a prefrontal-thalamic sensory gating system. Failure to suppress irrelevant sensory information results in increased neural noise, contributing to the deficits in decision making routinely observed in these patients. In addition to a critical role in inhibitory control of sensory flow to primary cortical regions, and tertiary prefrontal cortex also exerts excitatory input to activity in multiple sub-regions of secondary association cortex. Unilateral prefrontal damage results in multi-modal decreases in neural activity in posterior association cortex in the hemisphere ipsilateral to damage. This excitatory modulation is necessary to sustain neural activity during working memory. Thus, prefrontal cortex is able to sculpt behavior through parallel inhibitory and excitatory regulation of neural activity in distributed neural networks.  相似文献   

Continuous presentation of an olfactory stimulus causes a decrement of the chemotaxis response in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. However, the differences between the learning process of habituation (a readily reversible decrease in behavioral response) and other types of olfactory plasticity such as adaptation (a decrement in response due to sensory fatigue, which cannot be dishabituated) have not been addressed. The volatile odorant diacetyl (DA) was used within a single paradigm to assess the distinct processes of olfactory adaptation and habituation. Preexposing and testing worms to 100% DA vapors caused a chemotaxis decrement that was not reversible despite the presentation of potentially dishabituating stimuli. This DA adaptation was abolished in worms with an odr-10 mutation (encoding a high-affinity DA receptor on the AWA neuron), even though naive chemotaxis remained unaffected. Conversely, DA adaptation remained intact in odr-1 mutants (defective in AWC neuron-mediated olfactory behavior), even though naive chemotaxis to DA decreased. Surprisingly, exposure to vapors of intermediate concentrations of DA (0.01% and 25%) did not cause worms to exhibit any response decrement. In contrast to preexposure to high DA concentrations, preexposure to low DA concentrations (0.001%) produced habituation of the chemotaxis response (a dishabituating stimulus could reverse the response decrement back to baseline levels). The distinct behavioral effects produced by DA preexposure highlight a concentration-dependent dissociation between two decremental olfactory processes: adaptation at high DA concentrations versus habituation at low DA concentrations.  相似文献   

Olfactory perceptual learning is a relatively long-term, learned increase in perceptual acuity, and has been described in both humans and animals. Data from recent electrophysiological studies have indicated that olfactory perceptual learning may be correlated with changes in odorant receptive fields of neurons in the olfactory bulb and piriform cortex. These changes include enhanced representation of the molecular features of familiar odors by mitral cells in the olfactory bulb, and synthetic coding of multiple coincident odorant features into odor objects by cortical neurons. In this paper, data are reviewed that show the critical role of acetylcholine (Ach) in olfactory system function and plasticity, and cholinergic modulation of olfactory perceptual learning at both the behavioral and cortical level.  相似文献   

Acetylcholine plays an important role in regulating the processing of sensory stimuli, and understanding its specific cellular actions is critical to understanding how sensory cortex develops and functions in different behavioral states. Here we review recent work on the cellular effects of nicotinic receptor activation in auditory cortex and describe how these actions could affect systems-level auditory function. In particular, we describe a novel function of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors to regulate glutamate synapses containing N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors during early postnatal development. The transient regulation of developing glutamate synapses also defines a window of vulnerability during which exposure to exogenous nicotine disrupts synapse development. Thus, it appears that nicotinic regulation of glutamate synapses is a critical feature of auditory cortex development.  相似文献   

Although the nonassociative form of learning, habituation, is often described as the simplest form of learning, remarkably little is known about the cellular processes underlying its behavioral expression. Here, we review research on habituation in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans that addresses habituation at behavioral, neural circuit, and genetic levels. This work highlights the need to understand the dynamics of a behavior before attempting to determine its underlying mechanism. In many cases knowing the characteristics of a behavior can direct or guide a search for underlying cellular mechanisms. We have highlighted the importance of interstimulus interval (ISI) in both short- and long-term habituation and suggested that different cellular mechanisms might underlie habituation at different ISIs. Like other organisms, C. elegans shows both accumulation of habituation with repeated training blocks and long-term retention of spaced or distributed training, but not for massed training. Exposure to heat shock during the interblock intervals eliminates the long-term memory for habituation but not the accumulation of short-term habituation over blocks of training. Analyses using laser ablation of identified neurons, and of identified mutants have shown that there are multiple sites of plasticity for the response and that glutamate plays a role in long-term retention of habituation training.  相似文献   

Rat fetuses exhibit motor and cardiac responses to chemosensory stimulation on Days 20 and 21 of gestation. The first experiment demonstrated that fetuses exhibit an increase in overall motor activity and decrease in heartrate in response to an initial intraoral infusion of a lemon solution. After a series of nine exposures, however, fetuses no longer exhibit motor or cardiac responses to lemon infusion, suggesting the existence of a habituation-like process. Responsiveness recovers spontaneously following a 3- to 9-min period without stimulation. In a second experiment, a dishabituation treatment was administered to distinguish habituation, which is a centrally mediated decrement in response, from effector fatigue, sensory adaptation, and other peripheral mechanisms that can result in reduced responsiveness. A single infusion of mint following a series of nine lemon exposures was effective in reinstating fetal motor responses to lemon on both Days 20 and 21, but reinstated cardiac responses only on Day 21. Rat fetuses habituate to repeated chemosensory stimulation, suggesting the utility of the habituation paradigm in measuring CNS development during the perinatal period.  相似文献   

Rat fetuses exhibit motor and cardiac responses to chemosensory stimulation on Days 20 and 21 of gestation. The first experiment demonstrated that fetuses exhibit an increase in overall motor activity and decrease in heartrate in response to an initial intraoral infusion of a lemon solution. After a series of nine exposures, however, fetuses no longer exhibit motor or cardiac responses to lemon infusion, suggesting the existence of a habituation-like process. Responsiveness recovers spontaneously following a 3-to 9-min period without stimulation. In a second experiment, a dishabituation treatment was administered to distinguish habituation, which is a centrally mediated decrement in response, from effector fatigue, sensory adaptation, and other peripheral mechanisms that can result in reduced responsiveness. A single infusion of mint following a series of nine lemon exposures was effective in reinstating fetal motor responses to lemon on both Days 20 and 21, but reinstated cardiac responses only on Day 21. Rat fetuses habituate to repeated chemosensory stimulation, suggesting the utility of the habituation paradigm in measuring CNS development during the perinatal period.  相似文献   

Naive Drosophila larvae show vigorous chemotaxis toward many odorants including ethyl acetate (EA). Chemotaxis toward EA is substantially reduced after a 5-min pre-exposure to the odorant and recovers with a half-time of ~20 min. An analogous behavioral decrement can be induced without odorant-receptor activation through channelrhodopsin-based, direct photoexcitation of odorant sensory neurons (OSNs). The neural mechanism of short-term habituation (STH) requires the (1) rutabaga adenylate cyclase; (2) transmitter release from predominantly GABAergic local interneurons (LNs); (3) GABA-A receptor function in projection neurons (PNs) that receive excitatory inputs from OSNs; and (4) NMDA-receptor function in PNs. These features of STH cannot be explained by simple sensory adaptation and, instead, point to plasticity of olfactory synapses in the antennal lobe as the underlying mechanism. Our observations suggest a model in which NMDAR-dependent depression of the OSN-PN synapse and/or NMDAR-dependent facilitation of inhibitory transmission from LNs to PNs contributes substantially to short-term habituation.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether initial self-control exertion by dogs would affect behavioral approach toward an aggressive threat. Dogs were initially required to exert self-control (sit still for 10 min) or not (caged for 10 min) before they were walked into a room in which a barking, growling dog was caged. Subject dogs spent 4 min in this room but were free to choose where in the room they spent their time. Approaching the unfamiliar conspecific was the predisposed response, but it was also the riskier choice (Lindsay, 2005). We found that following the exertion of self-control (in comparison with the control condition), dogs spent greater time in proximity to the aggressor. This pattern of behavior suggests that initial self-control exertion results in riskier and more impulsive decision making by dogs.  相似文献   

This review surveys the literature that investigates the behavioral characterization and cellular and molecular mechanisms of habituation using the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans. In 1990, C. elegans was first observed to show habituation to a non-localized mechanical tap. The parameters that govern this behavioral plasticity in C. elegans were subsequently characterized, which lead to the important hypothesis that habituation is mediated by multiple mechanisms. Many tools are available to C. elegans researchers that allow for relatively easy genetic manipulation. This has lead to a number of recent genetic studies that have begun to identify key genes and molecules that play a role in the mechanisms of habituation. Some of these genes include a vesicular glutamate transporter, a glutamate receptor subunit, a dopamine receptor and downstream intracellular signaling molecules, such as G proteins and kinases. Some of these genes only affect certain parameters of habituation, but not others supporting the hypothesis that multiple mechanisms mediate habituation. The field of research has also led to the dissection of different phases of memory (short-term vs. long-term memory for habituation), which are triggered by different training paradigms. The differences in mechanism between these various forms of memory are also beginning to be revealed.  相似文献   

Learning and memory processes may be influenced by fluctuations in steroid hormones, such as estrogens and progestins. In this study, we have used an animal model to investigate the effects of endogenous fluctuations in ovarian steroids in intact female rats and effects of administration of ovarian steroids to ovariectomized rats for non-spatial, working memory using the object recognition task. Performance in this task relies on cortical and hippocampal function. As such, serum, cortical, and hippocampal concentrations of estradiol (E2), progesterone (P4), and P4's metabolite, 5alpha-pregnan-3alpha-ol-20-one (3alpha,5alpha-THP), were measured by radioimmunoassay. Experiment 1: Rats in behavioral estrus, compared to those in diestrus or estrus, spent a greater percentage of time exploring a novel object concomitant with increases in serum E2, P4, and 3alpha,5alpha-THP levels. Regression analyses revealed that there was a significant positive relationship between E2 levels in the hippocampus and 3alpha,5alpha-THP levels in the hippocampus and cortex and performance in this task. Experiment 2: Administration of E2 and/or P4 immediately post-training increased the percentage of time spent exploring the novel object and produced levels of E2, P4, and 3alpha,5alpha-THP akin to that of rats in behavioral estrus. Experiment 3: Post-training administration of selective estrogen receptor modulators, including 17beta-E2, propyl pyrazole triol, and diarylpropionitrile increased the percentage of time spent exploring the novel object compared to vehicle-administration. Experiment 4: Post-training P4 or 3alpha,5alpha-THP administration, compared to vehicle, increased the percentage of time spent exploring the novel object and produced P4 and/or 3alpha,5alpha-THP levels within the physiological range typically observed for rats in behavioral estrus. Experiment 5: If post-training administration of E2 and/or P4 was delayed one hour, no enhancement in object recognition was observed. Together, these results suggest that E2 and progestins can have mnemonic effects through actions in the cortex and/or hippocampus.  相似文献   

A recent study using displays that are ambiguous for motion direction demonstrates that the current perceptual interpretation of such a stimulus is encoded in the highest areas of visual cortex whereas earlier areas encode only its sensory properties. This finding implies that cortical processing pathways perform a transition from a sensory representation to a representation that emphasizes the input's perceptual interpretation and ultimately the organism's behavioral state.  相似文献   

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