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Many studies have reported that the effect of concurrent nontemporal processing on time estimation depends on the difficulty of the nontemporal task. The perceived duration of a given temporal interval decreases as the difficulty of the concurrent nontemporal task increases. A question thus arises as to whether any kind of nontemporal task will have the same effect on temporal processing. Two experiments were conducted in which the level of the nontemporal task demand was systematically varied. In Experiment 1, the effect of phonological processing on concurrent time estimation was shown to vary linearly with the number of items to be processed. Experiment 2 showed that the concurrent time estimation did not vary with the level of figural processing demands. This suggests selective interference with temporal processing on the part of concurrent phonological processing.  相似文献   

Simultaneous temporal processing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Seven experiments assessed the ability of rats to process temporal information from two internal clocks simultaneously and independently. In the first six experiments a light stimulus signalled an overall interval between the beginning of a trial and the availability of food reinforcement (e.g., a 50-s fixed interval). During the overall interval a sound stimulus was used to signal shorter intervals that divided the overall interval into equal segments. When there was a fixed temporal relation between the final segment signal and the availability of reinforcement, there was a double-scallop pattern of responding throughout the segmented overall interval; the function relating response rate to time during segment intervals was similar to the function relating response rate to time in unsegmented overall intervals; a change in response rate occurred at the time that a normally presented segment signal was omitted. Taken together, the results indicate that rats timed the overall interval and the segment intervals simultaneously and independently without interference. In Experiment 7 a light stimulus was used on some trials, and a sound stimulus was used on other trials to signal a discrete-trial 50-s peak procedure. When these two signals were presented in compound, there was a leftward shift of the response function, which suggests that rats timed both signals simultaneously. For all of the experiments a scalar timing model with specific stimulus integration rules is used to explain the results. The stimulus integration rule used in the first six experiments, in which there were two signals for the same reinforcement, was to respond if both the segment and the overall interval had exceeded a response threshold. The stimulus integration rule used in Experiment 7, in which there were two signals for different reinforcements, was to respond if the response threshold for either interval had been exceeded.  相似文献   

Rats searched for food that was contingent on time and place in an open field. One location was active at a time, the active location moved in a clockwise direction after each reward, and each location was repeated several times on each daily session. When a location was active, the first response after a fixed interval produced food. The intervals associated with each of the four locations were consistently 60, 30, 30 and 60 sec. For independent groups, inspecting an inactive location had no consequence (n = 7) or reduced the amount of food delivered at the active location (n = 6). The rates of inspecting active and inactive locations increased before the associated intervals elapsed, with preferential responding at the active locations. Rates of anticipation at active locations failed to superimpose when plotted as a function of proportional time. Simultaneous temporal and spatial processing contributed to the failure of proportional timing.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Temporal processing has received scant attention in the literature pertaining to cognitive deficits in patients with schizophrenia. Previous research suggests that patients with schizophrenia exhibit temporal perception deficits on both auditory and visual stimuli. The current study investigated the effects of interval manipulation to (1) replicate the original findings with a larger sample and an increased number of trials (2) assess the degree to which both patients and controls can differentiate temporal changes in a range of experimental interstimulus intervals, and (3) explore whether different interstimulus interval durations pose different levels of difficulty for the patients with schizophrenia. METHODS: Participants were asked to decide whether temporal intervals were shorter or longer than standard intervals on a computer-based auditory temporal perception task. The standard interval remained the same duration throughout the various tasks. The interstimulus interval separating the standard and experimental intervals varied in the range of 500, 1000, or 3000 ms. Data are presented for a sample of 16 patients with schizophrenia and 15 controls. RESULTS: Data suggest that patients with schizophrenia exhibit deficits in differentiating interval durations across all paradigms compared to their control-group peers on a range of auditory tasks (p<.001). CONCLUSIONS: These results are consistent with a general temporal deficit in schizophrenia. However, the roles of medication and localization are also addressed.  相似文献   

The effects of spatial frequency and temporal transition of sine-wave grating onset and offset were assessed using measures of reaction time, visual persistence, and temporal order judgements. The stimuli were lateralized fields, separated by 1 degree of visual angle. Slow temporal transition resulted in significantly poorer performance than did abrupt onset and offset, but spatial frequency had a minimal effect. Thus, the latency, temporal resolution, and temporal ordering of events are mediated by a mechanism that is sensitive to abrupt temporal transients. The stimulus conditions employed did not result in a shift in the point of subjective simultaneity.  相似文献   

Two tone bursts separated by a silent interval and imbedded in a background white noise were presented to elderly subjects (M age = 71.3 years) and young subjects (M age = 22.2 years). Subjects were required to judge when the two tone bursts fused perceptually by adjusting the duration of tone-one. The bursts were separated by six discrete interstimulus intervals of 4, 8, 16, 24, 32, or 40 ms. The tone-two burst was held constant at 100 ms. Fusion point was defined as that critical tone-one duration at which the two tones fused (were perceived as one). Elderly subjects reached fusion point at longer critical tone-one durations than young subjects at each interval tested. The function relating tone-one duration and interval conformed to an exponential curve and is discussed with respect to an exponential decay model of the inhibitory interactions of neural systems responding to onsets and offsets of sensory events.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to explore whether temporal information processing can interfere with performance of a non-temporal task. A new methodology based on the Garner paradigm was employed. Participants were asked to classify two-dimensional stimuli according to either length or duration, with and without variation in the other (task-irrelevant) dimension. Garner interference was detected only with respect to classification by length when irrelevant variation in duration was present. Stroop interference was detected only in classification by length across compatible and non-compatible values of length and duration. Classification by length took more time when done with variation in duration than when duration was constant. Classification by length also took more time when length and duration were not compatible than when they were compatible. The findings indicate that the processing of duration is similar to the processing of other perceptual dimensions. The processing of duration consumes attentional resources and can interfere with the processing of other perceptual dimensions. The findings support attentional models of prospective duration judgment.  相似文献   

Temporal processing of durations in the range of seconds or more is mediated by working-memory mechanisms whereas processing of brief durations in the range of milliseconds appears to be beyond cognitive control and modulated by dopaminergic activity in the basal ganglia. In the present study, the effects of the selective noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor reboxetine on temporal information processing were evaluated. In a double-blind crossover design, either placebo or 2 or 4 mg of reboxetine were administered to 24 healthy male volunteers. Performance on temporal discrimination of longer durations, as indicated by 75%-difference thresholds in relation to a 1,000-ms standard interval, was significantly improved by 2 mg of reboxetine as compared to placebo, whereas the improvement observed with the 4-mg dose just failed to reach statistical significance. There was, however, no effect of reboxetine on temporal discrimination of extremely brief durations, as indicated by threshold values in relation to a 50-ms standard interval. Findings provided additional evidence for the notion that temporal processing of durations in the range of seconds is based on working-memory processes including aspects of directed attention. In timing of brief durations in the range of milliseconds, however, noradrenergic activity didnot seem to play a critical role.  相似文献   

发展性阅读障碍是指个体在智力正常并且不缺乏学校教育的情况下, 仍无法获得与年龄相匹配的阅读技能的一种学习障碍, 其缺陷的本质一直是研究者争论的焦点。大量研究显示, 阅读障碍者常表现出听觉时间加工损伤。在行为层面, 阅读障碍者难以辨别快速、连续呈现刺激的顺序以及刺激本身的动态时间特征。在神经层面, 阅读障碍者诱发的失匹配负波更弱且具有异常的神经同步加工。这些损伤同时存在于对言语和非言语刺激的加工中, 表明听觉时间加工缺陷非言语加工所特有。未来的研究还需阐明以下几个问题:1)阅读障碍的听觉时间加工缺陷发生在哪些时间窗口, 随年龄增长如何变化; 2)阅读障碍听觉时间加工缺陷在神经层面的时间进程是怎样的; 3)听觉时间加工缺陷是否为阅读障碍的核心缺陷。  相似文献   

Some temporal characteristics of processing during reading   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
College students read passages displayed on a cathode-ray tube as their eye movements were being monitored. During occasional fixations, all letters to the left of the directly fixated letter or all letters more than four to the right of the fixated letter were replaced by other letters. This replacement occurred either for only the first 100 ms of the fixation or only after the first 100 ms of the fixation. The eye movement data indicated that the eyes can respond to change in the visual stimulus within less than 100 ms and to orthographic irregularity in the text within less than 160 ms. No evidence was found for a left-to-right attentional scan during a fixation. The results were interpreted within the framework of a chronology of processing events occurring during a fixation in reading.  相似文献   

Modality-specific auditory and visual temporal processing deficits   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We studied the attentional blink (AB) and the repetition blindness (RB) effects using an audio-visual presentation procedure designed to overcome several potential methodological confounds in previous cross-modal research. In Experiment 1, two target digits were embedded amongst letter distractors in two concurrent streams (one visual and the other auditory) presented from the same spatial location. Targets appeared in either modality unpredictably at different temporal lags, and the participants' task was to recall the digits at the end of the trial. We evaluated both AB and RB for pairs of targets presented in either the same or different modalities. Under these conditions both AB and RB were observed in vision, AB but not RB was observed in audition, and there was no evidence of AB or RB cross-modally from audition to vision or vice versa. In Experiment 2, we further investigated the AB by including Lag 1 items and observed Lag 1 sparing, thus ruling out the possibility that the observed effects were due to perceptual and/or conceptual masking. Our results support a distinction between a modality-specific interference at the attentional selection stage and a modality-independent interference at later processing stages. They also provide a new dissociation between the AB and RB.  相似文献   

时间既是人类信息加工的对象, 也是(非时间)信息加工的制约因素。数十毫秒至数秒之间的时间加工与人类日常生活关联紧密, 譬如主观计时、演奏及言语等活动。根据以往文献分析可知, 在该时间区域内, 20~ 60 ms、1/3~1 s、2~3 s是研究者关注的重要时间参数, 但是支持这些参数的证据尚存分歧。首先从“时间信息加工”和“信息加工的时间特性”的视角介绍时间参数的基本观点及其提出背景, 然后基于“时间信息加工”视角从行为学研究、脑损伤研究、神经药理学研究, 脑电研究、脑成像研究、经颅磁刺激研究、经颅直流电刺激研究等领域介评了1/3~1 s和2~3 s分界区域的证据, 接着基于“信息加工的时间特性”视角从时序知觉阈限研究、感觉运动同步研究、主观节奏研究、言语行为研究、知觉逆转研究、返回抑制研究及失匹配负波研究等领域介评了20~60 ms和2~3 s时间窗口的证据。未来研究既要注意构建基于分界区域与时间窗口的更强解释力的理论假说, 也要厘清分界区域与时间窗口的联系与区别。  相似文献   

Studies on functional hemispheric asymmetries have suggested that the right vs. left hemisphere should be predominantly involved in low vs. high spatial frequency (SF) analysis, respectively. By manipulating exposure duration of filtered natural scene images, we examined whether the temporal characteristics of SF analysis (i.e., the temporal precedence of low on high spatial frequencies) may interfere with hemispheric specialization. Results showed the classical hemispheric specialization pattern for brief exposure duration and a trend to a right hemisphere advantage irrespective of the SF content for longer exposure duration. The present study suggests that the hemispheric specialization pattern for visual information processing should be considered as a dynamic system, wherein the superiority of one hemisphere over the other could change according to the level of temporal constraints: the higher the temporal constraints of the task, the more the hemispheres are specialized in SF processing.  相似文献   

We presented a masked prime at various prime–target intervals (PTIs) before a target that required a speeded motor response and investigated the impact of temporal attention on the nonconscious prime processing. The allocation of temporal attention to the target was manipulated by presenting an accessory tone and comparing that condition with a no-tone condition. The results showed that, independently of the visibility of the prime, temporal attention led to an enhanced effect of prime–target congruency on the reaction times, and that the amount of the enhancement increased with increasing PTIs. This effect pattern is consistent with the assumption of increasing influences of temporal attention and of the increasing PTI on nonconscious prime processing; it argues against the hypothesis that temporal attention narrows the time period in which the prime may affect target processing. An accumulator model is proposed assuming that target-related temporal attention increases the accumulation rate for masked primes and, thus, enhances the impact of the prime on the speed of choice decisions.  相似文献   

Neuroanatomical evidence suggests that poor readers may have abnormal lateral (LGN) and medial (MGN) geniculate nuclei responsible for temporal processing in visual and auditory domains respectively (Livingstone & Galaburda, 1993). Although behavioral evidence does support this neuroanatomical evidence in that poor readers have performed poorly on visual and auditory tasks thought to require the utilization of the LGN and MGN, respectively, appropriate examination of the coexistence of these behavioral abnormalities in the same population of poor readers has yet to take place. The present study examined correlations between visual and auditory temporal processing scores of all readers (collapsed groups), good readers, and poor readers who were isolated into phonological and surface dyslexic subtypes. The same subjects and data from Cestnick and Coltheart (1999) and Cestnick and Jerger (2000) were used to run the analyses. Results demonstrated a multitude of correlations between these tasks for the phonological dyslexic group only. It is contended that cross-modality temporal processing deficits may exist in poor nonlexical (phonological dyslexics) as opposed to poor lexical (surface dyslexics) readers. It is conceivable that phonological dyslexics may also have deficiencies within the LGN and MGN, or perhaps within systems related to these nuclei. The precise cause of these processing patterns and correlations is still unknown.  相似文献   

Capizzi M  Sanabria D  Correa Á 《Cognition》2012,123(2):293-302
The aim of the present study was to investigate the controlled versus the automatic nature of temporal preparation. If temporal preparation involves controlled rather than automatic processing, it should be reduced by the addition of a concurrent demanding task. This hypothesis was tested by comparing participants' performance in a temporal preparation task that measured two main effects of temporal preparation (temporal orienting and sequential effects) between a single-task and a dual-task condition. In the single-task condition, participants responded to a visual target presented after symbolic cues that were highly predictive of the moment of target onset. In the dual-task condition, the temporal preparation task was performed concurrently with a working memory task. The results showed that sequential effects survived to dual-task interference, while temporal orienting was reduced as a function of the competition for executive resources required by both working memory and temporal preparation tasks. These findings provide direct behavioural evidence that temporal orienting and sequential effects involve dissociable cognitive processes.  相似文献   

Information processing limit is a fundamental issue in cognitive psychology. One particular way of studying it is to adopt a temporal span perspective. In this experiment, Weber fractions based on thresholds for duration discrimination are used for adopting this perspective. The results showed that, contrary to the constant predicted by Weber's law, the Weber fraction is larger at 2 than at .2 s. This increase is observed in conditions where inter-trial intervals and cognitive load are manipulated, and is argued to be due to the fact that 2 s is beyond a temporal span limit for processing information.  相似文献   

Research that uses simple response time tasks and neuroimaging has emphasized that attentional preparation based on temporal expectancy modulates processing at motor levels. A novel approach was taken to study whether the temporal orienting of attention can also modulate perceptual processing. A temporal-cuing paradigm was used together with a rapid serial visual presentation procedure, in order to maximize the processing demands of perceptual analysis. Signal detection theory was applied in order to examine whether temporal orienting affects processes related to perceptual sensitivity or to response criterion (indexed byďand beta measures, respectively). If temporal orienting implies perceptual preparation, we would expect to observe an increase in perceptual sensitivity (ď) when a target appeared at expected, rather than unexpected, time intervals. Indeed, our behavioral results opened the possibility that focusing attention on time intervals not only enhances motor processing, as has been shown by previous research, but also might improve perceptual processing.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to identify differences between cerebral hemispheres for processing temporal intervals ranging from .9 to 1.4 s. The intervals to be judged were marked by series of brief visual signals located in the left or the right visual field. Series of three (two standards and one comparison) or five intervals (four standards and one comparison), marked by sequences of 4 or 6 signals, were compared. While discrimination, as estimated by d', was significantly better in the 4-standard than in the 2-standard condition when stimuli were presented in the left visual field (LVF), this number-of-standard effect on discrimination varied with the difficulty levels when the signals were presented in the LVF. Moreover, the discrimination levels were constant for the different base durations with stimuli presented in the LVF, but not with stimuli presented in the right visual field. This article discusses the implication of these findings for the study of hemispheric dominance for temporal processing and for a single-clock hypothesis.  相似文献   

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