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Traits and goals represent discrete units of personality. Here, we examined the consensus, validity, and cues of trait judgments made on the basis of targets’ goals. Targets (N = 409) generated lists of personal goals and rated their traits. Observers were provided with targets’ (a) lists of goals, (b) first goals, or (c) fifth goals, and then reported trait judgments of targets. Perceptions of targets, which were formed on the basis of the emotional content of goals, were largely consistent among observers. Furthermore, observer reports made on the basis of participants’ lists of goals converged with self-reports of all traits whereas reports made on the basis of single goals converged with self-reports of certain (e.g., extraversion), but not all, traits.  相似文献   

Previous research on the populist radical right (PRR) has focused exclusively on explicit measures in explaining support for these contested political players. In this study, we explore the role of implicit attitudes in predicting vote likelihood for a PRR party. We use an online survey (n = 773) among Dutch respondents in which we measured implicit attitudes towards the Dutch PRR Partij voor de Vrijheid (PVV) with a Single‐Target Implicit Association Test (ST‐IAT). The results show that the implicit measure predicts vote likelihood in general, as well as in ways beyond that accounted for by traditional explanations of PRR party support. Importantly, the results also show that the impact of implicit attitudes on intended vote choice is greater for less extreme voters; in other words, those voters less likely to say they would vote for the PVV are more heavily influenced at an implicit level, beyond their awareness. This suggests that implicit attitudes of the PRR party may be quite useful for explaining support among voters who would not normally self‐report it.  相似文献   

目的本研究考察了人格、动机强弱分别与心理控制幻觉之间的关系。方法采用被试内实验设计的方法,用艾森克人格问卷进行测量。结果与结论动机水平的高低与控制幻觉的形成之间存在明确的关系,即前后动机水平的发生变化,信心分差异显著(t=-3.1,p=0.006<0.05),动机越强则产生控制幻觉的倾向性越大;人格中的外倾性,精神质与心理控制幻觉的产生存在显著的正相关(r=0.766,P<0.01;r=0.827,P<0.01);外倾性这一心理特质对控制幻觉的产生有较强的预测作用。  相似文献   

The present study was a close replication of Hudson, Roberts, and Lodi-Smith (2012). Participants’ personality traits and social investment in work were measured twice over three years. Latent change models were used to examine the associations among the intercepts (levels) and slopes (changes) for these variables. Results revealed that levels of all of the big five traits except openness were generally related to levels of social investment at work. Longitudinally, changes in social investment in work were generally associated with simultaneously co-occurring changes in only conscientiousness and agreeableness. Age did not moderate these correlated changes. Overall, the results directly replicated those of Hudson et al. (2012) and suggest that personality traits develop in concert with job experiences.  相似文献   

Personality and self-determination of exercise behaviour   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
There is extensive evidence that personality traits are associated with health-related behaviours, but less evidence regarding the underlying mechanisms. In this study, we examined the relationships between personality and self-determination of exercise behaviour. Users of a sports centre completed personality scales (the NEO Five Factor Inventory supplemented with the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire Psychoticism scale) and exercise self-determination scales (Behavioural Regulation in Exercise Questionnaire which measures extrinsic, introjected, identified and intrinsic forms of regulation). Analyses were restricted to 182 individuals in the maintenance stage of exercise participation. Partial correlation analysis was used to examine the relationships between each personality scale and the self-determination scales, controlling for other personality scales, gender and age. Neuroticism was associated with more introjected regulation, extraversion with more identified and intrinsic regulation, openness with less external regulation, conscientiousness with less external regulation and more intrinsic regulation, and psychoticism with more external regulation. Relating these findings to self-determination theory (Deci & Ryan, 2000), it is speculated that extraverted individuals are able to feel self-determined because exercise can satisfy the need for relatedness, conscientious individuals because exercise can satisfy the need for competence. Furthermore, conscientious individuals may have greater wherewithal to advance along the continuum of behavioural regulation.  相似文献   

To assess genetic and environmental contributions to personal goals, 1279 twins aged 20-26 filled in Personal Project Analysis and NEO-FFI inventories. Personal goals relating to education, the respondent’s own family, friends, property, travel and self showed primarily genetic and unique environmental effects, whereas goals related to parents and relatives showed both shared and unique environmental effects. The variation in goals related to health, work, hobbies and life philosophy was attributable to non-shared environmental effects. Openness to experience and personal goals related to family, education and property shared a significant amount of genetic influence. The same was true for extraversion and self-related goals, and agreeableness and goals related to property.  相似文献   

母子性格、性格匹配与青少年期母子冲突的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
从成都市两所中学选取709名初一至高三的学生和他们的母亲,采用问卷调查的方式,要求学生报告自己的性格,以及过去六个月中母子冲突的形式和在八个方面母子冲突的频率,要求母亲报告自己的性格,以探讨母子性格、性格匹配和青少年期母子冲突的关系。结果发现,母亲的情绪稳定性与母子冲突的关系更为明显,可以预测很多方面的母子冲突。  相似文献   

Goals and plans for changing one’s personality traits have been found to be commonly held, particularly in young adults. Evidence for whether such goals and plans can predict actual trait change is mixed. The current study replicated and extended the methodology of a previous study to investigate whether trait change goals and plans predict change over a year in a sample of Iranian students. It was found that goals and plans before and after the 12-month period predicted longitudinal change in Openness to Experience, but no association was found for other traits. To explore whether this relationship between goals and change in Openness to Experience is replicable, further research with samples of differing ages and cultures is needed.  相似文献   

The present study identified individual variables by which first-year teacher students' risk for burnout can be detected at an early stage. We analyzed a sample of teacher students (n = 559) and a control group of psychology students (n = 150) by using multinomial logistic regression analyses. We estimated the impact of personality (Five-Factor model) and motivation for choosing teacher education on work-related coping behavior and experiences (WCEP types: healthy-ambitious, unambitious, excessively-ambitious, and risk for burnout). Neuroticism and the extrinsic motivation of choosing teacher education (the assumed low difficulty of studies) were risk factors for unhealthy, stress-related coping behavior and experiences. In contrast, high levels of extraversion and conscientiousness as well as intrinsic motivation for choosing teacher education (subject-specific interest) were related to healthy-ambitious behavior. Relations of personality and stress-related WCEP types were partially moderated according to field of study (teaching versus psychology). Our results are of particular importance for improving counseling programs that advise prospective teacher students regarding their individual fit to the requirements and challenges of the teaching profession and for correcting false expectations about study demands.  相似文献   

Gender and motivation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The role of gender in shaping achievement motivation has a long history in psychological and educational research. In this review, gender differences in motivation are examined using four contemporary theories of achievement motivation, including attribution, expectancy-value, self-efficacy, and achievement goal perspectives. Across all theories, findings indicate girls' and boys' motivation-related beliefs and behaviors continue to follow gender role stereotypes. Boys report stronger ability and interest beliefs in mathematics and science, whereas girls have more confidence and interest in language arts and writing. Gender effects are moderated by ability, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and classroom context. Additionally, developmental research indicates that gender differences in motivation are evident early in school, and increase for reading and language arts over the course of school. The role of the home and school environment in the development of these gender patterns is examined. Important implications for school professionals are highlighted.  相似文献   

The extent to which approach and avoidance personality trait sensitivities are associated with specific cognitive control abilities as well as with verbal and nonverbal domains remains unclear. In the current study, we investigated whether approach and avoidance trait sensitivities predict performance on verbal and nonverbal versions of the Stroop task, which taps the specific cognitive control ability of inhibiting task-irrelevant information. The findings from the current study indicate that whereas approach (specifically, Extraversion) sensitivity was predictive of verbal Stroop performance, avoidance (specifically, Behavioral Inhibition System) sensitivity was predictive of nonverbal Stroop performance. These results provide novel evidence suggestive of the integration of motivational personality traits and the ability to inhibit task-irrelevant information in a domain-specific fashion.  相似文献   

Little is known about reasons for individual differences in practice behavior – why do some individuals practice more than others? Here we explore personality related traits such as openness, motivation and flow proneness as well as IQ as potential predictors of music practice. Using a large Swedish twin cohort of more than 10,500 individuals we also estimated genetic and environmental influences underlying such associations. Significant associations with music practice were found for IQ, intrinsic motivation, music flow, and openness. With all predictors in the same model (including sex and age) we could explain about 25% of variance in music practice. However, IQ and intrinsic motivation became non-significant in the full model, with music specific flow being the strongest predictor of music practice. Multivariate genetic modeling with the two remaining significant predictors (openness and music flow) and music practice suggested that the associations between the variables were largely due to shared genetic influences with some additional non-shared environmental influences. Our findings suggest that common genes may influence both music practicing behavior and traits related to artistic interests and musical enjoyment (flow).  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which non‐cognitive constructs (personality, thinking styles, motivation, and psychological well‐being) would predict self‐reported creativity across different domains among 266 college students. Consistent with hypotheses, openness, legislative thinking styles, and intrinsic motivation were significant predictors of overall self‐reported creativity and across several domains. Extraversion was also a key predictor. Some other relationships consistent with past research (such as disagreeableness and math/science creativity) were also noted.  相似文献   

A useful framework for understanding methods is to think of them as being on a continuum of holistic and pattern focused to particularistic and specific. This paper argues for this conceptualization rather than thinking of quantitative and qualitative methods as oppositional and potentially contradictory. A case study provides an example of using both quantitative and qualitative methods in a holistic and pattern-focused study, while also attending to the values and goals of community psychology. The substantive research goal is to understand a child's experience of places related to school. Methods include ethnographic long-term participation and observation, interviews, multidimensional scaling, and social network analysis. Most quantitative method variables are generated from study participants; no outside structure is imposed. The quantitative methods extend and inform the qualitative methods, just as the qualitative methods extend and inform the quantitative methods. The quantitative and qualitative methods work reciprocally to extend and inform each other.  相似文献   

赵娜  周明洁  陈爽  李永鑫  张建新 《心理科学》2014,37(4):1002-1007
信任作为一种复杂的社会心理现象,其相关研究不能脱离个体所处的文化背景。个体在一般信任水平,信任的建立方式,信任的种类及信任修复的方式等方面都存在着显著的文化差异。信任存在文化差异的主要原因在于个体对线索的提取方式不同、所处社会文化情境不同及文化的变迁。量化研究和质性研究相结合的方法是信任研究主要采用的方法,其中卡片分类与深度访谈相结合法、“桌面游戏”法最受研究者的青睐。未来的研究应该进一步探查信任的本土化概念,并关注全球化背景下不同文化下个体的人际信任建立的问题。  相似文献   

The Cross-Cultural Personality Assessment Inventory-2 (CPAI-2) was developed as an alternative instrument to measure personality in Asian cultures based on the argument that available instruments are largely based on the Five Factor Model of personality and may not adequately assess personality in Asian cultures. Research on the CPAI-2 was extended to non-Asian particularly Western cultures but not to African cultures. In this study a sample of 425 South African university students completed both the CPAI-2 and the NEO-PI-R to consider the utility of the CPAI-2 and the four factor model in which the instrument is located in an African context. The results were did not provide conclusive support for the four factor model as conceptualised in the CPAI-2. Support for the five factors of the FFM was evident but the results from both the four and five factor models indicated empirical support for a social relational aspect of personality. Based on these results, this paper argues for the necessity of incorporating social relational elements into the existing FFM and reflects on work done in the South African context which can inform this direction.  相似文献   

We compared the predictive validity of two types of Frame-of-Reference personality measures to each other and to a baseline generic measure. Each version of the measures used a unique response-format referred to as frequency-based estimation that allowed the behavioral consistency of responses to be gauged. Generic personality scales, tagged scales with “at school”, and completely modified scales were compared in their prediction of academic performance, counterproductive academic behavior, and participant reactions. Results showed that completely contextualized measures were the most predictively valid and, contrary to our expectations, behavioral consistency did not moderate the relationships. Face validity and to a lesser extent perceived predictive validity improved with increasing contextualization. We discuss the implications of our results for personality assessment in applied settings.  相似文献   

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