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In the test-pair similarity effect, forced-choice recognition is more accurate for similar test pairs, such as leopard-cheetah, than it is for unrelated test pairs, such as leopard-turnip. According to global matching models, this occurs because the retrieved familiarities of similar items are correlated. In the Minerva 2 model, global matching underlies frequency judgments as well as recognition memory. One implication of this model is that judged frequencies of similar items should be correlated. Another implication is that judgments of summed frequency for pairs of words (how many presentations were there of word1 and word2 combined?) should have higher variance when word1 and word2 are similar than when they are unrelated. These predictions were tested and confirmed in two experiments. A review of these and other results suggests that theories of recognition memory should also be applicable to frequency-judgment tasks.  相似文献   

In visual search tasks, attention can be guided to a target item--appearing amidst distractors--on the basis of simple features (e.g., finding the red letter among green). Chun and Jiang's (1998) contextual cuing effect shows that reaction times (RTs) are also speeded if the spatial configuration of items in a scene is repeated over time. In the present studies, we ask whether global properties of the scene can speed search (e.g., if the display is mostly red, then the target is at location X). In Experiment 1A, the overall background color of the display predicted the target location, and the predictive color could appear 0, 400, or 800 msec in advance of the search array. Mean RTs were faster in predictive than in nonpredictive conditions. However, there was little improvement in search slopes. The global color cue did not improve search efficiency. Experiments 1B-1F replicated this effect using different predictive properties (e.g., background orientation-texture and stimulus color). The results showed a strong RT effect of predictive background, but (at best) only a weak improvement in search efficiency. A strong improvement in efficiency was found, however, when the informative background was presented 1,500 msec prior to the onset of the search stimuli and when observers were given explicit instructions to use the cue (Experiment 2).  相似文献   

Age differences in bias in conditional probability judgments were investigated based on predictions derived from the Minerva-Decision Making model (M. R. P. Dougherty, C. F. Gettys, & E. E. Ogden, 1999), a global matching model of likelihood judgment. In this study, 248 younger and older adults completed frequency judgment and conditional probability judgment tasks. Age differences in the frequency judgment task are interpreted as an age-related deficit in memory encoding. Older adults' stronger biases in the probability judgment task point to age differences in criterion setting. Age-related biases were eliminated when age groups were equated on memory encoding by means of study time manipulation. The authors conclude that older adults' stronger judgment biases are a function of memory impairment.  相似文献   

Accurate matching of unfamiliar faces is vital in security and forensic applications, yet previous research has suggested that humans often perform poorly when matching unfamiliar faces. Hairstyle and facial hair can strongly influence unfamiliar face matching but are potentially unreliable cues. This study investigated whether increased attention to the more stable internal face features of eyes, nose, and mouth was associated with more accurate face‐matching performance. Forty‐three first‐year psychology students decided whether two simultaneously presented faces were of the same person or not. The faces were displayed for either 2 or 6 seconds, and had either similar or dissimilar hairstyles. The level of attention to internal features was measured by the proportion of fixation time spent on the internal face features and the sensitivity of discrimination to changes in external feature similarity. Increased attention to internal features was associated with increased discrimination in the 2‐second display‐time condition, but no significant relationship was found in the 6‐second condition. Individual differences in eye‐movements were highly stable across the experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Previous research related to the prominence effect (e.g., Tversky, Sattath, & Slovic, 1988) has mainly focused on the causes and boundary conditions of the effect. This article investigates the determinants of prominence and explores a negative-based prominence effect in which the negative attribute becomes the prominent one. Using a matching-choice procedure, Experiments 1 and 2 show that the negative dimension became the prominent one under two different cover stories, suggesting that the negative feature looms larger in choice than in matching. The robustness of negative-based prominence was further demonstrated in a direct choice task without matching (Experiment 3) and was shown to be resistant to the impact of added positive features (Experiment 4). Finally, Experiments 5 and 6 distinguish between two determinants of prominence: intrinsic prominence caused by attribute importance and negative-based prominence caused by negative attribute values. By lowering the values on the positive dimension and enhancing the values on the negative dimension, one can reverse the prominence effect. The results suggest that, compared to a matching task, choice leads to enhanced sensitivity to negative features. The relations between negative characteristics of an attribute and other factors that determine prominence are discussed in the final section.  相似文献   

Subjects were instructed to match 3-dimensional forms while event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded to explore the relationship between visual completion and conflict processing. Sequentially presented paired stimuli (S1 and S2) were identical in condition I, while in condition II the images were of the same contour, but S2 contained an invisible portion, and in condition III S1 and S2 were of different contours. Subjects indicated if stimuli were physically identical or contour similar in two separate sessions. Following the onset of S2, ERP components P100, N150, and LPC were recorded in all conditions. N150 was enhanced in condition II in both sessions, and N270 was elicited in conditions II and III. N150 is related to visual completion, while N270 is related to the evaluation of information discrepancy, belonging to independent systems.  相似文献   

Many species classify images according to visual attributes. In pigeons, local features may disproportionately control classification, whereas in primates global features may exert greater control. In the absence of explicitly comparative studies, in which different species are tested with the same stimuli under similar conditions, it is not possible to determine how much of the variation in the control of classification is due to species differences and how much is due to differences in the stimuli, training, or testing conditions. We tested rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) and orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus and Pongo abelii) in identical tests in which images were modified to determine which stimulus features controlled classification. Monkeys and orangutans were trained to classify full color images of birds, fish, flowers, and people; they were later given generalization tests in which images were novel, black and white, black and white line drawings, or scrambled. Classification in these primate species was controlled by multiple stimulus attributes, both global and local, and the species behaved similarly.  相似文献   

The relative efficacy of external and internal features in matching unfamiliar faces was studied in three experiments in which the subjects matched target and test faces differing in terms of external or internal features, or both. In Experiment 1 only full congruency between target and test faces was considered a match; in Experiments 2 and 3 faces sharing the same external and internal features were also considered to be matches. A total of 100 subjects matched 192 pairs of target and test faces in a same-different task. Reaction times and matching errors were recorded for analyses of variance. In all three experiments performance was best when either all features matched or all features mismatched, with mismatches having a slight edge. When matches of external and internal features with the target faces were inconsistent with each other, mismatches of external features led to faster responses in Experiments 1 and 2, and mismatches of internal features led to faster responses in Experiment 3. The results suggest that since faces are configurational stimuli, face matching is influenced by the non-relevant set of features; and that mismatches, especially of external features, influence face matching more than matches do.  相似文献   

I propose an alternative interpretation of the Crito. The arguments that are typically taken to be Socrates' primary arguments against escape are actually supplementary arguments that rely on what I call the Superiority Thesis, the thesis that the state and its citizens are members of a moral hierarchy where those below are tied by bonds of obligation to those above. I provide evidence that Socrates holds this thesis, demonstrate how it resolves a number of apparent difficulties, and show why my interpretation is preferable to competing interpretations.  相似文献   

Determinants of attention to local and global features of visual forms   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This article deals with the problem of how attention is distributed to different levels of detail (global, local) in visual scenes. Six experiments explore the effect of a previous level of processing on current processing. The contention that processing at a given level of detail biases the distribution of attention so that more is allocated to that level for future processing is supported by the presence in the data of a robust level-readiness effect, whereby processing is faster at a given level if previous processing has been at that level. The level-readiness effect occurs regardless of the conspicuity of features at the various levels. Conflict between levels seems to depend on the imbalance of conspicuity and attention allocation between levels, with the more conspicuous or attended-to-level interfering more. A model of two-state attention switching similar to that of Sperling and Melchnor (1978) is proposed to explain these data. the final experiment confirmed the somewhat unusual prediction of this model that sometimes processing under focusing-attention conditions can be slower than that under divided-attention conditions.  相似文献   

Fagot and Deruelle (1997) demonstrated that, when tested with identical visual stimuli, baboons exhibit an advantage in processing local features, whereas humans show the “global precedence” effect initially reported by Navon (1977). In the present experiments, we investigated the cause of this species difference. Humans and baboons performed a visual search task in which the target differed from the distractors at either the global or the local level. Humans responded more quickly to global than to local targets, whereas baboons did the opposite (Experiment 1). Human response times (RTs) were independent of display size, for both local and global processing. Baboon RTs increased linearly with display size, more so for global than for local processing. The search slope for baboons disappeared for continuous targets (Experiment 2). That effect was not due to variations in stimulus luminance (Experiment 3). Finally, variations in stimulus density affected global search slopes in baboons but not in humans (Experiment 4). Overall, results suggest that perceptual grouping operations involved during the processing of hierarchical stimuli are attention demanding for baboons, but not for humans.  相似文献   

The aims of this study is to examine whether global dominance depends on the opening size of the stimulus with concentric hierarchical figures and orientation classification task and to determine the role of the salience of global opening and its coincidence with vertical symmetry axis of context. In the first experiment, participants had to indicate the opening direction of stimuli, which were open-left and open-right figures. Three openings were included: 10, 25 and 50% of the total circle perimeter. The results showed a local advantage with stimuli of 10%, absence of global or local advantage with stimuli of 25% and global advantage with stimuli of 50%. In the second experiment, stimuli with an opening of 50% were presented randomly in several positions in the visual field in order to avoid the coincidence of global opening with the vertical symmetry axis of context. The results showed an absence of global or local advantage. These findings indicate that global dominance with orientation classification task depends on stimulus characteristics such as opening size, and strategies used in visual recognition.  相似文献   

John B. Pierce Laboratory and Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut When we examine objects haptically, do we weight their local and global features as we do visually, or do we place relatively greater emphasis on local shape? In Experiment 1, subjects made either haptic or visual comparisons of pairs of geometric objects (from a set of 16) differing in local and global shape. Relative to other objects, those with comparable global shape but different local features were judged less similar by touch than by vision. Separate groups of subjects explored the same objects while wearing either thick gloves (to discourage contour-following) or splinted gloves (to prevent enclosure). Ratings of similarity were comparable in these two conditions, suggesting that neither exploratory procedure was necessary, by itself, for the extraction of either local or global shape. In Experiment 2, haptic exploration time was restricted to 1, 4, 8, or 16 sec. Limiting exploration time affected relative similarity in objects differing in their local but not their global shape. Together, the findings indicate that the haptic system initially weights local features more heavily than global ones, that this differential weighting decreases over time, and that neither contour-following nor enclosure is exclusively associated with the differential emphasis on local versus global features.  相似文献   

In two experiments, the accuracy with which subjects detected a conjunction of features was examined as a function of the spacing between items and the goodness of the axis along which they were located. In each array, two items were arranged along a vertical, a horizontal, or a diagonal axis. Based on the well-established oblique effect, the vertical and horizontal axes were considered to be good global patterns and the diagonals were considered to be poor. In Experiment 1, the two items in an array could be two horizontal lines, two vertical lines, a vertical and a horizontal line, or a plus sign with one of the single lines. In Experiment 2, a positive- and a negative-diagonal line were used as the individual features, and an "X" was used as the conjunction. The results from Experiment 1 indicated that global goodness influenced only the rate of illusory conjunctions, and not of feature errors. Illusory conjunctions of vertical and horizontal line segments were more likely to occur in vertical and horizontal arrangements. The results from Experiment 2 revealed a reversal of the effect of global goodness on the rate of illusory conjunctions: Illusory conjunctions of negative- and positive-diagonal line segments were more likely to occur in diagonal arrangements. The results of both experiments taken together showed the existence of an important and new factor that influences the likelihood that features of shape will be conjoined: the ease with which line segments conjoin when they are translated along their extent toward each other. In both experiments, greater spacing between items produced more feature-identification errors and fewer feature-integration errors than did less spacing.  相似文献   

In this article, I consider the standard interpretation of the superiority theory of humor attributed to Plato, Aristotle, and Hobbes, according to which the theory allegedly places feelings of superiority at the center of humor and comic amusement. The view that feelings of superiority are at the heart of all comic amusement is wildly implausible. Therefore textual evidence for the interpretation of Plato, Aristotle, or Hobbes as offering the superiority theory as an essentialist theory of humor is worth careful consideration. Through textual analysis I argue that not one of these three philosophers defends an essentialist theory of comic amusement. I also discuss the way various theories of humor relate to one another and the proper place of a superiority theory in humor theory in light of my analysis.  相似文献   

When we examine objects haptically, do we weight their local and global features as we do visually, or do we place relatively greater emphasis on local shape? In Experiment 1, subjects made either haptic or visual comparisons of pairs of geometric objects (from a set of 16) differing in local and global shape. Relative to other objects, those with comparable global shape but different local features were judged less similar by touch than by vision. Separate groups of subjects explored the same objects while wearing either thick gloves (to discourage contour-following) or splinted gloves (to prevent enclosure). Ratings of similarity were comparable in these two conditions, suggesting that neither exploratory procedure was necessary, by itself, for the extraction of either local or global shape. In Experiment 2, haptic exploration time was restricted to 1, 4, 8, or 16 sec. Limiting exploration time affected relative similarity in objects differing in their local but not their global shape. Together, the findings indicate that the hepatic system initially weights local features more heavily than global ones, that this differential weighting decreases over time, and that neither contour-following nor enclosure is exclusively associated with the differential emphasis on local versus global features.  相似文献   

Forest before trees: The precedence of global features in visual perception   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The idea that global structuring of a visual scene precedes analysis of local features is suggested, discussed, and tested. In the first two experiments subjects were asked to respond to an auditorily presented name of a letter while looking at a visual stimulus that consisted of a large character (the global level) made out of small characters (the local level). The subjects' auditory discrimination responses were subject to interference only by the global level and not by the local one. In Experiment 3 subjects were presented with large characters made out of small ones, and they had to recognize either just the large characters or just the small ones. Whereas the identity of the small characters had no effect on recognition of the large ones, global cues which conflicted with the local ones did inhibit the responses to the local level. In Experiment 4 subjects were asked to judge whether pairs of simple patterns of geometrical forms which were presented for a brief duration were the same or different. The patterns within a pair could differ either at the global or at the local level. It was found that global differences were detected more often than local differences.  相似文献   

Young children often compare objects holistically and not in terms of separate dimensions such as size and color. One holistic relation that often governs young children's object comparisons is overall similarity. Two experiments were conducted to examine the possibility that a holistic magnitude relation might also govern children's object comparisons. Objects varying on two dimensions of magnitude-size and saturation--were classified by 3-, 4-, and 5-year-olds. The results indicated that the younger children were sensitive to global magnitude as well as overall similarity. They grouped together large and saturated objects or small and desaturated objects more often than they did large and desaturated (or small and saturated) objects and thus appear to have been classifying by combined magnitude across both dimensions. This new finding that young children classify by a global relation of magnitude refines the understanding of perceptual development and provides information about the structure of perception. Young children's use of global magnitudes in classification also fits well with recent findings about children's acquisitions of dimension words.  相似文献   

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