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An attempt is made to give an open account about the goals, problems and results concerning the ending of eight training analyses. The connection of trauma, individual defence structure and mental disturbances as well as the need for their therapeutic change is emphasized. Three problems are offered for further discussion: 1. to transform acting outs of training analysts standing under the pressure of the projections by training analysands onto the institute, into interpretation; 2. the difficulty to understand the varieties of the depressive position within the mental patterns of foreign civilisations; 3. the hypothetical effect of the analysis of character neuroses on the abstinence of training analysts and on the decision for lower frequency by former training analysands.  相似文献   

When analysands read about themselves in reports, their reactions range from anger, disappointment, or condemnation to a sense of appreciation or even idealization of the analyst. The eleven interviews reported here reflect only conscious responses; the unconscious layers were not probed for. It should be kept in mind also that the analysts of these patients might report very different stories. Other limitations are the small sample size and the representation only of patients who volunteered. Nonetheless, the information they provide may help analysts consider how and when writing about patients may influence their representation of themselves, the analyst, and analysis itself.  相似文献   

This article draws attention to a topic that has been mostly ignored in our literature: the manifold transference meanings of our patients' reactions to our other patients. Central aspects of the patient's transference may be displaced onto the analyst's other patients. The author includes clinical examples of hospitalized patients, where such transferences to other patients are often more dramatic and obvious, as well as examples from neurotic patients, where such transferences may be less dramatic and may tend to resolve more readily through interpretation. The displacement of transference feelings onto the analyst's other patients also has important implications for training analyses, where analysands are likely to have multiple relationships with the analyst's other analysands, supervisees, and students.  相似文献   

Countertransference is an inevitable feature of every psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysts are (and need to be) only human; psychoanalytic work is arduous and replete with stresses, strains, and deprivations; analysands tend to probe for vulnerabilities in their analysts that can be exploited in the interest of acting out neurotic wishes instead of analyzing them; and a training analysis cannot completely immunize a psychoanalyst against countertransferential reactions that impede analytic progress. Psychoanalysts must be vigilant to the emergence of countertransference reactions so that they can analyze and overcome them. Two illustrative clinical examples are provided.  相似文献   

A part of the research project made at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München about Childhood during World War II is reported here about the comments of psychoanalysts who were children at the time of World War II, about their life story, their individual development, their psychoanalytic socialization and their present professional practice. Special attention is paid to the question whether and how the war and National Socialism have influenced training analysis as it is represented in the memory of the former analysands, in which war and National Socialism represent a common experiential background both of analysands and training analysts.  相似文献   

In working psychoanalytically, it is common to encounter patients who need to carefully manage their immediate objects. This is evident in their stories about external life at home, at work, and with friends as well as in how it emerges within the transference. While a frequent theme in many analytic cases, the motives behind this need are varied.

Case material is used to show how these reactions emerge when psychic retreats fail. When unable to find refuge in pathological organizations or psychic retreats, patients are exposed to the worst of paranoid and depressive anxieties with only a fragile foxhole to withdraw into or defend from. In such a precarious psychological state, fantasies of unbearable self and object danger emerge, leading to various forms of acting out, overreliance on projective identification, and perverted images of giving and receiving. These fantasies result in the desire for idealized objects, the drive to resurrect fallen objects, and the need to avoid cruel and attacking objects that have taken over and replaced the sought out ideal.  相似文献   

I am writing this paper to help myself, and hopefully some readers, to a better understanding of why some analysands in certain phases of the analysis develop the idea that they are homosexuals or that their analyst is homosexual. My basic thought is that even if these ideas have their individual roots and differ from case to case, they are also dependent on certain phenomena that are included in the analytic encounter and specified by different gender constellations constituting the analytic couple. I will present two examples from my own practice. From these two vignettes, I will draw some conclusions which are supported by my general psychoanalytic experience. The first example concerns male analysands. I have often seen male patients develop the fantasy that they “in reality” are homosexual. This fantasy is so common that it is a rule in my experience. I see it as a product of the fact that the psychoanalytic constellation consists, as in my case, of two men. The second example concerns female analysands. In a few cases with female analysands, I have seen the fantasy emerge that I, the analyst, am homosexual—a fantasy not seen in my male cases. Another difference is that I can't see this as a rule like the fantasy of the male analysands. In both the male and the female cases, I see the homosexual fantasies as a protection against discovery of the mother-transference to me. However, the fantasies have found different expressions depending on the specific gender constellation of the analytic couple: man and man and woman and man, respectively.  相似文献   

A set of full-color images of objects is described for use in experiments investigating the effects of in-depth rotation on the identification of three-dimensional objects. The corpus contains up to 11 perspective views of 70 nameable objects. We also provide ratings of the “goodness” of each view, based on Thurstonian scaling of subjects’ preferences in a paired-comparison experiment. An exploratory cluster analysis on the scaling solutions indicates that the amount of information available in a given view generally is the major determinant of the goodness of the view. For instance, objects with an elongated front-back axis tend to cluster together, and the front and back views of these objects, which do not reveal the object’s major surfaces and features, are evaluated as the worst views.  相似文献   

The study of Freud's personal conception of writing and his use of it illuminates a significant aspect of his relationship with others, and also his sense of his own heroic greatness. In two related periods of his life, acts of writing--which were notably overdetermined in Freud and which informed as well as facilitated a distinctive kind of self-expression--gave rise to veritable (w)rites of passage. In those periods, the transferential dynamics in Freud's relationships with Fliess, his daughter Anna, and certain important analysands were expressed in ways connected with the content and process of various types of writing, including editing and translating. In sum, there is something still to be discovered in Freud's attitudes to his writing and to related intergenerational transactions between analysts and analysands who engage together in compositional activities.  相似文献   

The present study examines the effect of thegoodness of view on the minimal exposure time required to recognize depth-rotated objects. In a previous study, Verfaillie and Boutsen (1995) derived scales of goodness of view, using a new corpus of images of depth-rotated objects. In the present experiment, a subset of this corpus (five views of 56 objects) is used to determine the recognition exposure time for each view, by increasing exposure time across successive presentations until the object is recognized. The results indicate that, for two thirds of the objects,good views are recognized more frequently and have lower recognition exposure times thanbad views.  相似文献   

Multidimensional scaling is the problem of representingn objects geometrically byn points, so that the interpoint distances correspond in some sense to experimental dissimilarities between objects. In just what sense distances and dissimilarities should correspond has been left rather vague in most approaches, thus leaving these approaches logically incomplete. Our fundamental hypothesis is that dissimilarities and distances are monotonically related. We define a quantitative, intuitively satisfying measure of goodness of fit to this hypothesis. Our technique of multidimensional scaling is to compute that configuration of points which optimizes the goodness of fit. A practical computer program for doing the calculations is described in a companion paper.  相似文献   

This study focused on the negative reactions of older women with osteoarthritis to the receipt of instrumental support (i.e., physical assistance) from their husbands and the effects of such negative reactions on the women's psychological well-being and self-care. Applying a person-environment fit model, the authors predicted that women's negative reactions to spousal support would be determined by the fit between this support and the personal centrality (importance) of being functionally independent. Consistent with this prediction, women who received high levels of support from the husband and for whom being functionally independent was not highly central reacted less negatively to this support. More negative reactions to spousal support were related to greater concurrent depressive symptomatology and fewer self-care behaviors. In addition, negative reactions were predictive of the women's increased depressive symptomatology and decreased life satisfaction. Findings illustrate a useful theoretical approach to the examination of support from family caregivers.  相似文献   

In the current collective unrest, we and our analysands are living in real time and need vantage points from which to make meaning, as subjective experience of time is collapsing. For many analysands, the past is being relived in the present, with no imaginable future. During the time of COVID-19, dreams are providing a valuable mechanism in working with atemporal emotional trauma, previously uncontextualized. Dream metaphor can provide a transitional space to move around in within the analytic framework. This paper explores a variety of dreams from individual analysands demonstrating different ways of conceptualizing personal and collective experience, bridging between the past, present, and future. Parallels between feeling states related to the current condition and unprocessed implicit memories from the past will be examined, as a vehicle for processing past trauma. Dreams expressing current states of dread for an unimaginable future, as well compensatory dreams showing a hopeful vision of the future will be considered.  相似文献   

James C. Klagge (2018) readings of G. H. von Wright's and Wittgenstein's views concerning goodness and family resemblance are criticised and new interpretations are provided: Pace Klagge, (i) von Wright's arguments against goodness as a family-resemblance concept do not concern cases of goodness but the interrelations between the conceptual varieties of goodness; (ii) Wittgenstein did not endorse a ‘constitutivist account of goodness’ in his 1933 lectures; and (iii) Wittgenstein did not come close to Stevenson's emotivism in his Philosophical Investigations. Rather, Wittgenstein's later remarks on goodness may be read as ‘objects of comparison’ (PI §130), implying no strong theoretical commitments.  相似文献   

The analyst's wish to regress is used as a paradigm of the "forbidden" topic of what analysts want from their analysands. The aim is to expand the subjective domain of analysts' awareness so that they can analyze better by grasping more of their temptations with patients before enactment can occur. Clinical examples illustrate how the author temporarily joined patients in wish-fulfilling mutual regression. Analytic process is disrupted when the analyst wishes to relinquish the more differentiated role of the containing and interpreting analyst in favor of more childlike relatedness both with the patient and with the analyst's internal objects. The author, expecting a more typical counter-transference, had not anticipated that he might temporarily join these nonpsychotic patients in mutual regression. It is suggested that in the face of analytic impasse analysts should consider whether they might temporarily have joined the patient in mutually regressive wishes that have taken them away from more responsible analytic functioning.  相似文献   

The author proposes an analogy between certain features of playing and aspects of working through. Conceptualizing psychoanalysis as the process whereby unconscious fantasy is uncovered and then subjected to rigorous scrutiny, and building on Freud's (1908) insight that play is the same as fantasy--with the essential difference that fantasy links itself to real objects in play, such as toys and playthings--the author proposes that play can be thought of as not merely symbolic, as a fantasy bearer, so to speak, but as a fantasy tester as well. In the process of working through, some analysands attach their unconscious fantasies not only to a transference object, a primary libidinal object, or a significant loved one, but also to actual props within the analytic setting (a Kleenex box, for example), making the analogy with play even more obvious and palpable.  相似文献   

The author looks at the challenges confronting psychoanalysts as they attempt to approach a desirable goal of neutrality in the treatment of psychoanalytic candidates and others who will become or are professional colleagues. Many such hazards are embedded in the interlocking relationships that inevitably exist between the analytic institute and its personnel, its training analysts, and its candidate-analysands. The author considers difficulties in the crucial analysis of aggression in training analyses. The analysis of aggression plays a determinative role in the personal and professional lives of analysands, and vitally affects the health and creativity of analytic institutions and the future of psychoanalysis.  相似文献   

A review and amplification of the article by authors Horelick and Zuckerman regarding the clinical phenomena of encountering patients (analysands) outside of the physical boundaries of the consultation room. Their clinical examples and the literature used to buttress their position and in particular the open disclosure of the deeply personal reactions they experienced are examined and used as launching points for further understanding. Ferenczi, Balint, Freud and other luminaries are incorporated into the topic of extra-analytic encounter, in an attempt to further demystify this inevitable and unplanned moment of disclosure, which, much like resistance and countertransference offer more opportunity than obstacle.  相似文献   


The writer advocates a naturalistic approach to psychoanalysis. The Jane Goodall technique is an application of this approach in which the analyst studies the analysand as a naturalist would study and document the behavior of an animal species. The technique is particularly useful during difficult phases of treatment, and is sometimes quite powerful. Case material is presented showing how use of the technique can identify various forms of emotional induction used by analysands, the kinds of inductions which often produce countertransference reactions. Topics discussed include projective identification, supervision, and nature of psychoanalytic facts.  相似文献   

This study examined how a previous episode of depression is related to daily pain and reactions to pain among individuals with fibromyalgia, a chronic pain syndrome. Seventy-one women with fibromyalgia (including 30 who were previously depressed) rated their pain and mood 3 times daily for 30 days. Each night, participants rated the extent to which they responded to pain by catastrophizing, how much control they had over that day's pain, their ways of coping with pain that day, and the effectiveness of their coping efforts. Multivariate multilevel regression models revealed that after controlling for neuroticism and current depressive symptoms, formerly depressed and never-depressed individuals differed in how they coped with increased pain and in how they appraised the efficacy of their coping efforts. Formerly depressed participants who also reported more current depressive symptoms showed a greater decline in pleasant mood on more painful days than did formerly depressed participants who were experiencing fewer current depressive symptoms. These findings illustrate how a history of depression can be captured in the dynamics of daily life.  相似文献   

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