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The Affective Neuroscience Personality Scales have been designed to provide a personality assessment tool based on six distinct affective systems. The six neural systems involved were labeled PLAY, SEEK, CARE, FEAR, ANGER and SADNESS. Spirituality has been integrated into the questionnaire as a seventh dimension because, in opinion of Panksepp and his colleagues is one of the most interesting human emotion. The aim of the present paper was introduce the validation of the Spanish version of Affective Neuroscience Personality Scales and their first psychometric results in a sample of 411 college students. Participants completed the Spanish version of ANPS, just as a personality scale of five factors (NEO-FFI-R), and the Scales of Positive and Negative Affect (PANAS). The factor structure obtained and psychometric properties of the scales indicate that the Spanish version of the scales provides an effective tool to measure the seven dimensions of personality proposal in the original questionnaire.  相似文献   

An emerging body of findings indicates that hierarchy is critical to integrating the Big Trait models – the Big Five, Big Four, Big Three, and Big Two – within a common structural framework. These findings, in addition to providing a unifying framework for understanding personality traits, confirm that hierarchy is an intrinsic and pervasive feature of trait structure. Here, fundamental concepts of trait hierarchies are reviewed, as is the empirical literature about hierarchies in personality trait structure. Important questions remain to be answered about the nature and form of hierarchies found in trait structure, as well as the methods used to understand them.  相似文献   

This study examined students' usage of deep and surface approaches to learning as well as the relationship between students' personality attributes and their approaches to learning. Participants were 284 undergraduate education students registered with a South African regular university (females = 195, males = 89). They completed the Revised two-factor Study Process Questionnaire (R-SPQ-2F) (Biggs, Kember, & Leung (2001) and Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) (Eysenck & Eysenck, 1975, 1985). Data were analysed for differences in proportion endorsing learning approach type (deep, surface) and the association between learning approach and personality attributes. The students self-reported to use predominantly deep learning strategies and lower rather than high surface strategies. The personality attributes of Extraversion and Neuroticism were unrelated to self-reported primary learning strategy.  相似文献   


This study was undertaken to determine when U.S. children begin to self-handicap, that is, to reduce preparation effort before evaluations rather than applying themselves to do their best. The personal variables examined for their impact on practice behavior were gender, grade level, and self-esteem. The situational variables were time of the self-esteem test (before or after the evaluation task) and importance of the evaluation task. The results showed that (a) the 6th-grade boys were more likely than the 6th-grade girls to self-handicap, (b) the 3rd-grade children were not as affected as the 6th-grade children by the self-evaluation implications of performance evaluations, (c) self-handicapping by low-self-esteem and high-self-esteem 6th graders depended on recent experiences, and (d) the self-affirming experience of a self-esteem test reduced the motivation to self-handicap among high-self-esteem 6th-grade boys.  相似文献   

Irrational beliefs are the focus of many psychological theories, since research has shown that holding irrational beliefs often leads to unhealthy emotions, dysfunctional behaviors, and psychological disturbances. The aim of such therapies as rational emotive behavioral therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy is to dispute irrational beliefs to promote more rational ways of thinking; however they do not take into account individual personality differences. The aim of this study was to determine whether personality traits predict rational and irrational beliefs in a mixed student and clinical sample. It was hypothesized that the domains of the five factor model of personality would predict rational beliefs as well as a range of irrational beliefs. Our findings supported the hypothesis, showing distinct associations between personality traits and each specific irrational belief. Neuroticism predicted rational beliefs as well as six out of the seven types of irrational beliefs measured. Additionally, extraversion predicted rationality and self-downing, openness predicted need for comfort and total irrationality, and conscientiousness predicted need for achievement and demand for fairness. Agreeableness did not predict any type of rational or irrational beliefs. Knowledge of these distinct relationships may increase a clinician’s ability to conceptualize a therapy case and determine the best approach to treatment.  相似文献   

The present study investigates to what degree individual differences can predict frequency and duration of actual behaviour, manifested in mobile application (app) usage on smartphones. In particular, this work focuses on the identification of stable associations between personality on the factor and facet level, fluid intelligence, demography and app usage in 16 distinct categories. A total of 137 subjects (87 women and 50 men), with an average age of 24 (SD = 4.72), participated in a 90‐min psychometric lab session as well as in a subsequent 60‐day data logging study in the field. Our data suggest that personality traits predict mobile application usage in several specific categories such as communication, photography, gaming, transportation and entertainment. Extraversion, conscientiousness and agreeableness are better predictors of mobile application usage than basic demographic variables in several distinct categories. Furthermore, predictive performance is slightly higher for single factor—in comparison with facet‐level personality scores. Fluid intelligence and demographics additionally show stable associations with categorical app usage. In sum, this study demonstrates how individual differences can be effectively related to actual behaviour and how this can assist in understanding the behavioural underpinnings of personality. Copyright © 2017 European Association of Personality Psychology  相似文献   

(Résumé) Un Test Expérimental de Deux Théories du Sourire Social Chez les Enfants en Bas Âge

On a supposé habituellement que la forme et la voix humaines sont des stimuli instinctifs au sourire chez les enfants en bas ǎge ou qu'il y a quelque stimulus instinctif, peut-ětre la satiété ou le contact, auquel la présence humaine devient conditionnée. On a élevé deux enfants de sorte que la voix de l'adulte n'a pas été associée au sourire causé par d'autres agents. Dans ces conditions, la voix humaine n'a jamais causé de sourire. Le sourire à la vue de l'adulte s'est développé cependant à un haut degré. On a constaté qu'à partir du commencement de l'étude actuelle nul stimulus n'a été plus efficace que la présence de l'adulte. Aussi est-il difficile de nommer un autre stimulus comme plus primaire. On a constaté que le sourire social s'est montré le plus souvent comme l'adulte s'est penché vers l'enfant pour donner quelque soin mais avant que le soin soit donné. Ces faits ont fait la formulation de la théorie que le sourire devient une réponse conditionnelle à n'importe quel stimulus qui cause une cessation de l'irritation, de l'inquiétude et des pleurs. Il n'a pas de stimulus non conditionnel. Le fait que le sourire chez le nouveau-né suit pas n'importe quel stimulus avec beaucoup de fréquence est à l'état incomplet du conditionnement.



Es wird allgemin angenommen, dass die menschliche Gestalt und Stimme entweder instinktive Reize zum Lächeln bei jungen Kindern seien, oder dass es irgendeinen instinktiven Reiz gebe, vielleicht Sättigung oder Berührung, zu welchem die menschliche Gegenwart bedingt werde. Zwei junge Kinder, wurden so erzogen, dass die erwachsene Stimme nicht mit dem durch andere Quellen verursachten Lächeln assoziiert wurde. Unter diesen Umständen verursachte die menschliche Stimme nie das Lächeln. Das Lächeln bei der Ansicht des Erwachsenen entwickelt sich doch zu einem bemerkbaren Grade. Es stellte sich heraus, dass vom Anfang des vorliegenden Studiums kein Reiz wirksamer war als die Gegenwart des Erwachsenen. Folglich ist es schwierig, irgendeinen anderen Reiz als ursprünglicher zu nennen. Es fand sich, dass das soziale Lächeln am häufigsten vorkam, wenn der Erwachsene sich über das Kind beugte, um ihm irgendeine Aufmerksamkeit zu erweisen, aber bevor die Aufmerksamkeit erwiesen wurde. Diese Tatsachen führen zur Formulierung der Theorie, dass das Lächeln eine bedingte Antwort auf irgendeinen Reiz wird, der ein Aufhören des Verdrusses, der Unruhe und des Weinens veranlässt. Es gibt keinen unbedingten Reiz. Die Tatsache, dass das Lächeln beim Neugeborenen nicht auf irgendeinen Reiz mit Häufigkeit folgt, ist die Folge der Unvollkommenheit des Bedingens.

Dennis  相似文献   

诚信人格特质初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究旨在探讨诚信人格特质的结构.利用人格词评定法,通过探索性因素分析得出诚信人格结构包括正性取向:实干重义、诚实信用、公正无欺、忠实可靠;负性取向:自私欺人、钻营世故、多谋寡信、虚伪不实.并通过验证性因素分析检验,结果表明所得的八个因素与诚信人格的结构拟合较好.  相似文献   

People exhibit coherent patterns of experience and action that cannot be fully described or explained by personality trait models. Rather, personality coherence is expressed in dispositional tendencies that violate the structure of common trait categories. Across contexts, people display predictable patterns of behavioral variation that cannot be captured by trait constructs, which correspond to mean levels of response. In addition to these empirical findings, theoretical work in both psychology and philosophy challenges the conceptual strategies through which trait models explain personality coherence. These empirical and theoretical points can be addressed by alternative theoretical models that specify how underlying psychological systems give rise to both common and idiosyncratic patterns of personality consistency and variability.  相似文献   

This study provides psychometric data for a new self-report measure of borderline personality traits from the perspective of the Five-factor model (FFM) of general personality. Subscales were constructed in an undergraduate sample (n = 109) to assess maladaptive variants of 12 FFM traits (e.g., Affective Dysregulation as a maladaptive variant of FFM Vulnerability). On the basis of data from a second undergraduate sample (n = 111), the Five Factor Borderline Inventory (FFBI) subscales were shown to have good internal consistency, convergent, discriminant, and incremental validity. These psychometric results were replicated in a clinical sample of female residents at a substance abuse treatment facility (n = 94).  相似文献   

This study provides convergent, discriminant, and incremental validity data for a new measure of dependent personality traits from the perspective of the five-factor model (FFM). Dependent personality trait scales were constructed as maladaptive variants of FFM facets (e.g., Gullibility as a maladaptive variant of FFM trust). Based on responses from 383 undergraduates, the convergent validity of the Five-Factor Dependency Inventory (FFDI) scales was tested with respect to 2 measures of the FFM, 6 dependency trait scales, and 4 measures of dependent personality disorder. Discriminant validity was tested with respect to FFM facets from alternative domains. Incremental validity was tested with respect to the ability of the FFM dependent personality trait scales to account for variance in 2 established measures of dependency, after variance accounted for by respective FFM facet scales and other measures of DPD was first removed. The results of this study provided support for the validity of the FFDI assessment of dependency from the perspective of the FFM.  相似文献   

Researchers have become very interested in socially aversive personality traits in recent years as reflected by the considerable number of publications concerning the Dark Triad of personality (i.e., Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy). The goal of the present article is to suggest that researchers broaden their view of potentially dark personality features. We provide overviews of two dark personality features that have been largely neglected by psychologists (i.e., spitefulness and greed) and point to the darker aspects of two personality features that have been studied extensively (i.e., perfectionism and dependency). We conclude the article by advocating that researchers consider a broader conceptualization of dark personality features that extends beyond the antagonistic and externalizing features captured by the Dark Triad traits.  相似文献   

药物成瘾者的感觉寻求人格特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
药物成瘾具有明显的心理成因,其中,成瘾者的人格特点,特别是感觉寻求人格特质,是导致药物成瘾的重要病原性因素。中脑边缘体多巴胺系统是感觉寻求行为与药物成瘾行为共同的脑奖赏系统,而多巴胺受体的遗传表达至少部分建立在个体执行新奇寻求和药物成瘾的行为上。感觉寻求特质对药物成瘾的作用受环境因素(父母,同伴)调节。文章也评述了感觉寻求相关研究所采用的测量工具。  相似文献   

领导力人格特质的层次结构研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
与领导力有关的人格特质的研究一直以来存在缺乏结构.特质定义混乱的缺点。本研究通过访谈和综合以往文献中出现过的与管理绩效有稳定高相关的人格特质.编制了领导力人格特质问卷.并调查了552名被试,通过探索性因索分析和验证性因素分析,建立了领导力人格特质的二阶一因素模型,模型拟和程度达到优秀。方差分析结果显示,领导者与非领导者群体之间在三个一阶因素和一个二阶因素上均存在显著差异,其中以一阶因素开创性的组问差异最大。  相似文献   

青年罪犯的人格特征研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
蒋俊梅 《心理科学》2005,28(1):217-219
采用“卡特尔十六种人格因素测验”问卷,分析比较了青年罪犯与青年学生的人格特质、次元人格因素、应用人格因素。结果表明:青年罪犯与青年学生在8种人格特质(C、F、G、H、L、Q1、Q2、q)、1种次元人格因素(X2)、1种应用人格因素(Y4)上存在显著差异,提示青年罪犯确有异于同龄人的人格特征,这对青年犯罪的预防与矫治具有重要意义。  相似文献   


The present experiment demonstrated that Ss led to believe that an external cause is responsible for their arousal at seeing a woman in pain will be less likely to help her than those attributing their arousal to sympathy for her. Ten men and 10 women were told that exposure to an aversive noise would produce symptoms of physiological arousal; another 10 men and 10 women were told that irrelevant symptoms might occur. Those expecting irrelevant symptoms from noise bombardment helped a woman with a hurt knee significantly more than those expecting the noise to cause symptoms typical of arousal; these results provided support for both Schachter's cognitive attribution theory of emotion and Aronfreed's empathy theory of altruism.  相似文献   

This preregistered meta-analysis (k = 113, total n = 93 668) addressed how the Big Five dimensions of personality (extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness) are related to loneliness. Robust variance estimation accounting for the dependency of effect sizes was used to compute meta-analytic bivariate correlations between loneliness and personality. Extraversion (r = −.370), agreeableness (r = −.243), conscientiousness (r = −.202), and openness (r = −.107) were negatively related to loneliness. Neuroticism (r = .358) was positively related to loneliness. These associations differed meaningfully in strength depending on how loneliness was assessed. Additionally, meta-analytic structural equation modelling was used to investigate the unique association between each personality trait and loneliness while controlling for the other four personality traits. All personality traits except openness remained statistically significantly associated with loneliness when controlling for the other personality traits. Our results show the importance of stable personality factors in explaining individual differences in loneliness. © 2020 The Authors. European Journal of Personality published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of European Association of Personality Psychology.  相似文献   

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