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We hypothesized that leader-member exchange (LMX) and perceived organizational support (POS) would each interact with work value congruence in relation to intrinsic career success. In a sample of 520 teachers from 30 high schools in Turkey, we found that work value congruence was positively related to job and career satisfaction when POS was low but not related to job and career satisfaction when POS was high. Similarly, work value congruence was positively related to career satisfaction when LMX was low but not related when LMX was high. The results contribute to the POS, LMX, and person-organization fit literatures by demonstrating the compensatory nature of LMX and POS for low value congruence in its relation to job and career satisfaction.  相似文献   

企业员工自我职业生涯管理的影响因素   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
龙立荣 《心理学报》2003,35(4):541-545
通过问卷研究方法,研究了影响企业员工自我职业生涯管理的组织及个人心理因素,其中组织因素主要是组织开展的职业生涯管理,个人心理因素主要是掌握动机、超越动机和一般自我效能感。先通过对13家企业的449名被试的研究,确立了研究所使用的相关问卷的项目和信度、效度。然后再通过对11家企业所搜集的399份有效问卷的分析,结果表明:组织和个人心理因素均对自我职业生涯管理有积极的影响,特别是组织职业生涯管理和超越动机影响力比较大  相似文献   

Using the contest- and sponsored-mobility perspectives as theoretical guides, this meta-analysis reviewed 4 categories of predictors of objective and subjective career success: human capital, organizational sponsorship, sociodemographic status, and stable individual differences. Salary level and promotion served as dependent measures of objective career success, and subjective career success was represented by career satisfaction. Results demonstrated that both objective and subjective career success were related to a wide range of predictors. As a group, human capital and sociodemographic predictors generally displayed stronger relationships with objective career success, and organizational sponsorship and stable individual differences were generally more strongly related to subjective career success. Gender and time (date of the study) moderated several of the relationships examined.  相似文献   

This study examined the degree to which demographic, human capital, motivational, organizational, and industrylregion variables predicted executive career success. Career success was assumed to comprise objective (pay, ascendancy) and subjective (job satisfaction, career satisfaction) elements. Results obtained from a sample of 1,388 U.S. executives suggested that demographic, human capital, motivational, and organizational variables explained significant variance in objective career success and in career satisfaction. Particularly interesting were findings that educational level, quality, prestige, and degree type all predicted financial success. In contrast, only the motivational and organizational variables explained significant amounts of variance in job satisfaction. These findings suggest that the variables that lead to objective career success often are quite different from those that lead to subjectively defined success.  相似文献   

Theorists suggest that gender differences in moral reasoning are due to differences in the self-concept, with women feeling connected to others and using a care approach, whereas men feel separate from others and adopt a justice approach. Using a self-categorization analysis, the current research suggests that the nature of the self–other relationship, rather than gender, predicts moral reasoning. Study 1 found moral reasoning to be dependent upon the social distance between the self and others, with a care-based approach more likely when interacting with a friend than a stranger. Study 2 suggests that when individuals see others as ingroup members they are more likely to utilize care-based moral reasoning than when others are seen as outgroup members. Further, traditional gender differences in moral reasoning were found only when gender was made salient. These studies suggest that both the self and moral reasoning are better conceptualized as fluid and context dependent.  相似文献   

Drawing from research on the sociology of science, we hypothesized a model of academic career success in an effort to extend research on particularistic and universalistic influences on career success. Results, based on a sample of 154 members of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, provided support for the hypothesized model. Specifically, doctoral program prestige and publications as a PhD student influenced prestige of the first job. Furthermore, these 2 variables—along with chair publications—influenced career publications, prestige of the first job and career publications influenced extrinsic success (a composite variable comprised of rank, salary, longitudinal citation rates, prestige of current job, fellowships, and presence on editorial boards), and extrinsic success influenced intrinsic career success (career satisfaction). The results further suggest that individual performance has a stronger influence on the career success of industrial-organizational psychologists than do social networks.  相似文献   

Gender receives relatively little attention as a critical aspect of context, despite the general acknowledgment among psychologists that human behavior needs to be studied within the context of societal norms and practices. In this article I explain why this is the case and then, using examples from the area of dual-earner families, describe ways we can give gender its rightful contextual place in research practices. By so doing I also argue that needed transformations can take place.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the relationship of traits from the 5-factor model of personality (often termed the "Big Five") and general mental ability with career success. Career success was argued to be comprised of intrinsic success (job satisfaction) and extrinsic success (income and occupational status) dimensions. Data were obtained from the Intergenerational Studies, a set of 3 studies that followed participants from early childhood to retirement. The most general findings were that conscientiousness positively predicted intrinsic and extrinsic career success, neuroticism negatively predicted extrinsic success, and general mental ability positively predicted extrinsic career success. Personality was related to career success controlling for general mental ability and, though adulthood measures of the Big Five traits were more strongly related to career success than were childhood measures, both contributed unique variance in explaining career success.  相似文献   

Although a large body of research has investigated the possibility of motivational or attitudinal differences in women and men that would explain observable differences in levels of achievement, much of this research has failed to produce the expected results. It is proposed that the failure of researchers to consider the personal and contextual characteristics of their college student samples may have contributed to this lack of results. Some of the relevant variables include those provided by the (lack of) context of the typical laboratory experiment. Other context cues emerge from an analysis of the life stage of the typical research study participant. Predictions about achievement differences across the early adult years are outlined. This same life stage analysis is also briefly applied to other areas of gender research.  相似文献   

The present study sought to empirically identify what factors are important for international assignee perceived success along with their relative importance. Subjects were 338 international assignees from diverse countries (nationality) and organizations, assigned to diverse countries, and performing diverse jobs. Five factors were identified and in a descending order of importance, these were Family Situation, Flexibility/Adaptability, Job Knowledge and Motivation, Relational Skills, and Extra-Cultural Openness. Although importance ratings were not influenced by job type (managerial/nonmanagerial status), they were influenced by organizational type. In general, the pattern of importance ratings for service organization international assignees was different from those of international assignees from other organizational types. Furthermore, service organization international assignees ascribed more importance to relational and psycho-social factors. The perceived relative importance of psycho-social factors reported by the study's participants tends to suggest that more attention should be paid to these factors in the selection and training of international assignees.  相似文献   

Despite widespread changes in occupational opportunities, men and women continue to show divergent preferences for careers. This research invoked a motivational framework to explain sex-differentiated career interest. From a role congruity perspective ( Diekman & Eagly, 2008 ), the internalization of gender roles leads people to endorse gender-stereotypic goals, which then lead to interest in occupations that afford the pursuit of those goals. Three studies provided evidence for the hypotheses. Study 1 found that male- and female-stereotypic careers were perceived to afford different goals. Studies 2 and 3 found that men and women endorsed different goals and that this gender-normative goal endorsement predicted gender-stereotypic career interest. In addition, structural equation modeling (Study 3) indicated that internalization of gender roles fully accounted for sex-differentiated goal endorsement. These findings thus extend the social role theory framework to consider processes related to self-selection into specific social roles.  相似文献   

Senior management and the union executive committee of a forest products company set an organizational goal to reduce theft from approximately a million dollars a year to zero. Salaried and hourly employees, selected at random, were interviewed regarding their outcome expectancies for honest and dishonest behavior. The responses were categorized within a 2 × 2 empathy box (honest/dishonest behavior vs. positive/negative outcome expectancies) to allow the organization's leadership to understand from the employee's perspective why there was so much theft. This information was subsequently used to alter employee outcome expectancies which, in turn, changed behavior. Theft dropped to near zero.  相似文献   

组织职业生涯管理与员工心理与行为的关系   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:22  
通过广泛的开放式问卷调查和访谈,结合国外职业生涯管理的做法,编制了适合我国国情的组织职业生涯管理问卷(简称OCMQ),将问卷在13个国有企业、民营企业、股份制企业的管理者、技术人员中进行了调查,对所获得的449份有效问卷探索性因素分析结果表明:我国组织职业生涯管理的结构主要体现在四个维度:即晋升公平、注重培训、职业自我认识、提供职业信息。后来,利用研制的OCMQ,以及相关问卷职业承诺、组织承诺、工作卷入度、职业满意度、工作绩效等又在11家国有和中外合资企业中进行了调查,399份有效问卷结果进一步验证了OCMQ问卷的结构效度、实证效度和信度;并发现组织职业生涯管理对企业员工的职业承诺、组织承诺、工作绩效、职业满意度、工作卷入度等产生积极的影响,证实了职业生涯管理的价值。  相似文献   

Neither standardized test data nor grades made in required courses in high school contribute significantly to the prediction of occupational success or proficiency. The General Aptitude Test Battery makes practically no contribution to the prediction of success although the instrument is widely used to predict trainability. Intelligence test scores are of little value in predicting success in the labor market. It may be that efforts to predict occupational success and proficiency are in reality exercises in futility since workers tend to be successful regardless of test results. Apparently workers find places where they are considered successful. Possibly new research designs will be required before success can be predicted. Success should not be considered an entity, however, because it does not lend itself to exact measurement.  相似文献   

组织气氛与员工参与的关系   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
张震  马力  马文静 《心理学报》2002,34(3):92-98
员工参与是提高组织绩效的重要一环 ,也是组织提高运作效率和使员工产生积极心态的关键 ;组织气氛是影响员工参与的一个重要因素。文章探讨了组织气氛与员工参与之间的关系 ,对全国各地区共 14 8家企业的90 4份调查问卷进行了单因素方差分析和逐步回归分析。研究结果表明 ,员工参与变量有显著的所有制差异和地区差异 ;低科层性的、创新性的和支持性的组织气氛会显著地提高员工参与水平 ;企业的科层式管理体制 ,是影响员工参与水平的最显著因素。研究结果对我国企业管理者有重要的启示  相似文献   

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