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本文简介了三个采用不同研究方法对视觉表象和视知觉是否共享脑机制的问题进行研究的实验,从不同角度展示了目前关于该问题的研究结果。这些实验研究都从不同角度提供了关于视觉表象与视知觉拥有共同脑机制的证据。最后,本文还对目前关于此问题的研究做出初步的总结和评论。  相似文献   

金花  刘鹤龄  杨娅玲  莫雷 《心理学报》2005,37(2):159-166
在同一实验中同时考虑类别与通道二个因素,并采用典型的语义提取任务应用功能磁共振成像技术探讨了语义知识的神经基础,结果发现不同类型的语义知识的脑激活模式(含左梭形回的激活)无论在范围还是强度上存在很大的相似性;而且,在严格的统计阈值下,不存在通道或是类别特异性激活的脑区。结果提示语义知识的神经表征分布于整个大脑皮层;在提取物体语义知识时都会同时激活该物体的视觉表象。另外,研究观察到的语义提取过程中BA9区的激活进一步证实并扩展了关于“汉语和表音文字在皮层组织上存在重要差异的观点”。  相似文献   

近年来,研究者开始从长时记忆的视角探讨视知觉学习的学习效应。本文从视知觉学习的编码、巩固和再激活再巩固阶段等三个方面简述视知觉学习的干扰现象,并试图阐明干扰背后的原因。笔者建议,未来的研究应着重关注视知觉学习巩固阶段产生干扰的神经机制,再激活再巩固阶段知觉记忆整合在减少不同学习间干扰中的作用以及情境信息对多学习训练程序中记忆干扰的影响三方面研究,以优化训练程序,减少或消除不同视知觉学习的互相干扰。  相似文献   

运用视知觉研究中经典的事件切割程序,探讨记叙文中时间信息的事件边界效应.结果发现记叙文中的时间信息会被读者外显地知觉为事件边界,并且,跨度长的时间信息比跨度短的时间信息更易于被知觉为事件边界.这和视知觉研究中的发现是一致的.研究在一定程度上支持了记叙文理解过程中情境模型建构的过程依赖类似于事件知觉中所发现的切割过程的观点,为知觉研究和认知研究领域提供了可供沟通的实证支持.  相似文献   

知觉学习是指训练或经验引起的知觉上长期稳定的改变,揭示了成年大脑也具有可塑性。以往知觉学习的研究主要集中在探讨知觉学习的属性,如知觉学习的特异性、迁移性和时间进程等。近年来随着fMRI、ERP技术的应用和电生理、心理物理学技术的提高,知觉学习神经机制的研究取得了前所未有的新进展,不仅把知觉学习包含的脑区从初级视皮层扩展到了V4等视觉信息加工通路的中间阶段,而且还揭示了与注意等相关的高级脑区的作用;不仅研究在知觉学习过程中涉及的皮层区域变化,而且还探讨了知觉学习引起的细胞水平的变化,为大脑可塑性问题的研究和应用提供了进一步的证据。  相似文献   

视知觉组织及其神经机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈锋  韩世辉  朱滢 《心理科学》2003,26(2):312-314
物理世界通过光信号在我们的视网膜上反映为亮度和颜色的色块集合 ,但是大脑知觉到的却是排列有序的由分离的物体组成的视觉世界 ,其中各种不同的物体占据不同的位置 ,存在相互作用或相对运动。在知觉加工过程中 ,视觉系统必须首先把视觉输入组织成不同的部分以形成视觉加工的基本单元[1,2 ] ,心理学家把这一加工过程称为视知觉组织。视知觉组织是大脑进行图像识别、注意分配及记忆存储等高级加工过程的基础。因此 ,理解视知觉组织的认知和神经机制成为研究大脑认知功能的核心问题之一。本文介绍视知觉组织的基本问题和规律 ,特别是新近关于…  相似文献   

任衍具  禤宇明  傅小兰 《心理科学》2007,30(5):1077-1080
本研究采用空白单元格定位任务,探讨序列刺激整合的时间特性。实验1重复前人的实验,验证了时间间隔对整合绩效的影响;实验2系统操纵了对先前刺激的编码时间与时间间隔,结果发现,编码时间越长,记忆的效果越好,虽然会妨碍对随后刺激的知觉,但整合绩效越高;而随着时间间隔的延长,延长编码时间带来的优势逐渐减弱。结论提示,人们能够整合视觉短时记忆和视知觉的信息,而且这种整合的时间特性不同于知觉整合。  相似文献   

脑科学研究发现,简单心算主要涉及算术事实的提取,依赖于左半球的语言中枢,而复杂心算激活了左侧顶—额叶网络和双侧颞下回,与视觉空间表征和视觉表象加工有关;精算主要激活左额叶下部区域,而估算激活了两半球更大的区域。在计算过程中所激活的脑区受年龄发展与个体差异以及训练的影响。研究对有效地促进儿童计算能力的发展提供了重要启示。  相似文献   

考察表象编码方式对错误记忆的影响。结果发现,与整合表象编码比,个别表象编码能够促进项目的特异性加工,使项目更有区分性,阻止(或减弱)诱饵词的内隐表象激活,有利于个体获取表象的激活路径,减少错误记忆发生,说明表象编码方式对错误记忆具有重要影响。根据研究结果提出表象激活混淆假设,认为个体虽然可以使用表象作为信息表征方式,却无法直接获取与之联系的激活路径。当个体推测表象激活的来源时,容易混淆表象激活的来源,错误记忆就发生了。表象激活混淆假设为视觉表象引发错误记忆的心理机制提供了说明。  相似文献   

知觉学习是指由于训练或经验而引起的长期稳定的知觉变化,是一种内隐性的学习。近20年来,视知觉学习的大量研究结果提示大脑皮层的各个区域,甚至包括初级感觉皮层,在成熟之后仍然具有一定的可塑性。该文根据近年来的研究进展,对视知觉学习在大脑的什么地方,什么时候,以何种方式发生等热点问题进行了探讨。研究提示,视知觉学习涉及了包括初级视皮层在内的多个大脑皮层,并且存在一种自上而下的调控机制;视知觉学习可以在不同的时间尺度上发生,快速学习之后将伴随着慢速学习;通过视知觉学习,人们对于复杂物体的表征将从高级皮层区域移向低级皮层区域,任务执行也将趋于自动化  相似文献   

表象的信息表征方式一直是心理学研究的热点问题,脑成像技术在该问题的研究中发挥了巨大作用。本文以初级视觉皮层(V1)在表象表征方式研究中的作用为主线,系统梳理了基于脑成像技术开展的表象实质争论的核心问题,归纳分析了相关争论问题演绎发展的内在逻辑脉络,在此基础上指出了表象研究中需要进一步解决的关键问题,以期能够促进相关研究问题的进一步开展。  相似文献   

在言语-表象认知风格模型中, 视觉表象认知风格一直被视为单一的结构, 且在此基础上发展出的各种测量方法均存在效度上的缺陷, 导致了研究者对该认知风格模型的普遍质疑。随着对视觉认知加工研究的深入, 尤其是对视觉客体表象与视觉空间表象在功能和解剖上的双分离的理解, 为进一步区分表象型认知风格提供了理论和实证依据, 进而促进了客体-空间表象和言语(Object-Spatial Imagery and Verbal, OSIV)认知风格模型的提出, 而在此基础上开发的新测量工具(Object-Spatial Imagery and Verbal Questionnaire, OSIVQ)具有良好的信、效度, 有力地支持了OSIV认知风格模型。OSIV认知风格模型及其测量为研究人类的认知风格以及视觉认知拓展了新视野。尽管如此, 两种不同视觉表象子系统并存于个体的视觉表象系统中, 因此, 它们分离的原因、相互作用及其与视觉注意之间的关系有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

近年来听觉表象开始得到关注,相关研究包括言语声音、音乐声音、环境声音的听觉表象三类。本文梳理了认知神经科学领域对上述三种听觉表象所激活的脑区研究,比较了听觉表象和听觉对应脑区的异同,并展望了听觉表象未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

Research has examined the nature of visual imagery in normally sighted and blind subjects, but not in those with low vision. Findings with normally sighted subjects suggest that imagery involves primary visual areas of the brain. Since the plasticity of visual cortex appears to be limited in adulthood, we might expect imagery of those with adult-onset low vision to be relatively unaffected by these losses. But if visual imagery is based on recent and current experience, we would expect images of those with low vision to share some properties of impaired visual perception. We examined key parameters of mental images reported by normally sighted subjects, compared to those with early- and late-onset low vision, and with a group of subjects with restricted visual fields using an imagery questionnaire. We found evidence that those with reduced visual acuity report the imagery distances of objects to be closer than those with normal acuity and also depict objects in imagery with lower resolution than those with normal visual acuity. We also found that all low vision groups, like the normally sighted, image objects at a substantially greater distance than when asked to place them at a distance that ‘just fits’ their imagery field (overflow distance). All low vision groups, like the normally sighted, showed evidence of a limited visual field for imagery, but our group with restricted visual fields did not differ from the other groups in this respect. We conclude that imagery of those with low vision is similar to that of those with normal vision in being dependent on the size of objects or features being imaged, but that it also reflects their reduced visual acuity. We found no evidence for a dependence on imagery of age of onset or number of years of vision impairment.  相似文献   

图形视觉与心理表象眼动模式的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钟娟  高湘萍 《心理科学》2008,31(6):1454-1457,1470
本研究通过比较图形视觉和心理表象以及不同认知框架下表象加工的眼动参数,揭示图形视觉加工和心理表象加工的特点.结果表明,从视知觉到视觉心理表象,眼动被币新编码,眼动模式更加简洁,视觉心理表象具有一定的概括性;认知框架影响视觉心理表象加工的眼动模式.  相似文献   

表象、知觉和记忆是一个整合的认知系统。由于知觉和记忆提供了表象生成的材料,因而三者共享相似的表征,并激活广泛而相似的脑区。然而在认知加工过程上三者存在一定的差异。与知觉相比,表象的编码方式更抽象、更依赖过去经验的参与且处理细节能力更弱;与记忆相比,表象更容易受无关信息的干扰。未来对三者关系的研究应关注不同来源和不同类型的表象与知觉、记忆之间的关系,以及工作记忆在三者关系中所起的作用。  相似文献   

The cognitive interview utilises mnemonics and other techniques to facilitate obtaining information from victims and witnesses. Research has indicated superior recall to standard police interviews. However, there has been minimal research regarding the role of individual differences. One area that has generated spirited theoretical debate is imagery ability, as guided imagery questioning is an important part of the enhanced cognitive interview. Imagery is also arguably an integral part of several mnemonics employed in the technique. The present study investigated the role of individual differences in imagery ability, as well as the effect of explicit instructions to image, on recall performance. Participants completed the Vividness of Visual Imagery Questionnaire (VVIQ), witnessed a film of a simulated crime, and were interviewed using the cognitive interview or a structured interview. While recall in the cognitive interview was superior, VVIQ scores had little relationship with recall of information. Further, recall elicited by guided imagery differed only minimally from that obtained using standard questioning in the structured interview. These results suggested that the relaxation and rapport building common to questioning in both interview conditions may evoke spontaneous imagery that is comparable to explicit instructions to image, regardless of individuals' inherent imagery ability. Future directions are discussed, including research focused on individual differences and a practical emphasis on context reinstatement and social facilitative techniques. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

视觉表象操作加工的眼动实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张霞  刘鸣 《心理学报》2009,41(4):305-315
本研究通过视觉表象旋转和扫描的眼动实验探讨表象的心理表征方式。实验一结果表明,眼动指标具有与反应时相类似的旋转角度效应。实验二结果显示,表象扫描的反应时和眼动指标都具有与知觉扫描加工一样的距离效应。由此可以认为,表象眼动与知觉眼动模式具有相似性;表象具有相对独立的心理表征方式并有其特殊的加工过程;表象的心理表征可以是形象表征,而非一定是抽象的命题或符号表征  相似文献   

A new instrument has been developed that allows a comprehensive assessment of the relevant dimensions of the phenomenology of autobiographical memories (Assessment of the Phenomenology of Autobiographical Memory, APAM), and their association with visual object and spatial imagery has been examined. An initial version of APAM consisting of 30 items (the first 28 measured on a seven-point Likert-type scale) was developed and administered to a sample of 138 undergraduates. To test whether each item consistently measured the same dimension across different memories, all questions were rated for 12 cues. Results showed that 25 Likert-type items possessed adequate levels of internal consistency and unidimensionality across cues. We also found that higher levels of visual object imagery were associated with more sensory details and recollective qualities of memory, and with stronger experience of sensory and emotional reliving. The theoretical and practical usefulness of APAM as well as the relevance of visual object imagery in the phenomenology of autobiographical memory are discussed.  相似文献   

This multifaceted work on chess played without sight of the pieces is a sophisticated psychologist's examination of this topic and of chess skill in general, including a detailed and comprehensive historical account. This review builds on Hearst and Knott's assertion that chess can provide a uniquely useful model for research on several issues in the area of cognitive skill and imagery. A key issue is the relationship between viewing a stimulus and mental imagery in the light of blindfold chess masters' consistent reports that they do not use or have images. This review also proposes a methodology for measuring and quantifying an individual's skill shortfall from a theoretical maximum. This methodology, based on a 1951 proposal by Claude Shannon, is applicable to any choice situation in which all the available choices are known. The proposed “Proficiency” measure reflects the equivalent number of “yes—no” questions that would have been required to arrive at a best choice, considering also the time consumed. As the measure provides a valid and nonarbitrary way to compare different skills and the effects of different independent variables on a given skill, it may have a wide range of applications in cognitive skill research, skill training, and education.  相似文献   

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