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本次案例主要采用催眠疗法,并结合行为疗法和认知疗法对个案进行了心理问题的矫正,尤其是将系统脱敏和认知疗法融入到催眠疗法之中,在对求助者的心理进行整合式治疗后,其睡眠状况明显改善,精神状况得到提高,抑郁情绪消除,焦虑程度显著降低。再次进行问卷自测后分数明显下降,该咨询取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

根据2009年5月20日发表于JAMA杂志的一篇研究性文章显示.尽管单独使用认知行为治疗(CBT)有益于长期失眠患者,但是通过CBT联合思诺思(酒石酸吡唑坦)治疗6周对于长期失眠患者的睡眠质量大大提高。  相似文献   

非酒精性脂肪性肝病的发病率逐渐上升,近年已成为危害全球公共健康的重要疾病之一。其治疗在于通过改变生活方式、增加胰岛素敏感性、抗炎保肝等措施纠正代谢紊乱、改善肝脏损害,以阻止疾病发生发展。本文就基础治疗、药物治疗及手术治疗三方面概述目前非酒精性脂肪性肝病的治疗进展。  相似文献   

随着世界人口老龄化,在65岁以上的老年人群中高血压患者占60%左右,有研究表明,高血压对于老年人的危害更为严重,老年高血压患者发生器官损害以及相关死亡的危险性显著增高.老年高血压患者有其特有的临床特点,同时在老年人群中收缩期高血压占很大的比例,降压效果差,因此老年高血压的治疗应考虑其特点,本文从老年人高血压的流行病学、定义、临床特点及非药物治疗等方面详细阐述了老年高血压的防治策略.  相似文献   

介绍合理药物治疗的手段及其对临床治疗产生的影响.指出把治疗药物监测和药物基因组学方法相结合应是以后药物治疗的最佳模式.  相似文献   

失眠认知行为治疗(cognive behavioral therapy for insomnia,CBT-I)是一种多成分的心理治疗方法,在临床中有个体、团体、远程、网络等应用形式,但均存在脱落率高的问题,治疗联盟是其重要的影响因素。文章讨论了不同形式CBT-I中的治疗联盟及其相关影响因素,并总结相关巩固策略,为降低参加CBT-I患者的脱落率提出了相关建议,如提高治疗师的共情能力、营造信任的治疗环境,为患者匹配合适的CBT-I实施形式,调整患者预期、提供个性化治疗方案等,后续CBT-I相关技术的开发也应更注重建立积极的治疗性关系。  相似文献   

目前阿尔茨海默病尚无根治性的治疗方法,药物治疗基本上是针对临床症状的对症治疗,只能在一定时期内起到改善或延缓疾病发展的作用。非药物治疗包括心理、社会、环境等综合干预,通过多重感官刺激、身体和智能锻炼、芳香治疗、感觉刺激、个性化音乐等方法,配合药物治疗以期尽可能长地保持阿尔茨海默病患者的功能水平,延迟日常生活能力的下降,减轻照料者负担,从而改善阿尔茨海默病患者及其家属的生活质量。对照料者的培训是非药物治疗的重要环节,照料的质量直接影响患者及家属的情绪和生活质量。  相似文献   

本从失眠的负面影响入手,详细阐述了失眠的主要临床表现、失眠的原因,并在国外心理学专家长期的研究基础上,结合作的一些临床经验和亲身体验,提出了一些比较适用的预防和自我治疗方法。  相似文献   

目前肝衰竭的发病率及死亡率居高不下,肝衰竭仍是严重危害患者健康及生命的重要疾病。一直以来,中国肝衰竭的临床治疗主要依靠单纯药物治疗,随着医疗水平的进步,近年来中国非生物型人工肝技术已得到广泛的临床应用,采用肝移植成功治疗肝衰竭的临床案例也逐渐增多。目前国内外肝衰竭治疗的最新进展主要集中在人工肝、肝移植,本文就肝衰竭的营养支持、病因治疗、并发症的治疗、免疫调节、人工肝、肝移植及干细胞移植对肝衰竭治疗的最新进展做一简要综述。  相似文献   

神经内分泌激活、心室重构是收缩性心力衰竭进展的关键机制,针对上述机制的生物学治疗包括血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂、β受体阻滞剂、盐皮质激素受体拮抗剂等可显著改善心力衰竭患者预后,利尿剂、洋地黄等常规药物治疗可改善心力衰竭症状、降低心力衰竭住院风险,为神经内分泌拮抗剂的应用奠定基础;近年来,从阻断心力衰竭发生机制方面研发了很多新药,但尚没有一种能对长期生存率有显著改善.器械治疗(植入型心脏复律除颤器、心室再同步和心室再同步心脏复律除颤器)可降低特定心力衰竭患者病死风险,预防猝死发生,显著改善预后;心室辅助装置及干细胞治疗则为心力衰竭治疗带来新的曙光.  相似文献   


Insomnia disorders affect up to 10% of adults and are associated with other health problems and poor quality of life. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) is an effective treatment; however, its effectiveness is hindered by poor attendance and adherence to treatment recommendations. The present study sought to identify predictors of attendance and adherence in CBT-I. Participants were 108 adults with insomnia disorder. Participants were primarily female (71.3%), middle aged (mean age = 50.5), and Caucasian (92.6%). Demographic variables, physical health problems, Beck Anxiety Inventory, Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression-Revised scale, and Insomnia Severity Index were used to predict attending three or more sessions and adherence to consistent bedtime and waketime. Higher age was associated with better attendance and less deviation in bed and wake times. Anxiety and depression symptoms were associated with less attendance, and depression was also associated with more deviation in waketimes. To promote better attendance and adherence in treatment, depression or anxiety symptoms should be addressed before or during CBT-I. Identifying and tailoring CBT-I treatments toward the needs of different age groups may also improve attendance and adherence.  相似文献   

Insomnia is highly prevalent among active-duty military service members. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) is a well-established and effective treatment; however, research and treatment recommendations have primarily focused on civilian or veteran populations. A multitude of military-specific factors directly impact service members’ sleep and the subsequent treatment recommendations. This article provides treatment considerations for the use of CBT-I with active-duty U.S. Army personnel. First, an overview of the theoretical model of insomnia, including military-specific predisposing, precipitating, and perpetuating factors, is presented, followed by a review of common comorbid conditions among service members with insomnia. Finally, discussion focuses on considerations and strategies for implementing components of CBT-I with service members, managing sleep during deployments, and adjusting sleep to accommodate overnight duties. Additional training resources and supplemental video examples (with actors) are provided.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to examine the level of fears in Swedish children and to examine the relation of those fears to state and trait anxiety. The purpose was also to do a normative study of FSSC-R (Fear Survey Schedule for Children - Revised). In total, 550 children between 8 and 16 years of age answered the questionnaires. The results indicate that there are no gender differences in total fear score, factor scores and number of fears. In contrast to earlier results, there was no correlation between fear and trait anxiety; however, a modest correlation was found between fear and state anxiety  相似文献   


The present paper describes an integrative cognitive-behavioural model for the analysis and treatment of insomnia. According to the theoretical model, insomnia is the result of an interaction between sleep-interfering processes (e.g. various kinds of arousal, and processes whereby various stimuli, behaviours and cognitive activities lead to arousal) and sleep-interpreting processes (sleep-related beliefs, attributions, attitudes, etc.). It is argued that insomnia involves various combinations of such processes, and that treatment should be based on a cognitive-behavioural analysis of how these processes combine in each particular case of insomnia. The treatment model focuses both on a reduction of sleep-interfering arousal processes (e.g. by replacing willful goal-directed control strategies with skills of mindful observation and acceptance) and on a modification of sleep-interpreting processes (by means of behavioural experiments and psychoeducative interventions).  相似文献   


The purpose was to investigate the psychometric properties of the Insomnia Catastrophizing Scale (ICS) including factorial validity and internal consistency as well as discriminative and convergent validity. Associations with sleep parameters and daytime impairment are also examined. Drawn from a randomly selected sample of the general population, 1615 participants completed a survey on insomnia-related nighttime and daytime symptoms, health outcomes and psychological processes, including the ICS. A one-factor solution was supported for both the nighttime catastrophizing (11 items) and daytime catastrophizing (6 items) subscales. Both subscales displayed high internal consistencies (α > 0.90) and accounted for 59.1–70.1% of the variance. The insomnia disorder group had significantly higher scores than participants without insomnia on the two subscales and on the individual items. Cutoffs were established for both subscales with acceptable sensitivity and specificity. Both subscales displayed adequate convergent validity with measures indexing worry, cognitive pre-sleep arousal and anxiety. The two subscales were also significantly associated with nighttime and daytime insomnia symptoms. The ICS is a reliable and valid scale for the assessment of insomnia-related catastrophizing. Future research is needed to examine the test-retest reliability and treatment sensitivity of the ICS.  相似文献   

There is limited understanding of the relation between insomnia and aspects of eating among college students though available data suggest salient clinical relationships. The present study explored a potential transdiagnostic mechanism in the relation between insomnia symptoms and eating expectancies. Participants were a racially/ethnically diverse sample of 1589 college students (80.4% females; Mage = 22.2 years, SD = 5.27) from an urban university. Primary analysis included three regression-based models of eating expectancies. Insomnia symptoms served as the predictor, and emotion dysregulation served as the indirect (mediator) variable in all models. Results indicated that insomnia symptoms yielded a significant indirect effect through emotion dysregulation on expectancies of eating to help manage negative affect, alleviate boredom, and lead to feeling out of control. Students experiencing insomnia symptoms may be at higher risk for experiencing dysregulated emotions and consequently maladaptive eating expectancies compared to good sleepers.  相似文献   

Sleep is disturbed by a range of factors across the lifespan. However, older adults experiencing disruptions in their sleep are often simultaneously contending with a range of comorbid medical and psychiatric conditions that compound the biological changes in sleep that commonly occur with age. Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) is the gold-standard, nonpharmacological intervention for sleep disturbances, and is a cost-effective treatment approach that can occur in either individual or group format. It has also been shown effective in older adults with medical, psychiatric, and cognitive comorbid disorders. This review highlights the success of CBT-I with older adults, as well as studies that illustrate the use of alternative delivery methods and treatment modifications for complex clinical presentations.  相似文献   

《Behavior Therapy》2023,54(2):386-399
Perfectionism is related to insomnia and objective markers of disturbed sleep. This study examined whether multidimensional perfectionism is related to dysfunctional beliefs about sleep, sleep-effort, pre-sleep arousal, and polysomnography-determined markers of sleep among individuals with insomnia. The effects of cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) on perfectionism was also examined. This was a secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial on CBT-I. Forty-three insomnia patients were randomized to treatment (receiving CBT-I) or waitlist control groups. Sleep was recorded using polysomnography at baseline. Participants completed measures of perfectionism, dysfunctional beliefs about sleep, sleep-effort and pre-sleep arousal at baseline and posttreatment. Total perfectionism scores and doubts about action, concern over mistakes and personal standards were each significantly related to increased sleep effort, pre-sleep arousal and dysfunctional beliefs about sleep at baseline. Patients receiving treatment displayed increased total perfectionism scores posttreatment d = .49. In those receiving treatment, levels of organization d = .49 and parental expectations d = .47 were significantly increased posttreatment, relative to baseline. In line with the literature, our results confirm that perfectionism is related to insomnia. Here, insomnia was related to increased sleep effort, pre-sleep arousal and dysfunctional beliefs about sleep. The propensity to maintain a high standard of order and organization may be elevated following CBT-I, considering the treatment protocol expects patients to strictly adhere to a set of clearly defined rules. Levels of parental expectations may be increased following CBT-I since the patient-therapist-relationship may trigger implicit expectations in patients which are reminiscent of their relationship to their parents.  相似文献   

通过对急性冠脉综合征他汀治疗的循证医学证据分析,探讨他汀类药物治疗越早越好的依据,并分析血脂治疗达标现状,提高高危、极高危患者的血脂治疗达标率。汇总急性冠脉综合征的他汀治疗相关研究:MIRCAL、PROVEIT、ARMYDA等,以及他汀治疗对斑块的研究ES-TABLISH、GAIN等试验的研究结果,分析美国胆固醇教育计划中血脂目标,以及中国成人血脂异常防治指南中血脂目标值,结合目前临床血脂达标现状,用以确定高危、极高危患者使用他汀治疗的方案应越早越好。心内科以及其他科室的医生应该积极按照《指南》要求尽早使用他汀类药物。  相似文献   


Objective: Insomnia is associated with elevated inflammation; however, studies have not investigated if this relationship is confounded with depression and neuroticism, which are associated with insomnia and inflammation. The current study examined the association of insomnia symptoms with C-reactive protein (CRP) and with interleukin-6 (IL-6), independently and after controlling for depressive symptoms and neuroticism. Design: Fifty-two young adults (mean age?=?25.2?±?3.9 years, 52% female) completed a baseline survey to assess psychological characteristics, followed by a plasma blood draw. Main outcome measures: Plasma CRP and IL-6. Results: When examined alone, insomnia symptoms were significantly associated with elevated CRP (β?=?0.52; R2?=?0.27), as was neuroticism (β?=?0.41, R2?=?0.17), but not depressive symptoms (β?=?0.21, R2?=?0.05). The association between insomnia symptoms and CRP remained significant when depressive symptoms and neuroticism were entered into the model simultaneously; this model did not explain more variance than the model with insomnia symptoms alone. No variables were associated with IL-6. Conclusions: Results suggest that insomnia symptoms are independently associated with elevated CRP in young adults, even after controlling for presumed overlapping psychological constructs. Findings highlight the potential importance of treating insomnia to reduce systemic inflammation.  相似文献   

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