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从“思辨哲学”到“文化哲学”的转向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖建华 《世界哲学》2004,3(3):105-111
20世纪以来,思辨哲学向文化哲学的转向昭示了时代对哲学的呼唤.思辨哲学将世界二重化,这既是它的理论前提也是其思想结果;以逻辑方法的科学性为开端,以信念方法的非科学性而终结;以宇宙本体为开端以理性概念认识为终结.  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
Michael D. Resnik, Mathematics as a Science of Patterns
Penelope Maddy, Naturalism in Mathematics
Jerrold J. Katz, Realistic Rationalism
Jaakko Hintikka, The Principles of Mathematics Revisited  相似文献   

杜威的哲学是对传统哲学的改造和重建.他力克传统哲学过分专业化和狭隘化的弊端,通过对传统哲学的"解蔽",揭露传统哲学在理性的面目下为传统信念和习惯精神辩护的本质.在此基础上,杜威提出,哲学的本质应当是人文的而非科学的,哲学应当把自己扩展到文化范畴;哲学本质上是一个文化的沟通机构,其沟通的途径是文化价值批评;哲学的最终目的是好的价值与生活的统一,是真善美的统一.杜威实际上构建了一种文化哲学的基本范式.  相似文献   

在朱谦之的学术世界里,<文化哲学>的地位是他前期最后的学问顶点.(马列主义非受容时期1918~1949)①正如他所说的一样,哪怕只能活一天,也要为文化研究尽力,从这一点可见一斑.终其一生,他都带着谨慎在为文化研究执着地追求.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to highlight the East-West asymmetry in philosophical exchanges. It draws attention to the absence of Eastern thought in the curriculum of philosophy in the West and suggests that cliches and stereotypes about cultures in general and thought-traditions in particular are perpetuated in this manner. The aim of the paper is to encourage 'cross-cultural conversation' among philosophers. A critical review of the project of 'comparative philosophy' is made to disclose the fact that despite the difficulties of such an endeavor, it is an attempt to bring thought-traditions together and is thereby useful for promoting intercultural understanding.  相似文献   

周来顺 《世界哲学》2009,(5):175-177
2009年7月5日至9日在黑龙江大学举办了“俄罗斯哲学”研讨会。这次会议以“后苏联时期俄罗斯马克思主义哲学与文化哲学”为主题,就俄罗斯马克思主义研究、俄罗斯哲学的总体性研究、俄罗斯重要哲学家的思想、俄罗斯部门哲学的发展状况等进行了广泛的交流。  相似文献   

Lin Ma  Jaap van Brakel 《Dao》2016,15(4):575-589
Why should interpretation of conceptual schemes and practices (forms of life) across traditions work at all? In this paper we present the following necessary conditions of possibility for interpretation in comparative and Chinese philosophy: the interpreter must presuppose that there are mutually recognizable human practices; the interpreter must presuppose that “the other” is, on the whole, sincere, consistent, and right; the interpreter must be committed to certain epistemic virtues. Some of these necessary conditions are consistent with the fact that interpretation is not thwarted by the “danger” of relativism or of incommensurability. Some other conditions are suggestive of reorientations of methodologies of comparative and Chinese philosophy.  相似文献   

比较哲学的研究范式有多种选择。历史分析与文化诠释可以作为比较哲学的重要研究范式,不仅在于历史与文化是思想与智慧的支撑平台和发展基础,而且在于历史主义的方法论、历史分析的逻辑、历史哲学与文化环境中的理解与沟通、翻译与转换注定不能分开。  相似文献   

着眼于中西医戒鸦片烟毒之比较,进行鸦片社会医药文化内涵史学与哲学反思。经比较发现,中医药较之西药戒鸦片烟毒更具“科学与文化”互补的况味,并富含“修身养性”的文化内涵。由中医戒烟组方得出哲学启示:整体观、调和观可与对抗观互补;中医学戒烟毒组方理论符合自然辩证法;中医学戒烟毒的“引药”理念及“顺应性”治法可融会顺势疗法体系,并可纳入哲学“无为而无所不为”的语境。在现今社会吸毒“沉渣再起”时,中医药戒烟毒尤具优势。  相似文献   

Lin Ma  Jaap van Brakel 《Dao》2013,12(3):297-312
In this essay, we present a theory of intercultural philosophical dialogue and comparative philosophy, drawing on both hermeneutics and analytic philosophy. We advocate the approach of “de-essentialization” across the board. It is true that similarities and differences are always to be observed across languages and traditions, but there exist no immutable cores or essences. “De-essentialization” applies to all “levels” of concepts: everyday notions such as green and qing 青, philosophical concepts such as emotion(s) and qing 情, and philosophical categories such as forms of life and dao 道. We argue that interpretation is a holistic multi-directional process constrained by the principle of mutual attunement. It is necessary to assume that “the other” is a human being, who, in most cases, is consistent and stating that which is true or right. This is the condition of possibility for intercultural philosophical dialogue and comparative philosophy. No more necessary conditions are needed. There is no need to presuppose concepts or categories that are universal for all humans and their languages (such as emotion(s) and qing 情).  相似文献   

Desheng Zong 《Dao》2010,9(4):445-459
The aim of this essay is to outline a conceptual framework for a type of philosophy (or approach to philosophy) to be herein called “non-sentential philosophy.” Although I will primarily concern myself with the conceptual coherence of the framework in this essay, illustrations will be provided to show that the notion has rich implications for comparative studies. In particular, I believe this theoretical framework will be of interest to those looking for a way to capture the differences between certain non-Western philosophical traditions—such as Chinese philosophy—and Western philosophy, a tradition in which the sentential approach is dominant.  相似文献   

中国近现代哲学从一开始就是从比较文化的视野展开并以比较哲学的面目出现的,尽管在当时并没有比较哲学的学术意识.虽然当时的比较哲学还仅是以哲学比较的初级形式展开的,然而,这一新的哲学出发点使得中国近现代哲学表现出强烈的跨文化特征.  相似文献   

20世纪二三十年代,中国哲学史学科形成并初步发展。从中西交流和互动的视角看,此时的中国哲学史大致存在四种研究模式:以胡适和冯友兰为代表的西方化研究模式,以钟泰为代表的中国化研究模式,以梁启超、张岱年为代表的中西结合的研究模式和以李石岑、范寿康为代表的初级马克思主义研究模式。而这种研究模式的多元化情境在其后并没有保持下去,所以我们倡导它在当今的再现。西方化研究模式强调近现代转型的“世界化”,从而在某种程度上造成了历史的变异性;中国化研究模式则重视“还原”传统民族性征,从而保持了历史的延续性。而中国哲学史的研究应该是在“世界化”和“还原化”的互动中前进的。所以,西方化和中国化的研究模式仍有继续存在的合理性,但由于二者都失之偏颇,因此中西结合的研究模式将会处于主导地位。  相似文献   

李小娟 《哲学动态》2002,(12):39-42
跨进 2 1世纪 ,中国文化哲学在深化理论问题研究的同时 ,其理论研究和理论建构开始从零散走向系统与自觉。涌现出一批直接以文化哲学为研究论题的成果 ,其中包括一些比较厚重的文化哲学论著 ,比如衣俊卿的《文化哲学———理论理性和实践理性交汇处的文化批判》 (云南人民出版社 2 0 0 1年 8月版 ) ,洪晓楠的《文化哲学思潮简论》 (上海三联书店 2 0 0 0年版 )等。同上个世纪末的文化哲学研究成果相比 ,新世纪开端的文化哲学研究特点如下 :一、对文化哲学本身的自觉反思1 关于文化哲学的定位和形态把文化哲学界定为新世纪的一种新的哲学范…  相似文献   

Different thinking styles in Westerners and Chinese (analytic vs. holistic) lead to disparities between the two cultures not only in perception and attention but also in high‐level social cognition such as self‐representation. Most Western philosophers discussed the self by focusing on personal self‐identity, whereas Chinese philosophers emphasized the relation between the self and others. Dissimilar philosophical thinking of the self is associated with distinct cognitive styles of self‐representation (i.e., the independent self in Westerners and the interdependent self in Chinese). Recent brain imaging studies found that Westerners employed the medial prefrontal cortex to represent only the individual self, whereas Chinese utilized the same brain area to represent both the self and close others, providing neural basis of cultural differences in self‐representation. We suggest that the cultural differences in thinking styles between Westerners and Chinese influence both psychological and neural structure of self‐representation.  相似文献   

文化哲学范式中的生命指人所具有的、不断与生态环境进行物质和能量交换的、创造价值和意义的、在实践中持久生成的动态生态系统。“生”即“生成”,“命”即“定命”,故其本质是“生成的定命”。人类生命的属人特征是其独特的二重性即矛盾性本体论结构——既A(自然特性、物种本能)又非A(文化属性、社会属性)。人类生命有三重向度:生物性生命、社会性生命、精神性生命,完整的生命是这三者的和谐统一体。  相似文献   

Patterns of Cultural Adjustment Among Young Migrants to Australia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In response to appeals for empirical data on culture-specific differences and developmental pathways of acculturative stress among young migrants and refugees, the present study examines the cultural adjustment patterns of ethnically diverse migrants to Australia. Two hundred and seventy three primary and high school students (comprised of former-Yugoslavian and Chinese cultural groups) participated in this investigation. Participants completed self-report measures of acculturation, internalising symptoms, social support, self-concept/esteem, ethnic identity, and future outlook, and were compared by gender, school level, cultural group, heterorganic ethnicity, and residential duration variables. The main findings from this study indicate: (1) patterns of cultural adjustment differ for children and adolescents according to cultural background, gender, age, and length of stay in the host culture; (2) former-Yugoslavian migrants generally report greater identification and involvement with Australian cultural norms than Chinese migrant youth; and (3) the divergent variables social support and bicultural adjustment are not universally paired with acculturative stress, as previously indicated in other adult migrant and acculturation studies. Specific cross-cultural trends and differences are discussed.  相似文献   

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