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学科能力内隐观的普遍性及其年龄差异   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
成子娟  侯杰泰 《心理科学》2000,23(2):146-150
数学、中文等学科能力,是先天固有不可改变的?,还是后天环境培养塑造,可以改变的?学生心目中对这类问题的主观想法,会直接影响学生的学习行为。其影响的范围,将取决于这类主观想法是否具有普遍性。比如,有些学生认为数学得父母遗传的,很难改变这些学生会不同同样认为中文、外语能力等,也是父母遗传的,变难改变?本研究了解是否有一主导思想,影响学生对不同学科能力的整体看法,同时也分析学生这类主观想法的年龄差异,。  相似文献   

Research suggests that the striatum plays an important role in implicit learning (IL). The striatum exhibits marked age-related morphological and neurochemical losses. Yet, behavioral studies suggest that IL is generally well preserved in old age, and that age-related differences emerge only when highly complex IL tasks are used. In this review, we integrate behavioral and neuroimaging evidence on IL in aging. We suggest that relative stability of IL in old age may reflect neural reorganization that compensates for age-related losses in striatal functions. Specifically, there may be an age-related increase in reliance on extrastriatal regions (e.g., medial-temporal, frontal) during IL. This reorganization of function may be beneficial under less taxing performance conditions, but not when task demands become more challenging.  相似文献   

序列长度和统计结构对序列位置内隐学习的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张卫 《心理科学》2002,25(4):486-487,485
除人工语法之外,序列反应时任务也是内隐学习研究最常用的程式之一。在使用序列反应时任务进行内隐学习研究时,有研究者发现,类似于外显学习,序列位置内隐学习中序列规则的长度越长,学习成绩越差;而Stlader则在研究中发现,序列位置内隐学习中所学序列的统计结构会极大地影响被试内隐学习成绩,统计结构越高学习效果越好。  相似文献   

In this article, the development of the increasingly differentiated control of the joints necessary to transform the spontaneous leg movements of early infancy into adaptive and functional actions is described. The hypothesis-that increasing joint control requires the capability for disassociation of joint action, the active modulation of joint stiffness, and a transition from proximal to distal control of the joints-is proposed. Kinematic and kinetic analyses of the vertical kicks of infants 2 weeks, 3 months, and 7 months of age (as well as a comparative group of adults) indicated increasing joint independence as well as phase-dependent and joint-dependent control modifications. The kicks of the younger infants were dominated by a proximal control strategy and minimal adjustments of the limb energetics during the flexion and extension phases of the kick. By 7 months of age, much larger modulations of the kick phases were observed as well as increasing evidence of distal control. These results revealed kinematic and kinetic patterns of emerging limb control between 2 weeks and 7 months of age.  相似文献   

In Experiments 1 and 2, subjects were exposed to letter strings that followed a pattern—the second letter was always the same. This exposure was disguised as a test of immediate memory. Following this training, subjects could discriminate new letter strings following the pattern from letter strings not following the pattern more often than would be expected by chance, which is the traditional evidence for concept learning. Discrimination was also better than would be predicted from subjects' explicit report of the pattern, demonstrating the co-occurrence of concept learning and implicit learning. In Experiment 3, rules were learned explicitly. Discrimination was worse than would be predicted from subjects' explicit report, validating the implicit learning paradigm. In Experiment 4, deviations from a prototypical pattern were presented during training. In the test of discrimination, prototypes were as familiar as old deviations and more familiar than new deviations, even when considering only implicit knowledge. Experiment 5 found implicit knowledge of a familiar concept. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the distinguishing features of a concept can be learned implicitly, and that one type of implicit learning is concept learning.  相似文献   

教师作为典型的知识密集、技术密集的群体,其隐性知识也自然比较集中和典型,而专长研究可以有效地揭示教师的知识获取特点和学习规律。然而,以往的专长研究往往通过测量专家教师和新手教师在某方面的外显行为或外显知识的差异了解教师的知识结构和行为特点,这种做法由于忽略了教师的内隐学习和隐性知识,因此难以有效地揭示专家教师与新手教师在知识和能力结构上的真实差异。本研究借鉴认知心理学对专长的研究方式(即专家--新手比较),运用经典的序列反应时任务(SRT)调整后的范式,采用带颜色边框的同一个学生的四种真实课堂表情图片作为刺激材料,以表情作为内隐学习的维度,以颜色作为外显学习的维度,对61名专家教师与88名新手教师在内隐/外显序列学习上的差异进行了比较研究。结果发现:(1)专家和新手教师被试群体均能够习得内隐/外显序列规则;(2)专家教师与新手教师在内隐学习上存在显著差异,专家教师内隐学习效果要优于新手教师;(2)专家教师与新手教师在外显学习维度上差异并不显著。结论:专家教师与新手教师有着近乎相当的外显学习能力和外显知识水平,但专家教师的内隐学习能力和隐性知识水平要显著高于新手教师。  相似文献   

Older adults are often more susceptible to various illusions and distortions of memory than young adults. In the experiments reported here, we explored the question of whether normal aging was associated with a larger revelation effect, an illusion of memory in which items that are revealed gradually during a recognition test are more likely to be called old than unrevealed items that are shown in their entirety. Contrary to expectations, older adults were not susceptible to this memory illusion. A revelation effect occurred for young but not older adults, even when older adults were similar to young adults on measures of recognition and repetition priming. When data across experiments were combined, there was evidence for a negative revelation effect in older adults in which revealed items were less likely called old than unrevealed items. These results place boundary conditions on the claim that older adults are more susceptible than young adults to memory illusions, and imply that one or more mechanisms underlying the revelation effect are age sensitive.  相似文献   

Simultaneous control of lower limb stepping movements and trunk motion is important for skilled walking; adapting gait to environmental constraints requires frequent alternations in stepping and trunk motion. These alterations provide a window into the locomotor strategies adopted by the walker. The authors examined gait strategies in young and healthy older adults when manipulating step width. Anteroposterior (AP) and mediolateral (ML) smoothness (quantified by harmonic ratios) and stepping consistency (quantified by gait variability) were analyzed during narrow and wide walking while controlling cadence to preferred pace. Results indicated older adults preserved ML smoothness at the expense of AP smoothness, shortened their steps, and exhibited reduced stepping consistency. The authors conclude that older adults prioritized ML control over forward progression during adaptive walking challenges.  相似文献   

语文教学中的内隐学习   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
缪小春  杨金鑫 《心理科学》2004,27(3):524-527
本文作者根据语文教学的目的,语文教学的结果和语文教学的内容特点,认为内隐学习在语文教学中,特别是汉语教学中,可起重要作用。然后.介绍了他们对这个问题进行的阔查和实验研究。实验证实,内隐学习和外显学习的效果没有磬异,或内隐学习的效果优于外显学习。而且,内隐学习具有较好的保持效果。因此,作者提出应充分重视内隐学习在语文教学中的作用。  相似文献   

林颖  周颖 《心理科学》2006,29(4):882-886
该研究从年龄效应这一独特视角探讨了内隐序列学习的表征机制。结果表明:(1)内隐序列学习存在具体联结和抽象层级编码双重表征机制,且在该研究中以抽象编码为主;(2)老、青、幼三组被试的内隐序列学习无显著差异,间接支持了具体联结机制不起主要作用的结论。该研究的推论是:(1)内隐序列学习的表征是一个遵循“最优级编码”的动态过程;(2)该过程不涉及注意机制和短时记忆。  相似文献   

Walking While Memorizing: Age-Related Differences in Compensatory Behavior   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This study investigated predictions of the life-span theory of selection, optimization, and compensation, focusing on different patterns of task priority during dual-task performance in younger and older adults. Cognitive (memorizing) and sensorimotor (walking a narrow track) performance were measured singly, concurrently, and when task difficulty was manipulated. Use of external aids was measured to provide another index of task priority. Before dual-task testing, participants received extensive training with each component task and external aid. Age differences in dual-task costs were greater in memory performance than in walking, suggesting that older adults prioritized walking over memory. Further, when given a choice of compensatory external aids to use, older adults optimized walking, whereas younger adults optimized memory performance. The results have broad implications for systemic theories of cognitive and sensorimotor aging, and the costs and benefits of assistive devices and environmental support for older populations.  相似文献   

The Identity Style Inventory–Revised for a Sixth-Grade Reading Level (ISI-6G) was administered to samples of community college students (N = 99) and middle school and high school students (N = 320). Tests of between-groups differences indicated that the college sample had a significantly lower mean diffuse-avoidant score on the ISI-6G than the middle and high school sample. In terms of actual assignment to identity styles, college students were significantly more likely to be classified as informational or normative, while the younger students were more likely to be diffuse-avoidant. The mean ages of participants for each of the three identity styles were compared, and it was found that diffuse-avoidant participants had the lowest mean age (15.54 years), while individuals with an informational orientation had the highest mean age (17.20 years). Results suggest that, in general, identity style evolves with age and maturity and the general trajectory or progression involves movement away from a diffuse-avoidant orientation. Findings are discussed in terms of current knowledge of neurocognitive development during adolescence and early adulthood.  相似文献   

Participants were 20 younger golfers (M age = 19.8 years, SD = 1.84 years) and 20 older golfers (M age = 63.0 years, SD = 2.55 years) who attempted 40- and 80-yard eight-iron shots requiring an adjustment of their force and timing. No age-related differences were found in the tempo or speed of the shot; however, there were differences in the rhythmic relationship between the clubhead force and the weight shift. Whereas younger golfers primarily exhibited a 3 versus 2 polyrhythmic pattern between the peak forces of the clubhead and weight shift, older golfers primarily exhibited a simpler 3 versus 3 rhythmic force pattern by adding a forward weight shift at the beginning of the shot. Additionally, older golfers exhibited less independence between the timing of the clubhead force and weight shift, which indicated greater use of a single integrated coordinative unit rather than 2 units. These findings are interpreted as compensations for age-related slowing and increased temporal variability that help to preserve tempo at a speed comparable to younger adults.  相似文献   

序列学习中的内隐学习效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
付秋芳  刘永芳 《心理科学》2004,27(5):1107-1111
该研究采用较为复杂的包含图形出现的位置规则和顺序规则的实验材料,通过对比被试直接测验和间接测验、内隐学习和外显学习成绩的异同,考察了序列学习中的内隐学习效应,并探讨了规则特点对内隐学习效应的影响。结果表明,在图形位置的序列学习中存在内隐学习效应,内隐学习效应的大小受规则特点的影响。  相似文献   

内隐记忆和内隐学习的整合研究趋向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李林 《心理科学进展》2006,14(6):810-816
内隐记忆和内隐学习代表了人类学习与记忆的无意识机制,它们打开了理解人类无意识奥妙的大门。从内隐记忆和内隐学习的诞生与实验室发展来看,二者似乎长期以来处在相对独立的位置。然而,随着研究的不断深入,走向整合已经成为不可抑制的趋向。该文旨在结合内隐记忆和内隐学习的定义、经验类似性、理论框架和实验研究等方面的证据,论述它们的整合必要以及已有的整合途径,促进研究对学习和记忆的无意识过程的全面把握  相似文献   

Conceptions of well-being are defined as a system of beliefs concerning the nature and experience of well-being and can be described generally by the degree to which four dimensions, representing (1) the experience of pleasure, (2) avoidance of negative experience, (3) selfdevelopment, and (4) contribution to others, are emphasized. A first main objective of the current study was to investigate age-related differences in younger and older adults’ conceptions of well-being. A second main objective was to address whether conceptions of well-being are differentially associated with experienced well-being in younger and older adults. Results indicated several age-related differences in conceptions of well-being, with younger adults reporting more emphasis on the experience of pleasure and self-development, older adults reporting more emphasis on avoidance of negative experience, and younger and older adults reporting similar levels of emphasis on contribution to others. Results further indicated several age-related differences in associations between the experience of pleasure and avoidance of negative experience dimensions and well-being, with these two dimensions being more strongly and positively associated with well-being in older adults. Self-development and contribution to others were found to be positively associated with well-being regardless of age.  相似文献   

The present studies investigated whether men and women differ in cognitive–motivational processing of sexual stimuli in order to better understand the commonly observed gender differences in sexual outcome variables. Because these processes often operate without conscious control, we focused specifically on automatic stimulus processing. Using a series of implicit tasks, we measured inhibition, attentional orientation, appraisal and approach‐avoidance motivation regarding sexually explicit stimuli in male and female students. Results showed that men were more strongly motivated to approach sexual stimuli than women and were better able to inhibit sexual information as to prevent activation of the sexual response. With regard to attentional orientation, men were more easily drawn by sexual cues than women, yet only when the cues were presented long enough to allow more elaborative processing. No gender differences were found in the implicit evaluation of sexual information, although men and women did differ at the level of self‐reported sexual evaluations. Our results indicate the importance of incorporating information‐processing mechanisms and emotion regulation strategies into the conceptualization of the sexual response and promote further research on the specificity, robustness, predictive validity and malleability of the cognitive–motivational processes underlying sexual arousal. Copyright © 2015 European Association of Personality Psychology  相似文献   

注意在内隐序列学习中作用的研究述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
探索次级任务对序列学习的作用实质在对内隐序列学习的研究中占有重要地位。关于次级的计音任务对序列学习的干扰作用的实质 ,主要有四种主要的观点 :注意能量说、组织说、短时记忆说和抑制表现说。文章简要介绍了这些观点并对其各自的实验证据进行了总结和分析 ,并对最近可能进行的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

内隐学习和外显学习关系评述   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
文章从内隐学习与外显学习的区别、联系以及相互作用三方面,对这两个概念集合间的关系进行了辨析。最初,内隐学习这一概念的提出,是源于其与外显学习在现象学、实验操作、神经生理学以及学习机制等方面的诸多不同。近年来,虽然内隐学习的独立地位已被充分确立,但是,也有越来越多的证据表明,内隐学习和外显学习之间的独立性是相对的,它们之间存在紧密的联系和相互作用,任何一个学习任务都是内隐和外显学习的结合物。最后,作者结合自己的实验研究进一步提出了,内隐学习和外显学习之间相互权衡的动态关系。  相似文献   

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