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The authors examined the relation between adolescents' reports of mothers' management of peer relationships and adolescents' reports of their own aggressive, prosocial, and playful behaviors. The sample comprised 92 adolescents (M age = 15.41 years, SD = 1.81 years) enrolled in a residential summer camp. Higher levels of consulting were related to lower levels of adolescents' relational aggression, physical aggression, playful teasing, and rough-and-tumble play. Higher levels of consulting were related to higher levels of prosocial behavior. Higher levels of guiding were related to higher levels of adolescents' relational aggression and social inclusion. Higher levels of granting access to peers were related to higher levels of adolescents' prosocial behavior and social inclusion. Moderate levels of granting access to peers were related higher levels of playful teasing.  相似文献   

污名对大学生心理求助行为的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生群体的心理健康问题是全社会一个不容忽视的问题,然而,由于心理疾病的污名化,大学生为了避免自己和家人遭受歧视而回避求助,本文通过文献调查法,探讨污名的内涵、影响因素、污名的分类及对大学生心理求助行为的影响,提出对策减少心理疾病污名感,提高大学生心理求助行为,促进大学生心理健康。  相似文献   

小学生攻击性行为的心理分析及对策研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
赵建华 《心理科学》2005,28(4):965-968
本研究采用同伴提名法对宁波市560名小学生进行调查,探讨了小学生攻击行为的类型特点及其年级差异,结果发现:(1)小学生言语攻击的比率最高,其次是直接身体攻击,间接攻击的发生率最低。(2)小学生三类攻击行为的比例均存在显著的年级差异。(3)小学生各年级之间既有存在显著性差异,也有不存在显著性差异。同时,本研究进一步分析了小学生攻击性行为产生的原因及其教育干预的对策。  相似文献   

While the behavioral acitivation system (BAS) has been most consistently linked to externalizing behaviors, the behavioral inhibition system (BIS) has been more closely related to internalizing outcomes. Proactive and reactive aggression have demonstrated a similar pattern of association, with proactive aggression more closely linked to externalizing behavior and reactive aggression more consistently linked to internalizing symptoms. Despite theoretical links, few studies have examined associations between these constructs. Accordingly, the current study examined associations between the BAS and BIS and proactive and reactive aggression, and the role of proactive and reactive aggression in the link between the BAS and BIS and mental health outcomes. The BAS was associated with both proactive and reactive aggression, while the BIS was uniquely related to reactive aggression. Both proactive and reactive aggression appear to be playing a role in associations between the BAS and indicated mental health outcomes. Implications and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

Identifying the factors associated with mental health services use (MHSU) is an important step in developing strategies to improve services access and delivery. The aims of the present study were to (a) identify personality and individual difference characteristics associated with MHSU intentions within the framework of the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and (b) explore complex relationships that might exist between these characteristics and determinants of MHSU intentions identified in TPB, including attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control. Data for 244 Canadian Armed Forces recruits who completed a MHSU questionnaire following mental health training were linked to personality data collected earlier. Multivariate analyses showed that the relationship between agreeableness and MHSU intentions was mediated by instrumental attitudes and subjective norms. The relationship between hardiness and MHSU intentions was mediated by subjective norms and self-efficacy. Findings suggest it may be worthwhile to consider mental health education initiatives to improve MHSU.  相似文献   

A number of hypotheses have emerged regarding the etiology of physical aggression in persons with mental retardation. Although a multicomponent model is appropriate, results of functional analysis-based studies have yielded promising results in identifying instigating and maintaining factors of aggression. However, the relationship between functional variables and conditions such as psychiatric diagnosis to aggressive behavior has yet to be investigated in persons with mental retardation. We conducted a study examining the prevalence of environmental or physical factors in aggressive behavior in mentally retarded persons with and without psychiatric disturbance. One hundred and thirty-five individuals with mental retardation who exhibited physical aggression were assessed with the Questions About Behavior Function Scale (QABF) to identify environmental or physical contribution to aggressive behavior. One or more behavioral functions were identified for 75% of the participants. Additionally, of 66 of the participants scoring above the clinical cutoff on an assessment for dual diagnosis, 75% met criteria for an environmental or physical function for aggression. No significant differences in number of participants with an identifiable function of aggression were found between the no dual diagnosis and dual diagnosis groups. Our findings underscore the importance of identifying functions underlying aggressive behavior in persons with mental retardation, and the need to consider functional variables regardless of psychiatric condition in treatment planning efforts for such individuals.  相似文献   

初级指挥官人格类型与PM领导行为类型有效性的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对陆军初级指挥官人格心理类型与领导行为有效性的心理学研究 ,探讨个人的领导潜能、人格心理类型对领导行为有效性的影响。研究发现 :1方差分析表明 ,具有不同领导行为的指挥官在人格维度上存在明显的统计学差异。提示了指挥官的领导行为取向与人格因素有密切的关系。2卡方分析结果也表明 ,PM型行为的军官在其人格特征上具有“ESTJ”组合特征 ,而 pm型的军官则正好相反 ;另外 ,pm型的军官在成就动机上获得高分的人数最少。3系统聚类分析显示 ,“成就动机”、“感觉”和“判断”三种人格因素与军事指挥官完成整体领导职能有着更为密切的关系。  相似文献   

心理求助行为:研究现状及阶段-决策模型   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
回顾了国内外心理求助研究的进展和现状,指出了目前研究中存在的局限。在文献分析和前期研究基础上提出心理求助行为的阶段-决策模型,该模型将心理求助视为一个内部决策过程,包括连续的三个阶段,分别为问题知觉阶段、自助评估阶段、他助评估阶段。在不同的求助阶段,影响求助行为的因素及其影响力不同。文章简要介绍了基于这个理论模型所作的初步研究  相似文献   

Children with high levels of aggressive-hyperactive-impulsive-inattentive behavior (AHII; n = 154) were subdivided into those with (n = 38) and without (n = 116) adaptive disability (+AD/–AD) defined as a discrepancy between expected versus actual adaptive functioning. They were compared to each other and a control group of 47 normal children. Both AHII groups were more likely to have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), oppositional defiant disorder, and conduct disorder than control children; more symptoms of general psychopathology; greater social skills deficits; more parental problems; and lower levels of academic achievement skills. Compared to AHII – AD children, AHII + AD children had (1) more conduct disorder; (2) greater inattention and aggression symptoms; (3) more social problems, less academic competence, and poorer self-control at school; (4) more severe and pervasive behavior problems across multiple home and school settings; and (5) parents with poorer child management practices. Thus, adaptive disability has utility as a marker for more severe and pervasive impairments in AHII children.  相似文献   

Following several political-psychological approaches, the present research analyzed whether orientations toward human rights are a function of right-wing authoritarianism (RWA), social dominance orientation (SDO), basic human values in the sense of Schwartz (1992 ), and political ideology. Three dimensions of human rights attitudes (endorsement, restriction, and enforcement) were differentiated from human rights knowledge and behavior. In a time-lagged Internet survey ( N   =  479), using structural equation modeling, RWA, universalism and power values, and political ideology (measured at Time 1) differentially predicted dimensions of human rights attitudes (measured at Time 2 five months later). RWA and universalism values also predicted self-reported human rights behavior, with the effects mediated through human rights endorsement. Human rights knowledge also predicted behavior. The psychological roots of positive and negative orientations toward human rights, consequences for human rights education, and the particular role of military enforcement of human rights are discussed.  相似文献   

采用冲动性/预谋性攻击量表、冷酷无情特质量表和特质焦虑量表,以山东省某中型监狱341名成人暴力犯为被试考察两类攻击、CU特质水平和特质焦虑之间的关系。结果表明:(1)CU特质水平与两类攻击正相关,与特质焦虑呈负相关,特质焦虑水平能够预测成人暴力犯的冲动性攻击。(2)个体的CU特质水平能够调节特质焦虑与冲动性攻击之间的关系,具体表现为特质焦虑水平对低CU特质个体的冲动性攻击影响大于高CU特质个体。  相似文献   

对小学3、4年级的285名儿童进行了3年追踪调查,分析了儿童分别与男、女生互选友谊数的变化趋势及其在个体间的差异,探讨了外部攻击和关系攻击分别对两类互选友谊数的影响。结果表明:(1)儿童的男、女生互选友谊数在3年时间内都有显著的增加趋势,并表现出显著的性别差异,儿童与同性互选友谊数显著多于他们与异性的互选友谊数,男生与女生互选友谊数的增加速度比女生与女生互选友谊数增加速度慢,儿童与男生的互选友谊数越多,他/她与女生的互选友谊数就越少,表明了性别隔离现象的存在。(2)在控制了关系攻击的影响后,儿童的外部攻击对他们在各时间点测得的与女生的互选友谊数有显著的消极影响,而对他们与男生的互选友谊数影响不显著;在控制了外部攻击的影响后,儿童的关系攻击对他们在各时间点测得的与女生的互选友谊数有显著的积极影响,而对他们与男生的互选友谊数影响不显著。这说明外部攻击和关系攻击对儿童互选友谊数的影响存在性别差异  相似文献   




目的了解593名军校大学新生的入伍动机情况。方法采用自编的军校大学新生基本情况调查表和症状自评量表对593名军校大学新生在入学1个月后统一进行测试。结果军校新生的入伍动机复杂,来源、是否独生子女和政治面貌对入伍动机有显著的影响,献身国防事业和服从父母的意愿这两项入伍动机对scl-90的总分影响最大。结论军校新生学员入伍动机复杂,入伍动机对心理健康有较大影响。  相似文献   

本研究探讨了自尊与网络过激行为的关系,以391名大学生为被试,采用问卷法考察了社交焦虑在自尊与网络过激行为关系中的中介作用,以及该过程是否受到公我意识、私我意识水平的调节。结果发现:(1)在控制了性别、年龄后,自尊对网络过激行为具有负向预测作用;(2)社交焦虑在自尊和网络过激行为间起部分中介作用;(3)公我意识调节自尊对网络过激行为的直接作用。相对于公我意识水平高的大学生,直接效应对公我意识水平低的大学生更显著;(4)自尊对社交焦虑的作用还受到个体私我意识的调节,相对于私我意识水平低的大学生,间接效应对于私我意识水平高的大学生更显著。  相似文献   

采用青少年攻击行为量表、青少年攻击信念量表、亲子关系量表和儿童感知父母冲突量表对506名青少年进行测查,结果表明:(1)父母冲突对青少年攻击信念和攻击行为均有显著的正向预测作用;(2)青少年攻击信念在父母冲突与攻击行为之间起着中介作用;(3)青少年攻击信念与攻击行为的关系(中介效应的后半段路径)受到亲子关系的调节,即父母冲突对青少年攻击行为的影响是有调节的中介效应。  相似文献   

For military personnel, there are positive and negative aspects of marriage, which may contribute to mental health during times of high stress. The present study investigated the relationship of marital status with three mental health outcomes (general mental health, posttraumatic stress disorder [PTSD], depression) among 14,624 Canadian military personnel recently deployed in support of the mission in Afghanistan. Greater combat exposure was associated with poorer postdeployment mental health, but marital status was, on its own, only slightly associated with PTSD. Marital status significantly moderated the relationship between combat exposure and mental health: For both single and married participants, mental health declined as combat exposure increased, but this association was stronger for married members. This association could be due to the additional familial demands that married personnel may face upon their return from deployment or to the stresses associated with poor marital satisfaction. Overall, results suggest that the relationship between marital status and mental health after deployment is complex and may vary according to other factors.  相似文献   

盖笑松  赵晓杰  张向葵 《心理科学》2007,30(6):1392-1396
采用计票式文献分析技术对国内1994-2005年间关于离异家庭子女心理特点的35篇研究进行了系统回顾,发现所有研究都报告了父母离异对子女心理发展存在消极影响。他们存在更多躯体化、强迫、焦虑、敌对、孤独、冲动等心理健康问题;行为问题发生率高于完整家庭对照组,主要表现为孤僻、退缩、抑郁、社交不良等行为问题;在人格方面更具神经质特征,表现出更强的掩饰性,人格倾向性容易出现过分内向或过分外向的两极化趋势;在自我意识方面更消极;在学业方面表现较差;知觉到更强的压力而且采用更消极的应对方式,有着更高的犯罪率和自杀意念。对目前研究方法上的不足之处进行了探讨,对国内外研究内容和结果上的差异进行了分析,对未来的研究方向提出了意见和建议。  相似文献   

Set within B. J. Zimmerman’s (1989 Zimmerman, B. J. (1989). A social cognitive view of self-regulated academic learning. Journal of Educational Psychology, 81, 329339.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar], A social cognitive view of self-regulated academic learning, Journal of Educational Psychology, Vol. 81, pp. 329–339; and B. J. Zimmerman, 2000 Zimmerman, B. J. (2000). Attaining self-regulation: A social–cognitive perspective. In M. Boekaerts, P. Pintrich, &; M. Seidner (Eds.), Self-regulation: Theory, research, and applications (pp. 1339). Orlando, FL: Academic Press.[Crossref] [Google Scholar], Attaining self-regulation: A social-cognitive perspective, in M. Boekaerts, P. Pintrich, &; M. Seidner, Eds., Self-Regulation: Theory, Research, and Applications, pp. 13–39, Orlando, Florida, Academic Press) cyclical model of self-regulation and social–cognitive theory, this study tested the hypothesis that multi-modal psychological skills training (PST) would increase self-regulation behavior, self-efficacy, and psychological skill use in military pilot-trainees experiencing course-related learning difficulties. From pre- to post-intervention, findings showed that specific self-regulation behavior increased linearly. Likewise, significant increases in self-efficacy and psychological skill use occurred, along with concomitant reductions in anxiety and worry. Changes were generally retained at 2-month follow-up. PST highlights potential in modifying pilot-trainee cognitive and behavioral strategies to underpin learning, improve individual/cohort responsiveness, and importantly, cost effectiveness in training provision.  相似文献   

Professional skills to adequately manage patient aggression are a prerequisite for nurses working in psychiatric hospitals. These ‘technical’ skills, however, are necessary but not sufficient for effective nurse intervention. The attitude of nurses' towards client aggression also contributes to their response to a patient's behaviour. In order to study the domains (types) of attitudes towards aggression, a sample was taken of nurses working in the fields of general psychiatry (n=288), psychiatry for children and adolescents (n=242) and psychogeriatrics (n=88). A cross‐sectional survey design was adopted for the study. The Attitudes Towards Aggression Scale (ATAS) consisting of 32 items is presented, representing three types of attitudes towards aggression: aggression as a ‘harming’ reaction, a ‘normal’ reaction and a ‘functional’ reaction. The strongest predictors of the type of attitude respondents had towards the aggressive behaviour of their clients were (1) field, (2) setting they worked in, (3) gender and (4) type of shifts they predominantly had. Although the measure of domains of nurses' attitudes towards aggression needs further psychometric testing, it can be a useful tool in clinical practice for the assessment of staff attitudes towards aggression. This can support the decision‐making about the management of aggressive behaviour on a ward. Aggr. Behav. 00:1–10, 2005. © 2005 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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