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Time perception performance was systematically investigated in adolescents with and without attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Specifically, the effects of manipulating modality (auditory and visual) and length of duration (200 and 1000 ms) were examined. Forty-six adolescents with ADHD and 44 controls were administered four duration discrimination tasks and two control tasks, and a set of standardized measures. Participants with ADHD had higher thresholds than controls on all of the duration discrimination tasks, with the largest effect size obtained on the visual 1000 ms duration discrimination task. No group differences were observed on the control tasks. Visual–spatial memory was found to be a significant predictor of visual and auditory duration discrimination at longer intervals (1000 ms) in the ADHD sample, whereas auditory verbal working memory predicted auditory discrimination at longer intervals (1000 ms) in the control sample. These group differences suggest impairments in basic timing mechanisms in ADHD.  相似文献   

To investigate the role of psychopathic traits in a clinical and comparison sample, we obtained dimensional California Child Q-Set (CCQ) personality profiles for 66 preadolescent boys with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and 56 comparison boys during naturalistic summer programs and correlated each boy's CCQ profile with an expert-derived CCQ psychopathy prototype. These scores, representing each boy's degree of similarity to the prototype, were significantly associated with concurrent externalizing diagnoses and symptoms and, with statistical control of these externalizing features, concurrent measures of objectively observed noncompliance, overt and covert antisocial behavior, and peer sociometric nominations indexing peer rejection. Psychopathic traits were not associated with peer acceptance. CCQ psychopathy dimension scores also predicted severity of delinquency at a 5-7-year prospective follow-up, with statistical control of age, baseline externalizing diagnoses and symptoms, and baseline objective observations of antisocial behavior. Predictions held when overt behavioral items from the CCQ, which may have overlapped with the delinquency outcome criterion, were eliminated. Despite these strong effects, a plethora of false positives were evident in the prospective predictions to delinquency status. We discuss research and clinical implications of measuring psychopathic traits in childhood.  相似文献   

The goal of the present study was to consider the associations between family functioning (parenting and family loneliness) and peer functioning in a sample of boys with ADHD (N = 110) and their mothers (N = 108) and fathers (N = 53). Results indicated that higher paternal warmth was associated with more peer acceptance, less peer rejection, and less problematic social behavior, but only for boys who reported low levels of family loneliness. In addition, more paternal power assertion was related to less peer acceptance, but only for boys who reported low levels of family loneliness. Maternal warmth and power assertion were not significantly related to boys' peer functioning. We discuss these findings in the context of the processes by which parenting may affect the peer relationships of these children.  相似文献   

The current study tested whether an abbreviated version of Defiant Children (Barkley, 1987), an efficacious parent training program to address the behavioral noncompliance often associated with disruptive behavior disorders, could be implemented successfully within a community mental health clinic setting by master's-level therapists. Ethnically and socioeconomically diverse parents of 16 children (ages 4 to 12 years old) completed a 6-session active treatment group emphasizing the use of differential attending skills, effective time-out strategies, and a structured reinforcement schedule to increase child compliance. Pre- and posttreatment measures of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), oppositional-defiant disorder (ODD), and conduct disorder (CD) symptom level were administered, as well as a measure tapping the contextual breadth (i.e., number of settings) and severity of disruptive behaviors. Parent satisfaction with the treatment was also assessed. Analyses indicated large treatment effects on all measures except CD behavior. Results are discussed in the context of implementing empirically supported therapies in settings where “treatment as usual” is the norm.  相似文献   

Parenting practices for teen drivers with ADHD were observed via a video monitor installed in vehicles. All teens had recently completed a driver education course and were in the driving permit stage of a graduated driver-licensing program. Parent behaviors were coded during drives when teens were driving safely and during drives when teens engaged in risky driving. The overall frequency of positive parenting strategies was low, regardless of whether teens drove safely or engaged in risky driving. Although the rate of negative feedback was also low, parents engaged in significantly more criticism and were rated by an observer to appear angrier when teens were driving in a risky manner. No other differences in parent behaviors associated with the quality of teen driving were observed. The inconsistencies between observed parenting behaviors and those parenting practices recommended as effective with teens with ADHD are discussed. The need for further research addressing effective strategies for teaching teens with ADHD to drive is highlighted.  相似文献   

Disruptions to hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis function have been associated with varying forms of psychopathology in children. Studies suggesting children with ADHD have blunted HPA function have been complicated by the prevalence of comorbid diagnoses and heterogeneity of ADHD. The goals of this research were to assess the relations between waking and stress–response salivary cortisol levels and comorbid disruptive behavior (DBD) and anxiety (AnxD) disorders and problems in boys with ADHD, and to examine whether cortisol levels varied across ADHD subtypes. One hundred seventy elementary school-age boys with ADHD provided salivary cortisol at waking and in reaction to venipuncture. Parent reports were used to assess boys’ psychiatric diagnoses and severity of behavioral problems. Boys’ comorbid AnxD and anxiety problems were associated with greater cortisol reactivity, whereas boys’ comorbid DBD and oppositional problems predicted diminished adrenocortical activity. Reactive cortisol increases were greatest in boys with ADHD and comorbid AnxD, but without DBD. ADHD subtypes were not differentially associated with waking, pre-stress baseline, or reactive cortisol levels. However, comorbid DBD predicted decreased cortisol reactivity in boys with inattentive and hyperactive subtypes of ADHD, but not in boys with combined subtype of ADHD. The results clarify previous patterns of distinct and divergent dysregulations of HPA function associated with boys’ varying kinds of psychopathology.
Paul D. HastingsEmail:

Anecdotally and empirically, there is clear evidence that children with the Combined subtype of Attention-deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) experience disturbed peer relations, yet the field has not clearly established the origin of these difficulties. This is the first known investigation to examine the role of peer entry as a means to determine the social competence of boys with ADHD as they joined lab-based games played by age-mates who were good friends but unfamiliar with entry boys. Observational data of entry boys and their hosts, plus coders’ ratings, indicate that 7- to 12-year-old boys with and without ADHD did not differ in the use of competent entry strategies known to lead to acceptance from peers. However, boys with ADHD relied more heavily on incompetent entry strategies (e.g., disruptive attention-getting) known to exacerbate negative peer reputation. In addition, they failed to apply a frame-of-reference that was relevant to host boys’ ongoing activity. As such, host boys considered boys with ADHD less likeable as they spent more time with them. This pattern of findings has theoretical implications and informs the foci of social skills interventions for children with ADHD.  相似文献   

Evidence from a number of investigations suggests a considerable overlap between reading disability (RD) and attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). We investigate the relationship between RD and ADHD in a cohort of 186 children 7.5–9.5 years of age, recruited explicitly to address classification and definitional issues in these disorders. Using multivariate methods, we examine the hypothesis that RD and ADHD represent separate diagnostic entities that frequently co-occur in the same individual. The results suggest that RD is characterized by deficits within the language system, in particular a subcomponent within that system, phonological processing; in contrast, such linguistic deficits are not characteristic of ADHD unless ADHD is associated with RD. When children with both RD and ADHD are examined, both the linguistic deficits associated with RD and the behavioral characteristics associated with ADHD are apparent, but these deficits are not synergistic. We conclude that RD and ADHD represent separate disorders that frequently co-occur.  相似文献   

Medical adherence to complex diabetes regimens can be challenging, particularly for adolescents, and therefore represents the most common reason for referral to behavioral psychologists among this population. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), when present in children and adolescents with diabetes, presents unique barriers to compliance with diabetes management. Existing research on the co-occurrence of diabetes and ADHD is reviewed, and a framework is presented in which evidence-based behavioral treatments for ADHD may be applied to target diabetes management for this population. Case illustrations of two young adolescents with co-occurring diabetes and ADHD are offered, in which evidence-based ADHD treatments were successful in increasing medical compliance. Recommendations for larger clinical trials with this population are made.  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of issues employment counselors will face in counseling adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). There is little research on counseling clients with ADHD, and counselors are often ill prepared to provide appropriate services for this growing and underserviced population. Reviewed is the evolution of the ADHD label and its prevalence in adults. Diagnostic criteria are presented, and a selected review of adult outcome and treatment research is provided. Strategies for counseling adults with ADHD about careers are adapted, with caution, from literature on counseling adults with learning disabilities (LD), and specific guidelines for the employment counselor are presented.  相似文献   

It was tested whether boys with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), subgrouped by aggressive status, would show higher rates of depressive symptomatology and lower levels of self-esteem than would comparison boys and, in a subsample, explored attributional mechanisms that may be related to such internalizing features. Study 1 utilized 114 boys with ADHD (all prior recipients of stimulant medication) and 87 comparison boys, aged 7–12 years. Aggressive boys with ADHD reported more symptoms of depression than did nonaggressive boys with ADHD, who, in turn, reported more depression than did comparison boys. Effect sizes were moderate to large and did not vary with a depression rating scale uncontaminated by ADHD-related items. For self-esteem, the most pronounced effect was that aggressive boys with ADHD showed lower levels than did nonaggressive ADHD or comparison boys; effects were again moderate to large. Study 2 participants were a subsample of boys with ADHD from Study 1 (N = 27). We probed causal attributions in ADHD-related domains through responses to hypothetical vignettes, in which the protagonist's medication status (medicated, not medicated) was crossed with type of outcome (good, bad). Medication-related attributions were frequent. In describing the protagonist's success in relation to medication treatment, the sample showed significant associations between (a) medication-related attributions and (b) increased depressive symptomatology as well as decreased self-esteem. We discuss attributional processes that may help to explain the variation in internalizing symptoms among children with ADHD.  相似文献   

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can persist into adulthood with a continuation of the pattern of childhood psychopathology, cognition and functioning. Adult comorbidities include substance use disorders, antisocial personality disorder, anxiety, and depression. Studies have shown that as in children, methylphenidate treatment for adults can lead to a robust, dose-dependent improvement in ADHD symptoms. Future research is needed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of long-term treatment with methylphenidate (MPH).  相似文献   

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is prevalent among school-aged children. An associated feature of the disorder is a deficit in social functioning, which can be detrimental in terms of long-term outcomes. Therefore, it is crucial to identify evidence-based interventions which can improve the social skills of children with ADHD. The current study was an evaluation of a school-based social skills training program, called Working Together: Building Children's Social Skills Through Folk Literature. The modified version of the program with generalization enhancers was delivered in three schools to 16 children over a 10-week period. Results indicated that this program was effective for improving social skills in children with ADHD, particularly for children with poor pragmatic language skills.  相似文献   

This paper reviews approximately 40 years of stimulant drug treatment of children with behavior and learning problems. These patients generally fall under the rubric of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), with core symptoms of hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention being the most studied and most robust of the targets for stimulant treatment. In addition, the drug effects on other targets, such as cognitive and academic function, are included. The largest selection of studies involves methylphenidate. Both qualitative studies and meta-analytic studies from major reviews are examined. Variations in the methodology of the reviews are described and some of the discrepancies in interpretation examined. Despite wide variations in subject selection, types of trials, degree of methodological rigor, and the decade in which the studies took place, the evidence is remarkably consistent The overall results suggest significant clinical impact upon the core features of ADHD. More studies of long-term effects and special populations such as older adolescents and adults will be necessary, though existing evidence strongly supports similar findings as for the younger patients with a diagnosis of ADHD.  相似文献   

This review integrates and critically evaluates what is known about family characteristics associated with childhood Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Evidence suggests that the presence of ADHD in children is associated to varying degrees with disturbances in family and marital functioning, disrupted parent–child relationships, specific patterns of parental cognitions about child behavior and reduced parenting self-efficacy, and increased levels of parenting stress and parental psychopathology, particularly when ADHD is comorbid with conduct problems. However, the review reveals that little is known about the developmental mechanisms that underlie these associations, or the pathways through which child and family characteristics transact to exert their influences over time. In addition, the influence of factors such as gender, culture, and ADHD subtype on the association between ADHD and family factors remains largely unknown. We conclude with recommendations regarding the necessity for research that will inform a developmental psychopathology perspective of ADHD.  相似文献   

Mothers of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are at increased risk for an ADHD diagnosis themselves, which is likely associated with impairments in parenting. The present study utilized a multi-method assessment of maternal ADHD and parenting to examine the extent to which maternal ADHD symptoms are associated with maladaptive parenting. Participants included 70 6–10 year old children with DSM-IV ADHD and their biological mothers. Results suggested that mothers with higher levels of ADHD symptoms reported lower levels of involvement and positive parenting and higher levels of inconsistent discipline. During observed parent–child interactions, maternal ADHD symptoms were negatively associated with positive parenting, and positively associated with negative parenting and repeated commands before giving the child an opportunity to comply. Given prior research suggesting that maladaptive parenting behaviors are risk factors for the later development of conduct problems among children with ADHD, these findings have important clinical implications for family-based assessment and treatment of ADHD.  相似文献   

注意缺陷多动障碍是一种常见的神经性、发展性障碍。大脑异常被认为是注意缺陷多动障碍的病因之一。随着脑成像技术的发展,当前对该障碍的脑解剖结构病变、脑神经发育迟缓和脑网络连接异常等方面都展开了深入研究。文章从以上三个方面介绍最新研究成果,并指出目前的不足和未来研究方向,在此基础上为提高诊断精确性和发展新型有效的治疗干预方法提供建议。  相似文献   

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