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The purpose of this study was to determine personality factors that mediate between context and psychological well-being. A convenience sample of 514 mutlicultural participants from Potchefstroom (n=384) and Mafikeng (n=130) comprising mainly of black and white students was drawn. The participants completed measures on extraversion and agreeableness and psychological well-being in a cross-sectional survey. Context was defined in terms of differentials pertaining to race, socioeconomic differentials and infrastructural resources. Regression analyses indicated the viability of relationships among context, personality and psychological well-being. Structural equation models showed that both extraversion and agreeableness mediate the relationship between context and psychological well-being. Future research using longitudinal designs may study the importance of social context, personality factors and psychological well-being within and between groups.  相似文献   

癌症患者人格类型及其与应对策略、社会支持的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨智辉  王建平 《心理学探新》2007,27(2):88-90,95
该研究旨在调查和分析癌症患者人格类型及其与应对策略、社会支持的关系。采用艾森克人格问卷简式量表、社会支持评定量表、医用应对问卷等测查工具对205名癌症病人进行调查。结果显示:1.癌症患者可以聚类为两类人格:温和健康型和身心障碍型;2.身心碍型患者的屈服应对显著高于温和健康型患者;3.身心障碍型患者的客观社会支持和主观社会支持都显著低于温和健康型患者。研究表明,癌症患者可分为温和健康型和身心障碍型两种人格类型。身心障碍型患者采用更多的屈服应对,同时获得的社会支持也更少。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore whether coping self-efficacy mediates between various distress related variables on the one hand (symptoms of stress and depression), and the degree of psycho-social well-being as measured on the upper end of the mental health continuum on the other hand. Participants were two multi-cultural student groups (n1 = 568; n2=1480) as well as two community samples of Setswana speaking adults (n3=477; n4=1275). Students completed the English versions of measures, and the community samples of adults the Setswana versions. Mediation was evaluated through the testing of structural equation models. Coping self-efficacy mediated significantly between distress and wellbeing, although stressors also influenced the level of psychosocial well-being directly.  相似文献   

A research model incorporating hospital restructuring stressors, job satisfaction, psychosomatic symptoms and active and escapist coping was tested in a large sample of nursing staff. Almost 1,400 staff nurses participated by completing anonymous questionnaires. Concepts in the model were assessed using multiple-item scales having satisfactory psychometric properties. A LISREL analysis was undertaken in which relationships among all variables in the model were considered simultaneously. Use of active coping was negatively related to the use of escapist coping; use of escapist coping was positively related to future threats to security and psychosomatic symptoms and negatively related to self-reported job satisfaction; use of active coping was related to perceptions of less extensive hospital restructuring, greater job satisfaction, and fewer psychosomatic symptoms.  相似文献   

Well-being is one of the keys to successful and optimal development across the lifespan. Based on the idea that development involves changes in individuals’ adaptive capacity to meet their needs over time, the changes that occur in the second half of life require effort to adapt to the new reality. This study used a structural model to test the effects of coping strategies and resilience on well-being in a sample of 305 mid-life adults. Several constructs were measured: coping strategies, resilience, and well-being. A final model was obtained with good fit indices; psychological well-being was positively predicted by resilience and negatively by emotional coping. Moreover, positive reappraisal and avoidance form part of both coping strategies (problem-focused and emotion-focused). Considering the characteristics of the model, educational intervention programs could be developed to promote skills that favor good adaptation at this stage in the life cycle and contribute to promoting successful aging.  相似文献   

The relation of self-compassion to physical and psychological well-being was investigated among 182 college students. The self-compassion scale was delineated into three composites, following the proposition by Neff that self-compassion consists of three main components: self-judgment versus self-kindness (SJ–SK), a sense of isolation versus common humanity (I–CH), and over-identification versus mindfulness (OI–M). Findings support the association between self-compassion and psychological and physical well-being, but the composites demonstrate different influences. SJ–SK and I–CH were predictive of both depressive symptomatology and physical well-being, and SJ–SK and OI–M were predictive of managing life stressors. The results of this study support and expand prior research on self-compassion.  相似文献   

幸福人格是影响个体幸福感的重要人格特质。为了探索中国人幸福人格的结构和内涵,研究基于人格的词汇学假设,从以往研究者编制人格测验使用的初始词汇表中,筛选出225个与幸福感有关的人格词语。通过探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析,最终得到49个幸福人格词语。因素分析结果显示:中国人的幸福人格包含胆识、美德、乐观三个维度。以Campbell幸福感量表、主观幸福感量表和中国大五人格问卷简式版为效标的分析结果表明,幸福人格各维度得分可有效预测幸福感。  相似文献   

气候变化是指人类活动直接或间接导致的气候方面的改变, 是本世纪人类面临的最大挑战之一。气候变化对个人的认知、情绪及行为均有影响, 这些心理影响对大多数人而言是渐进式的。目前已有的研究发现, 气候变化的应对策略包括问题聚焦、情绪聚焦和意义聚焦三种, 而意义聚焦可能是其中最有利于心理健康的应对策略。未来的研究需要进一步界定某些重要概念, 并使之能够操作化, 需要探讨气候变化应对策略与心理健康之间的关系, 研究中国人气候变化应对策略的特征等。  相似文献   

This study examined the moderating role of cognitive flexibility between earthquake exposure and psychological well-being. The participants were 491 adolescents from three middle schools in Sichuan. Multivariable, hierarchical linear regressions were used to analyze the data. The findings showed that there were significant differences in psychological well-being for the dimension of relocation of school (T = ?3.09, p < 0.01), damage to property (F = 2.73, p < 0.05) and damage to school (F = 5.76, p < 0.01). Hierarchical regression analysis indicated that cognitive flexibility moderated the relation between being hurt during the earthquake and psychological well-being (B = 1.01, SE = 0.31, T = 3.22, p < 0.01).  相似文献   

The current study tests a model that depicts the relationships among coping strategies (active, distraction, avoidance, and support seeking) and anxiety symptoms. SEM is used to test if the relationship between these variables is mediated by coping efficacy. A large sample of Canadian children (N = 506) aged 8 to 11 years (boys = 249, girls = 245, unknown gender = 12) participated in the study. Results showed that coping efficacy is a partial mediator of the relations between active coping strategies and anxiety symptoms, however support was not found for it to be an effective mediator for other coping strategies. This study contributes to the understanding of childhood anxiety by highlighting the importance of the relationship between anxiety and the methods children use to cope with stress and how perceptions of their coping abilities influence this relationship.  相似文献   

杨玲  崔诣晨 《心理科学》2003,26(6):1034-1038
以193名戒毒者为被试,运用问卷法和对数线性模型调查和分析了戒毒者个人背景及其与戒毒行为的关系,通过聚类分析概括出戒毒者的三种人格类型,并探讨了不同人格类型戒毒者在自尊、社会支持、应对策略上的特点及其关系。结果表明:(1)中低教育程度与中低经济收入显著正相关;男性所估计的戒毒时间远远少于女性;吸毒时间越长,复吸的可能性越大。(2)外向冲动型戒毒者的自尊水平最高,其次是内向顺从者,身心障碍者的自尊水平显著低于外向冲动者。(3)身心障碍者对支持的主观体验和利用程度越高,所采取的面对策略越多;所获得的支持越多,越少采取屈服策略。而内向顺从者和外向冲动者对所获支持的满意程度越高,越少采取面对策略;对支持的利用程度越高,所采取的屈服策略越多。  相似文献   

Certain coping strategies alleviate stress and promote positive psychological outcomes, whereas others exacerbate stress and promote negative psychological outcomes. However, the efficacy of any given coping strategy may also depend on personal resiliency. This study examined whether personal resiliency moderated the effects of task-oriented, avoidance-oriented, and emotion-oriented coping strategies on measures of depression, anxiety, stress, positive affect, negative affect, and satisfaction with life. Results (N = 424 undergraduates) showed higher personal resiliency was associated with greater use of task-oriented coping strategies, which were in turn associated with more adaptive outcomes, and less reliance on nonconstructive emotion-oriented strategies, which in turn were associated with poorer psychological outcomes. In addition, individual differences in personal resiliency moderated the effects of task-oriented coping on negative affect and of emotion-oriented coping on negative affect and depression. Specifically, proactive task-oriented coping was associated with greater negative affect for people lower in personal resiliency. Moreover, high personal resiliency attenuated the negative effects of emotion-oriented coping on depression and negative affect. The effects of avoidance-oriented coping were mixed and were not associated with or dependent on levels of personal resiliency.  相似文献   

This study investigated the prevalence of coping behaviour, posttraumatic growth and psychological well-being in adult South African women (n=60, mean age=32, ethnicity=70% European, 28% African and 2% Asian descent). Specifically, the study considered the prevalence of constructive coping, posttraumatic growth and psychological well-being with a history of childhood sexual abuse. All participants self-reported being sexually abused before the age of 18 years. They completed measures of coping, posttraumatic growth, and psychological well-being, in a cross-sectional survey design. Results showed moderate to high correlations among scales indicating conceptual coherence as indicators of constructive coping, posttraumatic growth and psychological wellness. About 58% of participants manifested constructive coping, 60% manifested posttraumatic growth, and 42% manifested psychological well-being. These women survivors of childhood sexual abuse had higher levels of posttraumatic growth than reported in previous studies.  相似文献   

The way patients cope with the experience of having an episode and being hospitalized for psychiatric disorder may relate to symptom severity, social functioning, and psychological well-being. Coping was assessed among 70 psychiatric inpatients diagnosed primarily with schizophrenia, major depressive disorder, and schizoaffective disorder. The Brief COPE—a questionnaire developed in health psychology (C. S. Carver, 1997)—was administered in interviewer-assisted format during patients' stay on the ward. Thirty patients were re-interviewed an average of 6 weeks after discharge. Among patients with schizophrenia, schizophrenia symptom severity correlated inversely with adaptive coping (e.g., acceptance, planning, seeking support) but did not correlate with maladaptive coping (e.g., self-blame, denial). Among those with schizophrenia, deficits in adaptive coping also predicted relative increases in schizophrenia symptoms over time, controlling for intake symptom severity. Among patients without schizophrenia, maladaptive coping correlated concurrently with depressive symptoms. Several hypothesized associations between concurrent coping, functioning, and well-being were also documented.  相似文献   

刘文  刘方  陈亮 《心理科学》2018,(1):64-70
采用儿童认知情绪调节问卷、儿童版艾森克人格问卷、儿童心理虐待量表对405名8~12岁儿童进行研究,考察人格特质在心理虐待对认知情绪调节策略关系中的中介作用。结果发现:(1)儿童心理虐待与不适应性认知情绪调节策略呈显著正相关;儿童神经质与不适应性认知情绪调节策略呈显著正相关儿童内外倾与适应性认知情绪调节策略呈显著正相关(2)儿童神经质在心理虐待与儿童不适应性认知情绪调节策略关系间起到完全中介作用(3)该中介模型具有性别和年龄的测量等值性。研究结果显示,儿童心理虐待可以通过神经质的中介作用影响不适应性认知情绪调节策略。  相似文献   

张瑞平  李庆安 《心理科学》2017,40(3):657-663
以308名大学生为被试,以《大五人格问卷》、《儒家心理资产问卷》、《生活满意度量表》和《积极消极情感量表》为工具,考察人格特质、儒家心理资产与主观幸福感的关系。结果表明:(1)五种人格特质与儒家心理资产的八个维度存在不同程度的相关;(2)儒家心理资产八个维度与主观幸福感的不同指标相关不同;(3)爱人、务民、崇德、学等儒家心理资产维度在人格特质与主观幸福感总分之间起部分中介作用。本研究是对《论语》管理智慧实证化的创新性尝试。  相似文献   

高中生压力源和心理健康的研究   总被引:60,自引:5,他引:55  
楼玮群  齐铱 《心理科学》2000,23(2):156-159,155
本研究对2986名上海高中生对压力感受进行了调查。因素分担 些压力可以归为六大类别:社会人际关系及性发展方面,学习和学业方面,与发母交往方面,未来前途方面,经济方面,以及健康方面。资料显示高中生最大的三种压力源多与学习或学业有关,而压力最小的三种压力源主要与性发展的和健康有关。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether gender moderates the relationship between spirituality and psychological well-being. A secondary data analysis based on a cross sectional survey was implemented. A convenience sample of 508 participants (males = 143, females = 365; age range 18–65 with 66% in the 18–25 category) from the North-West Province of South Africa completed questionnaires on spirituality and psychological well-being after informed consent was obtained. Findings show that gender moderates the relationship between spirituality and psychological well-being. This moderation effect was stronger in the case of existential well-being rather than religious well-being as components of spiritual wellbeing, and also stronger in one of the sub-groups. Future studies may explore the role of contextual factors such as cultural orientation and other socio-demographic variables in this moderation effect, as well as gender based perceptions and practices of spirituality with a view to facilitate gender sensitive psychological well-being programmes.  相似文献   


Negative urgency, which is the tendency to act impulsively under the influence of negative emotions, is a risk factor for various psychological disorders including anxiety and depression. In contrast, proactive coping is a future oriented coping strategy that aims to prepare the self for future stressors by reappraising the stressors as challenges or keep oneself prepared for impending losses. Although the effect of proactive coping and preventive coping strategies on reducing depression and anxiety has been consistently documented, the association of their interaction with risk factors received little attention. In the current study, the moderator roles of two dimensions of Proactive Coping strategies in the association of negative urgency with anxiety and depression, is examined. Data were collected from 404 individuals (255 women) aged 18 to 59 (M?=?31.29, SD = 11.70) through scales assessing negative urgency, proactive coping, anxiety and depression from a community sample. The results revealed that the interaction of proactive coping with negative urgency to be significantly associated with individual differences in depression scores, indicating that appraising the threats as challenges may have potential for buffering the effects of negative urgency on depression. However, a similar pattern was not observed for anxiety or preventive coping.  相似文献   

主观幸福感的结构及其与人格特质的关系   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
邱林  郑雪 《应用心理学》2005,11(4):330-335,353
以239名大学生为被试,考察了主观幸福感(SWB)的结构及其与人格特质的关系。分析表明,SWB由生活满意度、积极情感和消极情感三个相关的维度构成,而且它们可以共同负荷于一个高阶因子。外倾和神经质是SWB的重要预测指标,积极情感的主要预测指标是外倾,神经质则是消极情感最有力的预测指标,而外倾和神经质对消极情感和生活满意度有相同的预测力。情感平衡是外倾和神经质影响生活满意度的中介变量。  相似文献   

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