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邹文篪  刘佳 《心理科学进展》2011,19(8):1193-1204
团队-成员交换考察了团队中个体成员和其他成员之间的关系质量对团队整体绩效以及个人绩效的影响。从团队-成员交换的概念、理论来源、测量方式、测量工具等方面系统地介绍了团队-成员交换。此外, 将团队-成员交换的实证研究结果进行了汇总, 包含团队-成员交换的前因变量、结果变量及其所扮演的中介变量和调节变量的研究。在汇总的过程中对变量进行了群体层面和个体层面的划分。最后提出未来应该广泛开展在中国情境下的团队-成员交换实证研究, 并开发适合中国情境的团队-成员交换量表。  相似文献   

Attorneys increasingly rely on the services of mental health practitioners. Although some practitioners lack training, the promise of professional rewards lead some to accept opportunities with resulting ethical quandaries. Due to significant differences between the objectives of traditional mental health services and expert testimony, problems occur when clinicians venture into forensic services. Attorneys and judges, unfamiliar with mental health specialties, may seek to press a mental health practitioner into multiple roles. Although not all multiple roles are ethically inappropriate, caution demands careful parsing of particular roles: (a) academic/behavioral science expert; (b) fact witness as a treating therapist; (c) expert witness based on a clinically oriented assessment; (d) pretrial and/or trial consultant; and (e) professional critic of other experts. Possible ethical issues and risks associated with accepting multiple roles are identified and strategies for avoiding or minimizing harm or exploitation are discussed.  相似文献   

This article addresses the multiple roles held by women involved in parent care and the ways in which these roles affect the women's well-being. Research on women's roles (including that of caregiver) has been guided by two opposing perspectives, the scarcity hypothesis and the expansion hypothesis. Findings from our studies of role quality, role combinations, and role spillover have provided abundant evidence that the lives of these women cannot be easilycaptured by either the scarcity or the expansion hypothesis alone.  相似文献   

谢宝国  夏勉 《心理科学进展》2013,21(6):1112-1124
职业决策困难是指个人在职业决策过程中所遇到的各种难题,其一直是生涯心理学当中一个非常重要的研究主题.它会以两种方式影响职业决策结果:一是,导致个体无法做出决定;二是,导致个体做出劣质决定.本文回顾了1980~2012年国内外相关研究,对职业决策困难的概念界定、亚类型、结构、测量工具、影响因素和干预措施进行了系统梳理.在此基础上,对未来研究方向进行了展望,指出未来研究需要进一步清晰界定职业决策困难的内涵和外延、对维度构成达成共识、深入探索形成机制以及加强定制化干预研究.  相似文献   

王震  仲理峰 《心理科学进展》2011,19(7):1037-1046
领导-成员交换关系差异化是指在一个工作团队中, 团队领导与不同成员的交换关系在质量上的差异性。尽管它是领导-成员交换理论的核心内容, 但相比领导-成员交换关系质量, 关系差异化直到最近几年才得到学术界的关注。已有的研究表明它对个体和团队产出具有重要影响。本文从概念、研究起源、测量、影响因素、影响效果以及作用机制方面, 对近年来国、内外的理论和实证研究进行了评述, 并在此基础上指出了未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

The ACA Code of Ethics (American Counseling Association [ACA], 2014) mandates counselor competency in using ethical decision-making models (EDMs) and mandates that counselors use an EDM when confronted with making ethical decisions. Additionally, researchers have highlighted the importance of counselors continually evaluating and reflecting when faced with ethical dilemmas and working through a decision-making model. Using a phenomenological research design, the authors examined how counselors address ethical dilemmas, including how reflection and EDMs are incorporated into the decision-making process. Emergent themes from data analysis include (a) incomplete following of EDMs, (b) varied dilemmas, (c) power, and (d) ethics training.  相似文献   

从社会交换的角度看组织认同的来源及效益   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
沈伊默 《心理学报》2007,39(5):918-925
从社会交换的角度探讨了组织认同的来源及效益。采用结构方程建模的方法,通过对398名企业个体的问卷调查所获取的数据进行分析,结果表明:(1)POS对组织认同和留职意愿有着直接的显著影响;同时,它通过组织认同的中介作用对个体的留职意愿、同事间利他行为、个人主动性、人际和谐和保护公司资源会产生间接的影响;(2)LMX对组织认同和留职意愿没有直接的显著影响;但它对同事间利他行为、个人主动性、人际和谐和保护公司资源有着直接的显著影响  相似文献   

Uncertainty is a fundamental aspect of human social life. Based on fruitful findings, the current review aims to establish a schema that outlines the relationship between uncertainty and human social decision-making: the influences of uncertainty on social decision-making (mainly prosocial behaviors) and the strategies commonly employed to reduce social uncertainty. Human prosocial behaviors are modulated by both social and nonsocial uncertainty. Specifically, uncertainty decreases prosocial behaviors by providing moral wiggling room or promoting loss aversion but also helps maintain relationships by mitigating negative interactions. Moreover, impression formation, impression updating, and compliance with social norms are crucial strategies for coping with social uncertainty, but they are subject to various biases. Finally, we highlight some important issues that need to be addressed in future studies. In summary, the current review deepens our understanding of the role of uncertainty in social behaviors.  相似文献   

This article addresses some ways mothers cope with the multiple stresses associated with their dual roles as workers and primary family caregivers. During the often stressful family life-cycle when adolescent children are individuating, a mother's active resistance can call attention to her need for support and validation of her efforts. While both parents are in the process of negotiating the intricate balance between letting go and forming new collaborative relationships with their soon to be adult children, heavy responsibilities associated with the maternal role can be especially challenging. In addition to gender-sensitive family interventions, mutual support groups for women who parent can help explore ways to effectively respond to cross-generational conflicts and problem solving.  相似文献   

Many community decision-making bodies encounter challenges in creating conditions where stakeholders from disadvantaged populations can authentically participate in ways that give them actual influence over decisions affecting their lives (Foster-Fishman et al., Lessons for the journey: Strategies and suggestions for guiding planning, governance, and sustainability in comprehensive community initiatives. W.K. Kellogg Foundation, Battle Creek, MI, 2004). These challenges are often rooted in asymmetrical power dynamics operating within the settings (Prilleltensky, J Commun Psychol 36:116–136, 2008). In response, this paper presents the Exchange Boundary Framework, a new approach for understanding and promoting authentic, empowered participation within collaborative decision-making settings. The framework expands upon theories currently used in the field of community psychology by focusing on the underlying processes through which power operates in relationships and examining the evolution of power dynamics over time. By integrating concepts from social exchange theory (Emerson, Am Soc Rev 27:31–41, 1962) and social boundaries theory (Hayward, Polity 31(1):1–22, 1998), the framework situates power within parallel processes of resources exchange and social regulation. The framework can be used to understand the conditions leading to power asymmetries within collaborative decisionmaking processes, and guide efforts to promote more equitable and authentic participation by all stakeholders within these settings. In this paper we describe the Exchange Boundary Framework, apply it to three distinct case studies, and discuss key considerations for its application within collaborative community settings.  相似文献   

决策研究领域日益重视情绪的作用,情绪的认知评估理论、道德情绪理论及动机维度模型等新兴情绪观使研究者对决策机制的认识不断深化,出现了解释情绪在各类决策中作用机制的理论成果:情绪浸润模型、风险决策感知与评估双系统模型、情绪即社会信息模型、神经情感决策理论。未来尚需加强作用机制的验证研究,从情绪具身角度进行思考,基于知情交互的角度整合理论体系,重视神经生理机制理论及模型建构。并简要分析了理论成果的启示。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to test the validity of a personality assessment, Role Profiles, by exploring the relationship between role balance and individual well-being and the relationship between couples’ role profiles similarity and their marital satisfaction. Twenty couples were recruited and completed the assessments. This study partially supported Role Profiles’ validity and the findings were consistent with previous studies: individuals with higher role confusion were more likely to report lower self-esteem, and couples who shared many identical roles in their roles profiles were more likely to report higher marital satisfaction. The utility of Role Profiles as a clinical assessment in couples therapy is discussed.  相似文献   

本研究提出一个有调节的中介模型,揭示了心理资本"怎样"影响大学生职业决策困难及这种影响在不同个体中是否存在差异。采用心理资本量表、职业决策自我效能感量表、社会技能量表和职业决策困难量表对730名大学生进行研究。研究显示:(1)职业决策自我效能感部分中介了心理资本与大学生职业决策困难的关系;(2)社会技能调节了心理资本通过职业决策自我效能感影响大学生职业决策困难的中介过程的前半路径和后半路径。研究结论对促进大学生成功就业具有重要的理论与实证价值。  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Barbara Herlihy and Gerald Corey (2006). Boundary Issues in Counseling: Multiple Roles and Responsibilities (2nd ed.)  相似文献   

影响职业决策自我效能的因素及干预研究述评   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
职业决策自我效能指个体对自己完成择业相关任务所需能力的信心程度。自从Betz和Taylor提出职业决策自我效能,该概念已引发了职业心理学中众多的理论和实证研究。文章总结了影响职业决策自我效能的因素及其干预措施。影响职业决策自我效能因素可概括为个体因素、家庭因素、学校因素三方面,干预措施依据不同的理论,主要有归因训练、团体干预、职业决策训练、认知重构、计算机职业指导系统等  相似文献   

This study examined the role of key causal analysis strategies in forecasting and ethical decision-making. Undergraduate participants took on the role of the key actor in several ethical problems and were asked to identify and analyze the causes, forecast potential outcomes, and make a decision about each problem. Time pressure and analytic mindset were manipulated while participants worked through these problems. The results indicated that forecast quality was associated with decision ethicality, and the identification of the critical causes of the problem was associated with both higher quality forecasts and higher ethicality of decisions. Neither time pressure nor analytic mindset impacted forecasts or ethicality of decisions. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined how psychotherapists address hypothetical nonsexual multiple relationships dilemmas with Asian American clients and identified predictors of conservative decisions and the use of culture-based rationales. This survey of 787 Asian American and non-Asian American psychotherapists revealed that clinicians rely on mostly their personal policies and seldom focus on the clients' cultural backgrounds. Psychotherapists who consider their clients' Asian culture have more cultural knowledge and awareness, have been mental health providers longer, and are Asian American and female. Clinicians who avoid multiple relationships tend to cite formal policies as justification and are less likely to consider clients' cultural worldviews, the therapeutic relationship, or their own values. The results are discussed in terms of specific revisions needed in the American Psychological Association Ethics Code, the benefits of more frequent consultation with colleagues and supervisors about ethical dilemmas, and recommendations for psychotherapists.  相似文献   

Although the institutional contexts of prime ministers in parliamentary democracies and of U.S. presidents are very different, both types of executive leaders influence the decision-making processes through their leadership styles. Leadership style includes how the leaders relate to those around them, how they like to receive information, and how they make up their minds. While there are numerous empirical studies and theoretical frameworks on the leadership styles of U.S. presidents, few studies of prime ministers are concerned with personality and styles of leadership. This paper reviews the literature on U.S. presidential styles and on organizational leadership in order to construct a framework for the study of prime minister leadership styles. Components of the proposed framework are illustrated with examples of British prime ministers and German chancellors. In addition, categories of dependent variables to be explained by leadership style are discussed. I argue that leadership style has the greatest impact on the decision-making process and that although the direct effect of leadership style on foreign policy behavior is less, leadership style indirectly influences foreign policy through the decision-making process.  相似文献   

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