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Preliminary data are presented on the pattern of treatment response of combining interoceptive exposure (IE) with trauma-related exposure therapy (TRE) in five female patients with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and comorbid chronic musculoskeletal pain originating from motor vehicle accidents. Treatment consisted of four sessions of IE followed by eight sessions of TRE. Four participants reported a reduction in PTSD symptoms after completing treatment, and three no longer met diagnostic criteria for PTSD. Although both interventions were associated with reductions in PTSD symptoms, TRE was associated with greater reductions in PTSD symptoms than IE and was particularly effective at reducing avoidance. IE was associated with larger reductions in anxiety sensitivity than TRE. Pain symptoms lessened slightly during IE and then worsened following TRE. Anxiety decreased after completing treatment, whereas panic and depressive symptoms responded less so. Three individuals completed a 3-month follow-up assessment. There was no change in their PTSD diagnostic status, and all experienced a slight loss of pre–post gains, particularly involving the return of pain. Clinical and research implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Complex posttraumatic stress disorder (complex PTSD) presents unique challenges to treatment beyond that of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The expert consensus best practice for treatment of complex PTSD is a phase-based or sequenced approach that has typically been offered in individual or group therapy modalities. Emotionally focused couple therapy (EFCT) shows promise as a couple-based treatment for PTSD, but the standard protocol may inadequately incorporate best practice guidelines of phase-based treatment for complex PTSD. Integration of phase-based treatment of complex PTSD within an EFCT format is proposed, giving direction to EFCT providers on incorporating best practice guidelines into their work with survivors.  相似文献   

Parental posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is associated with parenting difficulties. Cognitive-behavioral conjoint therapy for PTSD (CBCT for PTSD) improves PTSD symptoms, relationship adjustment, and partners’ mental health functioning. However, the impact of CBCT for PTSD on parenting competency is unknown. In this pilot study, the effects of CBCT for PTSD on parenting competency were investigated in 14 individuals (6 patients with PTSD and 8 partners) who had children under age 18. Results suggested that most participants perceived themselves as competent in their parenting prior to treatment, and some enhancements in competency occurred following CBCT for PTSD. Moreover, changes in parenting competency were associated with improvements in patient-rated PTSD. Adjunctive interventions targeting parenting and goals for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated the visual feedback hypothesis, which states that visual feedback from written trauma narratives contributes to the efficacy of written imaginal exposure for posttraumatic stress via the reuptake of traumatic content during production of the narrative. We tested a college sample (n = 61) with clinically elevated posttraumatic stress as measured with the Impact of Events Scale. Participants were randomly assigned to a writing with visual feedback condition, a writing without visual feedback condition, or a control condition. The hypothesis was not supported: Writing with and without visual feedback equally reduced intrusion and avoidance symptoms. Exploratory analyses, however, showed increased intrusion symptoms immediately after writing with visual feedback, which was in contrast with decreased symptom levels in the other conditions. These findings are in line with previous findings regarding immediate symptom development following writing interventions for posttraumatic stress and call for further exploration of the visual feedback hypothesis.  相似文献   

Psychogenic nonepileptic seizures (PNES) are the number-one medically unexplained symptom encountered by neurologists (Brown & Reuber, 2016) and account for approximately 30% of patients referred to epilepsy centers (Leu et al., 2020). Episodes of PNES physically resemble epileptic seizures; however, electrical activity within the brain appears to be within normal limits. Currently, there are no medications available to specifically manage PNES (Hingray et al., 2017). Although studies focused on the impact of psychological interventions for PNES are limited, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) approaches appear to be effective (LaFrance et al., 2014). Prior exposure to a traumatic event is common for patients with PNES (Brown & Reuber, 2016; Myers et al., 2017). Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) is an evidence-based psychotherapy for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). CPT is effective for a variety of traumatic experiences, and asks patients to address avoidance (e.g., of situations, emotions) and challenge maladaptive thought patterns (Resick et al., 2017). In this case study, a 29-year-old Caucasian female patient presented for treatment with comorbid PTSD and PNES. Current PTSD diagnosis was indicated by self-reported and clinician-administered assessment, which included the Clinician Administered PTSD Scale for DSM-5 (CAPS-5 = 52 out of 80) and the PTSD Checklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5 = 59 out of 80). This patient’s Criterion A trauma involved repeated domestic sexual assault as an adult, which occurred for several years. PNES was diagnosed approximately 1 year prior by a neuropsychologist. At the start of treatment, the patient endorsed PNES almost daily, which prevented her from maintaining a job or driving a vehicle. The patient was an early and successful responder to CPT, as she participated in 8 of 12 sessions. In addition to significantly lower self-reported PTSD and depressive symptom severity (PCL-5 = 5; PHQ-9 = 2), she did not experience PNES in the 17 days leading up to her final session. As the patient’s avoidance of distressing trauma-related thoughts and emotions decreased, so too did her PNES. This case study provides neurologists with a promising treatment approach for patients with PNES and PTSD.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to present literature regarding perinatal posttraumatic stress disorder and to describe the implications of research findings for occupational therapy screening and treatment in early intervention practice. Changes in legislation regarding early intervention practice and family centered care are presented as a rationale for including maternal mental health screening as a standard practice in the field of early intervention. A case study illustrates symptoms of perinatal posttraumatic stress disorder and the effect on maternal-infant co-occupational engagement. The Model of Human Occupation is used to guide clinical reasoning about potential occupational therapy interventions.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the literature on performance on standard neuropsychological tests among individuals with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Of 19 studies, 16 reported impairment of attention or immediate memory (or both); however, most of these studies included PTSD patients with significant psychiatric comorbidity, so that the extent to which the observed deficits are specifically attributable to PTSD remains unclear. Other potential confounds, including medical illness, substance abuse, and motivational factors, further preclude definitive conclusions at present. Results of structural and functional neuroimaging studies of PTSD are also summarized. Two studies have reported correlations between hippocampal volume and cognitive findings in PTSD patients; functional studies have indicated specific findings in limbic regions, although the relationship of these results to neuropsychological performance remains to be explored.  相似文献   

Research on the predictors of response to cognitive-behavioral treatments for PTSD has often produced inconsistent or ambiguous results. We argue this is in part due to the use of statistical techniques that explore relationships among the entire sample of participants rather than homogeneous subgroups. Using 2 large randomized controlled trials of Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT), CPT components, and Prolonged Exposure, we employed growth mixture modeling to identify distinct trajectories of treatment response and to determine the predictors of those trajectories. We determined that the participants’ trajectories could be best represented by 2 latent classes, which we subsequently labeled responders (87% of the sample) and nonresponders (13% of the sample). Notably, there was not a separate class for partial responders. Assignment to the nonresponder class was associated with receiving the written accounts (WA) component of CPT, a pretreatment diagnosis of major depression (MDD), and more pretreatment hyperarousal symptoms. Thus, it appears that some individuals do not benefit from merely writing about their trauma and processing it with the therapist; they may also need to engage in cognitive restructuring to successfully ameliorate their symptoms. Additionally, those who meet criteria for MDD or have high levels of hyperarousal at the onset of treatment might require additional treatment or support.  相似文献   

John, an urban African male who developed posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following an armed robbery at the petrol station where he worked, was treated with 12 sessions of Trauma-focused cognitive behaviour therapy. Intervention involved a combination of psychoeducation, prolonged imaginal exposure, cognitive restructuring and behavioural assignments. This article is a systematic case study of his treatment which included a comprehensive narrative and tracking of progress by means of the Posttraumatic Diagnostic Scale. John responded well to the treatment, finding it acceptable and credible and remained free of PTSD symptoms at 15 months follow up. It is argued, based on the principles of Elliott's Hermeneutic Single Case Efficacy Design, that there is evidence from within the narrative that it was the treatment that led to remission of symptoms. This case study demonstrates the cognitive, emotional and behavioural processes underlying John's PTSD, which fits with those extensively described in the research literature, and that this evidence-based treatment developed in a westernised context is transportable to work with urban Africans.  相似文献   

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and traumatic brain injury (TBI) demonstrate high prevalence and comorbidity among post-9/11 veterans. Veterans with this comorbidity often present with multiple co-occurring healthcare needs and increased clinical complexity. The current case report describes the clinical presentation of a veteran with mild TBI and PTSD, both before, during, and after treatment within a multidisciplinary 2-week intensive outpatient program involving prolonged exposure, evidence-based PTSD treatment, and Cognitive Symptom Management and Rehabilitation Therapy, evidence-based treatment for postconcussive symptoms. Mr. A was a 25-year-old White, transgender male who presented with a complex mental health history. At intake, presenting complaints included anxiety, panic attacks, nightmares, and depression secondary to military sexual trauma, as well as reported cognitive difficulties secondary to a concussion. He met current criteria for PTSD as well as panic disorder with agoraphobia. Head injury history consisted of a motor vehicle collision with less than 30 seconds loss of consciousness, brief posttraumatic amnesia, and alterations of consciousness. Mr. A demonstrated habituation during individual exposure sessions as assessed via skin conductance during imaginal exposures and decreased subjective ratings during in vivo exposures, as well as a decrease in trauma-potentiated startle response to trauma cues. Posttreatment data indicates significant reduction in neurobehavioral, posttraumatic stress, and depression symptoms and significant improvement in subjective cognitive functioning. The current findings support the feasibility and efficacy of short-term integrated treatment for complex clinical presentations and the need for larger scale research investigating combined PTSD and TBI intervention.  相似文献   

Exposure-based therapies for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and anxiety disorders remain underutilized, despite their effectiveness and widescale dissemination efforts. This study surveyed a broad range of licensed providers (N = 155) to examine rates at which prolonged exposure (PE) and other interventions are used to treat PTSD and to investigate provider characteristics linked to exposure beliefs and utilization. While 92.3% of clinicians reported understanding of or training in exposure, only 55.5% of providers reported use of PE to treat PTSD. Clinicians with current cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) orientation, CBT training orientation, a doctoral degree, and training in PE endorsed greater likelihood of exposure utilization for PTSD (ps < .001, ds = 0.82–1.98) and less negative beliefs about exposure (ps < .01, ds = 0.55–2.00). Exposure beliefs also differed based on healthcare setting (p < .001). Among providers trained in exposure (n = 106), master’s degree and non-CBT current theoretical orientation were associated with high utilization yet also negative beliefs. Results suggest exposure training, accurate beliefs, and utilization still lag among some groups of providers. Additionally, negative beliefs and misunderstanding of the exposure rationale may persist even among providers who are trained and report high utilization.  相似文献   

过度泛化现象是区分普通心理问题和严重心理问题的重要指标。创伤后应激障碍(posttraumatic stress disorder, PTSD)患者在创伤事件后会出现非适应性的泛化。现有研究结果表明非适应性泛化(maladaptive generalization)可能是PTSD发生发展的一个重要因素, 但也有研究支持PTSD是导致了泛化从适应性向非适应性化转变的原因。虽然泛化现象的变化与PTSD症状的发展有相同趋势, 且具有共同的生理基础:记忆相关神经结构, 但二者之间的关系尚无明确定论。阐明PTSD与非适应性泛化之间的关系对PTSD的预测、诊断和治疗均有推进作用。  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence to support the biological basis of mental disorders. Subsequently, understanding the neurobiological context from which mental distress arises can help counselors appropriately apply cognitive behavioral therapy and other well‐researched cognitive interventions. The purpose of this article is to describe the neurobiological context underlying the formation and treatment of posttraumatic stress disorders, a mental disorder frequently encountered by counselors, from a cognitive therapy framework.  相似文献   

This case study aims to provide evidence for the effectiveness of adapting a particular manualized cognitive behavioral therapy intervention to treat co-occurring posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). This study presents the treatment of a woman who experienced co-occurring mTBI and PTSD following a motor vehicle accident, a dual diagnosis that was established through a flexible assessment approach involving interviews as well as standardized psychological, neuropsychological, and neurobehavioral testing. Treatment planning led to a-priori adaptation of Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) to treat both her PTSD symptoms and the sequelae associated with her mTBI. The therapist maintained fidelity to the manualized structure and content of CPT protocol, adapting portions of the treatment to add specific emphasis on issues of identity confusion and role loss in service of addressing these common functional impairments that can accompany mTBI. Discussion focuses on application of CPT for future treatment of comorbid PTSD and TBI amidst complicating factors, including role losses and medical and safety issues. This case study is especially relevant due to the prevalence of co-occurring PTSD and TBI across a variety of populations.  相似文献   

Several studies have employed confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to examine the latent structure of the Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Checklist (PCL; Weathers, Litz, Herman, Huska, & Keane, 1993), a measure that assesses PTSD symptomatology. Findings have failed to support the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed., text revision [DSM–IV–TR]; American Psychiatric Association, 2000) PTSD model, consisting of reexperiencing, avoidance/numbing, and arousal factors, and no consensus has emerged regarding the best fitting alternative model. Additionally, most studies have utilized homogeneous trauma samples. This study used CFA to examine the PCL factor structure in a sample with exposure to various traumatic events. Superior fit was demonstrated by a model specifying reexperiencing, avoidance, dysphoria, and arousal factors.  相似文献   

《Behavior Therapy》2023,54(3):476-495
Stepped care approaches have been developed to increase treatment accessibility for individuals with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, despite guidelines recommending stepped care, it is currently unclear how the approach compares to other treatments for PTSD in terms of symptom reduction, cost, and client-rated acceptability. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled and open trials evaluating stepped care prevention (i.e., targeting those with recent trauma exposure at risk of developing PTSD) and treatment approaches for adults and adolescents/children with PTSD. Eight prevention and four treatment studies were included. There was considerable variation in the sample types, stepped approaches, and control conditions. Most studies found no significant differences between stepped care (both prevention and treatment) and control (active and usual care) in terms of PTSD severity, loss of PTSD diagnosis, depression severity, and quality of life at the final follow-up. There was some evidence to suggest that stepped care was more cost-effective, and as acceptable or more acceptable compared to controls. Interpretations were tempered by high statistical heterogeneity, risk of bias, and lack of recommended evidence-based treatments. Stepped care can make PTSD treatment more accessible; however, more high-quality research is needed comparing stepped care to active controls.  相似文献   

Effect‐size results from Erford et al.'s ( 2016 ) meta‐analysis for the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) were used to compare 6 instruments' usefulness in measuring counseling treatment outcomes. Effect‐size comparisons indicated equivalent overall effect sizes using the Clinician‐Administered PTSD Scale, the Impact of Event Scale–Revised, the Posttraumatic Stress Diagnostic Scale, the PTSD Checklist, and the Structured Interview for PTSD. The Mississippi Scale for Combat‐Related PTSD yielded significantly more conservative (i.e., lower) effect‐size comparisons.  相似文献   

创伤后应激障碍的双重表征理论及其进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)的双重表征理论认为创伤引起了可回忆的言语记忆和可回忆的情境记忆两类记忆。这两类记忆能够解释PTSD,比如再现创伤和情绪加工。创伤的情绪加工可能合出现成功完成、慢性加工和过早抑制加工三个结果。最后本文讨论了该理论在研究设计、临床实践和解释实验数据方面的应用。  相似文献   

Only recently has the mental health community recognized the applicability of diagnostic criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in children and adolescents, including a consideration of specific age-related features. This paper provides a current review of the literature on PTSD pertaining to children and adolescents. Following a discussion of issues on diagnostic criteria and assessment of this affective disorder in this population, there is an overview of the existing literature on prevalence, comorbidity, risk factors, parental and family factors, and issues of gender and age of onset. The remainder of the paper focuses on the range of traumatic stressors in children and adolescents that can result in PTSD, including natural or human disasters, war and violence, chronic or life-threatening medical conditions, community violence and the witnessing of traumatic events, and physical and/or sexual abuse and other forms of interpersonal violence. Throughout the paper, there is an emphasis on the importance of considering developmental factors. Finally, implications of the existing literature for future areas of research are addressed.  相似文献   

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