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Relationships were predicted between the relative salience of the theme of voluntary control (VC) and the relative predominance of obsessive versus hysterical personality traits, and between the relative salience of VC and the relative predominance of obsessive versus hysterical neurotic symptoms. A coding system for VC was applied to TAT stories written by 89 males and 96 females solicited from undergraduate populations. 20 males and 20 females who scored high on VC and 20 males and 20 females who scored low on VC were given further instruments pertaining to obsessive/hysterical personality traits and neurotic symptoms. As predicted, high VC Ss were significantly more obsessive (or less hysterical) in their personality traits than low VC Ss. Predicted relationships between VC and obsessive/hysterical neurotic symptoms were not significant.  相似文献   

Groups often struggle to distinguish expert members from others who stand out for various reasons but may not be particularly knowledgeable (Littlepage & Mueller, 1997). We examined an intervention designed to improve group decision making and performance through instructing group members to search for information they already possessed that was relevant to a problem. Participants estimated values and expressed their confidence in their estimates individually and then a second time either individually or in a group. This was done with or without the intervention. Results indicated that: (1) groups were more confident than, and out-performed, individuals, (2) group decision making was best captured by models predicting more influence for more accurate members when the intervention was used and more influence for more confident members in its absence, and (3) groups that received the intervention out-performed groups that did not.  相似文献   

This paper explores cyber shamans in the neoliberalised Korea. As new media technologies evolved, Korean shamans leaped at an opportunity of the new media technologies in ways to redeem themselves. I used the term ‘redeem’ here because historically shamans in Korea have been demonised by the ruling power for more than 500 years and therefore even in the modern times they were perceived as ‘weird money suckers with false magic’. For this reason, the inherited dynamics of shamanism embedded in the culture were not appropriately considered. In the process of becoming cyber shamans, Korean shamans have cleverly utilised the new media and started making their presence known. Articulation of the inherited shamanic dynamic in response to the neoliberal media environment can help us to assess the various influences of the neoliberalised economic and political environment on Korean society.  相似文献   

This paper will describe the spiritual states of “oneness” experienced by Andean shamans in relation to oceanic states in early infancy and working with trauma in Jungian analysis. The author’s work exploring implicit energetic experience with Andean shamans will be referenced with comparisons made to depth psychology, in both theory and in practice. Definitions of Q’echua terms describing different psychic meditative states that Andean shamans enter into will be provided as Andean medicine people have a much more developed language for conceptualizing these experiences. A clinical vignette will be presented that demonstrates how the spaces of implicit connection that occur between an analyst and analysand in the analytic setting can be a catalyst for healing.  相似文献   

In a study of seventeen subjects who had participated in an encounter-group, the subjective experience seemed to be related to personality traits. The more obsessive students felt that they had experienced a positive effect from the group, but at the same time they felt that the group was disgusting. The more oral individuals felt that the group had created emotional strain. The more hysterical persons tended to be unaffected by the group experience.  相似文献   

Psychoanalytic theories suggest that individuals with obsessive defenses, with hysterical defenses, and borderline psychotic individuals respond differently to free association. An experimental analogue of the psychoanalytic session was used to test these ideas. The subjects were 68 male college students, chosen on the basis of the Rorschach and MMPI. Contrary to predictions, obsessive subjects generally associated more freely and showed more involvement in the sessions than hysterical subjects. As expected, hysterical subjects were more silent and blocked and made fewer self-observations than obsessive subjects. Borderline subjects were judged to have less control over drive than the two defensive types.  相似文献   

Personality and attitude measurements were carried out on 204 adult males suffering from hair loss. Three groups were tested: those in the first group had had a hair weave fitted and were retaining the weave as a viable solution to their hair problem; the second had worn the weave for a trial period but had decided against its continued use; the third had had no form of treatment and seemed little concerned about their hair loss. Results showed that all three groups possessed N and P scores which were significantly higher than those shown by a normative group of males in the same age range, but that the weave-retaining group scored significantly lower on E than the normative group: other personality differences were non-significant. The group who had rejected the hair-weave treatment as a viable solution to their hair-loss problem was significantly more neurotic and possessed a significantly lower self-esteem than the group that retained the weave: this latter group had scores on these and all other variables tested which were very similar to those of the group that had had no treatment.  相似文献   

To identify marital power difficulties specifically associated with depression, twenty couples in which the female partner was depressed were compared on a range of interpersonal power variables with twenty healthy control couples and also with twenty couples in which the female partner had a disorder other than depression (specifically panic disorder with agoraphobia (PDA)). Couples in the depressed group had two features that distinguished them from couples in both the PDA and control groups and which were independent of relationship dissatisfaction. In the depressed group, both partners reported more physical assault in the year prior to the study and depressed women were more dissatisfied with their control of surplus spending money. Couples in the depressed group had a series of features that distinguished them from couples in both the PDA and control groups but which were due in part to relationship dissatisfaction. Depressed women were less committed to their relationships. Both partners in depressed couples reported more demand–withdraw transactions and less mutual constructive communication within their relationships. Depressed women reported more dissatisfaction with decision-making and greater dissatisfaction in childcare task distribution.  相似文献   


Freud developed many of his theories and technique while attempting to help hysterical patients. This article approaches hysteria not just as a syndrome consisting of a group of signs and symptoms, but primarily as an inner world configuration that fuels object relations patterns. The internal world hysterical profile informs the transference/countertransference experience and the therapeutic process. I attempt to describe some of the technical problems psychoanalysts have to deal with while working with these patients. Hysterical object relations do not necessarily manifest themselves as somatic symptoms—epileptic-like, paralysis, blindness, etc.—even in patients that show the relational hysterical patterns. These object relations modes can appear in any analysis irrespective of the primary diagnostic conceptualization.  相似文献   

We evaluated the concurrent validity of the revised Bender-Gestalt emotional indicators (Koppitz, 1975) among three groups of children in the 7- to 10-year age range: adjustment disorder, behavior disorder, and normal control. The concurrent validity of the emotional indicators total score was demonstrated. Notably, with the developmental level controlled, both clinical groups produced significantly more emotional indicators than the control group, although the two clinical groups could not be differentiated. Nominal-data analyses of the 13 individual emotional indicators indicated that three specific indicators (confused order, large size, boxed figures) possessed validity as pathognomonic signs. We discuss issues concerning the use of the emotional indicators in clinical practice.  相似文献   

We evaluated the concurrent validity of the revised Bender-Gestalt emotional indicators (Koppitz, 1975) among three groups of children in the 7- to 10-year age range: adjustment disorder, behavior disorder, and normal control. The concurrent validity of the emotional indicators total score was demonstrated. Notably, with the developmental level controlled, both clinical groups produced significantly more emotional indicators than the control group, although the two clinical groups could not be differentiated. Nominal-data analyses of the 13 individual emotional indicators indicated that three specific indicators (confused order, large size, boxed figures) possessed validity as pathognomonic signs. We discuss issues concerning the use of the emotional indicators in clinical practice.  相似文献   

Males with fragile X syndrome (FXS) have difficulties with social interaction and many show autistic features. This study examined whether the social deficits characteristic of FXS are associated with theory of mind difficulties. Two groups of boys with FXS participated: a group with few autistic features and a group with many autistic features. An intellectual disability control group also participated. In addition to using standard theory of mind tasks, new techniques were used that were able to separate out the various processing demands of the task (e.g., memory, inhibitory control). Overall, the findings indicate that both groups of boys with FXS have difficulty with theory of mind tasks compared to an intellectual disability control group. However, both groups with FXS also performed worse on comparison trials that required working memory but not theory of mind. Theory of mind difficulties are likely to be an important aspect of the FXS clinical profile, but are most likely the result from a more basic difficulty with working memory.  相似文献   

Classical symptoms of hysteria – especially symptoms of hysterical neurosis (conversion type) – are not commonly seen any more. On the one hand, general knowledge about the function of hysterical has led to suppression of the underlying hidden conflicts, possibly up to resomatization. On the other hand, those affected may have rather subtle symptoms, e.g., vague pain, circulatory disorders, or fatigue. Overall, the hysterical phenomena have not become less common but have become “contemporary” and, therefore, more difficult to identify. Reliable epidemiological data, however, are difficult to obtain. Rough estimates indicate that 2–6?% of all people have dissociative disorders (ICD-10 definition). Histrionic personality disorder is estimated to occur with a frequency of 2–3?%. In 75?% of cases, the disease manifests relatively early, between the ages of 17 and 32 years and with a 3:1 female to male ratio. An average of 7 years elapses between first manifestation and the start of psychiatric–psychotherapeutic treatment.  相似文献   

People recognize faces from their own ethnic group more accurately than faces from other ethnic groups. White German (WG) and Turkish participants living in Germany performed an old/new recognition test with faces from several ethnic groups. The presence or absence of external features (hair, face contour) and retention interval (immediate versus 3 weeks) were manipulated. Own‐ethnicity effects (OEEs) were found, with recognition accuracy and response bias varying across the different stimulus sets. The 3‐week retention interval reduced accuracy for in‐group faces but not for out‐group faces, while the removal of outer features was more harmful to out‐group faces than to in‐group faces. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Implications for Modern Analysis and Psychotherapy. After this rather wide-ranging journey reviewing the shamanic archetype with Jung as its centre, we come back to the question of what all this means for the present age. We are now into the second generation as followers of Jung in terms of the movement that has developed bearing his name. It is clear that the original founder, himself, performed the functions of a primitive shaman by the influence he has exerted on a culture and its power to deal with the elements of healing and curing. He has fused science and religion, or the rational and the irrational or mystical, in a remarkable synthesis. However, there is now much questioning in Jungian circles, as the initial light and power emanating from his personality are on the wane and as those who knew him are beginning to pass on, as to what is the meaning of the movement he represented. What we see emerging are the development of different approaches to treatment and to the healing process. At present, it could be said that there are eclectic or modern Jungians who function basically through dreams, treat relationship in a symbolic way and practise the paradigm of teacher and pupil. There are the priestly Jungians who might be considered 'classical' Jungians who have almost ritualistically tried to recreate what he represented, even bringing in the Swiss cultural background. They evoke the numinous and archetypal in the healing process much as priests do. There are the medical Jungians who have fused psychoanalysis with other traditions, such as Klein, Winnicott, Bion, Langs, Kohut and others, who express Jung and the healing process in technical, scientific terms. There are, finally, those few who might be called the 'true Jungians', who differ from other Jungians inasmuch as they, like Jung, function as shamans in the therapeutic process dealing directly with the patient's illness in order to produce a transformational healing experience. The great difficulty is that there are few analysts who can be shamans and work as Jung did. Shamanism, as the literature reveals, is a dangerous occupation and few can survive it for a long period of time, hence the natural tendency is to function in one of the other three larger categories and cross integrations.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

We examined sensitivity to grammatical sequences of colors in an artificial grammar learning task in a sample of 120 children aged between 5 and 8 years. The aim of the experiment was to test whether the children would preferentially learn the specific salient features of the items they were exposed to or the rules that generated these items. The children were divided into two experimental groups (identical grammar but training items differing in their surface features) and a control group (random items). The results showed that regardless of age, participants learned the most frequent salient features of the items, as well as some kind of abstract relational information. However, the 8-year-olds presented a more complex result profile, with one of the experimental groups apparently developing sensitivity to grammatical rules. These results are discussed with reference to the main current models of implicit learning. Overall, the results provided more support for stimulus-specific processing models than for rule-based models.  相似文献   

The investigation involved 30 hysterical women, who were interviewed and who completed four questionnaires relating to: psychosexual development; attitude towards sexuality; sexual activity; and reactivity. Dysharmonic sexual development, and low levels of activity and reactivity in their sexual life was revealed. Contrasted with other groupings of female psychiatric patients, from a sexual point of view the female hysterical personality presents a special psychological case.  相似文献   

In an application of procedural justice theory (Lind & Tyler, 1988; Tyler, 1989) to the domain of intergroup relations, we investigated justice preferences among members of numerical majority and minority groups as a function of two parameters: the number of representatives allotted to each group, and the decision rule used to determine the outcome (ranging from simple majority vote to unanimity). In the first study, minority group members perceived the combination of proportional representation and majority vote to be significantly less fair than all other combinations, and their choices of procedure stressed “mutual control” (when the decision rule exceeds the number of representatives possessed by either group). In a second study, majority group members perceived the combination of equal representation and majority vote to be significantly less fair than other procedures, but their choices of procedure did involve a considerable degree of mutual control. These findings suggest that there may be some basis for agreement between majority and minority group members' justice preferences and that both groups may perceive situations of mutual control to be acceptable. A third study involving both majority and minority group members ruled out an interpretation of the previous results in terms of motivation to maintain vs. change the status quo.  相似文献   

What factors influence the amount of sexual intention accorded to a person's behavior? A perceiver's gender and personal experiences, and the nature of the relationship with the perceived were investigated. Two findings emerged. First, perceiver sexual and dating experiences predicted perceptions in addition to and independent of perceiver gender, but only for a “self” target. Second, hypothetical targets were perceived more sexually relative to targets that represented real people. These findings extended previous research suggesting that features of targets and perceivers in addition to gender are predictive of sexual perceptions. These target features (e.g., “self” vs. other, “real” vs. hypothetical) have distinct influences on sexual perceptions, suggesting that the choice of a target in research studies should be considered carefully.  相似文献   

The development of appropriate models of organizational decision making requires a complete determination of the different groups that affect the decision-making process. The present investigation examines the influence of union officials as a group on internal organizational decisions. The rank and file membership of three local unions ( N = 1324) and their first level supervisors ( N = 205) were surveyed regarding the perceived influence of five different groups within the organizational hierarchy. A methodology developed by Tannenbaum (1968) and his associates was modified to include lower-level union representatives as one of five groups who potentially wield influence over organizational decisions. The results of this investigation determined that union representatives are seen as possessing significant levels of influence regarding microlevel organizational decisions. Additional analyses revealed that first-level supervisors believed that union representatives possessed more influence in organizational decisions than they possessed as a group. The implications of these findings and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

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