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This article is a review of the research on the Kinetic Family Drawing. Technique (KFD; Barns & Kaufman, 1970) in the areas of reliability, normative findings, cultural influences, and validity. The review is critical, of studies that emphasize single KFD signs and the use of a single interpretation for each of a series of signs, Instead, the. authors emphasize the need for more sophisticated studies that utilize a holistic, integrative approach to interpretation. The article also discusses the existence of significant age, race, and culturally related differences in KFD performance and stresses the need for more detailed normative data in these areas. In addition, the authors stress the importance of research that focuses on the interpretive approach of the clinician using the KFD technique, rather than on the KFD, per se.  相似文献   

  There is an increasing prevalence of anxiety disorders and allergic conditions in children and adolescents, with previous research showing that these illnesses are often comorbid. Knowledge of the association between anxiety and allergies in children and adolescents is important because these comorbid disorders may negatively impact functioning and development. This research is necessary for identification of at risk children and to develop intervention and prevention programs. A review of studies examining comorbid anxiety and allergies in children and adolescents demonstrated a consistent association between these disorders despite differences in methodology. Several methodological limitations are presented, followed by a discussion of theories which may explain the association between these conditions. Implications of this work and suggestions for future research are provided.  相似文献   

To assess whether the Human Figure Drawing Test provides an assessment of nonverbal cognitive maturity, correlations for 31 youngsters who ranged in age from 6-0 to 10-10 on the Human Figure Drawing Test and the Verbal, Performance, and Full Scale IQs of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children--Revised (WISC--R) were examined. Significant correlations were observed for each of the scales, but the value of .69 for drawings and WISC--R Performance IQs was significant, suggesting the assessment that these tests are largely nonverbal. Implications for the role of language were posited.  相似文献   

Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) is efficaciously and effectively used in the treatment of anxiety disorders; however, as CBT for anxiety routinely utilizes exposure components, clients often experience ambivalence about treatment and their clinicians often must deal with resistance. Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a therapeutic strategy that addresses ambivalence about change in clinical interventions. MI has been applied as an adjunct for treatments such as CBT in order to increase motivation for and commitment to the intervention, especially when components of the treatment may be challenging (e.g., exposure, cognitive restructuring). Though researchers have commented specifically on the use of MI as a supplement to CBT for anxiety disorders, no comprehensive review has systematically assessed the strengths and limitations of extant literature on the topic, nor across anxiety disorders. Findings are summarized from 6 case studies and uncontrolled trials and 11 randomized controlled trials published through March 2016. An integrated critique of this literature also is offered. Limitations and the preliminary nature of the work in this area notwithstanding, it appears that it is feasible to supplement or integrate CBT with MI and that doing so has the potential to improve treatment initiation and engagement, as well as clinical outcomes. A number of directions for future research are addressed, such as determining which MI approaches to implement, with whom, when, and in what contexts.  相似文献   

One hundred and twenty alienated alcoholics were exposed to high and low status models claiming task success rates of 25% or 50%. The effects of such modeling on the subjects' claimed task success and mood were complex. Subjects exposed to a two-peer 2.5% rate increased their claimed task success on two tasks and decreased their depressive mood. Subjects exposed to a single-peer 50% rate changed only mood scores apparently due to rejection of the model (Semantic Differential). Overall findings suggest that behavioral changes produced appropriate mood changes and that modeling of modest success rates can produce these changes.  相似文献   

Because most counselors are employees of institutions and agencies rather than private practitioners, the problem of dual, sometimes conflicting, allegiance to the employer and to the client has long been an issue. The ethical code of the American Personnel and Guidance Association acknowledges this ambiguity, but it does not offer precise directions for its resolution. It is assumed that counselors may turn to the professional literature for direction to resolve the dilemma. This article surveys the relevant literature in an attempt to discover the nature of the direction available to counselors as they deal with conflicting loyalties.  相似文献   

戈尔德斯坦焦虑理论述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
马欣川 《心理科学》2002,25(4):499-500
1 引言库尔特·戈尔德斯坦 (KurtGoldstein)是十九世纪一位具有格式塔倾向的美籍精神病理学家、心理学家 ,是自我实现论的首创者 ,早年他在德国接受了格式塔心理学的某些观点 ,在哲学上主要继承了现象学和存在主义的传统 ,并从脑外伤的研究中入手 ,系统地提出了他的机体主义心理学思想。戈尔德斯坦根据大量的临床实践研究 ,提出了独特的焦虑理论 ,焦虑理论是戈尔德斯坦机体论心理学的有机构成部分之一。焦虑这个概念论述比较多的是精神分析学派的弗洛伊德和霍妮。弗洛伊德认为 ,人总是处于被压抑的状态之中。因为无意识、本我…  相似文献   

Researchers have become increasingly interested in the role of counselor intentions in the psy-chotherapeutic process. This interest is rooted philosophically in a recognition that to understand human action, we must also understand motivation and intention. The author traces recent concepts of intentions and proposes a model that locates intentions on a continuum of counselor strategy. Techniques for measuring intentions are discussed, with an emphasis on reliability and validity problems. Published empirical studies are reviewed through 1991; a lack of findings of practical or theoretical significance are traced to methodological and design problems. Implications for practice are discussed, and recommendations for future research are suggested.  相似文献   

Youth Life Satisfaction: A Review of the Literature   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A central construct within the positive psychology literature is life satisfaction. Whereas adult life satisfaction has been studied extensively, the life satisfaction of children and adolescents has only received attention more recently. This article provides a review of the extant research on youth life satisfaction. Empirical studies (n = 141) on life satisfaction among youth are reviewed. The review details how life satisfaction among youth relates to various other important emotional, social, and behavioural constructs. Evidenced by the review are the conditions that foster positive life satisfaction and the implications of positive life satisfaction among youth. Future directions in life satisfaction research among youth are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

In this literature review concerning early childhood discipline we particularly highlight American children's discipline with respect to historical perspectives, generational theories, gender issues, parental styles, methods of discipline, and corporal punishment. We also address corporal punishment's history, the debate among experts, beliefs and practices among parents, the controversy in public schools, religious influences, and a conflation of the issues.  相似文献   

解释水平理论的研究现状与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
解释水平理论(construal level theory,CLT)提出,人们对事件的解释会随着对事件心理距离(时间距离、空间距离、社会距离、真实性)的知觉而发生系统改变,从而影响人们的反应.具体来说,当知觉事件的距离较远时,人们使用抽象、本质和总体的特征对事件进行表征(高水平解释);当知觉距离较近时,人们倾向于以具体、表面和局部的特征对事件进行表征(低水平解释).解释水平的这些差异有着重要的心理意义在远距离条件下,与高水平解释相关的特征在个体的决策和判断等过程中起着重要作用;而在近距离条件下,与低水平解释相关的特征在决策和判断中更受重视.  相似文献   

Conflicting findings exist regarding (1) whether anxiety sensitivity (AS) is a construct distinct from anxiety in children and (2) the specific nature of the role of AS in child anxiety. This study uses meta-analytic techniques to (1) determine whether youth (ages 6–18 years) have been reported to experience AS, (2) examine whether AS differentiates anxiety disordered youth from youth without diagnoses, and (3) ascertain whether AS distinguishes youth with panic disorder from those with other anxiety disorders. The weighted mean effect size analyses included 15 studies and 6,579 participants. Results suggested positive correlational relationships between AS and anxiety for children (r = 0.26) and adolescents (r = 0.36) and higher levels of AS for anxiety disordered youth than non-clinical youth (d = 0.64). Findings tentatively suggested higher levels of AS for youth with panic disorder than youth diagnosed with other anxiety disorders. Implications and future directions in the research of child AS are discussed.  相似文献   


A scoring manual for anxiety indexes in the Draw A Person Test (DAP) was based, in part, on the work of Hoyt, and of Goldworth, with a number of additions and modifications by the author. Twenty indexes of anxiety were described. Alternative scoring procedures were suggested for some indexes. The scoring was based on both a four-point scale and a two-point scale. Interrated reliabilities ranged from .67 to 1.00.  相似文献   

This article discusses the impact on the spouse when his or her partner is being treated for cancer. The disease is defined, treatment effects are outlined, and issues affecting the psychological and marital adjustment of spouses are described. Implications are offered for counselors who work with spouses of cancer patients.  相似文献   

This research presents a review of the psychometric measures on boredom that have been developed over the past 25 years. Specifically, the author examined the Boredom Proneness Scale (BPS; R. Farmer & N. D. Sundberg, 1986), the job boredom scales by E. A. Grubb (1975) and T. W. Lee (1986), a boredom coping measure (J. A. Hamilton, R. J. Haier, & M. S. Buchsbaum, 1984). 2 scales that assess leisure and free-time boredom (S. E. Iso-Ahola & E. Weissinger, 1990; M. G. Ragheb & S. P. Merydith, 2001), the Sexual Boredom Scale (SBS; J. D. Watt & J. E. Ewing, 1996), and the Boredom Susceptibility (BS) subscale of the Sensation Seeking Scale (M. Zuckerman, 1979a). Particular attention is devoted to discussing the literature regarding the psychometric properties of the BPS because it is the only full-scale measure on the construct of boredom.  相似文献   

The relationship between self-esteem and human figure drawing size was investigated. Seventy-six adolescents completed the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and drew the human figure. For males only. there was a significant linear relationship between self-esteem and width of human figure drawing and a significant curvilinear relationship between self-esteem and height and self-esteem and area of human figure drawing. The latter findings lend support to a hypothesis regarding the possibility among low self-esteem subjects of a bimodal distribution with respect to size.  相似文献   


This study systematically analyzed the literature on the effects of military participation on later criminal behavior. When all studies were analyzed as a whole, the findings did not indicate a clear effect. However, a focus upon specific offense types revealed that the military experience decreased non-violent crime but increased violent crime. Active military personnel tended to be less likely to commit crime. Some evidence demonstrated that male and non-white veterans committed more crime than their civilian counterparts, but future research is needed to replicate these subgroup differences. Theoretical implications and future research directions are also discussed.  相似文献   

Conduct Disorder in Girls: A Review of the Literature   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The study of Conduct Disorder (CD) has primarily been limited to boys. The lack of research resulted from a premise that CD in girls was rare. However, CD in girls is a relatively common psychiatric diagnosis, and appears to be associated with several serious outcomes, such as Antisocial Personality Disorder and early pregnancy. Understanding gender differences in the course and severity of CD may lead to important information about etiology. Empirical studies on precursors, developmental course, risk factors and treatment for CD in girls are reviewed, while highlighting similarities and differences between girls and boys. Generally, CD symptoms in girls are stable. Precursors to CD in girls probably include Oppositional Defiant Disorder and temperamental factors, but also may include certain negative cognitions. What distinguishes CD in girls is the high risk they have to develop comorbid conditions, especially internalizing disorders. Risk factors for CD in girls partly overlap with those known for boys, but some factors appear to be highly salient for girls. Finally, there may be some significant effects of gender on treatment efficacy. Implications of these findings for future etiologic research are discussed.  相似文献   

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