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Mary Hunter 《The Journal of psychology》2013,147(1):173-182
Five groups of 20 Ss each, ranging from seven years to college age, were asked to solve a series of problems involving change-making and coin equivalences. Results indicated that the number of Ss able to make change without the use of written calculations increased as a consequence of chronological age, with the greatest increase occurring between 11 and 13 years of age. In addition, it was found that although children at all levels knew the various coin equivalences, younger children used primarily dimes and pennies in making change, whereas older children used all of the coins available. This was interpreted to mean that coin equivalences are probably learned as specific stimulus-response pairs, and that in making change younger children use untransformed base 10 units, such as pennies and dimes, largely because the computational demands placed by change-making operations force them to minimize the number of noncomputational transformations used. 相似文献
The Rorschach and Thematic Apperception Projective Test responses of 75 Anglos, Negroes, and Mexican-American patients on the psychiatric unit of a Veterans Administration General Medical and Surgical Hospital were compared. The subjects were a random sample of non-psychotic male veterans whose ages, educational backgrounds and occupational levels were quite similar. A number of statistically significant differences were found between the groups, with most distinct differences on the Rorschach appearing on the measures of hostility. The TAT pointed up differences between the Mexican-Americans and the other two groups in themes of family unit, and in their characterization, but more particularly of father-son and mother-son relationships. This TAT finding possibly demonstrates the persistence of Mexican-American cultural values regarding interpersonal. relationships within the family. Results of this study suggest the utility of projective measures in the formulation of culture and personality theories. 相似文献
Cynthia Engel 《Journal of personality assessment》2013,95(3):311-314
Effects of self-ideal discrepancy and favorability of content on subjects' acceptance of personality interpretations were studied. Subjects accepted more favorable than neutral statements and more neutral than unfavorable statements. A significant effect was found for self-ideal discrepancy and for the interaction between self-ideal discrepancy and content favorability. In contrast to moderate and low discrepancy subjects, high discrepancy subjects accepted more of the interpretations, accepted more unfavorable, and rejected more favorable interpretations. High discrepancy subjects also accepted more neutral interpretations than did low discrepancy subjects. High discrepancy subjects expected to receive more negative feedback than low discrepancy subjects, and also interpreted this feedback more negatively than did low discrepancy subjects, while scores for the moderate discrepancy subjects were consistently between these two groups. 相似文献
《The Journal of social psychology》2012,152(2):192-204
Summary If we confine ourselves to the groups studied we may summarize as follows: 1. There are significant and true differences in the attitude toward the Negro of the three groups, students from Northern homes studying in the North being most favorable, students from Northern homes studying in the South being not so favorable, and students from Southern homes studying in the South being least favorable. 2. There is a slight positive relation between intelligence and attitude in all three groups, this relationship seemingly being highest for the Northern students studying in the North. 3. There is a consistent sex difference in the three groups, the women being slightly more favorable than men. 4. In the Northern group and in the Southern group upper-classmen are equally favorable or slightly more favorable in attitude than are freshmen, but among the Northern students studying in the South the upperclassmen are definitely less favorable than are the freshmen who have just recently come South. 5. No relation between size of community and attitude was found in any geographical group. 6. But slight if any relationship was found between occupation of the father and attitude. Recognizing the limited nature of the study the writers hesitate to draw any general conclusions concerning the nature of differences in the attitude of college students toward the Negro. However, the study does suggest that Northern college students are on the average definitely more favorable toward the Negro than are Southern college students; but there are great individual differences within the groups and consequently overlapping between them. As to the causes of these differences our conclusions are only negative. They do not seem to be satisfactorily accounted for by intelligence, sex, degree of maturity, size of home community, or occupational level. Finally, when Northern students are transplanted into the Southern environment their attitude seems to change, gradually becoming more nearly that of the Southern students. Whether this change is the result of contact with the Negro or with the general Southern atmosphere cannot be said. 相似文献
Helene Hertz Ph.D. 《Journal of personality assessment》2013,95(3):134-139
Abstract Editorial Note: The following article uses the traditional Rorschach scoring including Binder's shading categories. It affords a valuable opportunity to compare the efficiency of the different scoring systems. To enhance this opportunity the interpretations of the two cases following this article utilize every nuance in the refined scoring system and combine that procedure with the most careful response-by-response analysis, adding significant symbolic meanings of the content to the formal nuances of the scoring system. It may be emphasized that this procedure should not be confused with an unbridled misuse of Rorschach records for analytical interpretations without knowledge of or reference to the Rorschach method of personality diagnosis. 相似文献
The present experiment investigated artistic creativity as it functions in the production of whole responses to Rorschach ink blots. The number, percentage, and quality of whole responses produced by a group of artists were compared to that of a group of nonartists under two instructional sets (regular instructions versus whole response set). Artists and nonartists did not differ significantly in whole response quality. Artists and nonartists gave significantly more whole responses under the whole response set, but artists produced a significantly greater number of whole responses, regardless of instructions. Artists gave a significantly greater proportion of whole responses only under regular instructions. These results give statistical verification to the discriminatory power of Rorschach whole responses in the identification of artistic creativity. 相似文献
Martin Mayman 《Journal of personality assessment》2013,95(4):17-24
This paper presents an object-relational view of Rorschach content. The existence within the self of images of others is a pre-condition of social development. The availability of a repertoire of personal imagery, the range and emotional quality of one's representations of others, the degree of fusion which tends to occur between self and others, the characterization of self and others, and the kinds of expectancies one carries into each encounter with the people and things of his world — all are facets of a person's relationship potential which, it is suggested, may be inferred from the content of a Rorschach protocol. Patients' general level of psychopathology and some more specific attributes of their psychopathology inferred from Rorschach content proved to be highly effective indicators of the psychopathology revealed in extensive psychiatric, psychological and social work interviews. 相似文献
George DeVos Ph.D. 《Journal of personality assessment》2013,95(2):133-150
I present the origin and history of the "Series B" and "Series C" pictures of the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT; White, Sanford, Murray, &; Bellak, 1941; Clark, 1944). I fill in the evolutionary gap between the "Series A" pictures (W. G. Morgan, 2002) and the 1943 "Series D" (W. G. Morgan, 1995, 1999). Here one can observe which cards were retained from series to series, what new cards were experimentally introduced, and which cards were resurrected after a period of disuse. It would seem that only the world shattering events of WWII were enough to halt this evolution and freeze the content of the TAT at the time of Murray's departure from the Harvard Psychological Clinic to join the Office of Strategic Services. 相似文献
The hypothesis that elementary school children would cast their peers in occupational roles in a class play that would be congruent with the peers' previously expressed vocational preferences was supported for boys (N = 106), but not for girls (N = 97). Boys expressing a preference for either professional or masculine, aggressively oriented occupations were nominated for similar occupational roles in a class play by a significant number of their male and female peers. However, girls who expressed a preference for nursing or teaching were not cast in these roles by a significant number of either their male or female peers. Negro boys expressing a preference for professional occupations were cast in these roles by their peers with significantly greater frequency than were white boys. There were no significant race differences in the other occupational categories of the class play. 相似文献
《The Journal of social psychology》2012,152(4):345-355
Abstract Most studies on self-esteem among black and white Americans include samples of elementary school and high school students. In the present study, data on 298 black and white college students and an examination of the relationship between student's grade point average and self-esteem were presented. Several findings corroborate earlier research on school-age children. Self-esteem scores of blacks and whites were not significantly different, despite blacks having significantly lower grade point averages than whites. The relationship between grade point average and self-esteem, however, was negligible among blacks and among white males, suggesting that academic achievement is not critical to the self-concept of college students. 相似文献
A Hand Test Popular response is developed using 106 normal subjects and Rorschach's traditional "one-in-three" criterion. Six popular responses were derived. Neither the newly established Hand Test Popular response nor the Korschach Popular discriminated psychosis from nonpsychosis. but as expected, Rorschach X+% and Rorschach WSum6 were significant, and the Hand Test Bizarre (BIZ) score approached significance. Both the Rorschach Popular and the newly developed Hand Test Popular await further elucidation. 相似文献
John E. Exner Jr 《Journal of personality assessment》2013,95(4):324-330
A two-part study was conducted to investigate the uniqueness and interpretive meaning-fulness of Rorschach reflection responses. In Part I, 80 Rorschach protocols were collected from overt homosexuals, character disorders, depressed patients recently suicidal, and a control group of college students. Homosexuals and sociopaths gave significantly more reflection and C and CF responses than did either of the other two groups. In Part 2 of the investigation two groups of 40 subjects each were selected from a population of college students and industrial workers on the basis of their score on a sentence completion test, especially devised to focus on the self. The high narcissism group gave a significantly greater number of reflection responses, pair type responses, and C and CF responses than did the low narcissism group. 相似文献
Manas Raychaudhuri 《Journal of personality assessment》2013,95(1):27-31
In an attempt to relate the Rorschach M productivity with sex, creativity and test-identified psychosexual orientation of the respondent, the M responses of female and male normal, creative male and female, “non-masculine” male and “non-feminine” female Ss [N = 140] were analyzed. It was revealed that (a) high M productivity was associated with creativity, feminity in males, and with the female sex, (b) sex-differences in the creative Ss, as well as masculinity in females was not associated with statistically significant differences in M productivity. These findings were accounted for mainly in terms of differential sex-role demands and the female sex's effort to overcome indirectly the socio-cultural restrictions. 相似文献
Frederick G. Lopez Christopher W. Thurman 《Journal of counseling and development : JCD》1993,71(5):524-527
In this study the authors investigated differences in the family environments of high- and low-trait angry college students. High-trait angry students described their family environments as significantly less cohesive, less emotionally expressive, more conflictual, and more disorganized than did their low-trait angry counterparts. Implications of the findings to the counseling of students with anger-related problems are discussed. 相似文献
The present series of studies sought to provide evidence that M would increase under any conditions which make an S more aware of his muscles. The studies demonstrated that at least in women, M increased over a variety of conditions involving heightened muscle awareness. Specifically M increased in conditions utilizing muscle activation, deactivation, hypnosis, and focusing thoughts on the body musculature. The muscle awareness model unlike the sensory-tonic model accounts for increases in M following hyperactivity as well as inhibition. 相似文献