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Summary: Rorschach test protocols for a matched sample of male and female subjects in the child and adolescent age range were scored for total responses. The data were analyzed for evidence of interactions between sex of experimenter and sex and age of subject. Consistent differences in total numbers of responses elicited by different examiners were identified. The productivity of both male and female subjects was found to be significantly more variable for male experimenters than for female experimenters. Alternative explanations for the results include greater structuring of the test situation by female experimenters or greater variability of behavior by male experimenters in relation to different subjects. That these explanations can also account for the sex interactions reported by others is recognized.  相似文献   

The Rorschach colour-emotion and form-control hypotheses were investigated by determining whether subjects would react differently psychophysiologically while giving colour dominant or form responses. Slides of the Rorschach plates no. II, III, V, VIII, IX and X were presented to 42 subjects while respiration (as control only) vasomotor changes, skin resistance and heart rate were recorded. All physiological changes (except respiration) found in conjunction with Rorschach C, CF, FC, and F responses were transformed to Lacey's autonomic lability scores. Some indications of different physiological reactions to colour and form were found. The results indicated the possible existence of “emotional” and “controlled” groups of subjects who tended to react differently, verbally and physiologically, to the Rorschach stimuli.  相似文献   

Three hypotheses were put to test, using group Rorschach protocols and a content scoring approach: (a) when neutral content is disregarded, upper social class subjects (Ss) will report predominantly “healthy” group Rorschach content while lower social class Ss will report predominantly “unhealthy” content; (b) perceiving “unhealthy” content will prove an abnormal diagnostic indicant only among upper social class Ss; (c) these findings will hold across racial identity. Rorschach content data and independent measures of personality were obtained from five samples of adolescent Ss differing in race and social class. The experimental hypotheses were supported. A theoretical interpretation making use of social class values is presented to explain the findings.  相似文献   

The attention-demand value of the Rorschach stimuli was investigated by measuring free looking time elicited by each card. Reports of content were not given by Ss. There were significant differences between cards in amount of looking which they elicited. This was closely related to judged complexity of the cards (r = .78) and response productivity of the cards under normal administration of the Rorschach test (r = .72). A comparison of looking times under two instructions, non-defensive and defensive, showed that the instructional variable tended to produce greater differences in looking time for some cards than for others. Cards low in complexity showed relatively longer looking times under the defensive conditions.  相似文献   

Ninety-two elderly Ss ranging in age from 57 to 92 were examined in an effort to find a battery of psychological tests which would effectively measure their level of intactness or deterioration of function. Five tests were used: the Rorschach, Gesell Incomplete Man Test, Bender Gestalt, Monroe's Visual Three, and the Color Tree Test. Ss were identified as normal adult, intact presenile, medium presenile and deteriorated on the basis of their Rorschach response. To check on the adequacy of this sorting, responses of each group were averaged for each of the other four tests. Differences between the several groups, on every test, were significant at the .001 level as measured by the median test.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between Korean and American cultures and languages on Rorschach responses. The Rorschach Inkblot Test was individually administered to 20 Korean monolinguals, 20 American monolinguals, 20 Korean bilingual immigrants, and 10 American bilingual missionaries returned from Korea. The bilingual subjects took the test in Korean and in English. The results showed some shifts as well as some constancies in Rorschach responses as a function of culture. The results on the effect of language on Rorschach responses were less clear.  相似文献   

This investigation adopted a multiple case study approach to determine the personality functioning in people living with HIV/ AIDS (PLWHA). Participants comprised a convenience sample of four PLWHA (male?=?3, female?=?1). The majority of the participants were white (n?=?3) and one was black African. Only one participant was married at the time of participation. Data on aspects such as their suicidal ideation, affect, problem solving styles, ego functioning, self-perception, and interpersonal functioning were collected using the Rorschach inkblot test and clinical interview. The data were actuarially analysed and organised under themes, namely; dominant personality style, capacity for control and stress, situational related stress, affect, interpersonal relations and self-perception. Findings revealed that participants had high levels of potential mood disorders and interpersonal difficulties for which targeted psychological services may be needed.  相似文献   

This study examines the legitimacy of thinking that certain perceptual contents in the Rorschach are pathognomic indicators. Group Rorschach responses, sociometrics, and scores on a personality measure constituted the primary data. Five data collections are reported, sampling 562 pre- and post-pubescent Ss residing in different areas of the country and coming from different socio-economic levels. The findings indicate that most young people in the age range of 11 to 18 years give at least one so-called unhealthy response per ten to the Rorschach, and, where this relative frequency increases it is either of no consequence or probably a healthy sign. Both popular Ss and those who score high on personality test dimensions suggestive of adequate to good personal adjustment report notable amounts of content considered pathognomic in the general Rorschach literature.  相似文献   

Color vision deficits occur in 10% of the American white male population. Thus, color blindness may invalidate diagnostic hypotheses generated from Rorschach data. The Rorschach protocols of 43 white, college male color-blind subjects were compared to the protocols of normally sighted controls. The color-blind group manifested fewer pure "C" responses. No significant between group differences emerged for any of the other primary Rorschach color variables. Pure "C" responses rarely figure prominently in Rorschach evaluations, and the apparent lowered frequency of these responses by the color-blind is insufficient to warrant modification of current Rorschach practice. The data suggest that color blindness is unlikely to confound Rorschach assessment.  相似文献   

This study was an attempt to find evidence of subjective color disturbance on the Holtzman Inkblot Test. Two tests of anxiety and one of neuroticism were administered to 129 male undergraduates. Those Ss scoring in the extreme ranges on each instrument were classified as high and low groups.

Eight entirely chromatic cards from the Holtzman and their achromatic photographic reproductions served as experimental stimuli while 15 cards (15 mixed chromatic-achromatic cards) served as buffers. The degree of subjective disturbance elicited by each card was determined by means of a semantic differential composed of 16 pairs of bi-polar adjectives.

It was found by means of X2 analyses that no significant differences appeared between the two groups of Ss when either the chromatic or achromatic stimuli were rated separately. When a difference measure between the two types of stimuli was employed, both groups rated the chromatic cards in more favorable terms. In the discussion, it was suggested that “novelty shock” might be a more appropriate term than color shock and that traditional color shock indices may be artifacts inherent in Rorschach stimuli and administration. Some suggestions for clarifying the possible interrelationship between neurotic symptomatology and emotional reactions to chromatic stimuli through empirical approaches were advanced.  相似文献   

Previous research indicated that a relationship existed between production of the Rorschach M response and inhibition of motor activity. The present study investigated this relationship under conditions which approximated those involved in the normal process of impulse control. Volunteer college students were used as subjects. Ss who engaged in a response inhibition task subsequently produced significantly more M responses than did Ss who had engaged in a noninhibitory task. This supported the hypothesis that M is an indication of the tendency to deal with impulses through fantasy.  相似文献   

This article examines the milieu of Hermann Rorschach's Psychodiagnostics (1921/2021) under development between 1911 and his death in 1922 and explores new evidence about the direction Rorschach's test might have taken after publication of Psychodiagnostics. This includes direct and indirect influences from turn of the century continental philosophy and science and innovative colleagues in the Swiss psychiatric and psychoanalytic societies. The availability of newly translated scholarship, including the correspondence between Ludwig Binswanger and Hermann Rorschach following the 1921 publication of Psychodiagnostics, Binswanger's posthumous 1923 commentary in the International Journal of Psychoanalysis, and recent new translation of Psychodiagnostics, permits a fresh appraisal of the milieu and foundations of Rorschach's development. Understanding these sources and influences opens new vistas in reappraising the nature of Rorschach's “test theory” which Rorschach considered undeveloped at the time of his death. This paper presents new evidence that, under the influence of Rorschach's close colleague, Ludwig Binswanger, the Geisteswissenschaften and phenomenology might have figured prominently in future developments. The paper concludes that Rorschach, preoccupied with considerations of kinesthetic subjectivity in his innovative conceptualization of human movement responses, was a nascent phenomenologist whose untimely death cut short further developments in his theory of the test.  相似文献   

The appearance of depressive features, as reflected by responses to the Rorschach test, were explored in two groups of children from divorced and nondivorced families (referred to here as divorce and nondivorce children). The relationships between the depression scores and the children's hostility, aggression, and anxiety levels were also studied. The Rorschach Inkblot Test was individually administered to a nonclinical sample of 108 Swedish school children between 10 and 12 years old. The subjects constituted two groups,, a divorce group (27 girls, 27 boys) and a nondivorce group (27 girls, 27 boys). Divorce children scored significantly higher on Exner's (1986) Depression Index than their nondivorce peers. Furthermore, divorce children with depressive features in their Rorschach responses were found to have a high level of hostility and aggression (as manifested in their Rorschach protocols), whereas no such associations were found among nondivorce children.  相似文献   

The ability of subjects to alter their responses on the Rorschach and self-report measures to fake the symptoms of combat-related Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) was investigated. Subjects were 40 White male undergraduates, randomly assigned to either a control or role-informed malingerer group, and 20 White Vietnam veterans with PTSD. Subjects were administered the Rorschach, MMPI-2 validity scales, and Mississippi Scale for Combat-Related PTSD. Results indicated that malingerers were able to achieve scores similar to the PTSD patients on the Mississippi Scale and some Rorschach variables. However, they evidenced significant differences on the MMPI-2 validity scales and several important Rorschach variables. Malingerers typically gave responses that were overly dramatic and less complicated, less emotionally restrained, and indicated an exaggerated sense of impaired reality testing as compared to PTSD patients. Behavioral differences were also noted between the groups. Findings are discussed in the context of the study's limitations and the practical detection of malingered PTSD in clinical settings.  相似文献   

Psychoanalytic theories suggest that individuals with obsessive defenses, with hysterical defenses, and borderline psychotic individuals respond differently to free association. An experimental analogue of the psychoanalytic session was used to test these ideas. The subjects were 68 male college students, chosen on the basis of the Rorschach and MMPI. Contrary to predictions, obsessive subjects generally associated more freely and showed more involvement in the sessions than hysterical subjects. As expected, hysterical subjects were more silent and blocked and made fewer self-observations than obsessive subjects. Borderline subjects were judged to have less control over drive than the two defensive types.  相似文献   

This study describes the response profiles of a sample of isiXhosa learners regarding to the Adjusted Rorschach Comprehensive System (ARCS) and related influences to explain the response latencies. This was a multiple case study in which six test naive high school learners (females = 3; males = 3; aged 14 years) attempted to respond to the ARCS. Both test protocol and process data were gathered. Data were thematically analysed. Responses were adequate in 83% of the instances. Process factors that appeared to impact response rate and quality included language of administration, seating arrangement, and option to use drawing for the responses.  相似文献   

The appearance of depressive features, as reflected by responses to the Rorschach test, were explored in two groups of children from divorced and nondivorced families (referred to here as divorce and nondivorce children). The relationships between the depression scores and the children's hostility, aggression, and anxiety levels were also studied. The Rorschach Inkblot Test was individually administered to a nonclinical sample of 108 Swedish school children between 10 and 12 years old. The subjects constituted two groups, a divorce group (27 girls, 27 boys) and a nondivorce group (27 girls, 27 boys). Divorce children scored significantly higher on Exner's (1986) Depression Index than their nondivorce peers. Furthermore, divorce children with depressive features in their Rorschach responses were found to have a high level of hostility and aggression (as manifested in their Rorschach protocols), whereas no such associations were found among nondivorce children.  相似文献   

The medial temporal lobe and striatum have both been implicated as brain substrates of memory and learning. Here, we show dissociation between these two memory systems using a same/different matching task, in which subjects judged whether four-letter strings were the same or different. Different RT was determined by the left-to-right location of the first letter different between the study and test string, consistent with a left-to-right comparison of the study and test strings, terminating when a difference was found. This comparison process results in same responses being slower than different responses. Nevertheless, same responses were faster than different responses. Same responses were associated with hippocampus activation. Different responses were associated with both caudate and hippocampus activation. These findings are consistent with the dual-system hypothesis of mammalian memory and extend the model to human visual recognition.  相似文献   

Metacognition refers to the ability to monitor and control one’s own cognitive activities such as memory. Although recent studies have raised an interesting possibility that some species of nonhuman animals might possess such skills, subjects often required a numerous number of training trials to acquire the effective use of metacognitive responses. Here, five orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus) were tested whether they were able to escape spatial memory tests when they did not remember the location of preferred reward in a relatively small number of trials. The apes were presented with two identical cups, under one of which the experimenter hid a preferred reward (e.g., two grapes). The subjects were then presented with a third container, “escape response”, with which they could receive a less preferred but secure reward (e.g., one grape). The orangutans as a group significantly more likely selected the escape response when the baiting of the preferred reward was invisible (as compared to when it was visible) and when the hiding locations of the preferred reward were switched (as compared to when they remained unchanged). Even when the escape response was presented before the final presentation of the memory test, one orangutan successfully avoided the test in which she would likely err. These findings indicate that some orangutans appear to tell when they do not remember correct answers in memory tests.  相似文献   


The relationship of integrative complexity to the favorability of impressions was investigated. It was hypothesized that (a) favorability of impressions of subjects of high integrative complexity would be less affected by a positive or negative set than the favorability responses of subjects low in integrative complexity, and (b) when no set was induced, that subjects of high integrative complexity would form more favorable impressions of an inconsistently behaving target person than subjects of low integrative complexity. The hypotheses were basically supported for female subjects, but not for male subjects.  相似文献   

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