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成都市新苗小学是2003年6月成为首批定点接受进城务工农民子女入学的学校,农民工子女占学生总数的83.3%。也正因如此.对我校民工子女现状的忧虑,对民工子女家庭教育现状的忧虑萦绕在学校管理者的心头上;民工子女的教育问题既是社会关注的焦点。也成为我校教育现代化发展的瓶颈问题。  相似文献   

家庭教育是整个教育体系中不可分割的重要组成部分,它关系少年儿童的健康成长,家长的作用是举足轻重的,问题学生的出现与家庭教育存在着不可分割的关系。由此笔者想到现在的学校教育中的“问题学生”。我校地处山区,在校生源相对复杂,外出务工子女或离异单亲子女占据一定比例,这些孩子长期和爷爷或奶奶居住在一起,这些孩子长期处于无人管理或监护人监管过严的状态下。由于亲子关系的缺失及非正常家庭因素的影响,导致他们在学习上或在生活上出现了各种问题。  相似文献   

古人云:“子不教,父之过。”,教育子女的问题,的确是一个很重要的问题,历史曾给我们留下了不少“家训”应该如何教育子女?读一下《傅雷家书》,可以从中得到一些启发。教育子女首先要碰到怎祥看待子女,如何认识教育子女的问题。这是教育子女的最关键最基本的问题,受传统的影响,有许多人把子女仅仅看做自己的私有财产.认为教育好子女只是为了光宗耀祖,老来有所寄养,得以享清福。傅雷认为;子女并不是自己的私有财产,他们属于社会,属于人民。“园丁用血泪灌溉出来的花果迟早得送到人间去让别  相似文献   

本文从上层社会子女教育、贫民子女培养二个方面讨论洛克有关子女问题的思想。洛克对当时的父母子女关系提出了批评 ,主张父母用适当的方式对待子女。对社会上中层阶级的子女 ,他提出了“绅士教育”论 ,力图把他们培养成对英国社会有用的人材。在提出“绅士教育”论的同时 ,洛克又从实际出发制订出贫民子女教育的设想 ,希望通过儿童的半工半读来解决教育和贫穷之间的矛盾  相似文献   

试论离异家庭子女的教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
我们承担了全国妇联组织的课题任务,调查离异家庭及其子女的心理影响,在有关单位的支持和配合下,我们深入到江西部分地、市、县对城市小学生及其家庭进行抽样调查,以了解离异家庭子女的心理发展问题,并写出调查报告,本文根据调查结果,并结合个案分析,就离异家庭子女的教育问题提出如下对策.  相似文献   

代孕虽被禁止,但代孕引发的亲权纠纷时有发生。判断代孕子女亲权关系的焦点问题是应当以什么标准来界定代孕子女法律上的父母亲权关系。就该问题,目前四个判断标准,血缘说认为谁是卵子提供者谁是母亲;分娩说认为谁分娩谁是母亲;契约说认定根据当事人之间的约定判断谁是母亲;子女最佳利益说认为应当根据对代孕子女的最佳利益标准来认定亲权关系。以真实案例为背景,辨析判决结果,认为在现有的法律框架和社会环境下,应当以维护子女最佳利益为目标,综合考虑辅助生殖技术的初衷、公序良俗等因素,针对不同情况,适用不同的认定标准。  相似文献   

<正>据国家相关部门的统计,中国约有上千万个单亲孩子,而且每年仍以50到60万的数量增长;还有一些调查发现,单亲子女多表现出孤僻、多疑、敏感、自卑等性格倾向,其问题行为更是高达40%。单亲家庭对单亲子女的身心发展会产生诸多不利影响,就家庭教育方面来看,同时也存在情感教育不完整、过度保护倾向和性别教育等三大教育困境。单亲家庭中情感教育的不完整  相似文献   

本研究以北京市2921名中小学生及其家长为调查对象,考察了家长教育期望对其子女学业倦怠的影响,以及家长投入的中介作用和家庭功能的调节作用。结果发现:(1)在控制年级、性别后,家长教育期望依然负向预测子女的学业倦怠;(2)家长投入在家长教育期望与学业倦怠之间起部分中介作用,即教育期望能够通过提升家长投入,进而降低子女的学业倦怠水平;(3)家庭功能在家长投入与学业倦怠的关系中起到调节作用,只有家庭功能良好时,家长投入才能显著降低子女的学业倦怠水平。这一结果对于家长如何科学有效地促进子女的学业发展具有启示意义。  相似文献   

家庭道德教育与人才培养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近几年,随着社会的进步和独生子女的增多。家长对子女的教育和成才问题越来越重视,家庭教育得到了较快发展。这是令人欣喜的现象。但是在家庭教育中,有的家长只重视优生、优育,不重视优教;只重视智育、体育,不重视德育,结果造成子女在道德品行上的较大缺陷,影响了子女德智体美全面发展,影响了我国人才素质、民族素质的全面提高。这一点又不能不令人担忧。 “人才”是一个多质的集合概念,有多方面  相似文献   

农民工留守子女及其社会保护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谢琼 《学海》2007,(2):142-146
留守子女是农民工问题的“衍生物”。农民工留守子女既是引发某些社会问题的主体,也是我国社会变迁过程中产生的诸多社会问题的一个受害群体。农民工留守子女问题的解决,从人道主义出发,能有效保护留守子女的各项权益,减少社会的不公平现象;从功利主义出发,是预防和减少犯罪、维护社会稳定、促进经济发展的最有效措施之一。  相似文献   

Using data from an ongoing study of 178 single-mother, Black families, this study investigates the relations among family resources (mothers' employment, income from employment, and educational attainment), maternal depressive symptoms, neighborhood quality in the preschool years and over time, and child developmental outcomes (behavior problems, broad reading, calculation) in the early school years. Results indicate that behavior problems in school-age children were associated with behavior problems early on, the child's gender, the mother's depressive symptoms and, to some extent, her employment status. However, these findings were conditioned by the mother's educational attainment and her evaluation of neighborhood problems early on. Better broad reading scores were associated with higher maternal educational attainment, especially for school-age girls of employed mothers, whereas higher calculation scores were predicted by fewer school-age behavior problems and, in the presence of higher neighborhood problems in the preschool years, mothers' higher educational attainment.  相似文献   

Educational gender gap research tries to explain the differential achievement of boys and girls at secondary school, which manifests in many western countries. Several explanatory frameworks are used for this purpose, such as masculinities theory. In this review article, the history of educational gender gap research in Anglo-Saxon literature and problems with the contemporary approach are discussed. It is argued that gender identity theory could prove valuable both in furthering educational gender gap research and mitigating several problems with masculinities theory. To this end, an overview of the history and recent developments in gender identity theory is given. The scarce research combining educational gender gap research with gender identity theory is reviewed. Possible contributions, assets and research questions from gender identity theory to educational gender gap research are discussed.  相似文献   

Decreased success at work and educational attainment by adulthood are of concern for children with ADHD given their widely documented academic difficulties; however there are few studies that have examined this empirically and even fewer that have studied predictors and individual variability of these outcomes. The current study compares young adults with and without a childhood diagnosis of ADHD on educational and occupational outcomes and the predictors of these outcomes. Participants were from the Pittsburgh ADHD Longitudinal Study (PALS), a prospective study with yearly data collection. Significant group differences were found for nearly all variables such that educational and occupational attainment was lower for adults with compared to adults without histories of childhood ADHD. Despite the mean difference, educational functioning was wide-ranging. High school academic achievement significantly predicted enrollment in post-high school education and academic and disciplinary problems mediated the relationship between childhood ADHD and post-high school education. Interestingly, ADHD diagnosis and disciplinary problems negatively predicted occupational status while enrollment in post-high school education was a positive predictor. Job loss was positively predicted by a higher rate of academic problems and diagnosis of ADHD. This study supports the need for interventions that target the child and adolescent predictors of later educational and occupational outcomes in addition to continuing treatment of ADHD in young adulthood targeting developmentally appropriate milestones, such as completing post-high school education and gaining and maintaining stable employment.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to investigate the positive and negative effects of excessive Internet use on undergraduate students. The Internet Effect Scale (IES), especially constructed by the authors to determine these effects, consisted of seven dimensions namely: behavioral problems, interpersonal problems, educational problems, psychological problems, physical problems, Internet abuse, and positive effects. The sample consisted of 200 undergraduate students studying at the GC University Lahore, Pakistan. A set of Pearson Product Moment correlations showed positive associations between time spent on the Internet and various dimensions of the IES indicating that excessive Internet use can lead to a host of problems of educational, physical, psychological and interpersonal nature. However, a greater number of students reported positive than negative effects of Internet use. Without negating the advantages of Internet, the current findings suggest that Internet use should be within reasonable limits focusing more on activities enhancing one's productivity.  相似文献   

中外高等医学教育学制与学位的研究与思考   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
依据WHO<世界医学院指南>,研究了目前世界各国高等医学教育学制与学位的状况,在分析我国医学学制与学位现状及存在问题的基础上,提出了改革我国高等医学教育学制与学位的思考及建议.  相似文献   

Adolescents' problems and their relationship to self-esteem.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
J F Harper  E Marshall 《Adolescence》1991,26(104):799-808
The Mooney Problem Check List and Rosenberg's Self-Esteem Scale were administered to 201 adolescents, ages 14 to 16 years. Sex differences in the number and nature of problems reported, and their relationship to self-esteem, were examined. Results indicated that, overall, girls reported significantly more problems and lower levels of self-esteem than did boys. Girls had more problems with interpersonal relationships, personal adjustment, health, and family issues. There were no significant differences between girls and boys in the areas of educational and vocational future. Surprisingly, neither boys nor girls were particularly concerned about their vocational/educational future. Relative to other areas, adjustment to schoolwork was identified as being of considerable concern for both sexes. There was a significant relationship between self-esteem and reported problems, and different problem areas were related to self-esteem for girls and boys. The findings of this study support previous research and provide further information concerning relationships between self-esteem and problems.  相似文献   

I provide an overview of the Chicago Longitudinal Study. This prospective study traces the educational and social success of a large sample of low-income children (over 90% of whom are African American) from high-poverty neighborhoods in the Chicago Public Schools. In 1985–1986, the sample participated in the Child–Parent Centers and other early childhood programs. The four studies reported in this special issue highlight the contributions of school mobility, parent involvement, educational expectations, and other family and school experiences in preventing learning problems and promoting educational success.  相似文献   

轻度智障学生心理健康教育干预的形式与方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江琴娣  张福娟 《心理科学》2007,30(2):408-410
轻度智障学生具有学习焦虑、孤独感、好责备自己、缺乏主动性和积极性等心理健康方面的问题。产生这些问题的原因有个体因素、父母教养因素和学校教育因素等。针对这些问题,教育者使用多种辅导形式和方法进行干预,使轻度智障学生的心理健康水平得以提高与改善。本文最后提出了在进行教育干预时需注意的一些问题,为学校开展该方面工作提供参考。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine the area of self-esteem in the professional literature, its relationship to educational programs, its measurement problems, and one approach to program evaluation in terms of students' self-esteem. Self-esteem has been an important topic in the educational literature in recent years. There have been many important contributions by investigators on the relationship between self-esteem and educational achievement. Until recently, the results of self-esteem investigations have yielded a somewhat negative appraisal from reviewers, but there is optimism for the future possibilities of assessing this elusive construct. The investigator focusing upon program evaluation has advantages over his predecessors. He can utilize different measurement strategies. The strengths and criticisms of Q methodology are discussed. The L-L Q-Sort is presented as one approach to the evaluation of self-esteem in educational program evaluation.  相似文献   

The problems of 514 male and female adolescents of 14 and 15 years of age were investigated using an open-ended questionnaire. While there was a high correlation between problem areas for boys and girls, boys reported more problems concerned with educational adjustment and girls more problems concerned with family adjustments. The mean number of reported problems by girls was significantly higher than those reported by boys. It was concluded that the problems of the Sydney adolescent are basically similar to those of adolescents in other Western cultures.  相似文献   

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