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邓南海 《现代哲学》2007,20(2):73-79
当前对于康德美学第一契机中的两个关键词“兴趣”与“实存”的误读源于脱离康德整个批判哲学体系。在康德哲学中,带有兴趣的愉悦感都与行为的理由联系在一起,任何实践活动都是要把欲求的对象变成一个直观的经验对象,反之,不带任何兴趣的审美的愉悦感与行为的理由没有任何关联,这种愉悦感的产生在于想像力能够超出对象的“实存”创造出具有某种普遍性的、与知性之机能协调一致的“形式”。  相似文献   

该文的立论根本在于,检讨以欧美为代表的西学之意识形态的智能本质,其引导方向,在科学技术上谋求对自然的主宰,在政治哲学上谋求对人的主宰,因而,它们的普世“唯一”是虚假的,退而求其次的“最好”显示着“最强”的权力意志。而以“道法自然,大而化之”的中国智慧则应开启完全不同的人生境界,但首先必须在强力的基础上提供“独立而互补”的参照与限制。结论是“西学东渐”的历史应该结束了。  相似文献   

中国美学以"中和"为最高境界和理论范式,乃源于独特而深厚的民族思维文化.其一,"中和"范式以审美矛盾因素的两面、两极、两端……(即"两")为基本架构,这正贯彻了中国传统以"物生有两"观念为基点的"耦两"型或以<易>为范本的"阴阳两仪"型思维模式.其二,中国传统"耦两"思维同西方近代的主客二元思维根本不同,其本质差异就在于"耦两"思维不脱离"一"的根本原则,关注的是"一两"关系.立"两"最终是为了明"一".其三,"两"所济所明的"一"实质上就是"中"."中"同"美是和谐"的古典美学理念相结合,就形成了"中和"这一中国特色的美学范式.  相似文献   

"伦理"是中国文化最具标识性的基本话语之一,既不能与"道德"循环互释,也不能与"ethic"直接对话,否则将导致意义肢解甚至文化殖民,必须在话语体系及其辩证运动中才能倾听到其文化脉动."伦理"话语是由"伦"—"理"—居"伦"由"理"—伦理世界四要素构成的话语体系."伦"是"国—家"文明的特殊话语,是具有终极关怀意义、世俗而超越的伦理实体."理"是"伦"之"理",它不是西方式的认知理性,而是中国式的良知理性;在文化形态上,它不是理性主义,也不是情感主义,而是中国式的情理主义."居'伦'由'理'"是"伦"—"理"关系的文化原理和文化规律,其要义是从"伦"的家园出发,行"理"之达道."伦理世界"既是由"伦理"话语及其传统所创造的一种特殊世界观即"伦理世界观",也是其追求的终极理想."伦理"话语及其体系,携带特殊的中国文化密码,体现中国文化的特殊精神气质,也具有特殊的文明史地位.  相似文献   

休谟"是"与"应当"问题的原始含义及其现代解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"是"与"应当"问题是休谟道德哲学的核心问题,在前人的解读中,某些违背了休谟提出问题的本意.特别是那种简单地把"是"与"应当"的问题理解为事实与价值的问题,并推测休谟反对由事实判断推出价值判断的说法,在一定程度上误解了休谟的原意.因此,还原休谟提出问题时的本意和当时的情景,尽可能地接近休谟问题的原始含义,是解决休谟问题必须要做的工作.同时,对休谟问题的目的、实践理性推理等的新理解,也有助于推进对该问题的研究和解决.  相似文献   

西方文明在"经济人"思想的引导下产生了工业革命,进而实现了现代化.但是,"经济人"思想的自利性,忽视了人与人、人与自然、人与社会的依存关系,使西方社会在实现物质文明的同时,产生了种种危机.而这些危机的解决有赖于一种新的伦理思想,以重新审视经济发展和人类存在的关系.佛教缘起观是一种从社会、个人和环境相互共生的视角,来看待社会发展的伦理思想,它对克服现代社会发展的各种片面性有积极的借鉴作用.  相似文献   

戴震对儒家"仁"学进行了细致且系统的考辨。在戴震看来,"仁"合于"道",根于"人伦日用",合本体、准则、德性于一,表现为:形上之"生生"、人伦之"欲无私"与人伦之"遂欲通情";"生生"是"欲无私"与"遂欲通情"的形上根基、"欲无私"与"遂欲通情"表现且确证"生生""遂欲通情"又是"欲无私"的推己及人;由"生生"而"欲无私"再"遂欲达情"乃"归于必然,适完其自然",三者圆融一体。这在发扬原始儒家"生生"之仁的同时,实现了原始儒家以"仁"统贯诸德的初衷,并通过对欲、理、仁关系的厘清和爱人、忠恕的新诠完成其对宋儒之仁的批判与孔孟之仁的超越,从而还"欲"于"仁",将伦理根植于生活,倡导了一种事实与价值合一、德性与幸福一致的伦理生活,开启儒家"仁"学一代新风。  相似文献   

在中国哲学发展史上,以"道"、"理"、"气"、"心"为本原或本体的,随处可见,亦多为人们所看重与论究,而以"情"、以"事"为本体的,却少有人关切并予检讨.本文认为,泰州学为"情"本论.需要说明的是,"情"的本体论与"事"的本体论是相通的,就像"事"与"情"之连通而成"事情"一样,"情"的本体论又可释为"事"的本体论.如果要作区别的话,那么大体上可以说,情与理的关系,主要涉及人的精神心理结构与取向问题,"情"本论所要确认的,是情感之于理性更具本真性与至上性;事与理的关系,则涉及到存在界的结构和主体与客体之间的多重结构关系,"事"本论所要申明的,是事之于理更具本然性与先在性.  相似文献   

"三个代表"重要思想的伦理思想是以推进党的建设伟大工程,加强党的执政伦理建设为核心而形成和发展起来的,本质上是一种追求先进与崇高并始终以人民利益为最高价值取向的政党伦理,并贯穿在社会主义经济伦理和伦理文化建设等方面,是以江泽民为代表的第三代中国共产党人在实践中坚持、丰富和发展马克思主义伦理思想所做出的创造性成就与历史性贡献的集中体现.  相似文献   

人类的性是生理、心理及伦理系统的存在整体."三理"教育的实质是生理、心理及伦理的整合创新模式.从"三理"的视角理解,青少年性教育是依据青少年身心发展规律,帮助青少年打破性无知、和谐性心理、内化性道德、培养性责任.其中以性生理教育为基础,性心理教育为重点,性道德教育为核心,做到"三理结合、三理同步".在家庭、学校及社会的共同努力下,使青少年性教育纳入义务教育之中,帮助青少年健康"性"成长.  相似文献   

There are three explanations of the sources of virtue in the history of Chinese traditional ethical thoughts. The first source is tian Dao (the Dao of Heaven) (natural), the second is xing Dao (the Dao of nature) (mind-nature), and the third is ren Dao (the Dao of human) (social). These explanations not only demonstrate the unique wisdom of ancient Chinese thinkers in constructing mortality, but also have special revelations for us to comprehend more accurately the Chinese traditional morality, to clear up the wrong ideas about morality that have formed since modern times, to make virtue ‘present’ instead of ‘latent’, and to construct a moral society. __________ Translated from Fujian Luntan 福建论坛 (Fujian Forum) (Humanities and Social Sciences Edition), 2005 (2) by Xi Liuqin & Peng Hua  相似文献   

Despite the rich philosophical heritage of the East, the connection between athletics and education for character or virtue is more commonly associated with the West. Classical Eastern philosophy does focus on virtue, but it seems to exclude sport as a means of cultivation since the Confucian is uninterested in victory and the Daoist seeks passivity and avoids contention. A closer look reveals, however, that Eastern conceptions of virtue have much in common with those of Ancient Greece so often linked to sport. Combining research in the history and philosophy of sport with analysis of such texts such as the Analects of Kongzi (Confucius), Laozi's Daodejing, Plato's Republic and Epictetus's Handbook, this paper argues that the enlightened practice of sport has the potential to cultivate qualities common both to de and aretē. The fact that sport was linked to virtue in Ancient Greece but not Ancient China derives from different ideas about social prestige more than different conceptions of ethical education. Indeed, the enlightened practice of modern sport may develop a more universal kind of virtue; thereby providing common ground upon which to heal the East-West split in a way characterised by mutual respect and emphasising our common humanity.  相似文献   

Feng Youlan’s Xin Shixun 新世训 (New Treatise on the Way of Life) written in the late 1930s differed from traditional moral teachings because it focused on nonmoral life lessons and how to “virtuously” pursue success. It advanced an interpretation of traditional virtues as life lessons for young people, so that these virtues could transform an individual life in modern society. Thereby the morals of ancient sages could transfer to the modern, individual, and morality. The problem is just how the ideals of traditional Chinese culture have adjusted themselves to modern society. Following the phrase “after-virtue”, this effort can be called a pursuit of “after-sage”. Translated by Yan Xin from Zhexue Yanjiu 哲学研究 (Philosophical Researches), 2006, (2): 36–44  相似文献   

Although tolerance is widely regarded as a virtue of both individuals and groups that modern democratic and multiculturalist societies cannot do without, there is still much disagreement among political thinkers as to what tolerance demands, or what can be done to create and sustain a culture of tolerance. The philosophical literature on toleration contains three main strands. (1) An agreement that a tolerant society is more than a modus vivendi; (2) discussion of the proper object(s) of toleration; (3) debate about whether there is a ‘paradox’ of toleration and, if so, how it might be solved. This Introduction outlines how each of the subsequent papers addresses problems in the theory and practice of toleration, in the light of these three strands in the existing literature. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Ancient Chinese philosophers were inclined to preserve the doctrine of a unified body and mind rather than to engage in a discussion on the separation of the two. In addition, most traditional Chinese philosophers stressing in particular the function of mind. Based on the tradition of believing in the concept of qi, they traced the cause of their spiritual activities to the natural effect of the qi. The modalities display a phenomenological characteristic that looks at mental activities lightly, and examines language and action as a natural revelation of material force, qi. __________ Translated from Beijing Daxue Xuebao 北京大学学报 (Journal of Peking University), 2005, (5): 5–14  相似文献   

The terminology tianxia has both historical evolution and cultural and philosophical connotations. This concept not only denotes a geographical and spatial meaning, but also implies the moral construct of metaphysics. A systematic study of its historical and cultural repercussions can show that the evolution of the meaning “tianxia” not only embodies the cosmological construction, moral belief and self-identity of the Chinese nation, but also manifests the historical processes of modern China evolving from “tianxia” to a modern nation-state. Meanwhile, the deconstruction of the tianxia cosmology has shattered the old Chinese concept of a single united tianxia, or the whole world under one Heaven. Also, “Confucian China” has been increasingly losing its vitality and strong hold on the people, while the concept of nation-state has gained its way into people’s consciousness, which has added more diversity and open-mindedness to the concept of tianxia. __________ Translated from Wenshizhe 文史哲 (Literature, History and Philosophy), 2004 (6) by Huang Deyuan  相似文献   

In ancient Chinese thoughts, de is a comparatively complicated idea. Most of the researchers translated it directly into “virtue”, but this translation is not accurate for our understanding of the idea of “de” in pre-Qin times. Generally speaking, in Pre-Qin times, the idea of “de” underwent three developmental periods. The first is the de of Heaven, the de of ancestors; the second the de of system; and the third the de of spirit and moral conducts. In a long period of history, the idea of “de” never cast off the influence of tian Dao (the way of Heaven). It was in Western Zhou Dynasty that the idea of “de” shook off the dense fog of the mandate of Heaven. However, it was the thinkers in Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States who made contributions to bring it deep into people’s mind. The ancient Chinese thoughts were mainly concerned with people’s recognition and development of their own abilities, with people’s seeking harmony and balance between human-beings and nature, and with people’s seeking harmonious and balanced human relations. The development of the idea of “de” played a very important role in this context. __________ Translated from Zhongguo Shehui Kexue 中国社会科学 (China Social Sciences), 2005(4) by Lei Yongqiang  相似文献   

After MacIntyre     
In his influential book After Virtue, Alasdair MacIntyre identifies Kierkegaard's view of ethics with that of Kant. Both Kant and Kierkegaard, according to MacIntyre, accept the modern paradigm of moral activity for which freedom of the will is the ultimate basis. Ronald M. Green, in Kierkegaard and Kant: The Hidden Debt, accepts and deepens this alignment between the two thinkers. Green argues that Kierkegaard deliberately obscured his debt to Kant by a systematic “misattribution” of his ideas to other thinkers, and to classical philosophy in particular. This essay argues that MacIntyre and Green are mistaken in identifying Kierkegaard with the Kantian tradition of moral autonomy and that they overlook his debt to the classical conception of virtue. In casting Kierkegaard in the role of the quintessential exponent of a modern conception of freedom, they have perhaps overlooked one of the greatest critics of moral autonomy who has ever lived.  相似文献   

In this paper, I argue that despite undeniable fundamental differences between Descartes’ and Spinoza’s accounts of human action, there are some striking similarities between their views on right action, moral motivation, and virtue that are usually overlooked. I will argue, first, that both thinkers define virtue in terms of activity or freedom, mutatis mutandis, and thus in terms of actual power of acting. Second, I will claim that both Descartes and Spinoza hold a non-consequentialist approach to virtue, by which human actions are evaluated as virtuous or good on the basis of their motivational forces rather than their consequences. I will show further that both philosophers identify virtue qua free action with the highest good (summum bonum), and thus with that which is to be sought for its own sake and not as a means to anything preferable to it.  相似文献   

The goal of “(modern) Chinese Philosophy” established during the period of the May 4th Movement is to reestablish the meaning of life for Chinese people. However, because it takes the approach of interpreting Chinese thinking through a Western lens, thus forming a discourse pattern of “Chinese A is Western B,” which is only capable of manifesting Western culture, “Chinese Philosophy” is made logically impossible as the ideological source from which modern Chinese thinkers could construct the meaning of life. The ideological source of the still lasting traditional lifestyle is Yili Xue 义理学 (The Learning of Righteousness and Principles); whereas that of modern life, which was established as an imitation of the West, is Western culture. Neither of them takes “Chinese Philosophy” as its ideological source. Therefore, “Chinese Philosophy” is excluded from the construction of the meaning of life, and falls into the dilemma of life meaning.  相似文献   

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