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The distinction between auditory and phonetic processes in speech perception was used in the design and analysis of an experiment. Earlier studies had shown that dichotically presented stop consonants are more often identified correctly when they share place of production (e.g., /ba-pa/) or voicing (e.g., /ba-da/) than when neither feature is shared (e.g., /ba-ta/). The present experiment was intended to determine whether the effect has an auditory or a phonetic basis. Increments in performance due to feature-sharing were compared for synthetic stop-vowel syllables in which formant transitions were the sole cues to place of production under two experimental conditions: (1) when the vowel was the same for both syllables in a dichotic pair, as in our earlier studies, and (2) when the vowels differed. Since the increment in performance due to sharing place was not diminished when vowels differed (i.e., when formant transitions did not coincide), it was concluded that the effect has a phonetic rather than an auditory basis. Right ear advantages were also measured and were found to interact with both place of production and vowel conditions. Taken together, the two sets of results suggest that inhibition of the ipsilateral signal in the perception of dichotically presented speech occurs during phonetic analysis. 相似文献
The cross-linguistic investigation of semantic categories has a long history, spanning many disciplines and covering many domains. But the extent to which semantic categories are universal or language-specific remains highly controversial. Focusing on the domain of events involving material destruction (“cutting and breaking” events, for short), this study investigates how speakers of different languages implicitly categorize such events through the verbs they use to talk about them. Speakers of 28 typologically, genetically and geographically diverse languages were asked to describe the events shown in a set of videoclips, and the distribution of their verbs across the events was analyzed with multivariate statistics. The results show that there is considerable agreement across languages in the dimensions along which cutting and breaking events are distinguished, although there is variation in the number of categories and the placement of their boundaries. This suggests that there are strong constraints in human event categorization, and that variation is played out within a restricted semantic space. 相似文献
Auditory perception of temporal and spectral events in patients with focal left and right cerebral lesions 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
The auditory perception of temporal and spectral information was studied in subjects with lesions in the temporoparietal region of the left (LH group), or right (RH group) hemisphere (n = 5 in each group) and in five normal controls. The temporal tasks included gap detection and two complex pattern perception tasks in which subjects had to identify the placement of the two closest tones (separated by the shortest interval) within a sequence of six tones. The spectral tasks involved pitch matching and frequency discrimination. The results showed a "double dissociation": (1) the LH group was impaired in their ability to perceive temporal information, but the perception of spectral information was normal, and (2) the RH group was impaired in their ability to perceive spectral information, but the perception of temporal information was normal. The findings are consistent with the notion that temporal processing is a function of left-hemisphere structures and that spectral processing is a function of right-hemisphere structures. 相似文献
The present experiment assessed intersensory differences in temporal judgments, that is, auditory stimuli are perceived as longer than physically equivalent visual stimuli. The results confirmed the intersensory difference. Auditorially defined intervals were experienced as longer than visually defined intervals. Auditory boundaries were perceived as longer than visual ones. An interaction of boundary modality and interval modality was obtained which suggested that auditorially defined intervals provided more temporal information about events occurring in close temporal proximity than visually defined intervals. It was hypothesized that cognitive factors, specifically stimulus complexity, would affect the auditory and visual systems differentially. This hypothesis was not substantiated, although highly complex stimuli were experienced as longer than those of low complexity. 相似文献
Several studies have shown that handedness has an impact on visual spatial abilities. Here we investigated the effect of laterality on auditory space perception. Participants (33 right-handers, 20 left-handers) completed two tasks of sound localization. In a dark, anechoic, and sound-proof room, sound stimuli (broadband noise) were presented via 21 loudspeakers mounted horizontally (from 80° on the left to 80° on the right). Participants had to localize the target either by using a swivel hand-pointer or by head-pointing. Individual lateral preferences of eye, ear, hand, and foot were obtained using a questionnaire. With both pointing methods, participants showed a bias in sound localization that was to the side contralateral to the preferred hand, an effect that was unrelated to their overall precision. This partially parallels findings in the visual modality as left-handers typically have a more rightward bias in visual line bisection compared with right-handers. Despite the differences in neural processing of auditory and visual spatial information these findings show similar effects of lateral preference on auditory and visual spatial perception. This suggests that supramodal neural processes are involved in the mechanisms generating laterality in space perception. 相似文献
Terry Eskenazi Marc Grosjean Glyn W. Humphreys Guenther Knoblich 《Psychological research》2009,73(4):477-485
Research on embodied cognition stresses that bodily and motor processes constrain how we perceive others. Regarding action
perception the most prominent hypothesis is that observed actions are matched to the observer’s own motor representations.
Previous findings demonstrate that the motor laws that constrain one’s performance also constrain one’s perception of others’
actions. The present neuropsychological case study asked whether neurological impairments affect a person’s performance and
action perception in the same way. The results showed that patient DS, who suffers from a frontal brain lesion, not only ignored
target size when performing movements but also when asked to judge whether others can perform the same movements. In other
words DS showed the same violation of Fitts’s law when performing and observing actions. These results further support the
assumption of close perception action links and the assumption that these links recruit predictive mechanisms residing in
the motor system. 相似文献
We described disorders of a patient which were uniquely restricted to speech perception of syllable sequences after brain damage. The results of series of experiments using syllable sequences showed "negative recency effect," in which the subject's repetition performance at the latter syllable position was remarkably poor. Experimental analyses suggested that the "negative recency effect" could be due to dual factors: the lower rate of processing of speech sounds and the memory load of holding processes of preceding syllables imposed on the succeeding phonological processing. The results also suggested that the holding processes which imposed the memory load on the succeeding auditory phonological coding processing were modality nonspecific. 相似文献
The features of perceived objects are processed in distinct neural pathways, which call for mechanisms that integrate the distributed information into coherent representations (the binding problem). Recent studies of sequential effects have demonstrated feature binding not only in perception, but also across (visual) perception and action planning. We investigated whether comparable effects can be obtained in and across auditory perception and action. The results from two experiments revealed effects indicative of spontaneous integration of auditory features (pitch and loudness, pitch and location), as well as evidence for audio—manual stimulus—response integration. Even though integration takes place spontaneously, features related to task-relevant stimulus or response dimensions are more likely to be integrated. Moreover, integration seems to follow a temporal overlap principle, with features coded close in time being more likely to be bound together. Taken altogether, the findings are consistent with the idea of episodic event files integrating perception and action plans. 相似文献
Listeners identified both constituents of double vowels created by summing the waveforms of pairs of synthetic vowels with the same duration and fundamental frequency. Accuracy of identification was significantly above chance. Effects of introducing such double vowels by visual or acoustical precursor stimuli were examined. Precursors specified the identity of one of the two constituent vowels. Performance was scored as the accuracy with which the other vowel was identified. Visual precursors were standard English spellings of one member of the vowel pair; acoustical precursors were 1-sec segments of one member of the vowel pair. Neither visual precursors nor contralateral acoustical precursors improved performance over the condition with no precursor. Thus, knowledge of the identity of one of the constituents of a double vowel does not help listeners to identify the other constituent. A significant improvement in performance did occur with ipsilateral acoustical precursors, consistent with earlier demonstrations that frequency components which undergo changes in spectral amplitude achieve enhanced auditory prominence relative to unchanging components. This outcome demonstrates the joint but independent operation of auditory and perceptual processes underlying the ability of listeners to understand speech despite adversely peaked frequency responses in communication channels. 相似文献
In spatial sequence synaesthesia (SSS) ordinal stimuli are perceived as arranged in peripersonal space. Using fMRI, we examined the neural bases of SSS and colour synaesthesia for spoken words in a late-blind synaesthete, JF. He reported days of the week and months of the year as both coloured and spatially ordered in peripersonal space; parts of the days and festivities of the year were spatially ordered but uncoloured. Words that denote time-units and triggered no concurrents were used in a control condition. Both conditions inducing SSS activated the occipito-parietal, infero-frontal and insular cortex. The colour area hOC4v was engaged when the synaesthetic experience included colour. These results confirm the continued recruitment of visual colour cortex in this late-blind synaesthetes. Synaesthesia also involved activation in inferior frontal cortex, which may be related to spatial memory and detection, and in the insula, which might contribute to audiovisual integration related to the processing of inducers and concurrents. 相似文献
Auditory attention switching: a developmental study 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The developmental course of the ability to rapidly allocate attention was studied using a dichotic listening task with 8-year old, 11-year old and college age subjects. In this task, subjects were instructed to listen to one ear for predescribed targets and then were later signaled (on some trials) to switch their attention to the other ear. Reorientation was assessed by comparing the pattern of subjects' omission and intrusion errors on trials following a command to switch ears with the pattern of errors on no-switch trials. Older subjects were better able to reallocate their attention in accordance with task demands, with the greatest gains in performance occurring between ages 8 and 11. This developmental change appears to be generally continuous and quantitative in nature. Since successful performance of this task requires flexibility in subjects' ability to control their focus of attention, these results support the hypothesis that the basis of the developmental improvement in the ability to ignore irrelevant information is linked to the ability to use active attentional strategies. 相似文献
Use of the selective adaptation procedure with speech stimuli has led to a number of theoretical positions with regard to the level or levels of processing affected by adaptation. Recent experiments (i.e., Sawusch & Jusczyk, 1981) have, however, yielded strong evidence that only auditory coding processes are affected by selective adaptation. In the present experiment, a test series that varied along the phonetic dimension of place of articulation for stops ([da]-[ga]) was used in conjunction with a [ska] syllable that shared the phonetic value of velar with the [ga] end of the test series but had a spectral structure that closely matched a stimulus from the [da] end of the series. As an adaptor, the [ska] and Ida] stimuli produced identical effects, whereas in a paired-comparison procedure, the [ska] produced effects consistent with its phonetic label. These results offer further support for the contention that selective adaptation affects only the auditory coding of speech, whereas the paired-comparison procedure affects only the phonetic coding of speech. On the basis of these results and previous place-adaptation results, a process model of speech perception is described. 相似文献
The possibility that phonological confusions may underlie some difficulties in processing written language was investigated using four speech perception tasks. Twelve dyslexic and four normal-reading children identified and discriminated synthetic speech syllables which varied either in voice-onset time (signaling the feature of voicing) or direction of formant transitions (signaling place of articulation). Results indicate that, like normal-reading children and adults, dyslexic children perceive these sounds categorically. Discrimination of the stimuli was limited by their identifiability. It is suggested that linguistic disturbances at other stages of the grapheme to meaning transformation underlie misreading. 相似文献
Heidi Küenzlen Mona Bekkhus Karen Thorpe 《European Journal of Developmental Psychology》2016,13(3):394-406
AbstractResilience can be evidenced when an exposure to potentially traumatic event (PTE) has no negative impact on behavior. This study explored the effects of exposure to PTE applying a longitudinal design with 592 children (mean age 4 years) followed across three years. Children who had experienced a PTE and those who had not, were compared over time. Behavioral difficulties and prosocial behaviour for children experiencing PTE did not differ from those who had not experienced a PTE suggesting resilience among the exposed children. PTE in itself seems to carry minimal risk for symptoms of behaviour difficulties among preschool children. 相似文献
Jackson SR Parkinson A Pears SL Nam SH 《Quarterly journal of experimental psychology (2006)》2011,64(5):839-854
The intention to execute a movement can modulate our perception of sensory events, and this modulation is observed ahead of both ocular and upper limb movements. However, theoretical accounts of these effects, and also the empirical data, are often contradictory. Accounts of "active touch", and the premotor theory of attention, have emphasized how movement intention leads to enhanced perceptual processing at the target of a movement, or on the to-be-moved effector. By contrast, recent theories of motor control emphasize how internal "forward" model (FM) estimates may be used to cancel or attenuate sensory signals that arise as a result of self-generated movements. We used behavioural and functional brain imaging (functional magnetic resonance imaging, fMRI) to investigate how perception of a somatosensory stimulus differed according to whether it was delivered to a hand that was about to execute a reaching movement or the alternative, nonmoving, hand. The results of our study demonstrate that a somatosensory stimulus delivered to a hand that is being prepared for movement is perceived to have occurred later than when that same stimulus is delivered to a nonmoving hand. This result indicates that it takes longer for a tactile stimulus to be detected when it is delivered to a moving limb and may correspond to a change in perceptual threshold. Our behavioural results are paralleled by the results of our fMRI study that demonstrated that there were significantly reduced blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) responses within the parietal operculum and insula following somatosensory stimulation of the hand being prepared for movement, compared to when an identical stimulus was delivered to a nonmoving hand. These findings are consistent with the prediction of FM accounts of motor control that postulate that central sensory suppression of somatosensation accompanies self-generated limb movements, and with previous reports indicating that effects of sensory suppression are observed in higher order somatosensory regions. 相似文献
Segmentation in the perception and memory of events 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
People make sense of continuous streams of observed behavior in part by segmenting them into events. Event segmentation seems to be an ongoing component of everyday perception. Events are segmented simultaneously at multiple timescales, and are grouped hierarchically. Activity in brain regions including the posterior temporal and parietal cortex and lateral frontal cortex increases transiently at event boundaries. The parsing of ongoing activity into events is related to the updating of working memory, to the contents of long-term memory, and to the learning of new procedures. Event segmentation might arise as a side effect of an adaptive mechanism that integrates information over the recent past to improve predictions about the near future. 相似文献
To explore how young people were affected by the space shuttle disaster, the responses of 79 females in 5th, 8th, and 12th grades and 18 males in 5th grade who had witnessed the event on video at school were examined. Six days after the Challenger accident, they were asked to list and rank the three things that had affected them most over the last seven days and to explain the reason behind their first choice. Only 8.9% of the females ranked the space shuttle first, and only 30.4% ranked it in the top three. Competing issues were school-related activities, grades, and family relations. Of the 5th-grade males, 88.9% mentioned the space shuttle and 38.9% saw it as their top concern. For both males and females, this choice was based on sadness and empathy. The youths did not relate the disaster to the fragility of modern technology or the threat of nuclear war. The relatively low response rate of the females who had witnessed this event was interpreted as being indicative of repression-denial. It was concluded that future research should address the extent to which post-crisis denial could be masking more significant psychological trauma in youth. 相似文献
There is a small but growing literature on the perception of natural acoustic events, but few attempts have been made to investigate complex sounds not systematically controlled within a laboratory setting. The present study investigates listeners' ability to make judgments about the posture (upright-stooped) of the walker who generated acoustic stimuli contrasted on each trial. We use a comprehensive three-stage approach to event perception, in which we develop a solid understanding of the source event and its sound properties, as well as the relationships between these two event stages. Developing this understanding helps both to identify the limitations of common statistical procedures and to develop effective new procedures for investigating not only the two information stages above, but also the decision strategies employed by listeners in making source judgments from sound. The result is a comprehensive, ultimately logical, but not necessarily expected picture of both the source-sound-perception loop and the utility of alternative research tools. 相似文献