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Effects of shape parameters on the attractiveness of a female body   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Various researchers have suggested that certain anthropometric ratios can be used to measure female body attractiveness, including the waist to hip ratio, Body Mass Index (BMI), and the body volume divided by the square of the height (Volume-Height Index). Based on a wide range of female subjects and virtual images of bodies with different ratios, Volume-Height Index was found to provide the best fit with female body attractiveness, and the effect of Volume-Height Index can be fitted with two half bell-shaped exponential curves with an optimal Volume-Height Index at 14.2 liter/m2. It is suggested that the general trend of the effect of Volume-Height Index may be culturally invariant, but the optimal value of Volume-Height Index may vary from culture to culture. In addition to Volume-Height Index, other body parameters or ratios which reflect body proportions and the traits of feminine characteristics had smaller but significant effects on female body attractiveness, and such effects were stronger at optimum Volume-Height Index.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effects of a self-reported pedometer-walking program on gait, lower extremity function, and Body Mass Index for 33 obese women, ages 31-65 years (M = 48.0, SD = 8.0) and whose initial average Body Mass Index was 40.30 +/- 9.60 kg/m2. During the 12-mo. intervention participants wore pedometers and reported the number of daily steps walked. Body Mass Index, three gait parameters, steps/day, and lower extremity function were taken over 3-mo. intervals. All participants increased in gait velocity, % single-leg support, and lower extremity function, and decreased in Body Mass Index over time. Those whose steps/day increased by 2000 over 6 mo. had significantly faster velocities and longer step lengths than those whose steps/day did not increase. The 1-yr. walking program stimulated changes in gait, Body Mass Index, and lower extremity function for these obese women. Ultimately, these changes may reduce the risk of falls for this group of women.  相似文献   

Dark Triad traits (narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism) are linked to the pursuit of short‐term mating strategies, but they may have differential effects on actual mating success in naturalistic scenarios: Narcissism may be a facilitator for men's short‐term mating success, while Machiavellianism and psychopathy may be detrimental. To date, little is known about the attractiveness of Dark Triad traits in women. In a speed‐dating study, we assessed participants' Dark Triad traits, Big Five personality traits, and physical attractiveness in N = 90 heterosexual individuals (46 women and 44 men). Each participant rated each partner's mate appeal for short‐ and long‐term relationships. Across both sexes, narcissism was positively associated with mate appeal for short‐ and long‐term relationships. Further analyses indicated that these associations were due to the shared variance among narcissism and extraversion in men and narcissism and physical attractiveness in women, respectively. In women, psychopathy was also positively associated with mate appeal for short‐term relationships. Regarding mating preferences, narcissism was found to involve greater choosiness in the rating of others' mate appeal (but not actual choices) in men, while psychopathy was associated with greater openness towards short‐term relationships in women. Copyright © 2016 European Association of Personality Psychology  相似文献   

The aim of present study was determination of the level of physical activity in overweight and obese women and its association with body mass index and various socio-demographic characteristics. In the present cross-sectional survey, the translated and validated form of International physical activity questionnaire was completed by 300 overweight and obese women from Iran-Tabriz. For each activity level, the MET-time value was calculated. The weight and height of subjects were measured and the BMI was calculated. In addition, subjects were asked to indicate their age, marital and socioeconomic status (including employment, educational status, salaries and material endowments) using a general information questionnaire. The One-way ANOVA, Independent t-test, multiple linear regression analysis were used for statistical analysis. Approximately, 45 % of women were physically inactive. Overweight women were more likely to be physically active as compared to obese, while the lowest physical activity rates were observed in older participants. With increasing age, the time spent in vigorous physical activity declined significantly (p-value?=?0.004). Physically active women had higher Socio-economic status. The average time spent on vigorous physical activities were significantly more in single than married women (p-value?相似文献   

The classic psychodiagnostic sign for delinquency —Wechsler Performance IQ being higher than Verbal IQ —has shown generally good validity, improvable by a modifier variable (Warren's I -level system). Reasoning from the I-level immaturity theory of delinquency, the present study investigated age as a possible substitute for the I-level in its role as a moderator variable for the Wechsler P> Vsign, within a population of male juvenile delinquents. As hypothesized, young age predicted a high P > Vscore, supporting the immaturity theory of delinquency. Types of immaturity are discussed. Future work should test the P > Vsign as an aid in evaluating delinquency treatment methods.  相似文献   

Stability, internal consistency, validity, and factor structure of the ColorA-Person Body Dissatisfaction Test (CAPT) were assessed. Two- and 4-week test-retest correlations for college students and alpha coefficients for students and eating-disorder patients ranged from .70 tO .89. Factor structure was unaffected by gender and clinical status. Correlations were mostly between -.40 and -.60 with Rosenberges (1965) Self-Esteem Scale and Secord and Jourard's (1953) Body Cathexis Scale (BCS). Men higher on Body Mass Index (BMI) liked upper body parts; women higher on BMI disliked lower body parts. Treatment for bulimia affected both body image tests comparably.  相似文献   

Several studies have demonstrated the relationship between handgrip strength (HGS) and fighting ability in men, which is a relevant trait for intrasexual competition to increase the probability of obtaining a mate. However, few studies have determined a relationship between fighting ability and men’s self-perceived capacity to find, attract and retain a mate. This capacity is a complex compound of several traits that evolutionary psychology has called mate value. In the present study, in a population of late adolescent men from Chile (M ± SD = 16.94 ± .89 years), we explored the relationship between fighting ability, estimated by both HGS and a self-perceived fighting ability questionnaire, and mate value, assessed with a self-perceived mate value components questionnaire. The results show a strong influence of fighting ability on mate value. This influence affects the subscales of “views from the opposite sex”, “sociality” and “relationship history”. However, we did not find an effect on the subscales of “wealth”, “parenting” or “fear to failure”. The relationship between mate value and fighting ability indicates that fighting ability is a relevant component in understanding men’s reproductive behaviour, including intrasexual competition and intersexual selection. This effect was observed in adolescents, who have less mating experience than adults.  相似文献   

Longitudinal studies have shown that preschool children’s diagnosis of Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), Conduct Disorder (CD) and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are likely to persist into school age. However, limited attention has been paid to instability of diagnosis. The aim of the present study, therefore, was to investigate both stability and change of ODD, CD and ADHD diagnosis in children aged 3.5–5.5 years. For diagnosing these disorders, a semi-structured diagnostic parent interview, i.e., the Kiddie-Disruptive Behavior Disorder Schedule (K-DBDS), was used at the first assessment and at follow-up assessments (9 and 18 months). Five diagnostic stability groups (chronic, partial remission, full remission, new onset, no diagnosis) were compared with regard to impairment and number of symptoms. Participants were referred preschool children with externalizing behavioral problems (N?=?193; 83 % male) and typically developing (TD) children (N?=?58; 71 % male). Follow-up assessments allowed to distinguish children belonging to the chronic group of ODD, CD or ADHD from those belonging to one of the remission groups. In addition, there was a substantial number of children with a new onset diagnosis. In conclusion, as a complement to studies showing stability of ODD, CD and ADHD diagnosis into school age, present findings point to changes of diagnosis in the preschool and early school period. Diagnostic reassessments therefore are needed in this age group.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the Body Mass Index of 180 female Spanish Olympic athletes (M age = 27.1 yr., SD = 5.9 yr.) who participate in presentation sports and nonpresentation sports, in comparison with 114 female nonathletes (M age = 20.7, SD = 1.5 yr.). Presentation sports athletes have a profile similar to that of a university student but by age with a lower Body Mass Index. In particular, rhythmic gymnasts have a lower weight and Body Mass Index than other athletes and nonathletes.  相似文献   

Stability, internal consistency, validity, and factor structure of the Color-A-Person Body Dissatisfaction Test (CAPT) were assessed. Two- and 4-week test-retest correlations for college students and alpha coefficients for students and eating-disorder patients ranged from .70 to .89. Factor structure was unaffected by gender and clinical status. Correlations were mostly between -.40 and -.60 with Rosenberg's (1965) Self-Esteem Scale and Secord and Jourard's (1953) Body Cathexis Scale (BCS). Men higher on Body Mass Index (BMI) liked upper body parts; women higher on BMI disliked lower body parts. Treatment for bulimia affected both body image tests comparably.  相似文献   

Co-occurring chronic pain and insomnia are common in a clinical setting. Cognitive–behavioral theoretical (CBT) frameworks exist for both conditions independently. The purpose of this study was to address the problem of co-occurring chronic pain and insomnia with an integrated CBT model based on empirical support. One-hundred eleven individuals (age range 21–65 years) meeting the general criteria for chronic pain and insomnia were included in this study. Participants completed a demographic form, the Dysfunctional Beliefs and Attitudes about Sleep—16-item version, Insomnia Severity Index, Sleep Hygiene Index, Sleep Associated Monitoring Index, Pain Catastrophizing Scale, Pain Disability Questionnaire, Modified Somatic Perceptions Questionnaire, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, and Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support. Significant positive bivariate relationships were observed for pain catastrophizing (PC) and dysfunctional beliefs and attitudes about sleep (DBAS), as well as somatic awareness and sleep-associated monitoring. Two backward stepwise regression models were utilized to determine a model for predicting insomnia severity and pain disability respectively using a combination of sleep and pain-associated measures. Insomnia severity was predicted by DBAS, PC, and somatic awareness. Pain disability was predicted by PC, DBAS, depression, and social support. Maladaptive thought patterns related to pain and insomnia and associated features appear to have a synergistic effect on both insomnia severity and pain disability and support a combined cognitive–behavioral model.  相似文献   

The assessment of same-sex individuals as intrasexual competitors may depend in part on the perceived mate value of potential rivals. Men’s and women’s preferences for vocal and facial masculinity suggest that feminine women and masculine men may be perceived as more threatening intrasexual competitors. We tested the influence of men’s and women’s vocal and facial masculinity on preferences for who should accompany romantic partners on a weekend trip and on jealousy in response to imagined flirting. We found that men and women preferred their partners to be accompanied by people who had less masculine/feminine voices, and were more jealous in response to people who had relatively more masculine/feminine voices. Women, but not men, rated faces with exaggerated sex-typical characteristics as undesirable travel companions for their romantic partners and reported more jealousy in response to imagined flirting from such faces. We also found that participants who rated masculine male and feminine female stimuli as more attractive also perceived such stimuli as greater intrasexual threats, demonstrating individual differences in competition-related social perceptions. Our findings indicate that perceptions related to intrasexual competition are related to cues to underlying mate quality, which may aid in effective mate guarding.  相似文献   

This study compared differences between self-reported and measured height and weight and subsequent Body Mass Index. College students (N=62) were asked to complete a health questionnaire as accurately as possible. Height and weight were self-reported without the knowledge that these variables would be subsequently measured. Self-reported and measured heights, weights, and calculated Body Mass Indexes were statistically compared. Analysis indicated that measured height was significantly less than self-reported height for men, but weight was not significantly different. Calculated Body Mass Index for men was not significantly different, however, self-reported Body Mass Index resulted in placement in the Normal range (18.5 to 24.9) category and measured Body Mass Index placement in the Overweight category (25.0 to 29.9). Women's self-reported and measured heights were not significantly different; however, self-reported weight was significantly less than measured. Further, significantly different Body Mass Indexes were found for women. It was concluded that self-reported height and weight might be viewed with caution in Body Mass Index assessment for convenience samples of college-age subjects.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to estimate associations of Body Mass Index, body fat, and muscle power on sport injuries. In injured and noninjured athletes during a sport season of four months, the differences in Body Mass Index, the percent body fat, and back, leg, and right- and left-hand muscle strength were examined. The subjects were 329 men and 127 women attending classes in the departments of Physical Training and Sport of Atatürk University (Erzurum, Erzincan, and A?ri in Turkey). Body Mass Index was higher in injured athletes than in noninjured ones, but there was no difference in percent body fat between injured and noninjured athletes. The back and leg muscle power were higher for noninjured athletes than for injured ones. The right- and left-hand power was higher for injured athletes in some sports. Because the back and leg muscles function in control of equilibrium, the power of these muscles may be important for control related to avoidance of sport injuries.  相似文献   

This study investigated body image attitudes in a non-clinical sample of black and white older professional women in the workplace in South Africa. Participants were 125 professional women (white woman n=76 and black women n = 49). They completed the shortened version of the Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ) (Cooper, Taylor, Cooper & Fairburn, 1987). The BSQ is a self-report instrument that measures weight and shape concerns. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and t-tests for independent samples were used to determine the univariate relationships between variables. Following this, a two-way analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was conducted to explore the interaction between ethnicity and BMI. The results indicate that Body Mass Index (BMI) and ethnicity are significantly and independently related to the body shape image. Women with higher BMI scores tended to have more concern about their bodies. Black women with higher BMI scores had more concerns than their white colleagues.  相似文献   

Diminished ovarian reserve (DOR) and premature ovarian failure are associated with elevated FMR1 CGG repeat alleles. We assessed pretest attitudes about potentially carrying the FMR1 premutation (FXP) (>55 CGG repeats) among reproductive age women compared with attitudes after learning their non-carrier status. Ninety-two women with DOR, regular menses and no family history of Fragile X Syndrome underwent FMR1 testing and completed attitudinal questionnaires before (T1) and 3 months after learning the test results (T2). The analysis utilized signed rank tests and α?=?0.05. Very few women thought they were likely to have a FXP (6.6 %). More participants thought FMR1 premutations were “serious” at T2 (62.9 %) than at T1 (46.1 %, p?p?相似文献   

An individual's subjective evaluation of sexual identity differs from objective evaluation by sex role researchers. This study reports initial validity and reliability data on a new measure of self-ascribed sexual identity: the Sexual Identity Scale (SIS). SIS considers four functional sex dimensions on the basis of components described in both sex and age role literature. SIS and two modified Bem Sex Role Inventory instruments—a Masculinity Trait Index (MTI) and a Femininity Trait Index (FTI)—were administered to an adult sample of 380 men and 380 women aged 20–80. Reliability, assessed with LISREL VI and Cronbach's alpha, was found to be high. LISREL VI findings provide construct validity, both convergent and divergent. The nature of association of biological sex and sex trait measures, high interitem SIS correlations, as well as divergence from the modified sex trait indices (MTI and FTI) also support validity. The study's results and implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim was to examine associations among body-image, figure rating, and Body Mass Index of seventh grade girls who chose health, physical education, or athletics classes. Measurements were taken prior to and following the course. Class choice was significantly related to body-image satisfaction but not to figure rating or Body Mass Index. Research is needed to examine inaccurate self-perception of fatness in underweight girls, whether there is a higher risk for eating disorders for students in athletics and physical education classes, whether the curriculum is effective with students in physical education and athletics, and why girls who chose the health class began with higher body-image satisfaction than those in physical education or athletics, even though their Body Mass Index and figure-rating size did not differ.  相似文献   

This research tested the evolutionary psychological hypothesis that men and women would be most distressed about threats from rivals who surpass them on sex‐linked components of mate value. Six predictions were tested in samples from three cultures, the United States (N= 208), the Netherlands (N= 349), and Korea (N= 174). Five predictions were supported in all three cultures. Korean, Dutch, and American men, more than corresponding women, report greater distress when a rival surpasses them on financial prospects, job prospects, and physical strength. Korean, Dutch, and American women, in contrast, report greater distress when a rival surpasses them on facial and bodily attractiveness. The cultures differed on some variables. Korean women and men, for example, differed from Americans and Dutch in reporting more distress over rivals who had better financial prospects, better job prospects, and higher status and prestige. Americans exceeded Koreans in reporting distress when rivals had more attractive faces and bodies, whereas the Dutch exceeded the other cultures in reporting more distress when rivals had a better sense of humor. Discussion focuses on possible proximate psychological mechanisms underlying distress over rivals and the theoretical importance of intrasexual competition.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that the more overweight and obese a nation, as measured by Body Mass Index, the greater the risk of suicide; mean scores of Body Mass Index for males and females over 15 years of age in 11 Caribbean Islands were not associated with either male or female rates of suicide or homicide with one exception, i.e., when controlling for gross domestic product per capita, mean Body Mass Indices for males were significantly and negatively associated with male rate of homicide.  相似文献   

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