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The purpose of this research was to examine the joint impact of leader achievement goals and hierarchical position of the voicer of creative ideas (subordinate vs. superior) on the extent to which leaders (intent to) integrate these voiced creative ideas with their own ideas (integrative idea management). In a scenario‐based survey (study 1; N = 189), in which we measured participants' achievement goals, we found that the relationship between leaders' performance goals and their intention to integrate voiced creative ideas is contingent on the hierarchical position of the idea voicer. Similarly, in an experimental study (study 2; N = 94), in which we experimentally induced achievement goals, we found that leaders display lower integrative intentions when ideas are voiced by a subordinate rather than a superior, but this was only true for leaders pursuing performance goals. Furthermore, the results of an additional, exploratory analysis suggest that the hierarchical position of the voicer of creative ideas had an indirect effect on integrative behavior through integrative intentions for performance goal leaders and no effect for mastery goal leaders. Together, these findings advance our understanding of how middle management leaders are influenced by their own achievement goals when managing the creative ideas voiced by subordinates and superiors.  相似文献   

Drawing on data collected from two longitudinal Cohort Studies following the lives of over 20,000 individuals born in the United Kingdom 12 years apart in 1958 and 1970, respectively, this paper examines antecedents and outcomes of educational and occupational aspirations of young men and women, covering the transition from dependent childhood into independent adulthood. Two analytical models, a Social Reproduction Model and a Developmental-Contextual Model are tested to assess the processes by which family background and the wider socio-historical context influence work and family related careers. The findings demonstrate the persistent role of gender, social origin and individual agency processes as well as the influence of a changing socio-historical context on career development. Results are interpreted with regard to biographical agency processes linking individual lives with social contexts across the life course.  相似文献   

Forty supervisors of three-person work groups directed the performance activity of the group members and gave feedback to one of the three subordinates. In each case, confederates served as subordinates and both performance and attributionally relevant information about performance were manipulated. The data showed that when required to give feedback to subordinates, supervisors significantly distorted their feedback to make it more positive for low performers and that this effect was most pronounced for those for whom they believed poor performance was due to lack of ability. In addition, the nature of specific feedback given to subordinates varied as a function of performance attributions.  相似文献   

This study examined adolescents’ career goal-related social ties during the transition from compulsory to post-compulsory education and during transition from post-compulsory education to working-life or further studies. A total of 687 Finnish adolescents aged 15–16 were surveyed of whom 654 also participated at the second measurement point one year later, and 497 three years later. Differences in career goal-related social ties were found according to gender, GPA, family structure, and SES. Moreover, social ties were associated with educational track after compulsory school above and beyond SES, GPA, and family structure. Adolescents who named a teacher or a romantic partner were more likely to enter vocational track, while adolescents who named their father were more likely to enter academic track.  相似文献   

This empirical paper investigates how individuals conceptualize causes of career transitions, focusing on the three European countries of Austria, Serbia, and Spain in comparison to the USA and China. Collectively, these countries represent four separate cultural regions according to Schwartz. Semi‐structured interviews were conducted with members of three occupational groups: business people, nurses, and blue‐collar workers. Analysis of the data generates greater insight about the existence of both region‐specific patterns as well as potentially universalistic tendencies regarding perceived causes of career transitions. Perceptions of internal (to the person) drivers of career transitions as activating forces are evident in all five countries. The overall results support contemporary notions of occupational careers that are highly individualized, a characterization strongly emphasized in the current career literature. In the European culture clusters, causes of career transitions are attributed internally and externally. China, representing the Confucian cultural region, stresses external causes for career transitions. By contrast, in the USA only internal attributions of causes are reported.  相似文献   

The purpose of this seven-year longitudinal study was to examine the trajectories of adolescents' career goal-related success expectations during two educational transitions. Altogether 850 (48% female, M Age = 16) participants reported their success expectations for their career-related goals, first in the last year of comprehensive school and four times during the following seven years. Overall, the success expectations showed a significant increase. However, there was considerable heterogeneity in the development of these expectations. Growth Mixture Modeling showed that four trajectories fitted the data best: high-increasing (78%), low-increasing (9%), decreasing (6%) and U-shaped (7%). The participants in the high-increasing trajectory were likely to be men, have origins in high SES, appraise career goal as highly important and have high levels of career goal-related parental support. Those in the decreasing trajectory were the least adapted in terms of their career situation at age 23.  相似文献   

This paper examines career transitions within organizations. An integrative model was developed and evaluated which views career transitions as a stress-coping process influenced by work and nonwork factors. Data supported the model in that individuals experiencing a large number of personal life transitions were more likely to adopt a symptom-management coping strategy (as contrasted with a situation-focused strategy) for dealing with job stress during the transition. However, neither the magnitude of the career transition nor intervening role variables in the model contributed to explanation of the career transition process. Major career transitions were associated with major transitions in personal life and data suggested that a career transition could act as a "trigger" event for personal life instability. Implications of both supportive and disconfirming findings are discussed. Future directions are suggested for research on careers and for career management in organizations.  相似文献   

员工主动行为因有利于个人和组织的长远发展而受到学界和业界的广泛关注。以往的研究主要关注主动行为对员工本人的人际内影响,而较少考虑对领导者的人际间影响;同时,考虑到员工在领导过程中扮演的重要角色,对员工的主动行为如何影响领导的心理与行为反应做理论性整理将极大丰富对员工主动行为的认识。学界基于归因理论、内隐追随理论、自我-他人评价一致性理论等对上述自下而上的影响过程进行了初步探索,发现领导者对员工主动行为的态度评价和行为反应受到多重边界条件的影响。未来研究可具体化员工主动行为所诱发的领导者心理与行为反应,探索员工主动行为与领导方式的循环关系,以及深挖主动行为与绩效评价之间的内在机理。  相似文献   

Power influences the way people set and pursue their goals. Recent Studies have shown that powerful people, when compared with powerless individuals, have greater accessibility of their promotion goals (for instance, their ideals, their aspirations, etc.). In the current research we aim to explore the moderating role of power's legitimacy in such effect. In Study 1, after manipulating power and legitimacy, the accessibility of ideals was measured. Results showed that in the legitimate condition, the powerful, compared to the powerless people, showed greater accessibility of their ideals. However, in the illegitimate condition the opposite was true. In Study 2, the accessibility of a different type of goal: oughts, was explored. Results showed that the illegitimate powerholders, when compared with legitimate ones, had their oughts more accessible. The importance of these results is discussed in line with recent theorizing within social psychology of power.  相似文献   

This study with 20 adults explored adding career biographies and career narrative writing to the career interest assessment report process. Participants reported that biographies and narratives helped them identify themes to consider how their career plans fit their personal lifestyle, meaning making, and values. This study offers 1 way to incorporate narratives and story to explore the self and self‐in‐context to activate meaning‐making processes in career interest assessment reports. Until career interest assessment reports include career biographies and a process for writing career narratives, only career counselors can offer this type of service to clients.  相似文献   

This study examined trust differences between supervisor and subordinate dyads that differ in race or gender as well as in dyads that were similar. The results of 301 (the sample consisted of 241 whites and 41 blacks, 216 were women and 86 were men) respondents indicated gender and race do affect trust. More specifically, the highest level of trust was found between female subordinates reporting to male supervisors. It was also found that whites reporting to whites perceived significantly less trust than blacks reporting to blacks, but significantly greater trust than whites reporting to blacks. The results also indicated that whites reporting to blacks and blacks reporting to whites perceive significantly less trust than blacks reporting to blacks. A discussion of these results is also included.  相似文献   

Male subjects (N=90) worked under supervision for two hours. A 2×2×2 factorial design was employed so that the supervisor was male or female, autocratic or democratic, and possessed a sex-role congruent or incongruent job title. The hypotheses were supported in part: For female supervision only, the more traditionally incongruent the situation, the more unfavorable were the reactions elicited. This finding was true, however, only for subordinates' verbal comments and not for their task performance or written evaluation of the supervisor. Discussion of the specific hypotheses is provided and an alternate explanation concerning the supervisors' alleged prior experience is offered. A more dynamic approach to the study of leader—subordinate relationships — especially in light of the implications for acceptance of female supervision offered by this study — is advocated.  相似文献   

This study proposed that leader–member exchange (LMX) might encourage an employee to define job breadth close to or beyond the level of his/her supervisor's expectation (enlargement effect), while simultaneously fostering a reduction in supervisor–subordinate definition discrepancy on job content (congruence effect). Using data from 184 subordinate–supervisor dyads in Taiwan, we examined the relationships among LMX, job definition discrepancy, in‐role/extra‐role behaviour, and performance rating. Results showed that LMX was positively related to employee relative job breadth and the supervisor–subordinate congruence on job content, supporting the existence of enlargement effect and congruence effect. Additionally, employee relative job breadth was positively related to extra‐role behaviour and the congruence on job content was positively related to in‐role behaviour. However, neither in‐role nor extra‐role behaviour was related to performance rating. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This article illustrates the ways in which clients in career counseling think about the types of change in their career lives and about the determinants of change. It is based on an analysis of the interview data of a few adult clients. Two category systems are proposed as representative of the clients' thinking about change in these domains.  相似文献   

基于职业成功的胜任力模型,探讨无边界职业生涯取向与青年员工职业成功的关系。采用两阶段(two-wave)问卷调查法,以385名35岁以下的年轻员工为样本进行研究。结果表明,无边界思维模式与青年员工的主观职业成功、客观职业成功均显著地正相关,职业胜任力在其中起完全中介作用;组织流动性偏好与青年员工的主观职业成功、客观职业成功均显著地负相关,职业胜任力在其中起中介作用。研究证实了无边界职业生涯取向对青年员工职业成功的“双刃剑”效应,为青年员工的职业生涯管理提供了重要启示。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of two variables on supervisors' performance feedback to subordinates: (1) the valence of the subordinate's performance, that is, whether the subordinate has performed well or poorly, and (2) the degree to which the supervisor's monetary outcomes are dependent on the subordinate's performance. It was hypothesized that supervisors would give subordinates feedback less often about instances of poor performance than about instances of good performance, but that when given, their feedback about poor performance would be more specific than their feedback about good performance. It was also hypothesized that supervisors would give feedback more often under conditions of high outcome dependence than under conditions of low outcome dependence. The results strongly supported the two performance valence hypotheses. The outcome dependence hypothesis was also supported, but only when the subordinate exhibited a pattern of gradually worsening performance. The implications of these findings are discussed, as are directions for future research.  相似文献   

The authors compared a feedback workshop with both a no-feedback control group and a comparison group of managers who received a feedback report but no feedback workshop. The multisource feedback was based on ratings of a manager's influence behavior by subordinates, peers, and bosses. Managers in the feedback workshop increased their use of some core influence tactics with subordinates, whereas there was no change in behavior for the control group or for the comparison group. The feedback was perceived to be more useful by managers who received it in a workshop with a facilitator than by managers who received only a printed feedback report.  相似文献   

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