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Traditional assessment procedures focus on diagnosing psychopathology, thereby implicitly endorsing the medical model. It is equally vital to assess the nonpathological side of the person, the part that strives for increased personal satisfaction and impels the individual to seek psychotherapy. A dialectically based assessment would evaluate both the healthy and unhealthy forces in the person. Such an evaluation would address the nature and extent of participants' experienced pain, the degree to which participants are open to external assistance, and the style of assistance best suited for each individual.  相似文献   

Stimulus generalization has been defined as the spread of effect of reinforcement for responses emitted in the presence of one stimulus to different stimuli presented under extinction conditions. As a result of stimulus generalization, novel stimuli come to exert stimulus control over members of the response class. Studies in the applied behavior analysis literature, however, have reported experimental preparations that included prompting and reinforcement procedures during what were claimed to be stimulus generalization conditions. These studies violated the procedural requirement that stimulus generalization be tested under extinction conditions. Responses that come under the control of a class of stimuli may do so by direct training or by stimulus generalization. It is desirable for organisms to respond in the presence of members of an appropriately constructed stimulus class, but we should understand the mechanism of entry into the class by its members. If inaccurate claims of stimulus generalization are made when training procedures are used in the ostensible generalization conditions, the robustness of the original training procedures will be over estimated. By adhering to the operational requirements of behavioral definitions, we could better understand the power and limits of our educational and training procedures.  相似文献   

Theoreticians of deliberative democracy have sometimes found it hard to relate to the seemingly contradictory experimental results produced by psychologists and political scientists. We suggest that this problem may be alleviated by inserting a layer of psychological theory between the empirical results and the normative political theory. In particular, we expose the argumentative theory of reasoning that makes the observed pattern of findings more coherent. According to this theory, individual reasoning mechanisms work best when used to produce and evaluate arguments during a public deliberation. It predicts that when diverse opinions are discussed, group reasoning will outperform individual reasoning. It also predicts that individuals have a strong confirmation bias. When people reason either alone or with like‐minded peers, this confirmation bias leads them to reinforce their initial attitudes, explaining individual and group polarization. We suggest that the failures of reasoning are most likely to be remedied at the collective than at the individual level.  相似文献   

Anxiety, pain and type of dental procedure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The anxiety, pain expected and pain experienced of patients arriving for their scheduled dental appointments were measured. The amount of pain expected and experienced was found to be related to the type of dental procedure. Highly anxious patients expected more pain than they experienced when they received drilling/extraction type procedures but the discrepancy was small when they were due to receive a check-up. Low-anxiety patients, by contrast, accurately predicted the amount of pain they would experience, whatever the procedure. The results may explain why anxiety about dentistry is slow to extinguish.  相似文献   

I would like to suggest that to describe suffering as a psychological phenomenon is still too general. It leaves the door open to the belief that suffering is an individual phenomenon, experienced because of dynamics arising out of the individual psyche as the pain arises out of the individual body. Instead of describing suffering as a psychological phenomenon, we should describe it as an interpersonal, even communal phenomenon....If the task of reestablishing, continuing, and creating interpersonal meaning within the context of suffering is accepted, the problem often arises concerning how the health professional can accomplish this task with the patient under the extraordinary circumstances that pain and illness, as well as the health-care environment, provide. Beyond sensitive and thoughtful dialogue, we may have to return to a sense of ceremony within health care, especially since the rationalistic naiveté of nineteenth-century positivism did so much to encourage the belief that the best health care is the one that does things efficiently and "unceremoniously"....  相似文献   

The performance of groups can be greatly influenced by their ability to identify their best member. This study investigated this issue in the context of a quantitative judgment task. Relative confidence judgments were used to determine the extent to which group members were able to identify their best member. The effectiveness of groups was also compared across three experimental conditions that varied in terms of the specific instructions group members were given about the group discussion. Results indicate that group members were often able to identify the most accurate member even though the judgment task did not have a demonstrable solution. Groups were also at least as accurate as their best member nearly 40% of the time. The group process intervention that encouraged group members to try to determine the most accurate individual judgment fared better than the intervention that focused on intraindividual accuracy rankings. Groups in this condition also showed the strongest correspondence between identifying the best member and performing at this level. Groups assigned to an unstructured group discussion condition performed nearly as well as those assigned to the more successful of the two interventions.  相似文献   

Analysis of Pschonik’s work on conditioning and sensation, in the light of Gellhorn’s studies on the tuning of the central nervous system through changes in the ergotropic-trophotropic balance, leads to the following results. Vasomotor and sensory reactions (VSR) induced by stimulation of cutaneous warmth and pain receptors (US), or by the conditional stimulus (CS) reinforced by the US, show parallel changes in a variety of circumstances: 1) anesthesia of the skin abolishes the effect of the US but not that of the CS; 2) various procedures lead to a reversal of VSR in the conditioned state in response to the US; 3) in a near-neurotic state VSR may be abolished while the plethysmogram gives evidence that ergotropic and trophotropic discharges occur at the same time. Changes in the ergotropic-trophotropic balance at the hypothalamic level alter VSR quantitatively and qualitatively. In an ergotropicallytuned state not only ergotropically-acting stimuli, but also trophotropically-acting stimuli lead to vasoconstriction and pain. Thus, stimulation of pain receptors, as well as stimulation of warmth receptors, produces vasoconstriction and pain. Similarly, these stimuli effect vasodilatation and warmth in the trophotropically-tuned state. It is concluded that the ergotropic-trophotropic balance has a profound influence on sensations and perceptions. It is of clinical significance that this balance can be altered through a conditional reflex mechanism,i.e., on the basis of individual experience.  相似文献   

Existential philosophical thought insists that human behavior is indeterminate and subject only to the individual's will. It is, therefore, skeptical of all dynamic psychologies based as they are on Freudian determinism. Group therapists imbued with this philosophy stop short of its extreme. Their existential position, however, does greatly modify treatment, and yet they preserve both the form and goals of therapy. They place properly selected and prepared patients in a group where their individuality and authenticity are highly valued. Finding most technical procedures irrelevant, the therapists themselves, that is, their evolving personalities are central. The key to patient change is the spontaneous meeting of members and the therapist which the therapist orchestrates. Instead of the usual interpretation, members are encouraged to confront the paradoxes in their lives, their humanness, and especially their finitude. Patients are to be brought up to the threshold of their self-knowledge so they can choose. Choice, therefore, along with action coupled with responsibility are frequent themes. Unless the individual is incompetent, decisions made for him or her by the therapist or by group consensus are thought to be nontherapeutic.  相似文献   

Patients and their family members may become highly interdependent as patients near the end of life. To best help these patients, healthcare providers can try to become a member of the patient/family team. By becoming a member, careproviders can improve patients' and family members' access to medical information, more effectively offer advice, and assure patients and family members that they can still choose to do what they think is best.  相似文献   

For an amount-limit test homogeneous as to content and varied as to difficulty it is established that an individual's number-right score and his limen score as estimated by the constant process are mathematically related. The experimental and the theoretic relationship between normal deviate and limen score are shown to be in good agreement. It is also found that the two methods of evaluating individual test performance yield equally reliable sets of scores for the procedures used. Accordingly where the assumptions basic to the relationship obtain, the more conveniently computed raw score may be considered to be as valid and reliable an index of individual test performance as the limen score. The concept of the dispersion parameter of the individual as a measure of change or error in test score found no experimental verification. Estimates of individual variability are unrelated to differences in score on equivalent forms.The writer gratefully acknowledges Lt. Colonel M. W. Richardson's invaluable counsel, Dr. H. Gulliksen's helpful suggestions, and Dr. H. H. Long's aid in administering the tests.  相似文献   

Model-based calculations indicate that reflex delay and reflex gain are both important for spinal stability. Experimental results demonstrate that chronic low back pain is associated with delayed muscle reflex responses of trunk muscles. The aim of the present study was to analyze the influence of such time-delayed reflexes on the stability using a simple biomechanical model. Additionally, we compared the model-based predictions with experimental data from chronic low back pain patients and healthy controls using surface-electromyography. Linear stability methods were applied to the musculoskeletal model, which was extended with a time-delayed reflex model. Lateral external perturbations were simulated around equilibrium to investigate the effects of reflex delay and gain on the stability of the human lumbar spine. The model simulations predicted that increased reflex delays require a reduction of the reflex gain to avoid spinal instability. The experimental data support this dependence for the investigated abdominal muscles in chronic low back pain patients and healthy control subjects. Reflex time-delay and gain dependence showed that a delayed reflex latency could have relevant influence on spinal stability, if subjects do not adapt their reflex amplitudes. Based on the model and the experimental results, the relationship between muscle reflex response latency and the maximum of the reflex amplitude should be considered for evaluation of (patho) physiological data. We recommend that training procedures should focus on speeding up the delayed reflex response as well as on increasing the amplitude of these reflexes.  相似文献   

Two recent studies have established a very close relationship between environmentally-induced changes in skin temperature and the pain threshold for radiant heat stimuli. The present experiment was designed to verify the relationship by using as pain test area the skin surface of the back of the hand, as the skin temperature here is likely to vary from individual to individual much more than for the forehead.

Subjects were 50 neurotic and depressed patients of both sexes, age range 20-79. Skin temperatures were recorded on the right hand until a steady level was reached, then radiant heat stimuli were applied to a blackened area of the left hand. Results showed a highly significant negative correlation between pain threshold and skin temperature level, while differences due to age and sex were negligible. Drops in skin temperature were a common reaction during pain testing.

The significance of this finding is discussed in terms of the adaptive function of skin temperature changes and their relation to tissue damage. The results are consistent with the view that the pain experience, although having its distinctive sensory components, is intimately related to, and affected by, central factors of autonomic regulation. Some implications for general experimental and clinical research on pain are briefly outlined.  相似文献   

群体决策过程中的信息取样偏差   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
一般认为,决策群体的优势是能综合各个成员拥有的不完整信息,形成对所有决策备择方案的无偏差的认识,从而作出最佳选择。但“群体讨论中的有偏差信息取样模型’认为,群体在决策中往往表现出倾向于讨论两种信息:(1)各成员讨论前都拥有的信息;(2)支持成员在讨论前所偏好的信息。该实验通过模拟人员选拔决策形式的实验室实验,对这一模型的假设进行验证。研究结果表明,大多数群体选择了一开始受到大多数成员支持的候选人,而非实际的最佳人选;群体讨论非但未纠正,反而加强了成员对候选人原有的歪曲印象。  相似文献   

Schadenfreude is defined as the joy individuals feel as a result of the pain felt by opposing group members. In order to experience schadenfreude, it is not enough for the individual who is suffering to be a member of the opposing group, but also the perceived competitiveness level of the opposing group must be high. Although this basic assumption of Schadenfreude's competitiveness is confirmed by self-report-based techniques, there is no study in the literature addressing the subject's neural bases. The aim of this study is to test the competitiveness assumptions of schadenfreude using the electroencephalography-based ERP method. For this purpose, EEG recordings were taken of 40 individuals who expressed themselves as belonging to a political party while watching the outgroup and ingroup party members in pain. Perception of competition levels of outgroup and ingroup members were manipulated during the study. The results show that pain empathy for the suffering individuals changes in relation to the competition level. Particularly related changes have been observed in late ERP components known to be related to consciousness. In this context, our study contributes to the literature as the first confirmation of the assumptions of schadenfreude competitiveness level by neuroscientific methodology.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to assess the predictive power of the processing of pain-related information, comprising concepts of hypervigilance to pain, pain catastrophizing, and pain-related anxiety (questionnaires) as well as attentional processes related to pain-related stimuli (dot-probe task) in explaining individual differences in experimental pain sensitivity (pressure/thermal pain threshold). In 160 healthy participants (ages 13-61; 80 females), results of hierarchical multiple regression analyses showed that self-reported hypervigilance contributed significantly to the prediction of pain sensitivity, whereas pain catastrophizing and anxiety did not. However, inconsistent with prediction, the effect was in the opposite direction, indicating that vigilance to pain sensations or stimuli is associated with lower pain sensitivity in healthy individuals. Entering the attentional bias indices from the dot-probe task showed that an increased bias to pain words is related to higher experimental pain sensitivity, which confirms the hypothesis.  相似文献   

时距知觉指对数百毫秒到数个小时时长的知觉, 是日常生活中许多活动的基础。时距知觉受到相当多因素的影响, 如唤醒、注意、动机等。疼痛是一种多维度的心理及生理现象, 包含有感觉分辨、情绪动机、认知评价三个成分。近期研究证明时距知觉会在疼痛背景下发生改变。疼痛背景下时距知觉的相关研究主要涉及三个方面:(1)健康被试对疼痛面孔的时距知觉; (2)实验室诱发疼痛对健康被试时距知觉的影响; (3)临床疼痛患者的时距知觉变化。探索疼痛背景下时距知觉的变化, 可以为理解疼痛的发生发展机制以及时间知觉的机制提供一个新视角。  相似文献   

This research examines how moral values regulate the behavior of individual group members. It argues that group members behave in line with moral group norms because they anticipate receiving ingroup respect when enacting moral values that are shared by ingroup members. Data from two experimental studies offer evidence in support. In Study 1 (N = 82), morality-based (but not competence-based) ingroup norms determined whether members of a low-status group opted for individual versus collective strategies for status improvement. This effect was mediated by anticipated ingroup respect and emerged regardless of whether group norms prescribed collectivistic or individualistic behavior. These effects were replicated in Study 2 (N = 69), where no comparable effect was found as a result of moral norms communicated by a higher status outgroup. This indicates that social identity implications rather than interdependence or more generic concerns about social approval or importance of cooperation drive these effects.  相似文献   

There are three apparently conflicting theories about the process by which an individual solves three-term series problems, i.e. problems such as ‘A is better than B, B is better than C, who is best?’ An information-processing analysis is presented which reveals that the IMAGE model of De Soto, Handel and London (1965) can easily be reconciled with the LINGUISTIC model of Clark (1969). However, an examination of some slight inconsistencies among the empirical findings reveals that such a reconciliation may be misleading. It is suggested instead that there is likely to be a change of approach during an experimental session. The individual initially may utilize a procedure analogous to the IMAGE model, modified to incorporate one of the principles of Hunter's (1957) OPERATIONAL model. Subsequently, as the result of practice, he may develop a procedure more analogous to the LINGUISTIC model.  相似文献   

Some induction procedures result in trance logic as an essential feature of hypnosis. Trance logic is a voluntary state of acceptance of suggestions without the critical evaluation that would destroy the validity of the meaningfulness of the suggestion. Induction procedures in real and simulated conditions induce a conflict between two contradictory messages in experimental hypnosis. In military induction the conflict is much more subtle involving society's need for security and its need for ethics. Such conflicts are often construed by the subject as trance logic. Trance logic provides an opportunity for therapists using the phenomenology of "presence" to deal with the objectified concepts of "avoidance," "numbing" implicit in this kind of dysfunctional thinking in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. An individual phenomenology of induction procedures and suggestions, which trigger trance logic, may lead to a resolution of logical fallacies and recurring painful memories. It invites a reconciliation of conflicting messages implicit in phobias and avoidance traumas. Such a phenomenological analysis of trance logic may well be a novel approach to restructure the meaning of trauma.  相似文献   

Five three-man teams were conditioned to a multiple DRL-DRH schedule during five daily sessions of 3 hr each. The teams were conditioned on the basis of their cumulative response rate regardless of the contributions of individual members. Two individually conditioned Ss were run under a similar schedule for comparison. Although all teams demonstrated some differentiation of response rate under the two legs of the schedule, this difference was not achieved as rapidly, nor was it as stable, as the differentiation in rates achieved in individually conditioned Ss. Team members displayed a variety of response rates as a result of collective team conditioning. Often, individual response rates interfered with obtainment of team reinforcement. The individual team members displayed little SD control in comparison with the individually conditioned Ss. In general the results suggest that collective reinforcement is highly inefficient in comparison with procedures employing individual feedback.  相似文献   

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