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Filtering by movement in visual search.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Search for a target defined by a conjunction of movement and form (e.g., an X moving up in a display of intermingled Os moving up and stationary Xs) is parallel. This result is also found if (a) the moving Os and target X move in unpredictable directions so that the moving stimuli do not form a clear perceptual group or (b) the nontarget Xs also move but in a known, different direction from the Os and target X. In contrast, search is slow and serial if the target may be unpredictably among either moving or stationary stimuli. These results suggest that a component of the visual system operates as a movement filter that can direct attention to stimuli with a common movement characteristic. The filtering cue can be moving (vs. stationary), or movement in 1 particular direction. The results do not support the view that attention can only be directed to groups defined by common fate.  相似文献   

The optic flow field can be described in terms of the local differential measures, divergence, deformation, and rotation, which are informative about observer motion and the 3-D structure of the environment. Does an explicit representation of these measures exist in human visual processing in the form of a feature map? Triesman's criteria were used to investigate this; ie is there 'pop-out' for a target defined as different in local divergence or deformation from surrounding elements, or is a serial search necessary? The stimulus arrays contained 3, 5, or 9 square or rectangular elements, which each underwent repeated cycles of expansion, contraction, or deformation. The time required to detect a target undergoing the opposite transformation increased steeply with the number of elements, implying very slow serial search. (The mean time was 210 ms per element for divergence targets and 542 ms per element for deformation). The process was clearly still serial when the density and number of elements was increased up to 48 in an array 2.16 deg x 2.16 deg. In contrast, a single line element undergoing the opposite direction of translation motion to the rest of the display did show pop-out. It is concluded that no parallel processes seem to exist which are sensitive to the spatial uniformity of divergence and of deformation of optic flow. These differential properties may be derived as conjunctions of signals from a primary process which extracts local velocity. This result contrasts with our findings for targets defined by stereo disparity gradient, which show parallel processing in analogous experiments.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to investigate age-related differences in visual search for targets defined by the conjunction of two features. In the experiments, 7- and 10-year-old children and young adults searched visual displays for a black circle among distractors consisting of gray circles and black squares. In Experiment 1 (N = 60), we compared performance in the standard search task (where an equal number of each type of distractor appeared across all display sizes) with performance in a modified search task (where the number of black squares was fixed at two and the number of gray circles increased as the display size increased). In Experiment 2 (N = 60), the ratio of black stimuli to gray stimuli was varied systematically as the display size increased. Results of both experiments indicated that all participants were able to restrict search to an appropriate subset of the display rather than conduct an exhaustive search. However, the young adults were more efficient in their ability to do so than were either the 7- or 10-year-old participants. The 10-year-olds were as efficient as the young adults when the number of black stimuli in the display was relatively small. However, these children became relatively less able to restrict search effectively as the number of black stimuli increased. Discussion focused on possible preattentive and attentive processes that may change systematically with age.  相似文献   

Incidental visual memory for targets and distractors in visual search   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We explored incidental retention of visual details of encountered objects during search. Participants searched for conjunction targets in 32 arrays of 12 pictures of real-world objects and then performed a token discrimination task that examined their memory for visual details of the targets and distractors from the search task. The results indicate that even though participants had not been instructed to memorize the objects, the visual details of search targets and distractor objects related to the targets were retained after the search. Distractor objects unrelated to the search target were remembered more poorly. Eye-movement measures indicated that the objects that were remembered were looked at more frequently during search than those that were not remembered. These results provide support that detailed visual information is included incidentally in the visual representation of an object after the object is no longer in view.  相似文献   

A visual search task was used to test the idea that shaded images and their line-drawn analogues are treated identically from an early stage onwards in human vision. Reaction times and error rates were measured to locate the presence or absence of a target in an array of a variable number of distractors. The target was a cube in one orientation and the distractors cubes in a different orientation. The stimuli were defined by lines alone, shading alone, or lines plus shading. Both the slopes and the intercepts of the search functions (graphs of search time against number of displayed items) were higher for the line drawings than for the stimuli defined by shading. Over six experimental sessions, both the slopes and the intercepts fell for all stimuli, but the relative differences between them were maintained. The data suggest that, at an equivalent stage of practice, line-drawn stimuli are processed more slowly than shaded stimuli in early vision.  相似文献   

Cross-dimensional visual search for single-feature targets that differed from the distractors along two dimensions (color and orientation) was compared with intradimensional search for targets that differed from the distractors along a single dimension (either orientation or color). The design of the first three experiments differed from those of previous studies in that participants were required to respond differently to each of the targets. Experiments 1-3 were similar except that in Experiment 1, the distractors were homogeneous; in Experiment 2, two types of distractors were used in equal proportions; and in Experiment 3, two types of distractors were used but one of the distractors was a singleton. The findings, contrary to those of previous studies, revealed that cross-dimensional search is at least as efficient and for some targets even more efficient than intradimensional search. These results suggest that the details of stimulus-to-response mapping are essential in comparing intra- and cross-dimensional tasks. Experiment 4 used a priming design and did not support an explanation based on grouping processes. We outline an explanation for all the findings based on a recent cross-dimensional response selection model by Cohen and Shoup (1997).  相似文献   

Individual differences in visual attention have been linked to thinking style: analytic thinking (common in individualistic cultures) is thought to promote attention to detail and focus on the most important part of a scene, whereas holistic thinking (common in collectivist cultures) promotes attention to the global structure of a scene and the relationship between its parts. However, this theory is primarily based on relatively simple judgement tasks. We compared groups from Great Britain (an individualist culture) and Saudi Arabia (a collectivist culture) on a more complex comparative visual search task, using simple natural scenes. A higher overall number of fixations for Saudi participants, along with longer search times, indicated less efficient search behaviour than British participants. Furthermore, intra-group comparisons of scan-path for Saudi participants revealed less similarity than within the British group. Together, these findings suggest that there is a positive relationship between an analytic cognitive style and controlled attention.  相似文献   

Do visual field effects point to differences in cortical representation, or do they reflect differences in the way these representations are used by other brain regions? This study explored three attributes of visual search that provide strong evidence in favor of differences in use. Competition refers to the finding that visual field differences in search efficiency are larger in whole- than in half-field displays (both left-right and upper-lower half-fields). Task specialization refers to the finding that some tasks favor one hemisphere whereas other tasks favor the other hemisphere, even though the same stimulus displays are used in both tasks. Anatomical alignment refers to the finding that competition effects are altered if the quadrants of the visual display are not aligned with the cortical quadrants of the observer. We propose that visual field specialization in search is the result of a competition involving limited access to cortical visual representations by the extended neural networks of attention.  相似文献   

Visual search involves a subtle coordination of visual memory and lower-order perceptual mechanisms. Specifically, the fluctuations in gaze may provide support for visual search above and beyond what may be attributed to memory. Prior research indicates that gaze during search exhibits fractal fluctuations, which allow for a wide sampling of the field of view. Fractal fluctuations constitute a case of fast diffusion that may provide an advantage in exploration. We present reanalyses of eye-tracking data collected by Stephen and Mirman (Cognition, 115, 154-165, 2010) for single-feature and conjunction search tasks. Fluctuations in gaze during these search tasks were indeed fractal. Furthermore, the degree of fractality predicted decreases in reaction time on a trial-by-trial basis. We propose that fractality may play a key role in explaining the efficacy of perceptual exploration.  相似文献   

A visual search for targets is facilitated when the target objects are on a different depth plane than other masking objects cluttering the scene. The ability of observers to determine whether one of four letters presented stereoscopically at four symmetrically located positions on the fixation plane differed from the other three was assessed when the target letters were masked by other randomly positioned and oriented letters appearing on the same depth plane as the target letters, or in front, or behind it. Three additional control maskers, derived from the letter maskers, were also presented on the same three depth planes: (1) random-phase maskers (same spectral amplitude composition as the letter masker but with the phase spectrum randomized); (2) random-pixel maskers (the locations of the letter maskers’ pixel amplitudes were randomized); (3) letter-fragment maskers (the same letters as in the letter masker but broken up into fragments). Performance improved with target duration when the target-letter plane was in front of the letter-masker plane, but not when the target letters were on the same plane as the masker, or behind it. A comparison of the results for the four different kinds of maskers indicated that maskers consisting of recognizable objects (letters or letter fragments) interfere more with search and comparison judgments than do visual noise maskers having the same spatial frequency profile and contrast. In addition, performance was poorer for letter maskers than for letter-masker fragments, suggesting that the letter maskers interfered more with performance than the letter-fragment maskers because of the lexical activity they elicit.  相似文献   

It has previously been argued that, during visual search, eye movement behavior is indicative of an underlying scanning “strategy” that starts on a global, or “coarse,” scale but then progressively focuses to a more local, or “fine,” scale. This conclusion is motivated by the finding that, as a trial progresses, fixation durations tend to increase and saccade amplitudes tend to decrease. In the present study, we replicate these effects but offer an alternative explanation for them—that they emerge from a few stochastic factors that control eye movement behavior. We report the results of a simulation supporting this hypothesis and discuss implications for future models of visual search.  相似文献   

The ability to detect small differences in the positions of two lines (vernier acuity) showed some improvement with practice in all eight subjects, even for subjects given no error feedback. The average decline in threshold with training (2,000–2,500 responses) was about 40%. We used three target orientations: vertical, horizontal, and right oblique. Orientational differences remained stable in only one subject. In five subjects, orientational differences present at the beginning of training diminished or disappeared with increased experience; in two, they increased.  相似文献   

Data from two studies that tested children's attention using visual search for a series of targets in a complex display and a sustained-attention task waiting for signals in a similar display were subjected to Factor Analysis to explore previous indications that speed and accuracy (the number of false alarms to nontargets) on this task reflect different mechanisms. The two factors identified confirmed the separation of these two measures and also suggested that the speed factor was related to Mental Age, while the accuracy factor was related to ratings of attentional ability. It is suggested that ratings of attentional ability reflect the efficiency of executive functions, displayed in the ability to inhibit responses to nontargets in these tasks, while speed of search is related to processing speed in the nervous system. Therefore intelligence and attentional ability depend on different underlying features of the nervous system.  相似文献   

The authors examined the ability of younger and older adults to detect changes in dynamic displays. Older and younger adults viewed displays containing numerous moving objects and were asked to respond when a new object was added to the display. Accuracy, response times, and eye movements were recorded. For both younger and older participants, the number of eye movements accounted for a large proportion of variance in transient detection performance. Participants who actively searched for the change performed significantly worse than did participants who employed a passive or covert scan strategy, indicating that passive scanning may be a beneficial strategy in certain dynamic environments. The cost of an active scan strategy was especially high for older participants in terms of both accuracy and response times. However, older adults who employed a passive or covert scan strategy showed greater improvement, relative to older active searchers, than did younger adults. These results highlight the importance of individual differences in scanning strategy in real-world dynamic, cluttered environments.  相似文献   

Age differences in a semantic category visual search task were investigated to determine whether the age effects were due to target learning deficits, distractor learning deficits, or a combination thereof. Twelve young (mean age 20) and 12 older (mean age 70) adults received 2,400 trials each in consistent and varied versions of the search task. Following training, a series of transfer-reversal manipulations allowed the assessment of target learning and distractor learning both in isolation and in combination. The pattern of data suggests that older adults have a deficit in their ability to increase the attention-attraction strength of targets and to decrease the attention-attraction strength of distractors. The results are interpreted in terms of a strength-based framework of visual search performance.  相似文献   

Many critical search tasks, such as airport and medical screening, involve searching for targets that are rarely present. These low-prevalence targets are associated with extremely high miss rates Wolfe, Horowitz, & Kenner (Nature, 435, 439?C440, 2005). The inflated miss rates are caused by a criterion shift, likely due to observers attempting to equate the numbers of misses and false alarms. This equalizing strategy results in a neutral criterion at 50?% target prevalence, but leads to a higher proportion of misses for low-prevalence targets. In the present study, we manipulated participants?? perceived number of misses through explicit false feedback. As predicted, the participants in the false-feedback condition committed a higher number of false alarms due to a shifted criterion. Importantly, the participants in this condition were also more successful in detecting targets. These results highlight the importance of perceived prevalence in target search tasks.  相似文献   

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