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The study of a case of voyeuristic perversion and of some previously published cases of simple scopophilia suggests that fear of object loss early in life may be an important factor predisposing one to a propensity for voyeurism. The increased need to maintain visual contact with the object and to incorporate it visually leads to a hypercathexis of the visual function which is at the base of voyeurism. This need later becomes sexualized, while still retaining its pregenital connotations. Although object loss was apparently significant in the case of the patient described in this paper, it is not necessarily a factor in all cases of perverse voyeurism and, when present, may be considered as only one element in its pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Feederism involves the sexual attraction to weight gain. The behavior has received negative attention from scholars, but has yet to be analyzed empirically using a sexual deviance framework. In this article, I analyze websites that discuss feederism in order to categorize the behavior into a sexual deviance typology. Results reveal that feederism is a communal behavior, but it does not fit perfectly into either the normal or pathological deviance category. Inaccurate assumptions made about this group are based on societal norms about fat, beauty, and sexuality.  相似文献   

Despite the public and scientific attention the topic has received, the evidence for a causal link between pornography use and sexual offending remains equivocal. This article critically examines the research literature on the association of pornography and sexual offending, focusing on relevant experimental work. The difficulty of this research is highlighted in a discussion of operational definitions of the term pornography, the choice of proxy measures for sexual offending in experimental research, and the emphasis given sexual assault of adult females over other kinds of criminal sexual behavior such as child molestation, exhibitionism, and voyeurism. We also review the major theoretical perspectives conditioning, excitation transfer, feminist, and social learning—and some of the hypotheses that can be derived from them. From the existing evidence, we argue that individuals who are already predisposed to sexually offend are the most likely to show an effect of pornography exposure and are the most likely to show the strongest effects. Men who are not predisposed are unlikely to show an effect; if there actually is an effect, it is likely to be transient because these men would not normally seek violent pornography. Finally, we present a Darwinian perspective on the possible relationship between pornography use and sexual aggression.  相似文献   

While it has been frequently suggested that sexual deviations are learned, the learning has usually been thought of as taking place during one traumatic experience. From a study of 45 sexual deviants, the authors believe that it is often a much more gradual process occurring during masturbation to a memory, which need not have been sexually stimulating at the time of the initial experience and which often alters with the passage of time. The hypothesis is illustrated from case histories of pedophilia, exhibitionism, homosexuality, voyeurism and transvestism. The implications for both aversive treatment of deviations and positive conditioning to normal sex are considered.  相似文献   

This article examines the deviant phenomenon of erotic tourism from both macro and micro level perspectives. The current study deals exclusively with erotic tourism involving the provision of a sexual experience for male tourists either as voyeurs or participants in sex acts with females. The origins of the industry are discussed as well as its implications for sexual deviance.  相似文献   

J Küchenhoff 《Psyche》1990,44(8):741-756
Degas has drawn his paintings in a voyeuristic perspective. This voyeurism is not due to the painter's personal psychopathology. Instead, Degas has recognized the voyeuristic change of visual perception as a result of the development of photography as a new medium; meanwhile this change has become unconscious. Degas' paintings thus confront us with the historicity of visual perception and of the visual partial instinct.  相似文献   


It is the contention of this paper that past and current sociological conceptions of deviance are unduly limited in that they consider only negative conceptualizations of general deviance. The argument is advanced that sociologists are overdue to acknowledge the empirical existence of positive deviance and to incorporate the positive deviance into a broader, more general study of deviance. Since acknowledging positive deviance would highlight the inadequacy of conceptualizations limited to negative deviance only, guidelines for the beginnings of the solution to this problem are suggested. Suggestions are presented for reworking and reevaluating some of the basic definitional statements of (negative) deviance and some of the elemental aspects of the existing deviance paradigms in order to develop a more general field of study.  相似文献   

Voyeurism seems creepy. This paper considers whether these feelings are well-founded. It identifies a variety of ethically troubling features, including harmful consequences, deceit, and the violation of various religious, legal, and conventional norms. Voyeurism is something of a moral misdemeanor that seems worrisome when associated with these other failings. However, because voyeurism remains troubling even in the absence of harm or deceit, we must pay special attention to the ways complex social conventions can be used to show disrespect for others. The discussion centers on the famous case of Lady Godiva and Peeping Tom, but much of the analysis applies to voyeurism more generally.  相似文献   


This study is concerned with the definition of deviance and the processes of constructing deviance in Stalinist societies. Deviances created by the state in these societies are analyzed, especially from functionalist and phenomenologist aspects and by applying Foucault's approach. Solzhenitsyn's Gulag Archipelago is used as a starting point for the analysis. In his work, Solzhenitsyn dwells at length on the “deviances” and the process of deviance construction in Stalinist Soviet Union. It is suggested that, in these societies, “total state deviance” fits in a desacralized, demodernized world view. Finally some consequences of this deviance image still at work are discussed.  相似文献   

This research examines change in lifetime drug use frequency among three drugs, marijuana, alcohol and inhalants, and antisocial behaviors using a cohort longitudinal model. Findings indicate marijuana and alcohol use increases with grade level. Inhalants are the only drugs which use decline with grade level. Focus of the paper is whether the use of these three drugs is a normal part of adolescent development. Using three determinants: associations between drug use and grade and scores on an antisocial behavior scale; and percent of abstainers; the authors determined none of the three drugs represent normal deviance. Data are from 2008 thru the 2014 the Caring Communities Youth Survey (CCYS). The concept of normal deviance is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper conceptualizes unnecessary surgery as a form of professional deviance and seeks to conduct a substantial review of the literature on the subject from that perspective. Borrowing from the very nature of professions, one may define deviance among professionals in terms of violating the public service norm. The role that expertise plays in establishing what conduct is deviant is illustrated. The effects of professional autonomy on observing and measuring deviance are explored. Finally, the research findings on unnecessary surgery are summarized. The resulting patterns suggest that applying more traditional theories of deviance to account for the phenomenon may be fruitful.  相似文献   

Drawing on participant observation data this article examines the social and sexual dynamics of gay bathhouses. Focusing on the setting as an erotic oasis, this research addresses one of the least studied forms of social settings, and presents a unique opportunity for insight into the sexualized aspects of gender and deviance. This article explores the pervasiveness and range of sexual activity among bathhouse patrons, the environmental features of bathhouses that facilitate sexual activities, and the ways that men construct and negotiate (usually anonymous) sexual interactions.  相似文献   

整合社会交换和相似吸引理论,探讨了员工建设性越轨行为对主管绩效评价的过犹不及效应的作用机制和边界条件。实证分析结果表明:建设性越轨与主管绩效评价呈倒U形关系,领导感知的LMX在建设性越轨与主管绩效评价之间的倒U形关系中起完全中介作用,领导的建设性变革责任感在建设性越轨与LMX的倒U形关系中起负向调节作用。  相似文献   


According to derailment theory, tactics girls and women use to survive a history of abuse, strategies shaped by their abuse, and societal reactions to it estrange them from non-deviant social networks and situations and increase the likelihood of criminal offending and the application of criminal labels. This process is self-reinforcing, with interactions of substance abuse, sexual deviance, criminal offending, and social control constraining choices through alienation and stigmatization. In short, a dynamic of cumulative disadvantage is set in place that puts some women at greater risk for involvement with the legal system. Empirical evaluation of this theory suggests that alienation from and marginal positions in pro-social networks have parallels in anti-social networks sufficient to decrease the likelihood of criminal offending and contact with crime control agencies.  相似文献   

This paper explores the nomological network of workplace deviance by incorporating constructive deviance behavior. Constructive deviance focuses on behaviors that are intended to benefit the organization. In a series of three studies, a reliable and valid measure of constructive deviance behavior is developed. Individual and contextual‐level factors that facilitate constructive and destructive deviance are examined. The results suggest that while Machiavellianism is an important personality variable in predicting both constructive and destructive deviance, role breadth self‐efficacy is a central mechanism in understanding constructive but not destructive deviance. It was also found that access to information within the organization is a central contextual variable in eliciting both forms of deviance. Future research and implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This study tests the hypothesis that self-regulation serves as a resiliency factor in buffering youth from negative influences of peer deviance in middle to late adolescence. The interactive effects between peer deviance and self-regulation were investigated on change in antisocial behavior from age 17 to 19 years in an ethnically diverse sample of adolescents. A multi-agent construct was created using adolescent, parent, and teacher reports of self-regulation and peer deviance. Results indicated that self-regulation shows convergent validity and covaries as expected with developmental patterns of adolescent antisocial behavior. Self-regulation moderated the association of peer deviance with later self-reported adolescent antisocial behavior after controlling for prior levels of antisocial behavior. The implications of these findings for models for the development of antisocial behaviors and for intervention science are discussed.  相似文献   

Sociologists usually define deviance as a fluid construct, relative to given social circumstances, and something that is neither negative nor positive in and of itself. Despite the rejection of absolutist approaches, the vast majority of texts and studies concerning deviant behavior implicitly or explicitly present deviance as either a morally bad or morally neutral behavior. Such literatures wrongly conflate deviant behavior with villainous actions. We argue that some of the most important deviants have been at the leading forefront of positive social change and the creation of a more just, fair, and humane society. Deviant heroes are those individuals who violate unjust norms and laws, facing the repercussions of social control, while simultaneously effecting positive social change. This article considers the theoretical role of the deviant hero within classical and contemporary sociological traditions and identifies new directions for social research.  相似文献   

组织中的建设性偏差是组织成员为了提升组织或组织利益相关者的福祉,有意采取的违背组织重要规范的行为。文章介绍了组织中建设性偏差的概念、与相关概念的关系及测量方法;从多个层面系统梳理了建设性偏差的影响因素和形成机制,并且分析了建设性偏差对组织和个体的影响结果。文章最后提出未来研究应构建建设性偏差的本土化结构与测量工具,探索多层次多视角的行为产生机制,重视对员工建设性偏差频率和强度的"度"的拿捏,以及关注中国背景下的建设性偏差研究。。  相似文献   

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