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This article contains an overview of the main problems, themes and theories relating to the semantic paradoxes in the twentieth century. From this historical overview I tentatively draw some lessons about the way in which the field may evolve in the next decade.  相似文献   

《孙子兵法》研究一百年   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数千年的中华文明史,给人们留下了一份极其珍贵的历史文化遗产———古典兵法,而《孙子兵法》则是其中最为优秀的代表。它虽仅仅短短六千言,然而却和《周易》、《论语》、《道德经》一样,是影响中国文化两千五百余年的不朽元典。它的伟大价值,在于它真正参悟了战争的禅机奥秘,揭示了军事斗争的内在一般规律,规范了中国古典军事文化的基本特质及其主导倾向。因此,历来被列为我国兵书之首,享有“百世谈兵之祖”的美誉,并在世界军事学术发展史上占有突出的地位。它的影响也已超越单纯的军事领域,深入到政治斗争、外交角逐、经营管理、体育竞技…  相似文献   

For more than 100 years, research on the psychology of reading has proliferated. In this article, the authors wish to help modern reading researchers understand the origins of the discipline and benefit from its history. This article draws heavily on Edmund Burke Huey's 1908 landmark volume The Psychology and Pedagogy of Reading, the first scientific treatise in the field of literacy. Starting with Huey, some of the early pioneers’ enduring contributions to the field are highlighted but especially their scientific mistakes that ultimately led the field in promising new directions. An overview of the modern controversy between phonics and whole language instruction is underscored regarding how it arose from early errors.  相似文献   

Twelve-step programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous invite members to trust that what is said in meetings remains confidential. However, the New York Times, a prominent and influential newspaper, has breached that confidentiality, offering both a precedent and a rationale to other media including newspapers, cable news programs, internet news blogs, and so on. This prominent breach may influence not only other news media but also the trust that 12-step members have in their programs.  相似文献   

Between 1904 and 1947, the New York Times published in a section of its editorial page, "Topics of the Times," 196 commentaries on psychology. Prior to World War I, the majority of editorials centered on Hugo Münsterberg; psychological topics most frequently examined after the war were the mental test, child rearing advice, and psychoanalysis. Although the Times was enthusiastic in its support for psychology in the years immediately before and after World War I, editorial opinion soon turned negative. Critical of psychology for promising more than it could deliver, being inconsistent in its assertions over time, and not rising above the level of common sense, Times editorials weighed heavily on the side of undermining, rather than promoting, psychology's credibility from the late 1920s to 1940s.  相似文献   

At its origins, analytic philosophy is an interest in language, science, logic, analysis, and a systematic rather than a historical approach to philosophical problems. Early analytic philosophers were famous for making clear conceptual distinctions and for couching them in comprehensible and lucid sentences. It is argued that this situation is changing, that analytic philosophy is turning into its mirror image and is thereby becoming more like the kind of philosophy that it used to oppose.  相似文献   

Press coverage of psychology by the New York Times was examined for the Progressive Era. Following a period in which psychology was associated with spiritualism, psychoanalysis, and the Emmanuel movement, the Times gave editorial preference to reports about psychology's applications. Reaching an audience that was both affluent and influential, the topics emphasized by the Times included the lie detector, psychological applications in the work place, mental tests, and child psychology. These areas reflected issues of social concern to Progressives, publicized the rise of the psychologist as expert, and aided psychology in its challenge to common sense.  相似文献   

人间佛教是近百年来海峡两岸中国佛教的主流趋势,也是近十多年来海峡两岸学术界都非常重视和热烈讨论的焦点问题之一。本文针对相关讨论,以太虚、印顺法师和星云三位公认的人间佛教思想家和实践家为代表,探讨了人间佛教百年历程中的若干重要问题,阐述了百年人间佛教三个历史座标的历史联系及其各自的特点,指出太虚是现代人间佛教运动的开创者和思想家,印顺法师是现代人间佛教学术理想的提出者和佛学家,而星云是推动现代人间佛教运动发展的最重要的实践家。  相似文献   


While the concepts of "wish" and "wish fulfillment" have indeed remained central since the start of classical psychoanalysis, they are only weakly anchored both in theory and practice. It has become common today for psychoanalysts to use the term "to wish" in the sense of "to want" or "to intend." As a first step, it will be emphasized that "wish" should not be constructed along the lines of "intention." An examination of the relationship of "wish" to "wish fulfillment" is then followed by an evaluation of its practical significance for psychoanalysis and for our understanding of mental life in a general sense. Turning to an example dream sequence, we will arrive at the psychoanalytic core of the issue: the assumption of hidden, non-obvious, non-recognizable wish fulfillment scenarios. At this point in the discussion, a method of access will be sketched out - the dramaturgical approach - that, although it makes use of the idea of free association, does so in a manner that diverges from Freud's original recommendation.  相似文献   

Sifting Through Tradition: The Creation of Jewish Feminist Identities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In recent decades, feminists have been questioning patriarchal religions. As a result, many find themselves ambivalent about their religious and spiritual identities. This paper presents a model of identity formation that addresses the processes by which potentially conflicted identities are integrated. This model is based on research about how women who identify themselves as both Jewish and feminist create unconflicted Jewish feminist identities. Through a process ofsifting through their available options, they have chosen to identify with only those aspects of Judaism and feminism that satisfy their feminist, religious, and perhaps most importantly, their spiritual, needs. Because these needs vary, what it means to be a Jewish feminist is not static. Three types of Jewish feminist identity—inclusionist, transformationist, and reinterpretationist—are identified.  相似文献   

The sudden destruction of the World Trade Center on 9/11 created an instant scenario of panic and horror. It was followed by post-traumatic shock that spread across New York. Psychoanalysts and other therapists were mobilized to provide emergency counseling for survivors, families of victims, firemen, police, rescue workers and others who had been scarred. One of the most effective techniques was to encourage the telling of personal stories as a method of working through trauma. It emerged as the most powerful tool in our therapeutic arsenal.  相似文献   

In this article, the author deals with the employment and career opportunities that will prevail from the present to the year 2000, with emphasis on the projected labor shortage.  相似文献   

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