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An understanding of the degree and Quality of client religiousness and the connections between client issues and religion can enhance counselor resposiveness to the potentially religious dimension of client issues.  相似文献   

Preferences for counselor self‐disclosure based on the ethnicity of both the respondent and the counselor were examined for African American and Caucasian students. Results suggested that respondent ethnicity affected preferences for certain types of information about the counselor (personal feelings, sexual issues, professional issues, and success/failure) and that there were interaction (respondent by counselor ethnicity) effects on preference for disclosure in other areas (interpersonal relationships and success/failure). Implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

The author discusses the process of hospitalizing clients both voluntarily and involuntarily. Legal, ethical, and procedural aspects of the commitment process are examined, and the counselor's role in this process is highlighted.  相似文献   

It was hypothesized that client vocational interest scores would predict client reactions to counselor intentions in Hill and O'Grady's (1985) process model. Twenty-four volunteer undergraduate clients (17 women, 7 men) assigned to counseling treatment with 24 doctoral students (14 women, 10 men), reviewed 3 videotaped sessions recording intentions and reactions, respectively. Results indicated that client vocational interests were predictive of reactions clients reported in response to counselor intentions. Issues of working with persons with various vocational interests, limitations, and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Eighteen counselors in one of the administrative areas of the California Department of Human Resources and 697 of their closed cases were studied in order to discover whether differences in employability outcomes did exist. The study attempted to answer the following questions: (a) How many clients achieve employability during their relationships with employment counselors? (b) What is the final disposition of cases that are closed other than employable? and (c) To what degree do counselors engage in placement activities and what influence do these activities have on employable closures? The study provides evidence that some counselors had significantly more clients achieve employable status than did other counselors.  相似文献   

Selected client and counselor variables affecting reported likelihood of self-disclosure by 120 experienced clinicians in relation to four scenarios were examined. Variables included client age and diagnosis and counselor gender, experience, and exposure to disclosing counselors in their own experience of counseling. Disclosure likelihood was greatest for high ego-strength diagnoses and for respondents who reported positive disclosures from counselors in their own counseling experiences. Reasons for and against using self-disclosure also were examined. Reasons for disclosing included promoting universality, giving encouragement, modeling, rapport-building, and offering alternatives. Reasons against disclosing included boundary blurring, concern about counselor welfare, merging, and premature closure. Implications for practice and research are discussed.  相似文献   

A PREGNANCY FOR AN unmarried teenager is a dynamic and often traumatic situation. It is generally unplanned and frequently the cause of real heartache. Most counselors will respond with empathy to the problem and certainly to the adolescent.  相似文献   

Some researchers have suggested that traditional gender-role conditioning for women might relate to depression and, furthermore, that religion has played a major role in defining and reinforcing gender roles. Depressed Christian women, consequently, make up a unique population with special counseling needs. This article addresses these women as a group and offers suggestions for counseling them.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether target applicants of different race and/or sex affected the degree of contrast effect error, in an interview setting. This study was a 2 × 2 × 2 factorial ANOVA design (Preceding Applicants × Race × Sex). Undergraduates (N= 120) were randomly assigned to one of the eight experimental conditions. Each subject viewed and rated three videotaped interview simulations. As hypothesized, results indicated a large contrast effect, i.e., preceding applicant main effect. Furthermore, the results also revealed a significant three-way interaction. The ratings given to all target applicants in the Negative Predecessor condition were equally lenient, while the ratings given to ail target applicants in the Positive Predecessor condition were more variable. The focus of this condition was on the white male target applicant, who received the lowest ratings of any target applicant. Interpretation and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The influence of patient and clinician ideology on clinical judgment is studied in the context of a clinical analogue design. These findings suggest that patient ideology, therapist ideology, and their interaction influence clinical judgment arid that clinicians need to be sensitive to what might be considered “ideological countertransference.”  相似文献   

In accordance with Horner's (1969) assumption that the intensity of fear of success arousal increases with the subject's success potential, graduate students from a prestigious university were chosen for a pilot investigation of the motive to avoid success in black men and women. Thirty-five subjects (14 female; 21 male) received a verbal TAT and a 54-item sex role questionnaire designed for purposes of this investigation. Fear of success was scored according to the new, experimentally derived scoring system for this motive. Contrary to expectation, the results did not indicate any evidence of success avoidance in either sex. However, fear of success in females was clearly associated with striving to develop career interests compatible with their strong commitment to home and husband, while among similarly motivated males it was suggested that the pragmatic career orientation observed was the product of compensatory motivational dynamics. It was concluded that these subjects were motivated to avoid what are perceived to be role-inappropriate behaviors while conforming to socially accepted values internalized in earlier years.  相似文献   

Over the past 30 years much has been written about feminism, but the literature needs to point out morestrongly the critical role of counselors, particularly male counselors, in facilitating social change toward a more egalitarian view of the world. This article discusses, from a feminist perspective, issues of anger, power, autonomy, and gender role stereotyping and their importance for women in counseling relationships. Recommendations for training counselors in feminist or nonsexist therapy are also reviewed.  相似文献   

Adult male clients often have a little boy contained within their personality structure; this little boy exhibits traits arising from the man's life experience: The boy is an important factor in the counseling of the man. This article explores the conceptualization of the little boy as a part of an adult male and his qualities. The role of the little boy in counseling and ways in which the counselor might deal with him are examined.  相似文献   

The authors assessed the relationship of counseling students' hypothesis formation skill levels to counseling effectiveness. Hypothesis rating scales were selected to assess skill in using a comprehensive range of client data, integrating multiple client dimensions, and forming questions for hypothesis testing. Results indicated that higher ratings of hypothesis formation skill were associated with higher client ratings of counselor effectiveness. A combination of four hypothesis skill ratings predicted more than 60% of the variance in total Counselor Rating Form-Short version (CRF-S) scores, and one or more hypothesis formation skills were predictive of each CRF-S subscale score.  相似文献   

The authors introduce an applied participatory ethics paradigm consistent with the contemporary focus on social justice in the practice of counseling, emphasizing participation of all rightful parties, including the client, in ethical decision‐making processes. The paradigm is an adaptation and expansion of the work of Prilleltensky, Rossiter, and Walsh‐Bowers ( 1996 ) and rests on their conceptualization of restrictive and participatory orientations. The origins of the model's added elements in 4 areas of rehabilitation and counseling literature (i.e., ethical knowledge and practices, the therapeutic alliance or relationship, client involvement, and client empowerment) are described. Finally, interrelationships between the different phases and elements of the model are discussed.  相似文献   

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